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Panel on Transport (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017


Public transport services


Year 2020 - 2021

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)57/19-20(01) Letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick requesting information relating to the Special Helping Measures provided by the Administration to the outlying island ferry routes (Chinese version only) 15 November 2019
• Administration's response to letter from Hon CHU Hoi-dick requesting information relating to the Special Helping Measures provided by the Administration to the outlying island ferry routes as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)57/19-20(01)
17 January 2020
CB(4)532/19-20(03) Administration's paper on introducing the "Central - Hung Hom" ferry and "water taxi" services 15 May 2020
CB(4)574/19-20(01) Administration's paper on Introducing the "Central - Hung Hom" ferry and "water taxi" services (power-point presentation material) 15 May 2020
CB(4)532/19-20(04) Paper on the introduction of "Central - Hung Hom" ferry and "water taxi" services prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 15 May 2020
CB(4)542/19-20(01) Submission from a member of the public relating to the "Central - Hung Hom" ferry and "water taxi" services (Chinese version only) 15 May 2020

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)779/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on duration of ferry service licences (follow-up paper) 16 March 2018
19 October 2018

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)445/17-18(03) Administration's paper on New Franchise For The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited 19 January 2018
CB(4)760/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on the new franchise for The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited (follow-up paper) 19 January 2018
CB(4)445/17-18(04) Paper on franchised ferry services in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 19 January 2018
CB(4)719/17-18(04) Administration's paper on duration of ferry service licences 16 March 2018
CB(4)779/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on duration of ferry service licences (follow-up paper) 16 March 2018
19 October 2018
CB(4)1242/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on duration of ferry service licences (follow-up paper) 16 March 2018
CB(4)719/17-18(05) Paper on duration of ferry service licences prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 16 March 2018
CB(4)747/17-18(01) Submission from 離島渡輪牌照關注組(坪洲) (Chinese version only) 16 March 2018

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)108/16-17(05) Administration's paper on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-20 18 November 2016
2 December 2016
CB(4)1203/15-16(01) Administration's response to the letter from Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki on inadequate outlying island ferry services during holidays as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)1059/15-16(01) 18 November 2016
CB(4)405/16-17(01) Administration's supplementary information on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 (follow-up paper) 18 November 2016
2 December 2016
CB(4)146/16-17(02) Joint submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Peng Chau residents (Chinese version only) 18 November 2016
2 December 2016
CB(4)108/16-17(06) Paper on outlying island ferry services prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 18 November 2016
2 December 2016
CB(4)226/16-17(01) Joint Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Peng Chau residents (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)196/16-17(04) Joint submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from three Peng Chau traders (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)196/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a deputation (坪洲渡輪關注組) (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)196/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)196/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(04) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(05) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from a member of the public (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(06) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)216/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Discovery Bay Transportation Services Limited (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)195/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Dr Chapman CHEN (English version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Hong Kong & Kowloon Motor Boats & Tug Boats Association Ltd. (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)195/16-17(04) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Miss YU Lai-fan (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)216/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Miss YUNG Wing-sheung (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)204/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Mr Andrew WOOD (English version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)299/16-17(03) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Mr KWONG Koon-wan, Islands District Council member (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)195/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Mr LAU Yin-chiu (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)204/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Mr LEUNG Kwok-ho (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)195/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Mr Stephen GARDNER (English version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)299/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Ms Yvonne CHEUNG Yin-ping (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)216/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from New World First Ferry Services Limited (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)204/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Small Craft workers union (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)299/16-17(01) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from The "Star" Ferry Co. Ltd (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)234/16-17(02) Submission on Special Helping Measures for six major outlying island ferry routes for the next three-year licence period 2017-2020 from Tsui Wah Ferry Service (H.K.) Ltd. (Chinese version only) 2 December 2016
CB(4)250/16-17(03) Submission from a member of the public copied to the Panel on Transport regarding NWFF's ferry frequency (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 6 December 2016*
CB(4)1274/16-17(01) Administration's information paper on the report on findings of public consultation on new franchise for The "Star" Ferry Company Limited 24 February 2017
CB(4)578/16-17(07) Administration's paper on Star Ferry's application for fare increases 24 February 2017
CB(4)578/16-17(08) Paper on Star Ferry's fare increase application prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 24 February 2017
CB(4)649/16-17(04) Submission from Cheung Chau Kai-Fong Society on the fast ferry service in Cheung Chau (Chinese version only) 2 March 2017*

* Issue date