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Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2018 (Papers)

Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2018


Draft amendments and comments received

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)2006/17-18(01) Administration's proposed amendment to the Bill 14 September 2018*
CB(2)2006/17-18(02) Administration's response to amendments proposed by members 14 September 2018*
CB(2)1879/17-18(01) Administration's responses to draft amendments proposed by members to the Bill 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(04) Draft amendments proposed by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(07) Draft amendments proposed by Dr Hon Helena WONG 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(05) Draft amendments proposed by Hon Gary FAN (Chinese version only) 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(02) Draft amendments proposed by Hon HO Kai-ming 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(06) Draft amendments proposed by Hon HUI Chi-fung 25 July 2018
CB(2)1879/17-18(03) Draft amendments proposed by Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung (Chinese version only) 25 July 2018
CB(2)2000/17-18(01) Proposed amendment to the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2018 12 September 2018*

* Issue date