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Panel on Education (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Primary and secondary education


Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)47/19-20(02) Administration's paper on provision of a subsidy to day-school students 1 November 2019
CB(4)68/19-20(01) Hon YUNG Hoi-yan's letter dated 30 October 2019 to the Chairman of Panel on Education (Chinese version only) 1 November 2019
6 December 2019
3 January 2020
CB(4)81/19-20(03) Hon YUNG Hoi-yan's letter dated 31 October 2019 to the Chairman of Panel on Education (Chinese version only) 1 November 2019
6 December 2019
3 January 2020
CB(4)1099/18-19(01) Information paper provided by the Administration on arrangements for secondary schools participating in the Secondary School Places Allocation System to notify in advance the successful applicants of their inclusion in the lists of successful applicants for discretionary places 1 November 2019
CB(4)171/19-20(03) Letter from Hon IP Kin-yuen on proposal to set up a subcommittee to study the development of textbooks and teaching materials for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (Chinese version only) 6 December 2019
3 January 2020
CB(4)171/19-20(02) Letter from Hon SHIU Ka-chun on proposal to set up a subcommittee to study the development of textbooks and teaching materials for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (Chinese version only) 6 December 2019
3 January 2020
CB(4)224/19-20(01) Hon YUNG Hoi-yan's letter dated 20 December 2019 to the Chairman of Panel on Education (Chinese version only) 3 January 2020
CB(4)466/19-20(01) Hon CHEUNG Kwok-kwan's letter dated 25 March 2020 concerning the one-off grant for the promotion of Chinese history and culture and non-recurrent grant for supporting non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese history and culture (Chinese version only) 8 May 2020
• Administration's response dated 9 April 2020 to the letter from Hon CHEUNG Kwok-kwan dated 25 March 2020 concerning the one-off grant for the promotion of Chinese history and culture and non-recurrent grant for supporting non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese history and culture as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)466/19-20(01)
8 May 2020
CB(4)657/19-20(01) Information paper on the report of the Task Force on School-based Management Policy provided by the Education Bureau 5 June 2020
CB(4)659/19-20(01) Letter dated 1 June 2020 from Hon CHEUNG Kwok-kwan on the development of textbooks and teaching materials for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (Chinese version only) 5 June 2020
CB(4)785/19-20(01) Administration's paper on development of textbooks and teaching materials for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools 3 July 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)375/18-19(03) Administration's paper on extension of retirement age for newly-joined aided school teachers 4 January 2019
CB(4)524/18-19(01) Administration's paper on extension of retirement age for newly-joined aided school teachers (Follow-up paper) 4 January 2019
CB(4)1099/18-19(01) Information paper provided by the Administration on arrangements for secondary schools participating in the Secondary School Places Allocation System to notify in advance the successful applicants of their inclusion in the lists of successful applicants for discretionary places 8 July 2019*

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)129/17-18(03) Administration's paper on implementation of school-based management 3 November 2017
CB(4)129/17-18(04) Paper on implementation of school-based management prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 3 November 2017
CB(4)287/17-18(03) Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes 1 December 2017
5 January 2018
CB(4)302/17-18(01) Submission on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes from a deputation (香港革新教育家長同盟) (Chinese version only) 1 December 2017
5 January 2018
CB(4)469/17-18(01) Motion passed under the agenda of "Implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes" at the meeting held on 5 January 2018 5 January 2018
CB(4)469/17-18(02) Motion passed under the agenda of "Implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes" at the meeting held on 5 January 2018 5 January 2018
CB(4)469/17-18(03) Motion passed under the agenda of "Implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes" at the meeting held on 5 January 2018 5 January 2018
CB(4)469/17-18(04) Motion passed under the agenda of "Implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes" at the meeting held on 5 January 2018 5 January 2018
CB(4)469/17-18(05) Motion passed under the agenda of "Implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes" at the meeting held on 5 January 2018 5 January 2018
CB(4)340/17-18(05) Wording of a motion to be moved by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Chinese version only) 5 January 2018
• Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Follow-up paper) and Administration's response to the five motions passed at the meeting on the captioned agenda item as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)340/17-18(01) to (05)
5 January 2018
CB(4)340/17-18(02) Wording of a motion to be moved by Hon HUI Chi-fung on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Chinese version only) 5 January 2018
• Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Follow-up paper) and Administration's response to the five motions passed at the meeting on the captioned agenda item as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)340/17-18(01) to (05)
5 January 2018
CB(4)340/17-18(01) Wording of a motion to be moved by Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sun on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Chinese version only) 5 January 2018
• Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Follow-up paper) and Administration's response to the five motions passed at the meeting on the captioned agenda item as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)340/17-18(01) to (05)
5 January 2018
CB(4)340/17-18(04) Wording of a motion to be moved by Hon SHIU Ka-chun on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Chinese version only) 5 January 2018
• Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Follow-up paper) and Administration's response to the five motions passed at the meeting on the captioned agenda item as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)340/17-18(01) to (05)
5 January 2018
CB(4)340/17-18(03) Wording of a motion to be moved by Hon Wilson OR Chong-shing on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Chinese version only) 5 January 2018
• Administration's paper on implementation of whole-day schooling/homework policy and School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (Follow-up paper) and Administration's response to the five motions passed at the meeting on the captioned agenda item as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)340/17-18(01) to (05)
5 January 2018
CB(4)649/17-18(01) Hon SHIU Ka-chun's letter dated 23 January 2018 concerning the "No Homework Day" in primary schools (Chinese version only) 2 March 2018
• Administration's response dated 23 February 2018 to the letter from Hon SHIU Ka-chun dated 23 January 2018 concerning the "No Homework Day" in primary schools as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)649/17-18(01)
2 March 2018
CB(4)908/17-18(01) Administration's paper on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)883/17-18(01) Hon HO Kai-ming's letter dated 4 April 2018 concerning student guidance teachers in primary schools (Chinese version only) 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
• Administration's response dated 6 April 2018 to the letter from Hon HO Kai-ming dated 4 April 2018 concerning student guidance teachers in primary schools as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)883/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)879/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 30 March 2018 from 26 Members concerning student guidance teachers in primary schools (Chinese version only) 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
• Administration's response dated 6 April 2018 to the joint letter dated 30 March 2018 from 26 Members concerning student guidance teachers in primary schools as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)879/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)943/17-18(06) Motion passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meeting held on 13 April 2018 13 April 2018
• Administration's response to the five motions passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meetings held on 13 April 2018 and 11 May 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)943/17-18(06) to (09) and LC Paper No. CB(4)1085/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)943/17-18(07) Motion passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meeting held on 13 April 2018 13 April 2018
• Administration's response to the five motions passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meetings held on 13 April 2018 and 11 May 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)943/17-18(06) to (09) and LC Paper No. CB(4)1085/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)943/17-18(08) Motion passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meeting held on 13 April 2018 13 April 2018
• Administration's response to the five motions passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meetings held on 13 April 2018 and 11 May 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)943/17-18(06) to (09) and LC Paper No. CB(4)1085/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)943/17-18(09) Motion passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meeting held on 13 April 2018 13 April 2018
• Administration's response to the five motions passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meetings held on 13 April 2018 and 11 May 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)943/17-18(06) to (09) and LC Paper No. CB(4)1085/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)905/17-18(01) Submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from a deputation (真優化小學學生輔導SGT大聯盟) (Chinese version only) 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)925/17-18(04) Submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from Asia Professional Counselling & Psychology Association (Chinese version only) 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)925/17-18(03) Submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (Chinese version only) 13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)1283/17-18(01) Administration's paper on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools (Follow-up paper) 11 May 2018
CB(4)1056/17-18(01) Further submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from Asia Professional Counselling & Psychology Association (Chinese version only) 11 May 2018
CB(4)1085/17-18(01) Motion passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meeting held on 11 May 2018 11 May 2018
• Administration's response to the five motions passed under the agenda of "Arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools" at the meetings held on 13 April 2018 and 11 May 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)943/17-18(06) to (09) and LC Paper No. CB(4)1085/17-18(01)
13 April 2018
11 May 2018
CB(4)1056/17-18(02) Submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 11 May 2018
CB(4)1066/17-18(01) Submission on arrangements for student guidance teachers/student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools from Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union (Chinese version only) 11 May 2018
CB(4)1251/17-18(01) Administration's paper on the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools (Follow-up paper) 1 June 2018
CB(4)1146/17-18(01) Hon HUI Chi-fung's letter dated 2 May 2018 concerning review of textbooks (Chinese version only) 1 June 2018
• Administration's written response dated 25 May 2018 to the letter dated 2 May 2018 from Hon HUI Chi-fung concerning review of textbooks as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)1146/17-18(01)
1 June 2018
CB(4)1073/17-18(01) Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee's letter dated 7 May 2018 concerning the arrangements for student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools (Chinese version only) 1 June 2018
• Administration's response dated 10 May 2018 to the letter from Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee dated 7 May 2018 concerning the arrangements for student guidance personnel under the policy of "one school social worker for each school" in primary schools as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)1073/17-18(01)
1 June 2018
CB(4)1270/17-18(02) Hon HO Kai-ming's letter dated 9 May 2018 concerning the issues relating to student guidance service in primary schools (Chinese version only) 13 July 2018
CB(4)1270/17-18(01) Hon IP Kin-yuen's letter dated 9 May 2018 concerning the issues relating to student guidance service in primary schools (Chinese version only) 13 July 2018
• Administration's supplementary information dated 19 June 2018 to the letters from Hon IP Kin-yuen and Hon HO Kai-ming dated 9 May 2018 respectively concerning the issues relating to student guidance service in primary schools as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)1270/17-18(01) and (02)
13 July 2018

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)79/16-17(01) Administration's paper on promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education 14 November 2016
CB(4)79/16-17(02) Paper on promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 November 2016
CB(4)383/16-17(01) Administration's paper on teaching Chinese history as an independent subject at junior secondary level 9 January 2017
CB(4)626/16-17(01) Administration's paper on teaching Chinese history as an independent subject at junior secondary level (Follow-up paper) 9 January 2017
CB(4)383/16-17(02) Paper on teaching Chinese history as an independent subject at junior secondary level prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 9 January 2017
CB(4)806/16-17(01) Dr Hon CHENG Chung-tai's letter dated 14 March 2017 concerning the monitoring of the training camps for primary and secondary students (Chinese version only) 10 April 2017
• Administration's response dated 3 April 2017 to the letter dated 14 March 2017 from Dr Hon CHENG Chung-tai concerning the monitoring of the training camps for primary and secondary students as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)806/16-17(01)
10 April 2017
CB(4)1209/16-17(02) Hon CHU Hoi-dick's letter dated 9 June 2017 on issues relating to the Primary One Admission System (Chinese version only) 26 June 2017
CB(4)1209/16-17(01) Hon IP Kin-yuen's letter dated 9 June 2017 on issues relating to the Primary One Admission System (Chinese version only) 26 June 2017
• Administration's response dated 26 June 2017 to the two letters dated 9 June 2017 from Hon IP Kin-yuen and Hon CHU Hoi-dick respectively on issues relating to the Primary One Admission System as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)1209/16-17(01) and (02)
10 July 2017

* Issue date