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Panel on Security (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Immigration matters

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)628/19-20(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint letter dated 13 January 2020 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM in respect of the immigration policy on the entry of visitors 5 May 2020
CB(2)816/19-20(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint letter dated 28 February 2020 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM regarding passenger clearance for the West Kowloon Station ("WKS") and security work of the Hong Kong Port Area within WKS 5 May 2020
CB(2)535/19-20(01) Joint letter dated 13 January 2020 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to immigration policy on the entry of visitors (Chinese version only) 5 May 2020
CB(2)648/19-20(01) Joint letter dated 28 February 2020 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to passenger clearance for the West Kowloon Station and security work of the Hong Kong Port Area within the West Kowloon Station (Chinese version only) 5 May 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)143/18-19(01) Letter dated 12 October 2018 from Hon Michael TIEN proposing items for discussion by the Panel (Chinese version only) 2 November 2018
CB(2)740/18-19(01) Administration's information on its plan to relocate the three office buildings at Wan Chai Government Offices Compound (Follow-up paper) 4 December 2018
CB(2)700/18-19(01) Administration's information on the design brief for the construction of Immigration Headquarters in Tseung Kwan O (Follow-up paper) 4 December 2018
CB(2)337/18-19(01) Administration's information paper on its proposals to revise fees for services provided by the Immigration Department 4 December 2018
CB(2)334/18-19(05) Administration's paper on the construction of Immigration Headquarters in Tseung Kwan O 4 December 2018
CB(2)529/18-19(03) Administration's paper on an update on the comprehensive review on the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims - proposals to amend the Immigration Ordinance 8 January 2019
CB(2)545/18-19(01) Letter dated 4 January 2019 from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG regarding on an update on the comprehensive review on the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims - proposals to amend the Immigration Ordinance (Chinese version only) 8 January 2019
CB(2)529/18-19(04) Paper on the proposed legislative amendments relating to the handling non-refoulement claims prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 8 January 2019
CB(2)565/18-19(02) Submission on an update on the comprehensive review on the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims - proposals to amend the Immigration Ordinance from Justice Centre Hong Kong (Follow-up paper) (English version only) 8 January 2019
CB(2)897/18-19(03) Administration's paper on the next generation electronic passport 5 March 2019
CB(2)930/18-19(02) Next generation electronic passport (power-point presentation materials) 5 March 2019
CB(2)897/18-19(04) Paper on the next generation electronic passport prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 5 March 2019
CB(2)1142/18-19(01) Submission from Daly & Associates regarding the update on the comprehensive review on the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims - proposals to amend the Immigration Ordinance (English version only) 1 April 2019*
CB(2)1311/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter dated 27 March 2019 from Hon Claudia MO regarding the application, approval and issuance of One-way Permits 2 April 2019
CB(2)1119/18-19(01) Letter dated 27 March 2019 from Hon Claudia MO suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the One-way Permit Scheme (Chinese version only) 2 April 2019

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)438/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on the number of visitors refused entry into Hong Kong and the refusal categories; and the number of Cambodian nationals who had applied for visas to take up employment and study in Hong Kong (Follow-up paper) 3 November 2017
CB(2)56/17-18(01) Letter dated 12 October 2017 from Hon Claudia MO suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to immigration policy on the entry of visitors (Chinese version only) 3 November 2017
CB(2)154/17-18(01) Referral from meeting between Legislative Council Members and Sham Shui Po District Council members on 14 July 2017 (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 3 November 2017
CB(2)424/17-18(05) Administration's paper on new smart Hong Kong identity card 5 December 2017
CB(2)148/18-19(01) Administration's supplementary information relating to "New Smart Hong Kong Identity Card" (Follow-up paper) 5 December 2017
CB(2)478/17-18(02) Email dated 4 December 2017 from Hon Charles MOK on the new smart Hong Kong identity card (Chinese version only) 5 December 2017
CB(2)251/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 31 October 2017 from Hon LEUNG Che-cheung, Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT and Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to crime committed by non-refoulement claimants and the strengthening of law enforcement at district level (Chinese version only) 5 December 2017
CB(2)444/17-18(01) Letter dated 30 November 2017 from Dr Hon CHENG Chung-tai suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the One-way Permit Scheme (Chinese version only) 5 December 2017
CB(2)468/17-18(01) New Smart Hong Kong Identity Card (power-point presentation materials) 5 December 2017
CB(2)424/17-18(06) Paper on the new smart Hong Kong identity card prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 5 December 2017
CB(2)472/17-18(01) Email from a member of the public dated 3 December 2017 on the new smart Hong Kong identity card (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 6 December 2017*
CB(4)441/17-18(01) Letter of 2 January 2018 from Administration Wing of Chief Secretary for Administration's Office to the Secretary General of the Legislative Council on the NPCSC's Decision for the implementation of co-location arrangement at the West Kowloon Station 4 January 2018*
CB(4)441/17-18(02) The NPCSC's Decision 4 January 2018*
CB(4)441/17-18(03) The Explanations on the NPCSC's Decision 4 January 2018*
CB(4)441/17-18(04) The approved Co-operation Arrangement 4 January 2018*
CB(2)623/17-18(01) Administration's response to a joint letter dated 31 October 2017 from Hon LEUNG Che-cheung, Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT and Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan regarding issues relating to crime committed by non-refoulement claimants and the strengthening of law enforcement at district level 9 January 2018
CB(2)601/17-18(01) Administration's response to a letter dated 12 October 2017 from Hon Claudia MO regarding issues relating to immigration policy on the entry of visitors 9 January 2018
CB(2)490/17-18(01) Letter dated 6 December 2017 from Hon Claudia MO suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the One-way Permit Scheme (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(2)653/17-18(01) Letter dated 28 December 2017 from Hon Claudia MO suggesting relevant Panels to jointly discuss the latest progress in relation to the Co-operation Arrangement for implementing the co-location arrangement (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(2)949/17-18(07) Administration's paper on the Next Generation Application and Investigation Easy Systems of the Immigration Department 6 March 2018
CB(2)1298/17-18(05) Administration's paper on combatting bogus marriage 4 May 2018
CB(2)1345/17-18(01) Combatting bogus marriage (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 4 May 2018
CB(2)1298/17-18(06) Paper on combatting bogus marriage prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 4 May 2018
CB(2)1751/17-18(01) Administration's paper on an update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims 10 July 2018
CB(2)29/18-19(01) Administration's response to the list of issues provided by Hon Dennis KWOK on the item "An update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims" (Follow-up paper) 10 July 2018
CB(2)1800/17-18(01) List of issues provided by Hon Dennis KWOK on the item "An update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims" (English version only) 10 July 2018
CB(2)1751/17-18(02) Paper on an update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 10 July 2018
CB(2)1794/17-18(01) Submission on an update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims from Justice Centre Hong Kong (English version only) 10 July 2018

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)110/16-17(06) Administration's paper on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims 11 November 2016
CB(2)657/16-17(01) Administration's supplementary information on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims and response to a list of questions raised by Hon Dennis KWOK (Follow-up paper) 11 November 2016
CB(2)154/16-17(01) Letter dated 9 November 2016 from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to immigration policy on the entry of Nepalese visitors (Chinese version only) 11 November 2016
CB(2)168/16-17(01) List of questions provided by Hon Dennis KWOK on Comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims (English version only) 11 November 2016
CB(2)110/16-17(07) Paper on the unified screening mechanism for non-refoulement claims prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 11 November 2016
CB(2)1298/16-17(03) Administration's paper on the progress on implementation of new Immigration Control System 5 May 2017
CB(2)1298/16-17(04) Paper on the implementation of the new Immigration Control System of the Immigration Department prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 5 May 2017
CB(2)1533/16-17(03) Administration's paper on an update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims 6 June 2017
CB(2)420/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information relating to comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims (Follow-up paper) 6 June 2017
CB(2)1533/16-17(04) Paper on the unified screening mechanism for non-refoulement claims prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 6 June 2017
CB(2)1560/16-17(01) Submission on an update on the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims from Justice Centre Hong Kong (English version only) 6 June 2017
CB(4)1505/16-17(01) Administration's response to the letter from Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho on Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link 8 August 2017
CB(2)1966/16-17(01) Discussion paper on "Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link" provided by the Administration 8 August 2017
CB(4)1499/16-17(01) Letter dated 4 August 2017 from Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho on Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Chinese version only) 8 August 2017
CB(4)1510/16-17(01) Letter dated 8 August 2017 from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung on the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Chinese version only) 8 August 2017
• Administration's response to the letter from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung on the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine Arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)1510/16-17(01)
8 August 2017
CB(4)1496/16-17(01) Paper on customs, immigration and quarantine arrangements of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 8 August 2017

* Issue date