Panel on Constitutional Affairs (Agenda) 30 April 2018 |
Name of deputation/individual | Submission | Date of issue | |
1. | SLCO Community Resources Limited | LC Paper No. CB(2)1284/17-18(01) | 26 April 2018 |
2. | Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Association | LC Paper No. CB(2)1294/17-18(01) | 27 April 2018 |
3. | Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong | LC Paper No. CB(2)1294/17-18(02) | 27 April 2018 |
4. | Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(01) | 3 May 2018 |
5. | The Civic Party | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(02) | 3 May 2018 |
6. | Democratic Party | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(03) | 3 May 2018 |
7. | Chosen Power (People First Hong Kong) | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(04) | 3 May 2018 |
8. | Ms AU Yim-fong | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(05) | 3 May 2018 |
9. | Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong | LC Paper No. CB(2)1400/17-18(06) | 16 May 2018 |
10. | Mr CHOW Nok-hang | LC Paper No. CB(2)1400/17-18(07) | 16 May 2018 |
11. | Mr LAI Ming-chak, member of Sai Kung District Council | LC Paper No. CB(2)1400/17-18(08) | 16 May 2018 |
Name of deputation/individual | Submission | Date of issue | |
1. | Mr TAM Wai-yip | LC Paper No. CB(2)1284/17-18(02) | 26 April 2018 |
2. | Mr Andy CHIU Ho-lam | LC Paper No. CB(2)1284/17-18(03) | 26 April 2018 |
3. | Mr Andy CHIU Ho-lam | LC Paper No. CB(2)1284/17-18(04) | 26 April 2018 |
4. | Cancer Patient Alliance, 專注不足/過度活躍症(香港)協會、輕度智障權益關注組、殘疾人士及長期病患者就業關注組、香港斜視重影病患者協會、香港協癎會、關心您的心、香港弱智人士家長聯會及康和互助社聯會 | LC Paper No. CB(2)1294/17-18(01) | 27 April 2018 |
5. | Cancer Patient Alliance | LC Paper No. CB(2)1294/17-18(03) | 27 April 2018 |
6. | 香港斜視重影病患者協會 | LC Paper No. CB(2)1294/17-18(04) | 27 April 2018 |
7. | 周德雄 | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(06) | 3 May 2018 |
8. | Hong Kong Spinocerebellar Ataxia Association | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(07) | 3 May 2018 |
9. | 香港斜視重影病患者協會 | LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/17-18(08) | 3 May 2018 |