Establishment Subcommittee (Results) 5 May 2021 |
Paper Nos. | Subject | Decisions | |
1. | EC(2021-22)5 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Superintendent of Police (PPS 55) in the Hong Kong Police Force with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee for five years to head the Financial Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to be established under the Crime Wing, with a view to strengthening Hong Kong's capability in combating money laundering and terrorist financing in accordance with the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force
| Endorsed
2. | EC(2021-22)1 | Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau for three years from 22 June 2021 or with immediate effect upon approval by the Finance Committee, whichever is later to continue to provide necessary policy input and support to various reform measures of the Mandatory Provident Fund System
| Endorsed
3. | EC(2020-21)14 | Proposed creation of one non-civil service position of Head of Invigorating Island South Office (equivalent to the rank of D2) in the Planning and Lands Branch of the Development Bureau with effect from the date of approval of the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2026 to lead a multi-disciplinary team of the Invigorating Island South Office to co-ordinate with other relevant bureaux/departments to take forward and implement measures under the "Invigorating Island South" initiative
| Endorsed*Legend symbol denoting There was a request from member(s) at the meeting that this item be discussed and voted on separately by the Finance Committee
4. | EC(2021-22)3 | Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Government Architect (D2) in the Home Affairs Bureau with effect from 1 September 2021 or upon approval of the Finance Committee (whichever is later) up to 31 December 2023 to continue to head the Kai Tak Sports Park Section to oversee the implementation of the Kai Tak Sports Park
| Not dealt with
5. | EC(2021-22)4 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Labour Officer (D1) in the Labour Department for three years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to implement and oversee new measures to enhance statutory maternity leave and strengthen support for the implementation of new strategies and policies
| Not dealt with