bulletYear 2007 - 2008
bulletYear 2006 - 2007
bulletYear 2005 - 2006
bulletYear 2004 - 2005

BulletSubsidiary Legislation (Year 2005 - 2006)

Bullet The positive vetting procedure
Bullet The negative vetting procedure

 The positive vetting procedure

Any subsidiary legislation which requires the approval of the Council has to be submitted to the Council, which may by resolution approve or amend it. Section 35 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance, Cap. 1 provides for the legal basis of such procedure.

To view the terms of the resolutions, click the relevant links in the first column below to go to the Agenda for the relevant resolution. To view the decisions of the Council, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting.

By positive vetting procedure:
Government Motion/Resolution House Committee Meeting Legal Service Division Report Council Meeting
Resolution under the Tung Chung Cable Car Ordinance (section 22 of Cap. 577) 17.6.05
LS 82/04-05 2.11.05
Resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (section 29 of Cap. 138)
-Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2005

-Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2005
11.11.05 LS 8/05-06 23.11.05
Resolution under the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (section 4(2) of Cap. 109) 2.12.05 LS 13/05-06 14.12.05
Resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (section 29 of Cap. 138)
-Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Regulation 2006

-Poisons List (Amendment) Regulation 2006
3.2.06 LS 28/05-06 15.2.06
Resolutions under the Public Bus Services Ordinance (section 5(3)(b) of Cap. 230) 17.2.06 LS 33/05-06 1.3.06
Resolution under the Public Finance Ordinance (section 7(1) of Cap. 2) 17.2.06 LS 31/05-06 1.3.06
Resolutions under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance (section 4 of Cap. 525)
-Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Israel) Order

-Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Poland) Order
LS 37/05-06 14.6.06
Resolution under the Motor Vehicles (First Registration Tax) Ordinance (section 5(4) of Cap. 330) 24.2.06 LS 40/05-06 8.3.06
Resolution under the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation Ordinance (section 23 of Cap. 1115) 17.3.06 LS 46/05-06 29.3.06
Resolution under the Legal Aid Ordinance (section 7(a) of Cap. 91) 21.4.06 LS 59/05-06 3.5.06
Resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (section 29 of Cap. 138)
-Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2006

-Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2006
12.5.06 LS62/05-06 17.5.06
Resolution under the Road Traffic Ordinance (section 23(3) of Cap. 374) 12.5.06 LS65/05-06 24.5.06
Resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (section 29 of Cap. 138)
-Pharmacy and Poisons (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006

-Pharmacists (Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2006
12.5.06 LS66/05-06 24.5.06
Resolution under the Radiation Ordinance (section 13 of Cap. 303)
-Radiation (Control of Radioactive Substances) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006

-Radiation (Control of Irradiating Apparatus) (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2006
12.5.06 LS67/05-06 24.5.06
Resolution under the District Councils Ordinance (section 8 of Cap. 547)
-District Councils Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2006
26.5.06 LS71/05-06 7.6.06
Resolution under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (section 46 of Cap. 485)
-Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2006

2.6.06 LS73/05-06 14.6.06
Resolution under the Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Ordinance 2001 (section 3 of Cap. 568)
-Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Ordinance 2001 (Amendment) Notice 2006

16.6.06 LS80/05-06 21.6.06
Resolution under the District Councils Ordinance (section 8 of Cap. 547)
-District Councils Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006
16.6.06 LS75/05-06 21.6.06
Resolution under the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (section 100A of Cap. 1) 23.6.06 LS87/05-06
Resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (section 29 of Cap. 138)
-Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2006

-Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulation 2006
30.6.06 LS100/05-06 12.7.06


The negative vetting procedure

Other subsidiary legislation is first published in the Gazette and then laid on the table of the Council at its meetings. The Council may amend a piece of subsidiary legislation by a resolution passed at a Council meeting held not later than 28 days after the meeting at which it was so laid. This period for scrutinizing and amending subsidiary legislation is called the vetting period.

The vetting period of any subsidiary legislation may be extended by a resolution passed at a Council meeting before its expiry. The vetting period may be extended to the first Council meeting held after the 21st day from the original expiry day.

Unless otherwise provided for in the subsidiary legislation concerned, a piece of subsidiary legislation comes into operation on the day it is published in the Gazette. It continues to operate unless a resolution to amend it has been passed and until the date of publication in the Gazette of such a resolution.

Section 34 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) provides for the legal basis for the above procedure.

Check the Gazette of the relevant publication date published by the Government for details of the subsidiary legislation.

By negative vetting procedure
Date of tabling
in Council
Subject Gazette date
(Legal Notice No.)
Considered by
House Committee on
Legal Service
Division's report
15.6.05* Prisons (Amendment) Order 2005 10.6.05
17.6.05 LS 83/04-05
15.6.05* Tate's Cairn Tunnel Ordinance (Replacement of Schedule) Notice 2005
( with Motion on Adjournment moved )
17.6.05 LS 83/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Swiss Federal Council) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Republic of Finland) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the State of Kuwait) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Republic of Kenya) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Republic of Iceland) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Aircraft Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Kingdom of Denmark) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income from Shipping Operation) Order 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* News Agencies Registration (Amendment) Regulation 2005 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Newspapers Registration and Distribution (Amendment) Regulation 2005 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Legal Officers Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2005 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Seventh Schedule) Notice 2005 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
22.6.05* Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 17.6.05
24.6.05 LS 85/04-05
6.7.05* Securities and Futures (Investor Compensation - Levy) (Amendment) Rules 2005 30.6.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
6.7.05* St. John's College Ordinance - Resolution 30.6.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
6.7.05* Building (Planning) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 30.6.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
6.7.05* Pilotage (Dues) (Amendment) Order 2005 30.6.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Market to which the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance Applies Declaration 2005 15.7.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services (Designation of Public Markets) Order 2005 22.7.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Tenth Schedule) Order 2005 22.7.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 5) Notice 2005 29.7.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Ordinance (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2005 2.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases Regulations (Amendment of Form) Order 2005 2.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services (Setting Aside Places for Use as Public Pleasure Grounds) (No. 2) Order 2005 5.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2005 5.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Statutes of the University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Statute 2005 12.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Aviation Security (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 12.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Harmful Substances in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2005 26.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Seventh Schedule) (No. 2) Notice 2005 26.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Amendment) (Macau) Ordinance (Commencement) Notice 26.8.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Places for Autopsies (Amendment) Order 2005 2.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 6) Notice 2005 2.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Barristers (Qualification for Admission and Pupillage) (Amendment) Rules 2005 16.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Waste Disposal (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (Commencement) Notice 16.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Commencement) Notice 2005 16.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Waste Disposal (Designated Waste Disposal Facility) (Amendment) Regulation 2004 (Commencement) Notice 2005 16.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Legal Practitioners (Risk Management Education) (Amendment) Rules 2005 23.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Market to which the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance Applies (No. 2) Declaration 2005 23.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Banking (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 2005 23.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 (Amendment of Commencement Date) Regulation 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Child Abduction and Custody (Parties to Convention) (Amendment) Order 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services (Designation of Public Markets) (No. 2) Order 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Tenth Schedule) (No. 2) Order 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Legal Practitioners (Risk Management Education) Rules (Appointment of End Date of First Practice Year) Notice 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Legal Practitioners (Risk Management Education) Rules (Appointment of Commencement Date) Notice 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 7) Notice 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 2005 30.9.05
7.10.05 LS 121/04-05
12.10.05 Shipping and Port Control (Ferry Terminals) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Closed Area (Hong Kong Ministerial Conference of World Trade Organization) Order
( with Motion on Adjournment moved )
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Designation of Museum (Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre) Order 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Practising Certificate (Solicitors) (Reduction of Fee for Practising Certificate) Rules 2005 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Companies (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
12.10.05 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Denmark) Order (Commencement) Notice 7.10.05
14.10.05 LS 1/05-06
19.10.05 Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 14.10.05
21.10.05 LS 3/05-06
19.10.05 Construction Workers Registration (Fees) Regulation
( with resolution moved on it )
21.10.05 LS 3/05-06
19.10.05 Construction Workers Registration Ordinance (Commencement) Notice 2005 14.10.05
21.10.05 LS 3/05-06
19.10.05 Barristers (Admission) (Amendment) Rules 2005 14.10.05
21.10.05 LS 3/05-06
19.10.05 Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Seventh Schedule) (Lebanon) Notice 2005 14.10.05
21.10.05 LS 3/05-06
26.10.05 Road Traffic (Driving Licences) (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
26.10.05 Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
26.10.05 Road Traffic (Village Vehicles) (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
26.10.05 Road Traffic Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 5 - Charge Revision) Order 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
26.10.05 Road Traffic (Reduction of Fee for Designation of Driving School) Order 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
26.10.05 Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Notice 2005 21.10.05
4.11.05 LS 5/05-06
2.11.05 Water Pollution Control (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Specification of Arrangements (Government of the Kingdom of Thailand) (Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion) Order 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Air Pollution Control (Reduction of Fee for Permit for Open Burning) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Air Pollution Control (Specified Processes) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Ozone Layer Protection (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Noise Control (General) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Noise Control (Air Compressors) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Noise Control (Hand Held Percussive Breakers) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Dumping at Sea (Fees Adjustment) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Building Management (Fee Revision) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation (Revision of Licence Fees) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Preservatives in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2005 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
2.11.05 Securities and Futures (Investor Compensation - Levy) (Amendment) Rules 2005 (Commencement) Notice 28.10.05
4.11.05 LS 7/05-06
9.11.05 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 8) Notice 2005 4.11.05
11.11.05 LS 9/05-06
16.11.05 Securities and Futures Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 5) Notice 2005 11.11.05
18.11.05 LS 10/05-06
23.11.05 Merchant Shipping (Registration) (Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 18.11.05
25.11.05 LS 12/05-06
23.11.05 Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) Regulation 2005 18.11.05
25.11.05 LS 12/05-06
23.11.05 Specification of Public Office 18.11.05
25.11.05 LS 12/05-06
23.11.05 Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Rate of Interest) (Amendment) Order 2005 18.11.05
25.11.05 LS 12/05-06
23.11.05 Shipping and Port Control Regulations (Amendment of Seventh Schedule) Notice 2005 18.11.05
25.11.05 LS 12/05-06
30.11.05 Import and Export (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 25.11.05
2.12.05 LS 14/05-06
30.11.05 Reserved Commodities (Control of Imports, Exports and Reserve Stocks) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 25.11.05
2.12.05 LS 14/05-06
30.11.05 Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases (Amendment) Regulation 2005 25.11.05
2.12.05 LS 14/05-06
30.11.05 Air Pollution Control (Emission Reduction Devices for Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 25.11.05
2.12.05 LS 14/05-06
30.11.05 Substitution of References to Commencement Date of Revenue (Abolition of Estate Duty) Ordinance 2005 Notice 25.11.05
2.12.05 LS 14/05-06
7.12.05 Registered Designs Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule) Regulation 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
7.12.05 Trade Marks Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Regulation 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
7.12.05 Patents Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
7.12.05 Layout-Design (Topography) of Integrated Circuits (Designation of Qualifying Countries, Territories or Areas) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
7.12.05 Designation of Libraries (No. 2) Order 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
7.12.05 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 9) Notice 2005 2.12.05
9.12.05 LS 16/05-06
14.12.05 Film Censorship (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2005 9.12.05
16.12.05 LS 17/05-06
14.12.05 Public Health and Municipal Services (Setting Aside Places for Use as Public Pleasure Grounds) (No. 3) Order 2005 9.12.05
16.12.05 LS 17/05-06
14.12.05 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) (No. 3) Order 2005 9.12.05
16.12.05 LS 17/05-06
21.12.05 Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Legal Aid (Charge on Property) (Rate of Interest) Regulation 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Census and Statistics (2006 Population Census) Order 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Adoption (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (Commencement) Notice 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Convention Adoption (Exclusion) Order 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Intercountry Adoption (Contracting States) Order 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Adoption (Amendment) Rules 2005 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Convention Adoption Rules 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Securities and Futures (Contracts Limits and Reportable Positions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2005 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
21.12.05 Road Traffic (Traffic Control) (Designation of Prohibited and Restricted Zones) (Amendment) Notice 2005 16.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
11.1.06 Antiquities and Monuments (Declaration of Historical Building) Notice 2005 30.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
11.1.06 Tax Reserve Certificates (Rate of Interest) (No. 10) Notice 2005 30.12.05
6.1.06 LS 18/05-06
11.1.06 Business Registration (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2006 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Dutiable Commodities (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Inland Revenue Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 5 and 11 - Fee Revision) Order 2006 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Fourth and Fifth Schedules) Order 2006 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Statutes of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Statutes 2005 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Statutes of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Amendment) (No. 2) Statute 2005 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
11.1.06 Evidence (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2003 (Commencement) Notice 2006 6.1.06
13.1.06 LS 22/05-06
18.1.06 Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Charges for Discharge of Polluting Waste) (Charges Revision) Regulation 2006 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Civil Celebrant of Marriages Appointment Appeal Board Regulation 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Marriage (Introduction of Civil Celebrants of Marriages and General Amendments) Ordinance (Commencement) Notice 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Application for New Identity Cards (Persons Born in or before 1942, in 1990 to 1992 or 1997 to 2003) Order 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Prisons (Amendment) Order 2006 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Official Languages (Alteration of Text under Section 4D) (Reference to "sufficient proof" in the Probate and Administration Ordinance) Order 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
18.1.06 Revenue (Personalized Vehicle Registration Marks) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 13.1.06
3.2.06 LS 23/05-06
8.2.06 Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 2006 20.1.06
3.2.06 LS 26/05-06
8.2.06 Employment (Increase in Penalty for Offences under Section 63C) Ordinance 2006 (Commencement) Notice 27.1.06
10.2.06 LS 29/05-06
8.2.06 Road Traffic (Traffic Control) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 (Commencement) Notice 3.2.06
10.2.06 LS 30/05-06
8.2.06 Waste Disposal Ordinance (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Notice 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
10.2.06 LS 30/05-06
8.2.06 Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Licensing of Livestock Keeping) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
10.2.06 LS 30/05-06
15.2.06 Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) (Amendment) Regulation 2005 (Commencement) Notice 10.2.06
17.2.06 LS 34/05-06
15.2.06 Legal Aid (Charge on Property) (Rate of Interest) Regulation (Commencement) Notice 10.2.06
17.2.06 LS 34/05-06
22.2.06 Fugitive Offenders (Finland) Order 17.2.06
24.2.06 LS 36/05-06
1.3.06 Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Rate of Interest) (Amendment) Order 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
1.3.06 Village Representative Election Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules) Order 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
1.3.06 Import and Export Ordinance (Specification of Ending Date under Section 42) Notice 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
1.3.06 Import and Export (Registration) Regulations (Specification of Ending Date under Regulation 15) Notice 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
1.3.06 Import and Export (General) Regulations (Specification of Ending Date under Regulation 6DAH) Notice 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
1.3.06 Reserved Commodities (Control of Imports, Exports and Reserve Stocks) Regulations (Specification of Ending Date under Regulation 26) Notice 2006 24.2.06
3.3.06 LS 41/05-06
8.3.06 Road Tunnels (Government) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Road Tunnels (Government) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule) Notice 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Dutiable Commodities (Fee Revision) (No. 2) Regulation 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Pawnbrokers (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Firearms and Ammunition (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Firearms and Ammunition (Revision of Storage Fees) Order 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Markets (Cessation of Application of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance) Declaration 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Public Health and Municipal Services (Cessation of Designation as Public Markets) Order 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Tenth Schedule) Order 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Registration of Persons (Application for New Identity Cards) (Amendment) Order 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Statutes of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Statute 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
8.3.06 Statutes of the University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Statute 2006 3.3.06
10.3.06 LS 45/05-06
22.3.06 Import and Export (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 10.3.06
17.3.06 LS 47/05-06
22.3.06 Import and Export (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 10.3.06
17.3.06 LS 47/05-06
22.3.06 Professional Accountants (Amendment) Bylaw 2006 10.3.06
17.3.06 LS 47/05-06
22.3.06 Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 10.3.06
17.3.06 LS 47/05-06
22.3.06 Public Health and Municipal Services (Setting Aside Places for Use as Public Pleasure Grounds) Order 2006 17.3.06
24.3.06 LS 49/05-06
22.3.06 Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order 2006 17.3.06
24.3.06 LS 49/05-06
29.3.06 Hospital Authority Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Order 2006 24.3.06
31.3.06 LS 54/05-06
29.3.06 Mental Health (Declaration of Kowloon Psychiatric Observation Unit as Mental Hospital) and Declaration of Mental Hospital (Consolidation) (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2006 24.3.06
31.3.06 LS 54/05-06
29.3.06 Trade Marks (Amendment) Rules 2006 24.3.06
31.3.06 LS 54/05-06
29.3.06 Banking (Specification of Public Sector Entities in Hong Kong) (Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Ocean Park Corporation) Notice 24.3.06
31.3.06 LS 54/05-06
26.4.06 Chinese Nationality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule - Fees Revision) Order 2006 7.4.06
21.4.06 LS 56/05-06
26.4.06 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule - Fees Revision) Notice 2006 7.4.06
21.4.06 LS 56/05-06
26.4.06 Immigration (Fees Revision) Regulation 2006 7.4.06
21.4.06 LS 56/05-06
26.4.06 Registration of Persons (Fees Revision) Regulation 2006 7.4.06
21.4.06 LS 56/05-06
26.4.06 Employees Retraining Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Notice 2006 21.4.06
28.4.06 LS 60/05-06
3.5.06 Reserved Commodities Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Notice 2006 28.4.06
12.5.06 LS63/05-06
10.5.06 Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (Amendment of Schedule 16) Order 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Dangerous Drugs (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Antibiotics (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Pharmacy and Poisons (Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Quarantine and Prevention of Disease (Scale of Charges) (Charges Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Dentists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Ancillary Dental Workers (Dental Hygienists) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Medical Registration (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Midwives Registration (Fee Reduction) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Nurses (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Enrolled Nurses (Enrolment and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Medical Laboratory Technologists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Occupational Therapists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Radiographers (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Optometrists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Physiotherapists (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Chiropractors Registration (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Chinese Medicine Practitioners (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Chinese Medicine (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
10.5.06 Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006 4.5.06
12.5.06 LS64/05-06
17.5.06 Broadcasting (Revision of Licence Fees) Regulation 2006 12.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
17.5.06 Fire Service (Installation Contractors) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 12.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
17.5.06 Fire Services Department (Reports and Certificates) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 12.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
17.5.06 Dangerous Goods (General) (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 12.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
17.5.06 Timber Stores (Fee Revision) Regulation 2006 12.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
17.5.06 Chief Executive Election and Legislative Council Election (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2006 (Commencement) Notice 13.5.06
19.5.06 LS69/05-06
24.5.06 Security and Guarding Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants (Exemption for Appendix I Species) Order 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants (Exemption for Appendices II and III Species) Order 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 4) Notice 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Deposit Protection Scheme (Representation on Scheme Membership and Protection of Financial Products under Scheme) Rules 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Deposit Protection Scheme (Payment of Contributions, Late Payment Fees and Rebates) Rules 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance (Commencement) Notice 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards) (Emission) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration) (Electors for Legislative Council Functional Constituencies) (Voters for Election Committee Subsectors) (Members of Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Electoral Affairs Commission (Nominations Advisory Committees (Election Committee)) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Airport Authority Ordinance (Map of Restricted Area) Order 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Registration of Persons (Invalidation of Identity Cards) Order 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) (Amendment) Rules 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Securities and Futures (Client Securities) (Amendment) Rules 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Securities and Futures (Contract Notes, Statements of Account and Receipts) (Amendment) Rules 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
24.5.06 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Loadshifting Machinery) Regulation (Commencement) Notice 2006 19.5.06
26.5.06 LS72/05-06
7.6.06 Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006 (Amendment) Order 2006 2.6.06
16.6.06 LS81/05-06
7.6.06 Declaration of Increase in Pensions Notice 2006 2.6.06
16.6.06 LS 81/05-06
7.6.06 Widows and Orphans Pension (Increase) Notice 2006 2.6.06
16.6.06 LS 81/05-06
14.6.06 Marine Parks and Marine Reserves (Amendment) Regulation 2006 9.6.06
16.6.06 LS 83/05-06
14.6.06 Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 (Commencement) Notice 2006 9.6.06
16.6.06 LS 83/05-06
14.6.06 Dangerous Goods (Consignment by Air) (Safety) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2006 (Commencement) Notice 2006 9.6.06
16.6.06 LS 83/05-06
14.6.06 Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (Amendment of Schedule 16) Order 2006 (Commencement) Notice 9.6.06
16.6.06 LS 83/05-06
21.6.06 Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 16.6.06
23.6.06 LS 85/05-06
21.6.06 Securities and Futures (Reduction of Levy) Order 2006 16.6.06
23.6.06 LS 85/05-06
21.6.06 Legal Aid Ordinance - Resolution of the Legislative Council (Commencement) Notice 16.6.06
23.6.06 LS 85/05-06
28.6.06 Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2006 23.6.06
30.6.06 LS 89/05-06
28.6.06 Electronic Transactions (Exclusion) (Amendment of Schedules) Order 2006 23.6.06
30.6.06 LS 89/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (Citybus Limited) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (Citybus Limited) (North Lantau and Chek Lap Kok Airport) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (Long Win Bus Company Limited) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (New Lantao Bus Company (1973) Limited) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Schedule of Routes (New World First Bus Services Limited) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Exhibitions) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
( with resolution moved on it )
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 The Ombudsman Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Food Business (Amendment) Regulation 2006 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006 (Commencement) Notice 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06
10.7.06 Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order 2006 (Amendment) Order 2006 (Commencement) Notice 7.7.06
21.7.06 LS 96/05-06

* 2004-05 LegCo session

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