Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Anti-corruption matters and issues relating to the Independent Commission Against Corruption

Year 2020 - 2021

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1497/19-20(01) Independent Commission Against Corruption's information relating to "statistics on corruption complaints involving misconduct in public office against the Police, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Housing Department in 2019, as well as the corresponding number of civil servants being investigated and prosecuted" (Follow-up paper) 2 June 2020
CB(2)1081/19-20(07) Independent Commission Against Corruption's paper on the work progress and planning of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for 2020 to 2021 2 June 2020
CB(2)1127/19-20(01) Speaking note of the Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption on the work progress and planning of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for 2020 to 2021 (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 2 June 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)365/17-18(01) Statistics provided by Independent Commission Against Corruption on complaints against government departments and the percentage of pursuable complaints (Follow-up paper) 3 November 2017
CB(2)1344/17-18(01) Letter dated 3 May 2018 from the Independent Commission Against Corruption on its management succession 4 May 2018

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)92/16-17(01) Letter dated 2 November 2016 from Hon Charles MOK suggesting the Panel to discuss issues regarding review of the offence of "access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent" and the acting arrangements of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (Chinese version only) 11 November 2016
CB(2)942/16-17(01) Information provided by Independent Commission Against Corruption on the number of corruption complaints relating to tender-rigging in building renovation works on which investigation files had been opened in the previous year (Follow-up paper) 7 February 2017