Bills Committee on National Anthem Bill (Agenda) 18 May 2019 |
I. | Matters arising(9:00 am - 9:05 pm) | ||
Voting on request for preparation of verbatim transcript for the meeting on 17 May 2019
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II. | Meeting with the Administration(9:05 am - 12:55 pm) | ||
Clause-by-clause examination of the Bill
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LC Paper No. CB(3)307/18-19 (issued on 11 January 2019) | - | The Bill
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File Ref : CMAB E4/1/1 (issued on 9 January 2019) | - | Legislative Council Brief
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LC Paper No. CB(2)903/18-19(01) (issued on 1 March 2019) | - | Marked-up copy of relevant legislation to be amended by the Bill (prepared by the Legal Service Division)
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Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by members
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1425/18-19(01) (issued on 10 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by Hon WU Chi-wai
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1425/18-19(02) (issued on 10 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by Dr Hon Helena WONG
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1425/18-19(03) (issued on 10 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by Hon Andrew WAN
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1425/18-19(04) (issued on 10 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by Hon HUI Chi-fung
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1425/18-19(05) (issued on 10 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed by Hon KWONG Chun-yu
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1455/18-19(01) (issued on 16 May 2019) | - | Administration's response to draft amendments to the Bill proposed by the above members
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LC Paper No. CB(2)1455/18-19(02) (issued on 16 May 2019) | - | Draft amendments to the Bill proposed respectively by Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG and Hon Jeremy TAM
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(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at
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III. | Any other business(12:55 pm - 1:00 pm) |