Subcommittee on Proposed Resolution under Section 4(5) of the Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap. 22)


Background/reference papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
LS62/17-18 Legal Service Disivion report on proposed resolution under section 4(5) of the Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap. 22) 19 June 2018
LP155/00C Legislative Council Brief : Review of the Amount of Damages for Bereavement under the Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Chapter 22) 19 June 2018
CB(4)1224/17-18(01) Paper on the Proposed Resolution under section 4(5) of the Fatal Accidents Ordinance (Cap. 22) prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 19 June 2018
  Wording of the proposed resolution 19 June 2018