A 18/19-1

Legislative Council


Wednesday 10 October 2018 at 11:00 am

I. Tabling of Papers

Subsidiary Legislation / InstrumentsL.N. No.
1.Inland Revenue (Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters) Order142/2018
2.Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Notice 2018147/2018
3.Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Regulation 2018148/2018
4.Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Councils) (Amendment) Regulation 2018149/2018
5.Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2018150/2018
6.Electoral Procedure (Chief Executive Election) (Amendment) Regulation 2018151/2018
7.Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) (Amendment) Regulation 2018152/2018
8.Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Co-location) Ordinance (Commencement) Notice154/2018
9.Inland Revenue (Double Taxation Relief and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income) (Republic of India) Order155/2018
10.Inland Revenue (Double Taxation Relief with respect to Taxes on Income and Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance) (Republic of Finland) Order156/2018
11.Import and Export (Electronic Cargo Information) (Amendment) Regulation 2018158/2018
12.Closed Area (Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point) Order159/2018
13.Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Closed Area (Permission to Enter) Notice160/2018
14.Frontier Closed Area (Permission to Enter) (Amendment) Notice 2018161/2018
15.Immigration (Places of Detention) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2018162/2018
16.Immigration Service (Designated Places) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2018163/2018
17.Trade Descriptions (Place of Origin) (Watches) (Amendment) Order 2018164/2018
18.Trade Descriptions (Place of Manufacture) (Piece-Knitted Garments) (Amendment) Order 2018165/2018
19.Trade Descriptions (Place of Manufacture) (Textile Made-up Articles) (Amendment) Order 2018166/2018
20.Trade Descriptions Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) (No. 2) Notice 2018167/2018
21.Hong Kong Civil Aviation (Investigation of Accidents) (Amendment) Regulation 2017 (Commencement) Notice168/2018
22.Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (Amendment) Order 2017 (Commencement) Notice169/2018
23.Employees Retraining Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Notice 2018170/2018

Other Papers

1.No. 1-Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund
Annual Report for the year from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare)

2.Report No. 1/18-19 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments
(to be presented by Hon Starry LEE, Chairman of the House Committee)

II. The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region delivers the Policy Address

III. Member's Motion

Proposed resolution under section 34(2) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance

Dr Hon Helena WONG to move the motion in the Appendix.

(The motion was issued on 2 October 2018
under LC Paper No. CB(3) 7/18-19)

Public Officer to attend : Secretary for Food and Health

(Debate and voting arrangements for proposed resolution to amend the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) (Amendment) Regulation 2018 (issued on 9 October 2018 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 21/18-19(01)) (same as the Appendix to the Script of Council meeting of 10 October 2018))

Clerk to the Legislative Council