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Establishment Subcommittee (Results) 1 September 2021

Establishment Subcommittee meeting

held on Wednesday, 1 September 2021 at 8:30 am in Conference Room 1

Record of decisions

 Paper Nos.SubjectDecisions
1.EC(2021-22)15 Proposed creation of six supernumerary posts of three Chief Engineer (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department; one Chief Estate Surveyor (D1) in the Lands Department; one Chief Town Planner (D1) in the Planning Department; and one Chief Estate Surveyor/Principal Valuation Surveyor (D1) in the Government Property Agency for five years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to take forward policy initiatives to increase land supply in the short, medium and long term


2.EC(2021-22)18 Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Government Engineer (D2) and one Chief Engineer (D1) in the Civil Engineering and Development Department with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee up to 31 March 2026 to lead the Kai Tak Office for the co-ordination and implementation of on-going and upcoming projects in and around the Kai Tak Development

Not dealt with

3.EC(2021-22)19 Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Deputy Principal Government Counsel (DL2) and one Assistant Principal Government Counsel (DL1) in the Department of Justice for five years with immediate effect upon approval of the Finance Committee to take forward the new policy initiatives under "Vision 2030 for Rule of Law", and to cope with the increased workload arising from new and existing projects

Not dealt with