Finance committee

Establishment Subcommittee
Meeting Agenda

Date :28 May 1997
Time:10:30 am

Item No. Subject
I.*Proposed creation of five permanent posts of Principal Environmental Protection Officer(D1) in the Environmental Protection Department to strengthen the directorate structure

(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Director of Environmental Protection)


II.Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) and one Chief Engineer(D1) in the New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Works/the Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office/the Deputy Director of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office/the Project Manager of New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office)

III.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Architect(D1) in the Architectural Services Department to oversee and co-ordinate the works of the Whole-day Primary School Programme and the School Improvement Programme

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Works/the Assistant Director of Architectural Services/the Assistant Director of Education)


IV.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Structural Engineer(D1) to head a new Building Safety Inspection Section in the Specialist Division of the Buildings Department

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Assistant Director of Buildings)


V.Proposed making permanent of the post of Principal Transport Officer(D1) in the Management and Licensing Branch of the Transport Department with effect from 16 July 1997 to oversee contracts for the operation and management of privatised transport facilities and to co-ordinate the drafting of legislation and contracts for new projects identified for privatisation

(In attendance : The Deputy Commissioner for Transport)


VI.Proposed creation of seven permanent judicial posts in four new ranks in the Judiciary with effect from 1 July 1997 offset by the deletion of the rank and post of Chief Justice($202,650) for the establishment of the Court of Final Appeal

(In attendance : The Judiciary Administrator/the Assistant Judiciary Administrator)


VII.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Systems Manager(D1) in the Information Technology Services Department to head a dedicated team for the development and management of the Government Information Technology Infrastructure

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for the Treasury/the Chief Systems Managers, Information Technology Services Department)


VIII.Proposed retention of the consultancy position of one Consultant(at Principal Crown Counsel(DL3)) from 28 December 1997 to 27 September 1998 in the Civil Division of the Legal Department to provide legal advice and to conduct litigation in relation to Vietnamese asylum seekers and illegal immigrants

(In attendance : The Crown Solicitor, Legal Department)


IX.Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts of one Government Land Agent(D2), one Chief Estate Surveyor(D1) and one Chief Land Surveyor(D1) for a period of five years in the new Railway Development Section of Lands Department

(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretaries for Transport/the Principal Government Land Agent, Lands Department/the Government Land Agent, Lands Department/the Government Land Surveyor, Lands Department)


* resubmission item

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Last Updated on 11 September 1998

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