Subcommittee on Two Proposed Resolutions under Section 3(1) of the Loans Ordinance


Background/reference papers issued before the formation of the Subcommittee

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
B&M/3/1/4C Legislative Council Brief : Loans Ordinance (Chapter 61) Resolution to Expand the Scope of and Raise the Maximum Amount of Borrowings under the Government Green Bond Programme 21 June 2021
B&M/3/1/2C Legislative Council Brief : Loans Ordinance (Chapter 61) Resolution to Raise the Maximum Amount of Borrowings under the Government Bond Programme 21 June 2021
LS76/20-21 Legal Service Division report on Proposed Resolutions under section 3(1) of the Loans Ordinance (Cap. 61) 21 June 2021