Letter from Hon Tanya CHAN requesting to discuss the construction quality of and other related issues on Central - Wanchai Bypass (Chinese version only)
Administration's paper on the 7861TH-2 - Widening of Tai Po Road (Sha Tin Section) - construction (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only)
Administration's supplementary information on strategic studies on railways and major roads beyond 2030 (follow-up paper) (Chinese version only)
16 June 2017
Joint submission from Providence Peak, The Graces Providence Bay, and Providence Bay Owners' Committees on Strategic studies on railways and major roads beyond 2030 (Chinese version only)
16 June 2017
Letter dated 14 June 2017 from Hon CHU Hoi-dick on railways and major roads beyond 2030 (Chinese version only)
Submission from a Yuen Long District Council member on Public Transport Strategy Study and strategic studies on railways and major roads beyond 2030 (Chinese version only)
Administration's response to the motions proposed under the agenda item of "Strategic studies on railways and major roads beyond 2030" at the meeting on 16 June 2017 and passed at the meeting on 21 July 2017 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)1446/16-17(01) to (04)