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Bills Committee on Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018 (Papers)

Bills Committee on Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018


Other relevant papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)371/19-20(01) Letter dated 18 December 2019 from Hon HUI Chi-fung (Chinese version only) 23 January 2020*
CB(1)641/19-20(01) Letter dated 14 May 2020 from Hon HUI Chi-fung (Chinese version only) 20 May 2019
22 June 2020
• Bills Committee Clerk's reply letter on behalf of the Chairman to letter from Hon HUI Chi-fung as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)641/19-20(01) (Chinese version only)
22 June 2020
CB(1)748/19-20(01) Letter dated 9 June 2020 from Hon Steven HO Chun-yin (Chinese version only) 22 June 2020
CB(1)968/18-19(01) Paper on "List of references to the Administration's papers related to charging mechanism of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 30 April 2019
CB(1)1031/18-19(05) Paper on "List of references to the Administration's papers related to enforcement of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme and support to the public for implementing the scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 20 May 2019
CB(1)968/18-19(02) Paper on "List of references to the Administration's papers related to measures to support waste recycling" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 30 April 2019
CB(1)1000/18-19(02) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to charging mechanism of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(1)126/19-20(01) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to enforcement of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme and support to the public for implementing the scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 11 November 2019
CB(1)249/19-20(03) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to enforcement of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme and support to the public for implementing the scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 18 December 2019
CB(1)375/19-20(03) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to enforcement of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme and support to the public for implementing the scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 17 March 2020
CB(1)528/19-20(03) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to enforcement of the proposed municipal solid waste charging scheme and support to the public for implementing the scheme" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 21 April 2020
CB(1)1000/18-19(03) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to measures to support waste recycling" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(1)1031/18-19(04) Paper on "Updated list of references to the Administration's papers related to measures to support waste recycling" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Chinese version only) 20 May 2019
CB(1)787/19-20(01) Paper on way forward of the Bills Committee prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 22 June 2020
CB(1)205/18-19(03) Paper prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 5 December 2018
7 January 2019
18 February 2019
26 March 2019
15 April 2019
30 April 2019
7 May 2019
20 May 2019
11 November 2019
18 December 2019
17 March 2020
21 April 2020
20 May 2019

* Issue date