bulletYear 2007 - 2008
bulletYear 2006 - 2007
bulletYear 2005 - 2006
bulletYear 2004 - 2005


Questions(Year 2006 - 2007)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 18.10.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Yuen-hanProcurement of drugs by public hospitalsReply
Q. 2
LAM Kin-fung, JeffreyPersonalized Vehicle Registration Marks SchemeReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Yiu-chungPlans allowing contract or temporary staff to transfer to permanent establishmentReply
Q. 4
Margaret NGTaxi drivers offering fare discountsReply
Q. 5
LAU Kong-wahNgong Ping 360 cable carReply
Q. 6
KWOK Ka-kiMental Health PolicyReply
Q. 7
CHOY So-yukUse of "worn-out" tyres in container trucksReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoCorporal punishmentReply
Q. 9
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyChief Executive giving directions to statutory bodiesReply
Q. 10
LEE Kok-long, JosephHealth care professions not requiring registrationReply
Q. 11
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertVehicular speed limit for certain sections of South Lantao RoadReply
Q. 12
HO Chung-tai, RaymondLuminosity of street lightsReply
Q. 13
Bernard CHANDrug abuseReply
Q. 14
CHENG Jinghan, AlbertDirecting traffic by building attendants or security personnel of private buildingsReply
Q. 15
TAM Heung-manHealth services for womenReply
Q. 16
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickReview of policy portfolios of various bureauxReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Man-kwongPublic access to reports submitted by public-funded committeesReply
Q. 18
TO Kun-sun, JamesPlacement of ovitrap for mosquito surveillanceReply
Q. 19
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewCurbing the spread of AIDSReply
Q. 20
SIN Chung-kaiRegulation of Open Network Access for Third Generation mobile servicesReply

Council meeting on 25.10.2006

Question No. Raised by Subject Type
Q. 1
LAU Kong-wahOperation of LPG filling stationsReply
Q. 2
Margaret NGLegislation on management of public recordsReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Yiu-chungOperation and safety of skyrailReply
Q. 4
LI Fung-yingMainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
KWOK Ka-kiFunctions and status of the Hong Kong Medical CouncilReply
Q. 6
TSANG Yok-singPrivacy protection for data in cellular phonesReply
Q. 7
CHENG Jinghan, AlbertCleanliness of refuse collection vehiclesReply
Q. 8CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoStatistics on eco-buildingsReply
Q. 9
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyRegulation of oil pricesReply
Q. 10
WONG Ting-kwongCo-operation between Hong Kong and Guangzhou in financial affairsReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukMainland under-age girls engaging in prostitution in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
LEE Kok-long, JosephSeparation of prescribing from dispensing of drugsReply
Q. 13
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickPromotion of breast-feeding of babiesReply
Q. 14
HO Chung-tai, RaymondDrug-resistant tuberculosis casesReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiIT education strategyReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahRegulating the dissemination on the Internet of remarks advocating terrorist attacks or threatening public safetyReply
Q. 17
KWOK Ka-kiWorking hours of doctors in public hospitalsReply
Q. 18CHENG Jinghan, AlbertOperation of pedestrian traffic lightsReply
Q. 19
LAU Wai-hing, EmilySex offences against children under the age of 16Reply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickPromoting the purchase of vehicles with low emissions and high fuel efficiencyReply

Council meeting on 1.11.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertRegulation on the spraying of insecticideReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyImpact of implementing five-day work week on the canteens in government office buildingsReply
Q. 3
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickProposal to introduce a goods and services taxReply
Q. 4
LEONG Kah-kit, AlanMoratorium to restrict building development in Mid-LevelsReply
Q. 5
HO Chung-tai, RaymondHome Ownership Scheme buildings in a dilapidated stateReply
Q. 6
CHOY So-yukMeasures to promote green buildingsReply
Q. 7
CHEUNG Hok-mingOutstanding projects of the former Municipal CouncilsReply
Q. 8
LI Wah-ming, FredSafety of cosmetic productsReply
Q. 9
Bernard CHANLanguages used in university lecturesReply
Q. 10
LEE Kok-long, JosephMedical services for residents in Tseung Kwan OReply
Q. 11
LAU Kong-wahQuality of water used for keeping live seafoodReply
Q. 12
KWOK Ka-kiProtection of privacy of doctorsReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoLRT passengers falling onto railway tracksReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiReview on local access chargesReply
Q. 15
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyReview of dual filing systemReply
Q. 16
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickImplementation of a five-day work weekReply
Q. 17
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyEnglish language education in primary schoolsReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiSetting up of smoking roomsReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahSmart identity cards replacement exercise for the elderly peopleReply

Council meeting on 8.11.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyAcquisition of assets and shares in a listed telecommunication companyReply
Q. 2
WONG Ting-kwongUse of factory buildingsReply
Q. 3
TAM Heung-manProtection of consumers' rights and interestsReply
Q. 4
TO Kun-sun, JamesTrial of criminal cases in the Mainland involving crime committed in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
YEUNG SumHospital Authority Drug FormularyReply
Q. 6
CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaRegulation of performances in pedestrian precinctsReply
Q. 7
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyReplacement of government vehicles with vehicles of lower emission levelsReply
Q. 8
LI Kwok-yingRegulation of Colonic HydrotherapyReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Kwok-hungAssistance for children with Down's Syndrome and handicapped childrenReply
Q. 10
HO Chun-yan, AlbertCivil servants taken up employment after retirementReply
Q. 11
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCLP's tariff structure for domestic customersReply
Q. 12
Margaret NGManagement and preservation of records of the Government and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Yiu-chungEmployment service of the Labour DepartmentReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Hok-mingCross-boundary bus service between Tsing Yi and HuanggangReply
Q. 15
LI Wah-ming, FredCremation service for petsReply
Q. 16
LEE Kok-long, JosephPsychiatric services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiInternationally recognized IT certificationReply
Q. 18
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickPromotion of family-friendly measuresReply
Q. 19
KWOK Ka-kiElectronic Road Pricing Feasibility StudyReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahProvision of air conditioning for venues in community halls and community centresReply

Council meeting on 15.11.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyRegulation of greenhouse gas emissionsReply
Q. 2
HO Chun-yan, AlbertRegulation of private columbariaReply
Q. 3
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewFatal traffic accidentsReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Hok-mingPrevention and fighting of hill fireReply
Q. 5
WONG Yung-kanDevelopment of tourist attractionsReply
Q. 6
LI Wah-ming, FredWork of the Hong Kong Tourism BoardReply
Q. 7
LEE Wing-tatIllegal structures on the rooftop of factory buildingsReply
Q. 8
LI Kwok-yingIssuance of Closed Area Permits to new residents in Sha Tau KokReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Kwok-hungDefaults on payment of wages and MPF contributions by employers in the construction industryReply
Q. 10
TO Kun-sun, JamesGreen roof-topsReply
Q. 11
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertDefault in payment of hospital charges by Mainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
LEE Kok-long, JosephMainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
SIN Chung-kaiRegulatory framework for the deployment of broadband wireless access technologies and servicesReply
Q. 14
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickThe principles adopted in drawing up the annual budgetReply
Q. 15
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyRecent purchase of large saloon cars by the GovernmentReply
Q. 16
KWOK Ka-kiChildren of Chinese nationality born to non-residents in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahStrive for valuable cultural or natural heritage in Hong Kong to be inscribed on the World Heritage ListReply
Q. 18
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewSubmission of Master Layout Plans for approval by the Director of LandsReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingVideo displays and glass panels overhanging from buildingsReply
Q. 20
LI Wah-ming, FredSea burialsReply

Council meeting on 22.11.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TSANG Yok-singSupply and demand of student hostel places at various universitiesReply
Q. 2
LAM Wai-keung, DanielPilot schemes under the new nature conservation policyReply
Q. 3
LEE Kok-long, JosephAbuse of drugs by adolescentsReply
Q. 4
LEE Chu-ming, MartinOil leakage by power plantsReply
Q. 5
SIN Chung-kaiInvestment income from Foreign Exchange FundReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahJuvenile crimes and the problem of youth gangsReply
Q. 7
Howard YOUNGMonitoring the conduct within various industriesReply
Q. 8
LAU Chin-shekRemoval of existing roadside publicity materials during electionsReply
Q. 9
TAM Heung-manCommunication channels between LegCo Members returned by functional constituencies and their electorsReply
Q. 10
HO Chun-yan, AlbertReview on the excessive interest rates under the Money Lenders OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungRegistration of and validation tests for construction workersReply
Q. 12
LI Kwok-yingIllegal conversions in factory buildings for residential purposesReply
Q. 13
CHOY So-yukRegulation of emissions from franchised busesReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Yiu-chungProvision of baby-sitting and breast-feeding rooms in public placesReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Hok-mingSmuggling of petrol by cross-boundary trucksReply
Q. 16
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertPlanting of trees in country parksReply
Q. 17
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickProvision of escalators leading directly to the ground level at all MTR entrances/exitsReply
Q. 18
TAM Yiu-chungRegulation of the travel industryReply
Q. 19
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyYouth Ambassador Against Internet Piracy SchemeReply
Q. 20
KWOK Ka-kiCompensation for employees suffering from mesotheliomaReply

Council meeting on 29.11.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TONG Ka-wah, RonnyThe Chief Executive and principal officials attending programmes of RTHKReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoCharging mode of fixed telephone servicesReply
Q. 3
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickLong-term travel support for low-income earnersReply
Q. 4
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyGreen procurement policy of government departmentsReply
Q. 5
TAM Heung-manMeasures to tackle road traffic noiseReply
Q. 6
TO Kun-sun, JamesAssisting divorcees in applying for public housing unitsReply
Q. 7
LAM Wai-keung, DanielProvision of leisure and cultural services facilities in rural villagesReply
Q. 8
Howard YOUNGImplementation of air traffic control by the authorities of nearby airportsReply
Q. 9
TSANG Yok-singRegulation of the contents of television programmes broadcast on mobile phonesReply
Q. 10
WONG Ting-kwongManpower on scientific research and developmentReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatTax on plastic bagsReply
Q. 12
HO Chun-yan, AlbertFinancial information of KCRCReply
Q. 13
CHOY So-yukNuisances caused by diesel locomotivesReply
Q. 14
LI Kwok-yingSafety of eggsReply
Q. 15
LEUNG Yiu-chungEarly diagnosis of breast cancer and cervical cancerReply
Q. 16
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertEstablishment of a Commission on ChildrenReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Hok-mingProposal to demolish a section of the Eastern CorridorReply
Q. 18
LEE Kok-long, JosephComposition of registration boards and councils for health care professionsReply
Q. 19
SIN Chung-kaiHelping the disadvantaged groups to overcome the digital divideReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahElderly people waiting for subsidized places in residential care homes for the elderly Reply

Council meeting on 6.12.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Wong-fatHuman myiasis casesReply
Q. 2
LI Kwok-yingSmuggling of hazardous chemicals by trainReply
Q. 3
LEE Wing-tatGranting of sites by way of private treatyReply
Q. 4
KWOK Ka-kiImpact of Mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong on the population policyReply
Q. 5
YEUNG SumSmall class teaching schemeReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Man-kwongImpact of the education voucher system on the remuneration of kindergarten teachersReply
Q. 7
WONG Yung-kanAccidents relating to river trade vesselsReply
Q. 8
TAM Yiu-chungElderly health centres under the Department of HealthReply
Q. 9
TAM Heung-manGender benchmark for the composition of advisory bodiesReply
Q. 10
TSANG Yok-singUse of accessories to instantly re-transmit signals of TV programmesReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongDevelopment of a logistics park on Lantau IslandReply
Q. 12
TO Kun-sun, JamesAutomatic phone appointment service in general out-patient clinicsReply
Q. 13
HO Chun-yan, AlbertManagement of monuments and historical buildingsReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukClassifying historical buildingsReply
Q. 15
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertDefault payment of MPF contributions by employersReply
Q. 16
CHEUNG Hok-mingGambling activities on premises of clansmen associationsReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiInformation securityReply
Q. 18
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickCollection of ratesReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahIndecent assault cases on public transportReply
Q. 20
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyResignation of independent non-executive directors of listed companiesReply

Council meeting on 13.12.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Kwok-hingManagement of Fu Shan Crematorium and Kwai Chung CrematoriumReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Hok-mingThe loss of marine sand at Cheung Sha BeachReply
Q. 3
TSANG Yok-singRollout of digital terrestrial broadcasting servicesReply
Q. 4
CHOY So-yukTrimming of treesReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoNew Dawn Project implemented by SWDReply
Q. 6
HO Chung-tai, RaymondRegulation on transportation of large goodsReply
Q. 7
LAU Wong-fatDistrict and rural minor worksReply
Q. 8
CHAN Yuen-hanCommunity-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infectionsReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongEducation for ethnic minority childrenReply
Q. 10
Margaret NGContingency plan for rabies outbreakReply
Q. 11
Bernard CHANHandling of an old train compartmentReply
Q. 12
TAM Heung-manRegulation of practices in selling television subscription servicesReply
Q. 13
TO Kun-sun, JamesAir pollution caused by vesselsReply
Q. 14
WONG Ting-kwongInternational exhibitions organized by private organizationsReply
Q. 15
LI Kwok-yingIncidents relating to the use of surgical tools not thoroughly sterilizedReply
Q. 16
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertRegulation on charges for bank servicesReply
Q. 17
LEE Kok-long, JosephAbandoned babies born to Mainland women in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiPsychiatric services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 19
SIN Chung-kaiHong Kong WinterFest organized by the Hong Kong Tourism BoardReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickFinancial security for the elderlyReply

Council meeting on 20.12.2006

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHENG Jinghan, AlbertDuty arrangement for franchised bus driversReply
Q. 2
LUI Ming-wahAir pollution indicesReply
Q. 3
TAM Yiu-chungMeasures to improve air ventilation in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
LAM Wai-keung, DanielRoad safety in villagesReply
Q. 5
WONG Yung-kanNuisances caused by wild pigsReply
Q. 6
LI Wah-ming, FredChemical residues in fruits and vegetablesReply
Q. 7
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesAir Quality ObjectivesReply
Q. 8
MA LikFood safety of food imported from places other than the MainlandReply
Q. 9
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyDisciplinary proceedings in respect of civil servantsReply
Q. 10
HO Chung-tai, RaymondInstallation of vapour recovery systems for the petrol dispensers in petrol filling stationsReply
Q. 11
TSANG Yok-singSafety of sauna rooms in clubhouses of private housing estatesReply
Q. 12
Bernard CHANNotification mechanism between Hong Kong and the Mainland for information on persons convicted in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
TO Kun-sun, JamesPoint system for issuance, revocation and renewal of liquor licenceReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukCode of Practice for the Keeping of Dogs on Construction Sites in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
LI Kwok-yingMedical centres in the shopping centres managed by The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 16
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertOperation of the cross-boundary Tuen Mun Ferry TerminalReply
Q. 17
KWOK Ka-kiMedical services for pregnant womenReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahIncidents of objects being thrown from a height in public housing estatesReply
Q. 19
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyCross-media ownership restrictionsReply
Q. 20
SIN Chung-kaiTransfer of funds to the General Revenue AccountReply

Council meeting on 10.1.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Kwan-yuen, AndrewPromoting Hong Kong as an international exhibition centreReply
Q. 2
LEE Kok-long, JosephFormulating housing policies for the elderly to provide public housing estates which cater for their needs and safety of the elderlyReply
Q. 3
LAU Wong-fatDeception cases on the streetReply
Q. 4
LEUNG Yiu-chungGeneral out-patient service of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 5
LUI Ming-wahDesalinationReply
Q. 6
WONG Ting-kwongConstruction of a third air cargo terminalReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-hingRegistration of lift and escalator mechanics as skilled workersReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyThe sizes of licensed general restaurantsReply
Q. 9
KWONG Chi-kinSecurity of post offices providing PayThruPost serviceReply
Q. 10
CHAN Kam-lamTendering for cross-boundary disposal of public fillReply
Q. 11
LEE Cheuk-yanEligibility of companies with previous labour law convictions for participating in government service contract tendersReply
Q. 12
MA LikNoise nuisances caused by vesselsReply
Q. 13
LI Fung-yingCoverage of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency FundReply
Q. 14
LAM Wai-keung, DanielRoad improvement projects on Lantau IslandReply
Q. 15
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyPilot scheme on public-private partnershipReply
Q. 16
TO Kun-sun, JamesWest Kowloon Waterfront PromenadeReply
Q. 17
LI Wah-ming, FredFood safety of food containing hormonesReply
Q. 18
TAM Heung-manPublic consultation on options to widen the tax baseReply
Q. 19
CHAN Yuen-hanThe proposal to build a natural gas station in Tai A ChauReply

Council meeting on 17.1.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Howard YOUNGProposed merger of the Broadcasting Authority and Office of Telecommunications AuthorityReply
Q. 2
LEONG Kah-kit, AlanRequirements on the provision of sanitary fitments in public placesReply
Q. 3
CHAN Yuen-hanAssistance for persons in need during cold spellsReply
Q. 4
LEE Chu-ming, MartinProvisions in the Basic Law relating to the disposal of property and commercial transactionsReply
Q. 5
HO Chun-yan, AlbertAvoidance of conflict of interests by principal officialsReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Kwan-yuen, AndrewYouth Work Experience and Training SchemeReply
Q. 7
LAU Wong-fatLand use planning for agricultural landReply
Q. 8
MA LikMarketing costs for the sale of surplus Home Ownership Scheme flatsReply
Q. 9
WONG Ting-kwongCounterfeit RMB banknotesReply
Q. 10
LEUNG Yiu-chungOperation of public swimming pools in winter monthsReply
Q. 11
TSANG Yok-singInternet content rating systemReply
Q. 12
LI Wah-ming, FredRegulation of oil pricesReply
Q. 13
LI Kwok-yingRent arrears among PRH tenantsReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukIssue of paper greeting cards by government departmentsReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Hok-mingTree preservation clauses in leases of private landsReply
Q. 16
LEE Kok-long, JosephTurnover of nurses in public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertChemical Waste Treatment CentreReply
Q. 18
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickTravel support to the low-income earners and the unemployedReply
Q. 19
KWOK Ka-kiExtension of service hours of Hospital Authority's general out-patient clinicsReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahVillage vehiclesReply

Council meeting on 24.1.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaOperation of the Hong Kong Wetland ParkReply
Q. 2
LAU Kin-kee, MiriamAccuracy of fuel dispensers at fuel stations and enforcement of the Weights and Measures OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
LEE Wing-tatA video forum jointly organized by community groups in Hong Kong and TaiwanReply
Q. 4
LAU Kong-wahDefect rectification and maintenance works for HOS flats to be soldReply
Q. 5
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickDevelopment of the post-2008 electricity marketReply
Q. 6
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyIndoor air quality Reply
Q. 7
CHAN Yuen-hanTerritory-wide Wi-Fi networkReply
Q. 8
LAU Wong-fatLeisure and cultural services facilities in rural areasReply
Q. 9
MA LikConstructing an Eco-park in Tuen ManReply
Q. 10
Bernard CHANHong Kong's external telecommunication linksReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongPromoting international exhibitionsReply
Q. 12
TSANG Yok-singEnvironmental concern of the computer replacement trendReply
Q. 13
LI Wah-ming, FredPassenger fuel surcharge levied by airline operatorsReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukDemolition of the old Star Ferry Terminal Clock TowerReply
Q. 15
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCrackdown on illegal motor racingReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiCost effectiveness of additional provisions for the Hong Kong Tourism BoardReply
Q. 17
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyArrest of women suspected of engaging in prostitutionReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiFunctions, composition and structure of the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 19
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickChildhood immunization programmesReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahDrug rehabilitation services for young peopleReply

Council meeting on 31.1.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, Sophie'EatSmart@school.hk' campaignReply
Q. 2
CHENG Jinghan, AlbertHealth risk of food containing artificial trans fatsReply
Q. 3
LAM Kin-fung, JeffreyRegistration of diesel private cars and hydrogen-fuelled environmentally-friendly vehiclesReply
Q. 4
CHOY So-yukChild abuse casesReply
Q. 5
TSANG Yok-singHealth risk of cosmetic contact lensReply
Q. 6
TAM Heung-manDisability Allowance and Old Age AllowanceReply
Q. 7
Abraham SHEKDelivery of leisure and cultural services priority projectsReply
Q. 8
LEE Chu-ming, MartinImport and sale of Nostoc flagelliforme, i.e. hair mossReply
Q. 9
LEE Wing-tatSupply of private housing land and private residential unitsReply
Q. 10
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyStatistics on primary and secondary school studentsReply
Q. 11
TO Kun-sun, JamesPollution caused by dismantling used pachinko machinesReply
Q. 12
LI Wah-ming, FredSubvented arts organizationsReply
Q. 13
LI Kwok-yingReduction of hospital beds in Tseung Kwan O HospitalReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiManpower situation of the IT sectorReply
Q. 15
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertNuisances caused by light emitted from advertising light boxesReply
Q. 16
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyImpact of telecommunications service breakdown on SMEsReply
Q. 17
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickStandard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2007Reply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiOccupational safety of supermarket staffReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahCrimes committed by foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 20
CHOY So-yukHandling of complaints about water seepage problems in private residential premisesReply

Council meeting on 7.2.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickProposal to build a liquefied natural gas receiving terminal on Tai A ChauReply
Q. 2
LAU Kin-kee, MiriamEnhancing primary and secondary school students' knowledge of lawReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Yiu-chungTenancy arrangements of the LinkReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoThe work and operation of the Urban Renewal AuthorityReply
Q. 5
HO Chung-tai, RaymondAbility of buildings to withstand earthquakesReply
Q. 6
YEUNG SumHong Kong Institute of Education's campaign for being granted the title of a universityReply
Q. 7
LAM Kin-fung, JeffreyEconomic freedom and competitiveness of Hong KongReply
Q. 8
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesHealth services for Tseung Kwan O residentsReply
Q. 9
LI Fung-yingDifficulties caused to some civil servants upon implementation of five-day work weekReply
Q. 10
LEE Wing-tatConservation of wetlands by the KCRCReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungGiving notices of work injury accidents by employersReply
Q. 12
CHENG Jinghan, AlbertRoad safety of pedestrians using mobile phones or other telecommunications equipment while crossing roadsReply
Q. 13
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyManagement of municipal solid wasteReply
Q. 14
TAM Heung-manUnauthorized residents' bus servicesReply
Q. 15
TSANG Yok-singDevelopment of wireless Internet access networkReply
Q. 16
CHEUNG Hok-mingAuctioning of sites of Government propertiesReply
Q. 17
TO Kun-sun, JamesConversion of red public light buses to green public light busesReply
Q. 18
LI Wah-ming, FredRegulation of the travel industryReply
Q. 19
LEE Kok-long, JosephPromoting organic dietReply
Q. 20
CHOY So-yukLivelihood protection for professional athletesReply

Council meeting on 28.2.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEONG Kah-kit, AlanScreen-like buildingsReply
Q. 2
LAU Kin-yee, MiriamDriver Improvement SchemeReply
Q. 3
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickSeismic resisting capability and wind resisting capability of buildings and underground pipelinesReply
Q. 4
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamChildren and youth dropping out of schoolReply
Q. 5
WONG Kwok-hingJob opportunities in remote districtsReply
Q. 6
CHAN Kam-lamReception points of inert construction and demolition materials produced in Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Howard YOUNGImmigration clearance time for visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Man-kwongProvisions prohibiting participation of certain Council members of tertiary institutions in the appointment and removal of Vice-Chancellor/President or Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice PresidentReply
Q. 9
CHAN Yuen-hanQualifications of estate agents and salespersonsReply
Q. 10
LI Fung-yingSafety of window panes of franchised busesReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungOutsourced service contracts awarded by various government departments and the Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 12
LEE Wing-tatRegulation of tutorial servicesReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Yiu-chungProvision of facilities for the disabled at government venuesReply
Q. 14
Bernard CHANEducation for autistic childrenReply
Q. 15
LI Kwok-yingEnforcement of the Rabies OrdinanceReply
Q. 16
TSANG Yok-singHealth hazards of magnetic fields generated by various apparatusReply
Q. 17
LI Wah-ming, FredIntroduction of corrugated cardboard coffins into Hong KongReply
Q. 18
LEE Kok-long, JosephRedevelopment plans for public hospitalsReply
Q. 19
CHOY So-yukLandscaping works for slopesReply
Q. 20
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertUse of plastic bags by government departmentsReply

Council meeting on 7.3.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamSupply and demand of student hostel places at various universitiesReply
Q. 2
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesBusiness Registration Certificate levy rateReply
Q. 3
CHAN Kam-lamProtecting the interests of consumers who only book air tickets or overseas accommodation through travel agentsReply
Q. 4
FANG Kang, VincentOpen-air bazaarsReply
Q. 5
LEE Cheuk-yanProvisions in the Employment Ordinance relating to employment under a continuous contractReply
Q. 6
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewCriminal cases involving taxis and public light busesReply
Q. 7
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickRegulation of light nuisanceReply
Q. 8
Howard YOUNGTrain services of the Airport ExpressReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongAppointment of public officer to the Council of Hong Kong Institute of EducationReply
Q. 10
HO Chun-yan, AlbertProposal to construct a permanent aviation fuel facility in Tuen MunReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungPatients suffering from glaucomaReply
Q. 12
TO Kun-sun, JamesProblem of Hong Kong children and youth taking and trafficking drugs in the MainlandReply
Q. 13
TSANG Yok-singTransfer of personal data to places outside Hong KongReply
Q. 14
LI Kwok-yingStatistics on prosecution against newspapers and magazinesReply
Q. 15
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyAppointment and removal of the President of the Hong Kong Institute of EducationReply
Q. 16
CHOY So-yukInstallation of vapour recovery systems in petrol dispensers of petrol filling stationsReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiSafety of systems employing electromagnetic radiationReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahObstetrics and gynecology services in public hospitals in Tseung Kwan OReply
Q. 19
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertAssistance to Hong Kong permanent residents holding BN(O) passport in overseas countriesReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickAssisting women in entering the labour marketReply

Council meeting on 14.3.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickSmart identity cards for various usesReply
Q. 2
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyUniversities' granting of honorary doctoratesReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Man-kwongNumber of publicly-funded first-year first-degree placesReply
Q. 4
LI Kwok-yingObstetrics and gynecology services at the North District HospitalReply
Q. 5
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertRegulation of debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 6
WONG Kwok-hingSafety of supermarketsReply
Q. 7
LAU Kin-yee, MiriamOperation of "shadow taxis"Reply
Q. 8
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamService of the Water Supplies DepartmentReply
Q. 9
Howard YOUNGUnemployment among youthReply
Q. 10
LI Wah-ming, FredTravel Industry Compensation Fund Reply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukProtection of treesReply
Q. 12
SIN Chung-kaiMigration of Internet Protocol from version 4 to version 6Reply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiRequirements relating to the keeping of dangerous drugs registersReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahCancer casesReply
Q. 15
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickConstruction of the Shatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 16
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyFood labelling requirement on allergic substancesReply
Q. 17
KWOK Ka-kiDeregistration of pharmaceutical productsReply
Q. 18
CHOY So-yukPlacing of cages on the streets for collecting used clothesReply
Q. 19
SIN Chung-kaiProperty taxReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickCompilation and announcement of the Gini CoefficientReply

Council meeting on 28.3.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
YEUNG SumSocial mobilityReply
Q. 2
LAU Chin-shekBreakdown of statistics on employmentReply
Q. 3
TAM Yiu-chungAssault of frontline staff of public hospitals by patientsReply
Q. 4
LEE Wing-tatPlot ratiosReply
Q. 5
Howard YOUNGAssistance to tourists who lost their travel documentsReply
Q. 6
TAM Heung-manMaintenance of public transport interchangesReply
Q. 7
TO Kun-sun, JamesProvision of public facilities by real estate developersReply
Q. 8
LEE Kok-long, JosephService for the unidentified elderlyReply
Q. 9
TSANG Yok-singCoverage of government venues by mobile phone service networksReply
Q. 10
LI Wah-ming, FredPerformance activities in cultural performance venues in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 11
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyOperation of stairlifts in public places by disabled personsReply
Q. 12
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertNuisance caused by users of holiday flatsReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiPrivate practice by teaching staff of medical facultiesReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukBanning tungsten light bulbsReply
Q. 15
LAU Kong-wahManpower of nursing staff in public hospitalsReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiRestrictions on Mainlanders to study in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickArrangements for marathonReply
Q. 18
TO Kun-sun, JamesNathan Road Road Safety Improvement PlanReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahDissemination of tourism information of Hong Kong to visitorsReply
Q. 20
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyWork of the Broadcasting AuthorityReply

Council meeting on 18.4.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
FOK Tsun-ting, TimothyRedevelopment plan for the former Yaumatei TheatreReply
Q. 2
TAM Yiu-chungRegulating the operation of Octopus cardsReply
Q. 3
CHAN, BernardCorporate governanceReply
Q. 4
LEUNG Yiu-chungRecycling facilities for compact fluorescent lampsReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatPublic's access to government records and archival recordsReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Hok-mingRoad safety at roundaboutsReply
Q. 7
TSANG Yok-singLearning and teaching with information technologyReply
Q. 8
TO Kun-sun, JamesWidening of pedestrian crossingsReply
Q. 9
LEE Kok-long, JosephBreast cancerReply
Q. 10
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertMaintenance problems in public rental housing units prior to their allocation to tenantsReply
Q. 11
KWOK Ka-kiPrivate practice by teaching staff of medical facultiesReply
Q. 12
CHOY So-yukCarcasses of dolphins found in Hong Kong watersReply
Q. 13
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyProposals for universal suffrageReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiProcurement matters relating to government information technology projectsReply
Q. 15
LAU Kong-wahOperation and maintenance of streetlightsReply
Q. 16
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickInstitutions responsible for alleviating povertyReply
Q. 17
LEUNG Yiu-chungPaternity leaveReply
Q. 18
TSANG Yok-singChinese Medicine Information SystemReply
Q. 19
TO Kun-sun, JamesReplacement of water mainsReply
Q. 20
CHOY So-yukUse of disposable food containers for lunch by schoolsReply

Council meeting on 25.4.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Kwok-hungHandling applications for public meetings and processionsReply
Q. 2
SIN Chung-kaiInspection of candidates' returns on election expenses and donations by the publicReply
Q. 3
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamHeight restrictions and plot ratio control for new developmentsReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Hok-mingFare discounts offered under the bus fare adjustment mechanismReply
Q. 5
LEE Cheuk-yanMeans adopted by the Agricultures, Fisheries and Conservation Department for handling surrendered pigsReply
Q. 6
LAM Kin-fung, JeffreyAbolition of estate dutyReply
Q. 7
CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommyInvestment performance of the Mandatory Provident Fund systemReply
Q. 8
LEE Kok-long, JosephProvision of indoor facilities for the elderly in public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 9
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertMainland vessels fishing in Hong Kong waters illegallyReply
Q. 10
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyWorks contract in respect of public fillReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukSending out tender documents by faxReply
Q. 12
LAU Kong-wahTransfer of Hong Kong residents arrested for taking drugs on the MainlandReply
Q. 13
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickReview of portfolios of policy bureauxReply
Q. 14
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyProtection of intellectural property rights of inventorsReply
Q. 15
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickMeasures to encourage the development of social enterprisesReply
Q. 16
TAM Heung-manAssistance for Hong Kong residents working on the MainlandReply
Q. 17
TAM Heung-manRegulation of securities analystsReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahOdour nuisance experienced by Tseung Kwan O South residentsReply
Q. 19
WONG Kwok-hingStudents crossing the boundary each day for schoolReply
Q. 20
LAU Wong-fatMaintenance of private streetsReply

Council meeting on 2.5.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewFare adjustments of public transportReply
Q. 2
LEUNG Kwok-hungAutomatic discharge from bankruptcyReply
Q. 3
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesEmissions from vesselsReply
Q. 4
TAM Yiu-chungPrevention of Legionnaires' DiseaseReply
Q. 5
LI Kwok-yingRetrofitting platform screen doors for MTR stationsReply
Q. 6
CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaStreet lights not put to useReply
Q. 7
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoOutreaching medical services for the elderly persons in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 8
CHAN, BernardPoisoning of dogsReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Yiu-chungOperation of cross-boundary heliportsReply
Q. 10
KWOK Ka-kiConsultation statistics of the Prince Philip Dental HospitalReply
Q. 11
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCollection of service fees on low-balance accounts by banksReply
Q. 12
LI Kwok-yingPromotion of breast-feeding of babiesReply
Q. 13
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyProtection of personal dataReply
Q. 14
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickTesting of products under the Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling SchemeReply
Q. 15
LAU Kong-wahEmotional health of disciplined services officersReply
Q. 16
LEUNG Yiu-chungRefund of rates to tenants of public rental housingReply
Q. 17
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyDetermination of minimum allowable wage of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 18
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickNew Dawn Project implemented by the Social Welfare DepartmentReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahCrackdown on sale of counterfeit goodsReply
Q. 20
LI Wah-ming, FredEquipment purchased for the Food Research LaboratoryReply

Council meeting on 9.5.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Yu-yan, TommySubsidies for further studies undertaken by kindergarten teachersReply
Q. 2
KWOK Ka-kiPrivate practice by teaching staff of medical facultiesReply
Q. 3
WONG Kwok-hingProposal to construct a permanent aviation fuel facility in Tuen ManReply
Q. 4
LI Wah-ming, FredRegulation of undesirable medical advertisementsReply
Q. 5
SIN Chung-kaiRemuneration for the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Tourism BoardReply
Q. 6
LEE Wing-tatGovernance of statutory bodiesReply
Q. 7
LEE Chu-ming, MartinApplication for planning permission for a development project at the water front of Causeway BayReply
Q. 8
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickGranting of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to babies born to Mainland womenReply
Q. 9
TAM Yiu-chungAssistance provided to surplus teachers in seeking employmentReply
Q. 10
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyHong Kong Post Circular ServiceReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatNoise barriers along the slip roads of Route No.8Reply
Q. 12
LEUNG Yiu-chungTransfer of sentenced persons between Hong Kong and the MainlandReply
Q. 13
LI Kwok-yingHealth of new-born babiesReply
Q. 14
TO Kun-sun, JamesEmployment of ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiWork of the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination CentreReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahRed fire antsReply
Q. 17
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertRadio reception in Tuen Mun and Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 18
CHOY So-yukHandling of stray dogs implanted with microchipsReply
Q. 19
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyEditorial independence of RTHKReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickInternet portals set up by the GovernmentReply

Council meeting on 16.5.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyMarriages between Mainlanders and Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 2
CHAN Yuen-hanRecognition of sick leave certificates issued by registered chiropractorsReply
Q. 3
LEE Kok-long, JosephServices for cancer patientsReply
Q. 4
CHOY So-yukRecycling of food containers for lunch of studentsReply
Q. 5
LAU Kong-wahFire service installations in shopping malls and markets of public housing estatesReply
Q. 6
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyFollow-up to a fire which broke out in a marketReply
Q. 7
YEUNG SumPowers and procedures for setting and revising fees and charges of public medical servicesReply
Q. 8
LEE Chu-ming, MartinComprehensive planning and engineering review on the Wan Chai Development Phase IIReply
Q. 9
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewProblems of dispensing errors by private clinics and medical organizationsReply
Q. 10
LAU Sau-shing, PatrickAssessment and conservation of built heritageReply
Q. 11
LI Fung-yingLong-term acting appointments of government employeesReply
Q. 12
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyStatistics on Usual ResidentsReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatEnergy efficiency of buildingsReply
Q. 14
LI Kwok-yingSale arrangements for Home Ownership Scheme flatsReply
Q. 15
TO Kun-sun, JamesExtension of the footbridge system in MongkokReply
Q. 16
KWOK Ka-kiStatistics on doctors in Tuen Mun HospitalReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiUse of open source software by small and medium enterprisesReply
Q. 18
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertIllegal parking of bicycles and trolleys in public placesReply
Q. 19
LAU Wong-fatPreservation of old buildingsReply

Council meeting on 23.5.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
FANG Kang, VincentRate concessions for tenants in food marketsReply
Q. 2
HO Chung-tai, RaymondIndiscriminate sounding of horns by driversReply
Q. 3
TSANG Yok-singSecurity in using Wi-Fi facilitiesReply
Q. 4
TAM Heung-manFinancial position of the Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 5
LEUNG Yiu-chungProposals for implementing universal suffrageReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoImplementation of Law Reform Commission's reports relating to children's welfareReply
Q. 7
YEUNG SumChildren Immunization ProgrammeReply
Q. 8
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesRed fire antsReply
Q. 9
LEE Chu-ming, MartinAttendance at meetings of statutory and advisory bodies by directors and permanent secretaries of bureauxReply
Q. 10
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewLitigations against tobacco companiesReply
Q. 11
LI Fung-yingDrug stores selling products of proprietary Chinese medicine which are spurious or allude to certain trade marksReply
Q. 12
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyAppointment of officials to governance structures of public bodiesReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatPromoting breast-feedingReply
Q. 14
LI Kwok-yingSchool Dental Care ServiceReply
Q. 15
TO Kun-sun, JamesExtending the usage of the Octopus systemReply
Q. 16
KWOK Ka-kiMonitoring of the use of the donations received by the University of Hong KongReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiInternship Programme under the Innovation and Technology FundReply
Q. 18
CHOY So-yukAir quality monitoring stationsReply
Q. 19
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertRegulation of liquefied petroleum gas prices at filling stationsReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickFacilities provided by the Government at its recreation venuesReply

Council meeting on 30.5.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
HO Chun-yan, AlbertRegulation of mainland enterprises listed in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
LUI Ming-wahNaming of a new bureau proposed to be set upReply
Q. 3
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyFacilitating communication with the Central AuthoritiesReply
Q. 4
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickEfforts in alleviating povertyReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Hok-mingDevelopment of tourism industry in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahOccupational safetyReply
Q. 7
LAM Wai-keung, DanielVehicular access to Discovery BayReply
Q. 8
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewTrain services of the Kowloon-Canton Railway CorporationReply
Q. 9
LEE Chu-ming, MartinRemarks made openly by adjudicators of the Obscene Articles Tribunal on articles to be classifiedReply
Q. 10
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyInformation on certain classes of vehiclesReply
Q. 11
TAM Heung-manProvision of medical services to Hong Kong people on the MainlandReply
Q. 12
TO Kun-sun, JamesRegulation o1f pet cremation servicesReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiOral health of the publicReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiPublic education on the applicability of existing laws to the Internet Reply
Q. 15
CHOY So-yukTreating of animals by the animal management centres under the Agriculture, fisheries and Conservation DepartmentReply
Q. 16
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCycling tracks in Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahCrimes committed in car parksReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Hok-mingRed fire antsReply
Q. 19
LI Kwok-yingChild Assessment ServiceReply
Q. 20
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyFinancial assistance for persons taking self-financing bachelor's degree programmesReply

Council meeting on 6.6.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Howard YOUNGRussian nationals visiting Hong Kong as touristsReply
Q. 2
LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieConditions of underground drainage facilitiesReply
Q. 3
LEE Chu-ming, MartinEnforcement of anti-smoking provisions in no-smoking areasReply
Q. 4
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickPost-2008 regulatory arrangements for the electricity marketReply
Q. 5
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyAdjustment of starting salaries of civil servantsReply
Q. 6
LEE Wing-tatMilitary dock in Central Reclamation Phase IIIReply
Q. 7
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamUse of land of closed primary schoolsReply
Q. 8
YEUNG SumStudent intake of primary schools in the next three yearsReply
Q. 9
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewSignalling systems for railways under the Kowloon-Canton Railway CorporationReply
Q. 10
LI Fung-yingTheft of metal items in public placesReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatControl of unauthorized extension of shopsReply
Q. 12
TSANG Yok-singRegulation of the sale and promotion of body trimming productsReply
Q. 13
TO Kun-sun, JamesAir pollution caused by vesselsReply
Q. 14
KWOK Ka-kiUsage of income from private practice by teaching staff of medical facultiesReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiTechnology crimesReply
Q. 16
CHOY So-yukRecovery and disposal of compact fluorescent lampsReply
Q. 17
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertHousing for senior citizensReply
Q. 18
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickDevelopment of social enterprisesReply
Q. 19
LEE Chu-ming, MartinCourses attended by officers of Correctional Services DepartmentReply
Q. 20
LI Kwok-yingWeight assessment for new-born babies and infantsReply

Council meeting on 13.6.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertLong waiting time for specialist out-patient services at public hospitalsReply
Q. 2
LAU Wong-fatServices of the Accident and Emergency departments in public hospitalsReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Yiu-chungUse of styrofoam and plastic materials for making sacrificial offeringsReply
Q. 4
TSANG Yok-singProvision of services to young people abusing psychiatric drugsReply
Q. 5
TAM Heung-manFund management fees charged by trustees of Mandatory Provident FundsReply
Q. 6
CHOY So-yukHeat stress indexReply
Q. 7
KWONG Chi-kinRehabilitation support provided for civil servants who have recovered from work-related injuriesReply
Q. 8
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamPrevention of leak of public examination questionsReply
Q. 9
MA LikProvision of one-off grants to live poultry retail workersReply
Q. 10
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewRestriction imposed on civil servants under Civil Service Regulation 1291Reply
Q. 11
Howard YOUNGNuisance caused by activities held outdoors to celebrate HKSAR's 10th Anniversary Reply
Q. 12
LI Fung-yingWork safety at container yardsReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatComplaints about telecommunications and subscription television servicesReply
Q. 14
TSANG Yok-singRelaying CCTV channels by ground stations in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
TO Kun-sun, JamesWall effect brought about by buildingsReply
Q. 16
KWOK Ka-kiAdjustment to the salaries of doctors of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiAssistance rendered to Hong Kong people on the MainlandReply
Q. 18
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyTraffic accidents in Tseung Kwan O involving bicyclesReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahCrackdown on the sale of duty-not-paid cigarettesReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickFund management fees charged by trustees of Mandatory Provident FundReply

Council meeting on 20.6.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEE Kok-long, JosephTraining programmes in local public hospital for Mainland nursesReply
Q. 2
TONG Ka-wah, RonnyArrangements for public consultationReply
Q. 3
LAU Kong-wahUniforms for the disciplined servicesReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Hok-mingReduction in the coverage of the Frontier Closed AreaReply
Q. 5
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickPublic consultation on healthcare financingReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoAccess to Government's information on suicide incidents on MTR tracksReply
Q. 7
LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SophieCurbing the proliferation of Mikania micrantha (also known as the plant killer)Reply
Q. 8
LI Kwok-po, DavidControl over the number of vehicles in Discovery BayReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongTrade off for subvented senior year undergraduate places in universitiesReply
Q. 10
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamAbuse of elderly personsReply
Q. 11
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyDistrict football teamsReply
Q. 12
LI Wah-ming, FredApplications relating to business licences that involve the Planning DepartmentReply
Q. 13
TO Kun-sun, JamesComplaints relating to the Continuing Education FundReply
Q. 14
KWOK Ka-kiOpinion survey on employees' work satisfaction commissioned by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 15
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertCombating destructive fishing activitiesReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiLiability of posting hyperlinks on the InternetReply
Q. 17
HO Chun-yan, AlbertImplementation of the Law Reform Commission's reports relating to children's welfareReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoChinese medicine clinics established by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 19
LAU Wai-hing, EmilyElection of the Chief Executive and all Members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrageReply
Q. 20
FUNG Kin-kee, FrederickNuisance caused to neighbours by tenants of public rental housing estatesReply

Council meeting on 27.6.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TONG Ka-wah, RonnySelection of the Chief Executive and election of all LegCo Members by universal suffrageReply
Q. 2
LEE Cheuk-yanQualification for candidacy for the Chief Executive to be selected by universal suffrageReply
Q. 3
LEONG Kah-kit, AlanGreen paper on constitutional developmentReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Man-kwongPay adjustments for subvented tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 5
TO Kun-sun, JamesRemarks of a state leader on the constitutional affairs of Hong KongReply
Q. 6
TAM Yiu-chungEcoPark in Tuen MunReply
Q. 7
LI Kwok-po, DavidAccess to government services on the InternetReply
Q. 8
YEUNG SumHeart diseasesReply
Q. 9
LAU Wong-fatActivities held by District Council members and charitable organizations in shopping malls managed by The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoPrivate residential care homes for the disabledReply
Q. 11
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamPrimary school places from 2013 and onwardsReply
Q. 12
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyIllegal poaching activities at Mai Po Nature ReserveReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Yiu-chungSafety of major infrastructuresReply
Q. 14
LEE Wing-tatMedical services in North LantauReply
Q. 15
LI Wah-ming, FredDrug-resistant bacteriaReply
Q. 16
LI Kwok-yingEmergency Medicine Wards at public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
CHOY So-yukTaxi pooling activitiesReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiNew Central Harbourfront Urban Design StudyReply
Q. 19
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertProvision of forms on government web sites for downloading by publicReply
Q. 20
SIN Chung-kaiUpdated Information Systems Strategy implemented by the Immigration DepartmentReply

Council meeting on 4.7.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Yu-hong, PhilipIncidence ages of chronic diseasesReply
Q. 2
LI Kwok-po, DavidHong Kong as a hedge fund centreReply
Q. 3
Bernard CHANBurial at "Gallant Garden"Reply
Q. 4
Margaret NGPolicy regarding the breach of the rule of confidentiality by former principal officialsReply
Q. 5
TONG Ka-wah, RonnyCriminal cases involving family violenceReply
Q. 6
CHAN Yuen-hanGini coefficientReply
Q. 7
FANG Kang, VincentSmuggling and sale of "illicit cigarettes"Reply
Q. 8
LEONG Kah-kit, AlanThe problem of refusal to accept bank notes and coins of certain denominationsReply
Q. 9
HO Chun-yan, AlbertPrivacy issues faced by Hong Kong companies doing business on the MainlandReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoHospital Authority Drug FormularyReply
Q. 11
CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewSmoking in outdoor public placesReply
Q. 12
Howard YOUNGTravel insurance agentsReply
Q. 13
TAM Heung-manStipulation of "bundled" lease terms by ownersReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Yiu-chungPerformance of Hong Kong Housing Authority's building and maintenance works contractorsReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatDisclosure of information under the Consent SchemeReply
Q. 16
LEE Kok-long, JosephHygiene conditions of central air-conditioning systemsReply
Q. 17
LI Wah-ming, FredFood safetyReply
Q. 18
LI Kwok-yingCombating scalping of ticketsReply
Q. 19
TO Kun-sun, JamesManagement of "Women's Street"Reply
Q. 20
CHOY So-yukRegulation of emissions from cruise shipsReply

Council meeting on 11.7.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Chin-shekIntroducing a tax on dividend incomeReply
Q. 2
TIEN Pei-chun, JamesAbuse of drugs by youngstersReply
Q. 3
YEUNG SumMedical items which have to be purchased by patients at their own expensesReply
Q. 4
EU Yuet-mee, AudreyReduction of student places in The Hong Kong Institute of EducationReply
Q. 5
CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, SelinaEmployees Retraining LevyReply
Q. 6
LAM Kin-fung, JeffreyCabin crash incident of the Ngong Ping SkyrailReply
Q. 7
WONG Yu-hong, Philip2008 Legislative Council election arrangementsReply
Q. 8
LI Kwok-po, DavidPrivate roads within the boundaries of private housing estatesReply
Q. 9
TAM Yiu-chungCivil service disciplinary mechanism and proceduresReply
Q. 10
HO Chun-yan, AlbertBreakdown on inquires and investigations conducted by the Securities and Futures CommissionReply
Q. 11
SHEK Lai-him, AbrahamPregnancy discrimination in employmentReply
Q. 12
CHEUNG Chiu-hung, FernandoMental health problems of children and youthsReply
Q. 13
LAU Kong-wahReplacement of hollow wooden doors of public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Yiu-chungCross-boundary heliportReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatProvision of sale information to property buyersReply
Q. 16
LI Kwok-yingRent for the Hong Kong Housing Society's rental unitsReply
Q. 17
TO Kun-sun, JamesLinkage between pharmaceutical patents and drug registrationReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-ki Dentalgrants for recipients of Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 19
CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertNoise nuisance caused by morning assembly broadcast in schoolsReply
Q. 20
CHOY So-yukLeases on government land granted to waste recyclersReply

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