Bills Committee on Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 2021


Members' concerns and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)1193/20-21(01) Follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 23 June 2021 14 July 2021
CB(4)1193/20-21(02) Administration's response to the follow-up actions at the meeting on 23 June 2021 14 July 2021
CB(4)1286/20-21(01) Follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 14 July 2021 18 August 2021
CB(4)1286/20-21(02) Administration's response to the follow-up actions at the meeting on 14 July 2021 18 August 2021
CB(4)1445/20-21(01) Follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 18 August 2021 3 September 2021
CB(4)1445/20-21(02) Administration's response to the follow-up actions at the meeting on 18 August 2021 3 September 2021
CB(4)1503/20-21(01) Letter dated 3 September 2021 from Dr Hon Pierre CHAN concerning "views of the medical profession on Medical Registration (Amendment) Bill 2021"(Chinese version only) 6 September 2021*
CB(4)1509/20-21(01) Follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 3 September 2021 7 September 2021*
CB(4)1509/20-21(02) Administration's response to the follow-up actions at the meeting on 3 September 2021 7 September 2021*