Establishment Subcommittee (Results) 23 June 2021 |
Paper Nos. | Subject | Decisions | |
1. | EC(2021-22)2 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C (D2) in the Housing Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2025 to oversee the operation of the Task Force on Transitional Housing
| Endorsed*Legend symbol denoting There was a request from member(s) at the meeting that this item be discussed and voted on separately by the Finance Committee
2. | EC(2021-22)8 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Engineer (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2026 to cope with the workload arising from public housing developments
| Endorsed
3. | EC(2021-22)9 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Building Services Engineer (D1) in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department for five years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to head a new division in order to strengthen the planning and implementation of district cooling system projects
| Not dealt with
4. | EC(2021-22)7 | Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of Chief Engineer (D1) in the Highways Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee for three years to cope with the rapidly increasing workload relating to the maintenance of cross-boundary highway infrastructures, other major highway infrastructures as well as ageing public highway structures, and to take part in various tasks relating to land supply and land use planning strategies
| Not dealt with