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Panel on Housing (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Rent policy and Median rent-to-income ratio for public housing flats

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)418/19-20(03) Administration's paper on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2020/21 9 March 2020
CB(1)447/19-20(03) Administration's paper on Review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2020-21 (power-point presentation materials) 9 March 2020
CB(1)566/19-20(01) Administration's response to the review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2020-21 (Follow-up paper) 9 March 2020
CB(1)418/19-20(04) Paper on income and asset limits for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 9 March 2020
CB(1)450/19-20(01) Letter from Hon SHIU Ka-chun dated 9 March 2020 requesting the Administration to provide information about "Review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2020-21" which was discussed at the meeting on 9 March 2020 (Chinese version only) 28 April 2020
• Administration's response to the letter from Hon SHIU Ka-chun dated 9 March 2020 requesting the Administration to provide information about "Review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2020-21" which was discussed at the meeting on 9 March 2020 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)450/19-20(01)
28 April 2020
CB(1)570/19-20(01) Joint letter from Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, Hon KWOK Wai-keung and Hon HO Kai-ming dated 27 April 2020 requesting that the Panel discuss relaxation of eligibility criteria of Hong Kong Housing Authority's Rent Assistance Scheme (Chinese version only) 4 May 2020
6 July 2020
• Administration's response to the joint letter from Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuen, Hon KWOK Wai-keung and Hon HO Kai-ming dated 27 April 2020 regarding relaxation of eligibility criteria of Hong Kong Housing Authority's Rent Assistance Scheme as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)570/19-20(01)
1 June 2020
6 July 2020
CB(1)588/19-20(01) Letter from Hon Andrew WAN Siu-kin dated 29 April 2020 regarding the 2020 Rent review of public rental housing (Chinese version only) 1 June 2020
6 July 2020
• Administration's response to the letter from Hon Andrew WAN Siu-kin dated 29 April 2020 regarding the 2020 Rent review of public rental housing as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)588/19-20(01)
6 July 2020
CB(1)855/19-20(01)-(03) 3 motions passed under the agenda item of "2020 Rent review of public rental housing" at the meeting on 6 July 2020 6 July 2020
• Administration's response to the 3 motions passed on the agenda item of "2020 Rent review of public rental housing" at the meeting on 6 July 2020 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)855/19-20(01)-(03) (Follow-up paper)
6 July 2020
CB(1)804/19-20(01) Administration's paper on 2020 Rent review of public rental housing 6 July 2020
CB(1)804/19-20(02) Paper on rent review for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 6 July 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1364/17-18(01) Letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick regarding the rent adjustment for the Hong Kong Housing Authority's public rental housing with effect from September 2018 (Chinese version only) 5 November 2018
• Administration's response to the letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick regarding the rent adjustment for the Hong Kong Housing Authority's public rental housing with effect from September 2018 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1364/17-18(01) (Chinese version only)
5 November 2018
CB(1)634/18-19(03) Administration's paper on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2019-20 4 March 2019
CB(1)662/18-19(01) Administration's paper on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2019-20 (power-point presentation materials) 4 March 2019
CB(1)766/18-19(01) Administration's response to the review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2019-20 (Follow-up paper) 4 March 2019
CB(1)634/18-19(04) Paper on income and asset limits for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 4 March 2019

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)627/17-18(03) Administration's paper on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2018-19 5 March 2018
CB(1)666/17-18(01) Administration's paper on Review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2018-19 (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 5 March 2018
CB(1)731/17-18(01) Administration's response to the review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2018-19 (Follow-up paper) 5 March 2018
CB(1)627/17-18(04) Paper on income and asset limits for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 5 March 2018
CB(1)1258/17-18(01)-(03) 3 motions passed under the agenda item III on "2018 Rent review of public rental housing" at the meeting on 10 July 2018 10 July 2018
• Administration's response to 3 motions passed under agenda item III on "2018 Rent review of public rental housing" at the meeting on 10 July 2018 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1258/17-18(01) to (03)) (Follow-up paper)
10 July 2018
CB(1)1220/17-18(01) Administration's paper on 2018 Rent review of public rental housing 10 July 2018
CB(1)1254/17-18(01) Administration's paper on 2018 Rent review of public rental housing (power-point presentation materials) 10 July 2018
CB(1)1220/17-18(02) Paper on rent review for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 10 July 2018
CB(1)1364/17-18(01) Letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick regarding the rent adjustment for the Hong Kong Housing Authority's public rental housing with effect from September 2018 (Chinese version only) 4 September 2018*
• Administration's response to the letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick regarding the rent adjustment for the Hong Kong Housing Authority's public rental housing with effect from September 2018 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)1364/17-18(01) (Chinese version only)
24 September 2018*

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)232/16-17(01) Submission dated 26 November 2016 from a housing concern group regarding the income and asset limits for public rental housing and related matters (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 1 December 2016*
CB(1)287/16-17(01) Letter dated 7 December 2016 from Hon Andrew WAN and Hon WU Chi-wai on Well-off Tenants Policies (Chinese version only) 9 January 2017
CB(1)416/16-17(02) Letter dated 6 January 2017 from Hon HO Kai-ming on Well-off Tenants Policies (Chinese version only) 9 January 2017
24 January 2017
CB(1)709/16-17(01) Administration's letter on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2017-18 (Follow-up paper) 6 March 2017
CB(1)652/16-17(01) Administration's paper on review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2017-18 (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 6 March 2017
CB(1)617/16-17(03) Administration's paper on the review of income and asset limits for public rental housing for 2017-18 6 March 2017
CB(1)617/16-17(04) Paper on income and asset limits for public rental housing prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 6 March 2017

* Issue date