Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Computer-related Crime

Year 2020 - 2021

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)433/19-20(01) Letter dated 19 December 2019 from Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss issues on strengthening cyber security (Chinese version only) 7 January 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)222/18-19(01) Administration's paper on the incident of leakage of passengers' personal data by Cathay Pacific Airways and issues relating to protection of personal data and cyber security 14 November 2018
CB(2)222/18-19(02) Cathay Pacific Airways' paper on the incident of leakage of passengers' personal data by Cathay Pacific Airways and issues relating to protection of personal data and cyber security 14 November 2018
CB(4)216/18-19(04) Cathay Pacific Airways' response to Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT's letter dated 13 November 2018 to members of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 14 November 2018
CB(4)234/18-19(01) Cathay Pacific Airways' response to Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT's letter dated 13 November 2018 to members of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 14 November 2018
CB(2)230/18-19(01) Cathay Pacific Airways' response to Hon Charles Peter MOK's letter dated 2 November 2018 to Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 14 November 2018
CB(4)242/18-19(01) Cathay Pacific Airways' response to question raised by Hon Charles Peter MOK during the joint meeting held on 14 November 2018 14 November 2018
CB(2)158/18-19(02) Letter dated 25 October 2018 from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT to Chairman of Constitutional Affairs Panel 14 November 2018
CB(2)158/18-19(03) Letter dated 25 October 2018 from Hon LAM Cheuk-ting to Chairman of Constitutional Affairs Panel 14 November 2018
CB(2)158/18-19(01) Letter dated 25 October 2018 from Hon LUK Chung-hung to Chairman of Constitutional Affairs Panel 14 November 2018
CB(4)166/18-19(01) Letter dated 2 November 2018 from Hon Charles Peter MOK to Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 14 November 2018
CB(4)205/18-19(01) Letter dated 13 November 2018 from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT to Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting 14 November 2018
CB(4)216/18-19(01) Letter dated 13 November 2018 from Hon Charles Peter MOK to Chairman of Panel on Security 14 November 2018
CB(2)222/18-19(03) Paper on issues relating to protection of personal data and cyber security prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 November 2018
CB(4)216/18-19(03) Speaking note of the Chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways 14 November 2018
CB(4)226/18-19(01) Speaking note of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data 14 November 2018
CB(4)216/18-19(02) Speaking note of the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs 14 November 2018
CB(2)1281/18-19(01) Joint letter dated 17 April 2019 from Hon Charles MOK, Hon Dennis KWOK and Hon Alvin YEUNG suggesting the Panel to arrange a meeting with the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services to discuss application of section 161 of the Crime Ordinance concerning access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent and the legislation of the offence of voyeurism (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1280/18-19(01) Letter dated 11 April 2019 from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT suggesting the Panel to arrange a joint meeting with the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services to discuss issues related to combating clandestine photo-taking (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1395/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in the letter from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT on combating clandestine photo-taking and the joint letter from Hon Charles MOK, Hon Dennis KWOK and Hon Alvin YEUNG on prosecutions instituted under "access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent" and enactment of legislation against the offence of voyeurism 4 June 2019
CB(2)1564/18-19(01) Letter dated 28 May 2019 from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT suggesting the Panel to discuss offences relating to voyeurism and non-consensual upskirt-photography at the regular meeting in July (Chinese version only) 4 June 2019

Year 2017 - 2018

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)2189/16-17(01) Administration's consolidated response to items 4, 5 and 6 of the "List of outstanding items for discussion (position as at 31 May 2017)" 10 October 2017*

* Issue date