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Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017

Bills (Year 2019 - 2020) Date of Gazette Date of 1st Reading Date of resumption of
2nd Reading debate/
3rd Reading
Date of formation of
Bills Committee
Σβ+ 1. Evidence (Amendment) Bill 2018 22.6.2018 4.7.2018   6.7.2018
+ 2. Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation (Amendment) Bill 2018 6.7.2018 11.7.2018 10-11.6.2020 /
β@+ 3. Waste Disposal (Charging for Municipal Solid Waste) (Amendment) Bill 2018 2.11.2018 14.11.2018 25-26.8.2021/
16.11.2018 Note 1Legend symbol denoting The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2018-2019 session
16.10.2020 Note 2Legend symbol denoting The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2020-2021 session
^+* 4. Professional Accountants (Amendment) Bill 2018 2.11.2018 15.11.2018 21.5.2020
(voted down)
β@+ 5. Fire Safety (Industrial Buildings) Bill 30.11.2018 12.12.2018 11.6.2020 14.12.2018
β@+ 6. Discrimination Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018 30.11.2018 12.12.2018 11.6.2020 14.12.2018
β+ 7. National Anthem Bill 11.1.2019 23.1.2019 27-28.5.2020 &
β@+ 8. Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 2019 8.2.2019 20.2.2019 10.6.2020 1.3.2019
β@+ 9. Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 15.2.2019 20.2.2019 21.10.2021 1.3.2019 Note 1Legend symbol denoting The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2018-2019 session
16.10.2020 Note 2Legend symbol denoting The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2020-2021 session
+ 10. Judicial Officers (Extension of Retirement Age) (Amendment) Bill 2019 1.3.2019 20.3.2019 6-7.11.2019 &
@+ 11. Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2019 1.3.2019 20.3.2019 27-28.11.2019/
β@+ 12. Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax Concessions) Bill 2019 8.3.2019 20.3.2019 23-24.10.2019,
30-31.10.2019 &
+ 13. Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 15.3.2019 27.3.2019 29.10.2020 29.3.2019
14. Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 29.3.2019 3.4.2019 23.10.2019
RemarkLegend symbol denoting At its meeting on 24 May 2019, the House Committee agreed to rescind the decision made on 12 April 2019 under Rule 75(4) of the Rules of Procedure to form the Bills Committee on Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019.
β@+ 15. Occupational Retirement Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2019 4.4.2019 17.4.2019 17.6.2020 26.4.2019
※+ 16. Franchised Taxi Services Bill 26.4.2019 8.5.2019 12.11.2020
β@+ 17. Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2019 28.6.2019 23.10.2019 15-17.7.2020/
※+ 18. Rating (Amendment) Bill 2019 13.9.2019 23.10.2019 12.11.2020
  19. Freight Containers (Safety) (Amendment) Bill 2019 11.10.2019 23.10.2019 4-5.11.2020 /
  20. Supplementary Appropriation (2018-2019) Bill 18.10.2019 30.10.2019 18.6.2020 -
β@+ 21. Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2019 18.10.2019 30.10.2019 17.7.2020 8.5.2020
  22. Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2019 1.11.2019 27.11.2019 17-18.6.2020 /
θβ@+ 23. Road Traffic Legislation (Parking Spaces) (Amendment) Bill 2019 15.11.2019 27.11.2019 12.11.2020 8.5.2020
* 24. St. John's College (Amendment) Bill 2019 6.6.2019,
4.12.2019 18.6.2020 -
  25. Fisheries Protection (Amendment) Bill 2019 6.12.2019 11.12.2019 22.10.2020 &
28-29.10.2020 /
β@ 26. Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Profits Tax Concessions for Insurance-related Businesses) Bill 2019 6.12.2019 18.12.2019 9.7.2020 &
  27. Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) Bill 27.12.2019 8.1.2020 17.7.2020 -
β@$ 28. Employment (Amendment) Bill 2019 27.12.2019 8.1.2020 24.6.2020 &
8-9.7.2020 /
β@+ 29. Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2019 27.12.2019 15.1.2020 14.10.2020 &
21-22.10.2020 /
β 30. Appropriation Bill 2020 26.2.2020 26.2.2020 22-23.4.2020,
6-7.5.2020 &
β@ 31. Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Ship Leasing Tax Concessions) Bill 2020 17.1.2020 18.3.2020 10.6.2020 -
  32. Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Tax Concessions) Bill 2020 6.3.2020 18.3.2020 10.6.2020 -
β@ 33. Limited Partnership Fund Bill 20.3.2020 10.6.2020 9.7.2020 -
  34. Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2020 20.3.2020 10.6.2020 17.7.2020 -
β@ 35. Insurance (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2020 20.3.2020 10.6.2020 17.7.2020 -
β@+ 36. Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2020 31.1.2020 9.12.2020 17.3.2021 11.12.2020

Remark:At its meeting on 24 May 2019, the House Committee agreed to rescind the decision made on 12 April 2019 under Rule 75(4) of the Rules of Procedure to form the Bills Committee on Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019.

+A Bills Committee has been formed for the Bill

*Member's Bill

@Bill passed with amendment(s) moved by Administration

^The resumption of the Second Reading debate originally scheduled at the Council meeting of 3 April 2019 was not dealt with due to absence of the Member in charge of the Bill

$The Secretary for Labour and Welfare's motion moved under RoP 54(4) that the Second Reading debate on the Bill be adjourned and the Bill be referred to the Panel on Manpower instead of the House Committee was passed at the Council meeting of 15 January 2020.

The Second Reading debate on the Bill was originally scheduled to resume at the Council meeting of 12 June 2019. The Council meeting of 12 June 2019 was originally scheduled to be held on 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 June. The President subsequently decided that the meeting was not to be held. The Administration withdrew the relevant notice on 15 June 2019. The Administration wrote to the President on 3 October 2019 stating that the Bill be withdrawn at the first Council meeting of the 2019-2020 session. The Secretary for Security finally made an announcement of the withdrawal of the Bill at the Council meeting of 23 October 2019.

βDebate and Voting Arrangements for Committee stage amendments to Bills

ΣThe Second Reading debate on the Bill was originally scheduled to resume at the Council meeting of 8 July 2020, and subsequently stood over to a Council meeting in the 2020-2021 session. The Administration withdrew the relevant notice on 5 October 2020 and did not give a notice afresh for the resumption of the Second Reading debate on the Bill before the prorogation of the Sixth Legislative Council.

θThe Second Reading debate on the Bill was originally scheduled to resume at the Council meeting of 8 July 2020, and subsequently stood over to the Council meeting in the 2020-2021 session. The Administration withdrew the relevant notice on 19 October 2020. The Administration then issued the notice afresh for the resumption of the Second Reading debate on the Bill at the Council meeting of 11 November 2020.

In 2019-2020 session, the Bills Committee reported to the House Committee its decision to discontinue its scrutiny work on the Bill and the House Committee agreed to dissolve the Bills Committee. The Secretary for Transport and Housing made an announcement of the withdrawal of the Bill at the Council meeting of 11 November 2020.

The Bills Committee formed in 2018-2019 session reported to the House Committee in July 2020 its decision to discontinue its scrutiny work on the Bill and the House Committee agreed to dissolve the Bills Committee. In 2020-2021 session, the House Committee agreed to set up a new Bills Committee to study the Bill.
(Note 1: The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2018-2019 session.
Note 2: The formation date of the Bills Committee formed in 2020-2021 session)