Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2018 (Agenda) 12 June 2018 |
I. | Meeting with deputations and the Administration(4:30 pm - 7:25 pm) | ||
Meeting with deputations and the Administration
Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting Meeting with the Administration Matters arising from previous meeting | |||
LC Paper No. CB(1)1073/17-18(01) (attached) | - | List of follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 18 May 2018
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1073/17-18(02) (to follow) | - | Administration's response to the issues raised at the meeting on 18 May 2018
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LC Paper No. CB(1)994/17-18(01) (issued on 21 May 2018) | - | Hon WU Chi-wai's letter dated 18 May 2018 (Chinese version only)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1075/17-18(01) (issued on 6 June 2018) | - | Hon Charles Peter MOK's letter dated 31 May 2018 (Chinese version only)
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Other relevant papers
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LC Paper No. CB(3)524/17-18 (issued on 20 April 2018) | - | The Bill
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File Ref: ITC CR 5/1/2168/18 (issued on 18 April 2018) | - | Legislative Council Brief issued by the Innovation and Technology Bureau, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, and the Innovation and Technology Commission
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LC Paper No. LS55/17-18 (issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1334/17-18 on 3 May 2018) | - | Legal Service Division Report
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LC Paper No. CB(1)957/17-18(01) (issued on 17 May 2018) | - | Mark-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division (Restricted to members only)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)957/17-18(02) (issued on 17 May 2018) | - | Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 8 May 2018 to the Administration
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LC Paper No. CB(1)957/17-18(03) (issued on 17 May 2018) | - | The Administration's reply letter to Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 8 May 2018
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LC Paper No. CB(1)957/17-18(04) (issued on 17 May 2018) | - | Paper on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2018 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief)
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(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at
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II. | Any other business(7:25 pm - 7:30 pm) |