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Panel on Security (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017



Year 2020 - 2021

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)105/20-21(03) Joint letter dated 19 October 2020 Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Dennis KWOK proposing the appointment of a subcommittee on labour exploitation, illicit activities by employment agencies, and human trafficking (English version only) 3 November 2020
CB(2)97/20-21(01) Letter dated 16 October 2020 from Hon HUI Chi-fung on his proposed Member's Bill entitled "Emergency Regulations (Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation) (Repeal) Bill" 3 November 2020
CB(2)75/20-21(01) Letter dated 21 October 2020 from Hon Elizabeth QUAT proposing items for discussion by the Panel in the 2020-2021 session (Chinese version only) 3 November 2020
CB(2)128/20-21(01) Letter dated 28 October 2020 from Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG proposing items for discussion by the Panel in the 2020-2021 session (Chinese version only) 3 November 2020
CB(2)97/20-21(02) The Clerk's reply to the letter dated 16 October 2020 from Hon HUI Chi-fung on his proposed Member's Bill entitled "Emergency Regulations (Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation) (Repeal) Bill" 3 November 2020
CB(2)149/20-21(01) Letter dated 3 November 2020 from Dr Hon Helena WONG proposing items for discussion by the Panel in the 2020-2021 session (Chinese version only) 1 December 2020
CB(2)176/20-21(01) Letter dated 4 November 2020 from Hon SHIU Ka-chun proposing items for discussion by the Panel in the 2020-2021 session (Chinese version only) 1 December 2020
CB(2)205/20-21(01) Letter dated 6 November 2020 from Hon KWOK Wai-keung suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the combat of fake messages (Chinese version only) 1 December 2020
CB(2)929/20-21(06) Administration's paper on the Chai Wan Government Complex and Vehicle Depot 9 April 2021
CB(2)845/20-21(01) Referral from the Public Accounts Committee regarding recoverability of the outstanding advances to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (English version only) 9 April 2021
CB(2)1030/20-21(07) Administration's paper on the construction of fire station-cum-ambulance depot with departmental quarters and facilities of the Fire Services Department in Area 72, Tseung Kwan O 4 May 2021
CB(2)1419/20-21(05) Administration's paper on the youth engagement work of disciplined and auxiliary services departments 7 September 2021
CB(2)1447/20-21(01) Youth engagement work of disciplined and auxiliary services departments (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 7 September 2021

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)332/19-20(02) Joint letter dated 22 November 2019 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM (Chinese version only) 4 December 2019*
CB(2)490/19-20(01) Letter dated 7 January 2020 from Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss the security matters of the Judiciary (Chinese version only) 7 January 2020
CB(2)860/19-20(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter dated 19 March 2020 from Hon Dennis KWOK regarding the policy on allowing foreign journalists to work in Hong Kong 5 May 2020
CB(2)779/19-20(01) Letter dated 19 March 2020 from Hon Dennis KWOK suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the policy on allowing foreign journalists to work in Hong Kong (English version only) 5 May 2020
CB(2)908/19-20(01) Letter dated 28 April 2020 from Hon HUI Chi-fung suggesting the Panel to discuss his draft Member's Bill entitled "Emergency Regulations (Prohibition on Face Covering Regulation) (Repeal) Bill" 5 May 2020
CB(2)907/19-20(01) Memorandum from the Panel on Public Service regarding enactment of legislation to prohibit acts of insulting public officers 5 May 2020
CB(2)717/19-20(01) Referral from the Public Accounts Committee regarding recoverability of outstanding advances to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (English version only) 5 May 2020
CB(2)1112/19-20(01) Letter dated 1 June 2020 from Hon Andrew WAN expressing concern about the incidents of unknown sources of gas at Lau Fau Shan (Chinese version only) 2 June 2020
CB(2)1283/19-20(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter dated 1 June 2020 from Hon Andrew WAN expressing concern about the incidents of unknown sources of gas at Lau Fau Shan 7 July 2020
CB(2)1286/19-20(01) Paper provided by Hon Kenneth LEUNG regarding the proposed Member's Bill entitled "Public Inquiry (2019 Public Order) Bill" 7 July 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)41/18-19(03) Administration's paper on the manpower proposal for the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims 2 November 2018
CB(2)144/18-19(01) Letter dated 24 October 2018 from Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAT suggesting the Panel to discuss measures to combat unscrupulous practices in money lending (Chinese version only) 2 November 2018
CB(2)172/18-19(01) Letter dated 31 October 2018 from Hon AU Nok-hin suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to review of the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245) (Chinese version only) 2 November 2018
CB(2)41/18-19(04) Paper on the manpower proposal for the comprehensive review of the strategy of handling non-refoulement claims prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 2 November 2018
CB(2)303/18-19(01) Joint letter dated 20 November 2018 from Hon Claudia MO, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon CHU Hoi-dick and Hon AU Nok-hin suggesting the Panel to discuss security measures at the Central Government Offices and their impact on public meetings and public processions (Chinese version only) 4 December 2018
CB(2)452/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint letter dated 20 November 2018 from Hon Claudia MO, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon CHU Hoi-dick and Hon AU Nok-hin regarding security measures at the Central Government Offices and their impact on public meetings and public processions 8 January 2019
CB(2)540/18-19(01) Joint email dated 29 December 2018 from Hon Claudia MO, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon CHU Hoi-dick and Hon AU Nok-hin suggesting the discussion of the visit of a delegation led by the Under Secretary for Security to Xinjiang in December 2018 on the subject of combatting terrorist activities (Chinese version only) 8 January 2019
CB(2)565/18-19(01) Letter dated 8 January 2019 from Hon AU Nok-hin to Equal Opportunities Commission (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 8 January 2019
CB(2)597/18-19 Invitation from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, United Kingdom to Legislative Council for nomination of two Members to attend the Modern Slavery Project: Legislative Drafting Seminar to be held at the Houses of Parliament in London from 26 to 29 March 2019 (English version only) (Restricted to members only) 29 January 2019
CB(2)728/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint email dated 29 December 2018 from Hon Claudia MO, Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon CHU Hoi-dick and Hon AU Nok-hin regarding the visit of a delegation led by the Under Secretary for Security to Xinjiang in December 2018 on the subject of combatting terrorist activities 15 February 2019
CB(2)683/18-19(01) Letter dated 16 January 2019 from Hon Alvin YEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to the refusal of entry of some Hong Kong residents into the Macao Special Administrative Region (Chinese version only) 15 February 2019
CB(2)1141/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick regarding media reports about an incident within the restricted area of the Hong Kong International Airport involving two female Saudi Arabian Passport holders 5 March 2019
CB(2)932/18-19(02) Letter dated 5 March 2019 from Hon CHU Hoi-dick suggesting the discussion of issues relating to an incident within the restricted area of the Hong Kong International Airport involving two female Saudi Arabian Passport holders (Chinese version only) 5 March 2019
CB(2)1097/18-19(01) Paper on recoverability of outstanding advances to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information brief) 5 March 2019
2 April 2019
CB(2)885/18-19(01) Referral from the Public Accounts Committee regarding recoverability of outstanding advances to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (English version only) 5 March 2019
2 April 2019
CB(2)1100/18-19(03) Administration's paper on the Central Military Dock 2 April 2019
CB(2)1071/18-19(01) Letter dated 20 March 2019 on Central Military Dock from Designing Hong Kong (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 2 April 2019
CB(2)1132/18-19(01) Letter dated 29 March 2019 from Hon HO Kai-ming on his application for late membership of the Panel (Chinese version only) 2 April 2019
CB(2)1100/18-19(04) Paper on the Central Military Dock prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 2 April 2019
CB(2)1330/18-19(03) Administration's paper on the review of the Government's handling of super typhoon 7 May 2019
CB(2)1614/18-19(01) Administration's supplementary information relating to "Review of the Government's handling of super typhoon" (Follow-up paper) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1303/18-19(01) Letter dated 23 April 2019 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki expressing concern about the safety of the Taishan Nuclear Power Station and suggesting the Panel to arrange a special meeting to discuss related issues (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1378/18-19(01) Letter dated 3 May 2019 from Hon SHIU Ka-chun regarding the review of the Government's handling of super typhoon (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1330/18-19(04) Paper on the Administration's preparedness for the approach of typhoon season and related natural disasters and emergency response prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1330/18-19(05) Paper provided by Hon Alvin YEUNG regarding the proposed Member's Bill entitled "State of Disaster Bill" 7 May 2019
CB(2)1394/18-19(01) Review of the Government's handling of super typhoon (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1410/18-19(01) Speaking note provided by the Administration in response to the proposed Member's Bill entitled "State of Disaster Bill" (Chinese version only) 7 May 2019
CB(2)1798/18-19(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a letter dated 23 April 2019 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki regarding the safety of the Taishan Nuclear Power Station 12 July 2019*
CB(2)1943/18-19(01) Letter dated 24 September 2019 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss his draft Member's Bill entitled "Public Inquiry (2019 Disturbances) Bill" 26 September 2019*

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)260/17-18(01) Submission dated 6 November 2017 from a member of the public on issues relating to non-refoulement claims (Chinese version only) 9 November 2017*
CB(2)515/17-18(01) Administration's information paper on the 2017 Exercise on the Daya Bay Contingency Plan 12 December 2017*
CB(2)649/17-18(04) Administration's paper on the 2017 Exercise on the Daya Bay Contingency Plan 9 January 2018
CB(2)649/17-18(05) Paper on the Daya Bay Contingency Plan prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 9 January 2018
CB(2)824/17-18(01) Administration's response to a joint letter dated 11 January 2018 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Dennis KWOK regarding their proposed legislation to criminalize all forms of human trafficking in Hong Kong 6 February 2018
CB(2)765/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 11 January 2018 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Dennis KWOK suggesting the Panel to discuss their proposed legislation to criminalize all forms of human trafficking in Hong Kong 6 February 2018
5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(06) Administration's paper on the existing legislation to combat trafficking in persons 5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(07) Administration's paper on the Government's preparedness for the approach of typhoon season and related natural disasters and emergency response 5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(03) Administration's paper on the Steering Committee and action plan to tackle trafficking in persons and to enhance protection of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong 5 June 2018
CB(2)1681/17-18(01) Airport Authority's written response to members' concerns regarding security arrangements for carry-on baggage at the Hong Kong International Airport 5 June 2018
CB(2)1538/17-18(01) Government's preparedness for the approach of typhoon season and related natural disasters and emergency response (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1485/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 24 May 2018 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to security arrangements for carry-on baggage at the Hong Kong International Airport (Chinese version only) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1514/17-18(01) Letter dated 1 June 2018 from Hon MA Fung-kwok regarding security arrangements for his carry-on baggage at the Hong Kong International Airport on 21 May 2018 (Chinese version only) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(04) Paper on the action plan to tackle trafficking in persons and to enhance protection of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(08) Paper on the Government's preparedness for the approach of typhoon season and related natural disasters and emergency response prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1480/17-18(05) Paper provided by Hon Kenneth LEUNG and Hon Dennis KWOK regarding the proposed Members' Bill entitled "Modern Slavery Bill" to criminalize all forms of human trafficking in Hong Kong 5 June 2018
CB(2)1515/17-18(01) Submission on the action plan to tackle trafficking in persons and to enhance protection of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong from Justice Centre Hong Kong (English version only) 5 June 2018
CB(2)1924/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 2 August 2018 from Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG and Hon Jeremy TAM requesting the Administration to provide a response on issues relating to security arrangements for carry-on baggage at the Hong Kong International Airport (Chinese version only) 9 August 2018*
CB(2)2007/17-18(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint letter dated 2 August 2018 from Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG and Hon Jeremy TAM regarding security arrangements for carry-on baggage at the Hong Kong International Airport and amendments to the Hong Kong Aviation Security Program 14 September 2018*
CB(2)2018/17-18(01) Joint letter dated 17 September 2018 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to Government's emergency response mechanism after the passage of tropical cyclone (Chinese version only) 20 September 2018*
CB(2)2067/17-18(01) Administration's response to issues raised in a joint letter dated 17 September 2018 from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki, Hon Dennis KWOK, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon Tanya CHAN and Hon Jeremy TAM regarding Government's emergency response mechanism after the passage of tropical cyclone 8 October 2018*
CB(2)2069/17-18(01) Letter dated 4 October 2018 from Hon Alvin YEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss his draft Member's Bill entitled "State of Disaster Bill 2018" 8 October 2018*

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)130/16-17(01) Letter dated 7 November 2016 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG suggesting the Panel to discuss issues regarding the transparency of information on the safety of nuclear power stations in Guangdong Province and the notification mechanism between the Mainland and Hong Kong on nuclear incidents (Chinese version only) 11 November 2016
CB(2)363/16-17(01) Administration's response to a letter dated 7 November 2016 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG regarding the transparency of information on the safety of nuclear power stations in Guangdong Province and the notification mechanism between the Mainland and Hong Kong on nuclear incidents 3 January 2017
CB(2)733/16-17(01) Administration's response to a further letter dated 5 January 2017 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG regarding the transparency of information on the safety of nuclear power stations in Guangdong Province and the notification mechanism between the Mainland and Hong Kong on nuclear incidents 7 February 2017
CB(2)741/16-17(01) Administration's response to a joint letter dated 10 January 2017 from 16 Members regarding the security arrangements at the Hong Kong International Airport and related issues 7 February 2017
CB(2)568/16-17(01) Further letter dated 5 January 2017 from Hon Kenneth LEUNG regarding the transparency of information on the safety of nuclear power stations in Guangdong Province and the notification mechanism between the Mainland and Hong Kong on nuclear incidents (Chinese version only) 7 February 2017
CB(2)1152/16-17(05) Administration's paper on the proposal for upgrading the rank of the Departmental Secretary post in the Fire Services Department 11 April 2017
CB(2)1298/16-17(07) Administration's paper on the construction of disciplined services quarters for the Fire Services Department at Pak Shing Kok, Tseung Kwan O 5 May 2017
CB(2)1298/16-17(08) Paper on the construction and provision of departmental quarters for disciplined services departments prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 5 May 2017
CB(2)1395/16-17(01) Letter dated 5 May 2017 from Hon Claudia MO suggesting the Panel to discuss issues relating to information disclosed by Mr GUO Wengui to the media and the notification mechanism between the Mainland authorities and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (Chinese version only) 12 May 2017*

* Issue date