bulletYear 2007 - 2008
bulletYear 2006 - 2007
bulletYear 2005 - 2006
bulletYear 2004 - 2005


Questions(Year 2007 - 2008)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 17.10.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Sophie LEUNGRegulation of placing cargo compartments on roadsidesReply
Q. 2
Fernando CHEUNGIssue of communication between Legislative Council functional constituency Members and their constituentsReply
Q. 3
Albert HOHolding the District Council elections and Legislative Council by-election on different daysReply
Q. 4
LAU Kong-wahEnforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles OrdinanceReply
Q. 5
CHAN Yuen-hanProtection for workers engaged in outdoor work in hot weatherReply
Q. 6
James TIENAllowing mainland residents with Macao visit endorsement to visit Hong KongReply
Q. 7
WONG Ting-kwongOperation of the Shenzhen Bay PortReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Man-kwongStudents crossing the boundary daily for schoolReply
Q. 9
LI Kwok-yingSmuggling of foodstuffsReply
Q. 10
Albert CHANHandling of carcasses of dead birdsReply
Q. 11
KWOK Ka-kiStatistics on the specialties in public hospitalsReply
Q. 12
SIN Chung-kaiProvision of Internet workstations and computer facilities at public librariesReply
Q. 13
Bernard CHANAdmitting children to racecoursesReply
Q. 14
Alan LEONGMechanism for regulating the betting on horse races Reply
Q. 15
TAM Heung-manEmission of air pollutants by vesselsReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGSanitary fitments for children in toilets in public placesReply
Q. 17
Emily LAUSub-prime mortgage problemReply
Q. 18
David LIConditions for the allocation of school sites for private independent schoolsReply
Q. 19
TSANG Yok-singProvision of international school placesReply
Q. 20
Joseph LEESale of drugsReply

Council meeting on 24.10.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon LAU Wong-fatProblems arising from the partitioning of residential flats into cubicle apartmentsReply
Q. 2
Hon LAU Kong-wahMarking Scheme for Estate Management EnforcementReply
Q. 3
Hon Albert HOVetting and approving of plans of building worksReply
Q. 4
Hon LI Fung-yingRegulation of Internet computer services centresReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon YEUNG SumPreservation of buildings of historic valueReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungEnvironmental protection measures in public housing estates and government premisesReply
Q. 7
Hon Frederick FUNGPilot Transport Support SchemeReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiHandling patient complaints by The Prince Philip Dental HospitalReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert CHANProsecutions instituted in relation to the breeding of mosquitoes found on government and private lands Reply
Q. 10
Hon TSANG Yok-singRegulation of clinical psychology consultation services and courses concernedReply
Q. 11
Hon LAU Wong-fatRetraining for the unemployedReply
Q. 12
Hon LAU Kong-wahIllegal entrants committing crimes in Hong Kong in order to receive medical treatment in prisonReply
Q. 13
Hon Alan LEONGShatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAUHandling complaints about plagiarism in tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 15
Hon SIN Chung-kaiElectronic Service Delivery SchemeReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungOne-way PermitsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon David LICar park adjacent to the MTR Sunny Bay StationReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGArrangements for marathonsReply
Q. 19
Hon TSANG Yok-singFinancial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education CoursesReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHENGSuspension of trading in stocks of listed companiesReply

Council meeting on 31.10.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TAM Heung-manShatin to Central Link depotReply
Q. 2
LAU Wong-fatCounselling services for ex-mental patientsReply
Q. 3
Frederick FUNGPromoting the development of social enterprisesReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Man-kwongCommon descriptors for associate degree programmesReply
Q. 5
Alan LEONGAppointed members of District CouncilsReply
Q. 6
WONG Ting-kwongPromotion of Hong Kong brandsReply
Q. 7
Miriam LAUThroughput of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western CorridorReply
Q. 8
CHOY So-yukEnforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Hok-mingSeat belts for public light bus passengersReply
Q. 10
Joseph LEEUpgrading nursing education to degree levelReply
Q. 11
LAU Kong-wahBurst fresh and salt water pipesReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANIncrease in tuition fees by subsidized kindergartensReply
Q. 13
Emily LAUInflation problemReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiMonthly profits tax incomeReply
Q. 15
David LIWork of the Business Facilitation Advisory CommitteeReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGFacilities in community centresReply
Q. 17
TSANG Yok-singSchool Textbook Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 18
SIN Chung-kaiEstablishment of Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahCrimes committed by illegal entrantsReply
Q. 20
Patrick LAUStatistics on hotlines providing emotional counselling servicesReply

Council meeting on 7.11.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Fred LIGenetically-modified food labelling requirementsReply
Q. 2
Margaret NGSalaries of workers in low-income trades and industriesReply
Q. 3
James TOOpinion surveys relating to the Legislative Council by-electionReply
Q. 4
Miriam LAUChild care serviceReply
Q. 5
Selina CHOWCrackdown on red light jumpingReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Yiu-chungOccupational deafness compensationReply
Q. 7
Audrey EUInventory of Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage and a "Hong Kong Memory" central databaseReply
Q. 8
James TOContinuing Education FundReply
Q. 9
CHOY So-yukGreen lunchReply
Q. 10
Patrick LAU Medical and dental benefits for senior civil servantsReply
Q. 11
KWOK Ka-kiDental grants for recipients of Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANSupply of secondary school places in Tin Shui Wai and Tung ChungReply
Q. 13
David LIMaking government forms available electronicallyReply
Q. 14
Frederick FUNGReview on the Deposit Protection SchemeReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiIncome from stamp duty on stock sales and purchasesReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahMonitoring contents of advertisements in the electronic mediaReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGPost-2008 regulatory arrangements for the electricity marketReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahForeign domestic helpers with criminal recordsReply
Q. 19
Bernard CHANRevitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership SchemeReply
Q. 20
Audrey EUSubsidies for pre-primary educationReply

Council meeting on 14.11.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Andrew LEUNGEnhancing the business licensing systemReply
Q. 2
Jeffrey LAMPromoting creative industries and Hong Kong brandsReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanSupply of and demand for motorcycle parking spacesReply
Q. 4
KWOK Ka-kiSocial services for children borne in Hong Kong to mainland women and their familiesReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatTenant Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 6
Joseph LEEIllegal entrants committing crimes in Hong Kong in order to receive medical treatment in institutions of the Correctional Services DepartmentReply
Q. 7
WONG Ting-kwongCross-boundary ferry servicesReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingHigh oil pricesReply
Q. 9
KWOK Ka-kiProvision of a helipad in Wan ChaiReply
Q. 10
Albert CHANHigh Intensity Gas Discharge headlampsReply
Q. 11
David LIEnergy saving measuresReply
Q. 12
SIN Chung-kaiDeveloping Hong Kong into a key data centre in the regionReply
Q. 13
Frederick FUNGStatutory paternity leaveReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahNurturing gifted childrenReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGRights and benefits for employees who are parentsReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahCrimes involving ATM cards and credit cardsReply
Q. 17
Audrey EUPromoting the use of biodieselReply
Q. 18
Emily LAUProvision of seats on train platformsReply
Q. 19
Howard YOUNGReception quality of free TV signalsReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUPay level of junior employees in the film industryReply

Council meeting on 21.11.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
SIN Chung-kaiEnergy efficiency of public lighting systemsReply
Q. 2
Audrey EUAir pollutants emitted by liquefied petroleum gas taxisReply
Q. 3
Emily LAULegislative amendments to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance and Disability Discrimination OrdinanceReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Hok-mingInvestigations on media organizations conducted by the PoliceReply
Q. 5
Martin LEEThe Chief Executive and principal officials' involvement in electioneering activitiesReply
Q. 6
TAM Heung-manNon-civil service contract staff in the professional gradesReply
Q. 7
CHEUNG Man-kwongApportioning of expenditures for construction of school premises, academic buildings and student hallsReply
Q. 8
TAM Heung-manForeign domestic helpers with criminal recordsReply
Q. 9
KWOK Ka-kiFunding for and donations received by public hospitalsReply
Q. 10
Albert CHANLanguage used in demand notes issued by the GovernmentReply
Q. 11
David LIRetention of non-local students to work in Hong Kong upon graduationReply
Q. 12
SIN Chung-kaiTransport information systemReply
Q. 13
Frederick FUNGGovernment rentReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahEmotional health of school childrenReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGSchool-based after-school learning and support programmesReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahPhysiotherapy service provided by public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
Fred LIRevised inspection scheme for food premises which have obtained the ISO 22000 certificationReply
Q. 18
LEE Wing-tatConnecting the pedestrian footbridges in the Central and Western District and Wan ChaiReply
Q. 19
Andrew CHENGTraffic accidents involving drivers with health problemsReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUStipulating the caps on the total emissions of air pollutants from power companiesReply

Council meeting on 28.11.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Albert CHANRegulation of debt collection practicesReply
Q. 2
LAU Kong-wahDefault payments of Mandatory Provident Fund contributions by employersReply
Q. 3
LUI Ming-wahBoosting the local manufacturing industriesReply
Q. 4
Andrew CHENGDesignation of public transport exchanges as no smoking areasReply
Q. 5
CHAN Kam-lamMonitoring contractors in carrying out building inspection works for public housing estatesReply
Q. 6
LAU Wong-fatFare reduction for students after rail mergerReply
Q. 7
Philip WONGEstimate for the Legislative Council by-electionReply
Q. 8
CHAN Yuen-hanPneumococcal diseasesReply
Q. 9
Fred LI Burial grant under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 10
LI Kwok-yingRegulation of people engaged in the Chinese herbal medicines retail tradeReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatDistribution of souvenirs and gifts for the 10th anniversary of Re-unificationReply
Q. 12
LEE Wing-tatSponsoring activities held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Re-unificationReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiService and manpower of clinical departments of public hospitalsReply
Q. 14
David LIQuality of diesel sold in Hong Kong and on the MainlandReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiUse of diesel sold on the Mainland by cross-boundary vehiclesReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGCorporate social responsibilitiesReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahSubsidies for mutual aid committees in public housing estatesReply
Q. 18
LI Kwok-yingPiling of waste on agricultural landReply
Q. 19
SIN Chung-kaiSector-specific e-business promotion programmesReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNGMeasures to promote eye careReply

Council meeting on 5.12.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Albert CHENGUse of trade platesReply
Q. 2
CHOY So-yukWork of inspection staff of the Television and Entertainment Licensing AuthorityReply
Q. 3
LI Kwok-yingTransport arrangements for students crossing the boundary each day for schoolReply
Q. 4
David LIEconomic benefits brought by the Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 5
Frederick FUNGFamily CouncilReply
Q. 6
Alan LEONGFunding for and services of the Kowloon East Hospital ClusterReply
Q. 7
Martin LEEIllegal felling of treesReply
Q. 8
Selina CHOWIntegrated Registration Information System Online Services of the Land RegistryReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Kwok-hungWages of cleansing workers and security guards employed by school outsourced service contractorsReply
Q. 10
Fernando CHEUNGNon-emergency ambulance transfer service of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 11
Abraham SHEKPilot scheme on processing of lease modification and land exchange applicationsReply
Q. 12
James TIENEmissions from vesselsReply
Q. 13
LI Fung-yingTraffic accidents involving public light bus driversReply
Q. 14
LEE Wing-tatOperation of mutual aid committeesReply
Q. 15
Albert CHANNuisance caused by telemarketing callsReply
Q. 16
KWOK Ka-kiPilot project to purchase primary care services from the private sectorReply
Q. 17
Emily LAUTiming of consultation on the 2008-2009 BudgetReply
Q. 18
SIN Chung-kaiContinuing Education FundReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahStipulation on period of absence from Hong Kong for Old Age AllowanceReply
Q. 20
Martin LEEIntroduction of vehicles using cleaner fuelsReply

Council meeting on 12.12.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Jeffrey LAMDetermination of the level of statutory minimum wagesReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Man-kwongTelecommunications OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
Audrey EUSubsidizing schools and organizations to procure environmental protection facilitiesReply
Q. 4
Selina CHOWLicensing examination for doctorsReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatHealthcare services for Yuen Long, including Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 6
Albert HOClearance of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 7
Abraham SHEKImprovements to urban planning, land administration and approval procedures for building constructionReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungSouvenirs and tickets of celebration activities of the 10th anniversary of Re-unification used in electioneering activitiesReply
Q. 9
Martin LEEManagement of nullahsReply
Q. 10
WONG Ting-kwongUse of pirated software by private companiesReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukCooperation Arrangement on Control of Waste Movements between the Mainland and HKSARReply
Q. 12
KWOK Ka-kiDevelopment of new private hospitalsReply
Q. 13
Emily LAURemuneration level of principal officialsReply
Q. 14
David LILevel of fiscal reservesReply
Q. 15
Albert CHANNuisance caused by faxed advertisementsReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiDigital Trade and Transportation Network SystemReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGSupply of Dongjiang water to Hong KongReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahHealth of elderly residents in residential homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 19
Abraham SHEKAssisting students with special educational needsReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Hok-mingWorsening traffic congestionReply

Council meeting on 19.12.2007

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Hok-mingInstallation of reversing video devices in vehiclesReply
Q. 2
Andrew LEUNGBoosting investments in scientific research, development and encouraging creativityReply
Q. 3
CHOY So-yukDisposal of old television sets upon the rollout of digital broadcastingReply
Q. 4
Fred LIInjection of funds into the Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 5
KWOK Ka-kiApportioning of income from private consultations to teaching staff of medical facultiesReply
Q. 6
Martin LEETypes of work and trades covered by the Correctional Services IndustriesReply
Q. 7
James TIENTime frame for the surrender of public housing flatsReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Man-kwongStudent finance assistance schemesReply
Q. 9
WONG Ting-kwongFinancial arrangements regarding the Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 10
Abraham SHEKAutistic children being bullied at schoolReply
Q. 11
TSANG Yok-singApplications for conversion to non-profit-making kindergartensReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANSection fares for franchised bus routesReply
Q. 13
Emily LAUImpact of rising food prices on the grass rootsReply
Q. 14
David LIEmployment of mainland arrivals under the One-way Permit SchemeReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiComputerization of various bureaux and departmentsReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGServices provided by maternal and child health centresReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahStaphylococcus aureus infectionsReply
Q. 18
Abraham SHEKUse of mobile phones by drivers while drivingReply
Q. 19
TSANG Yok-singRegulating the sources of animals for sale in pet shopsReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNGGovernment's assistance to low-income peopleReply

Council meeting on 9.1.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Kwok-hingHealth hazard posed by overnight workReply
Q. 2
YEUNG SumPreservation of King Yin LeiReply
Q. 3
TSANG Yok-singAssisting employees in recovering outstanding wagesReply
Q. 4
Daniel LAMRural improvement worksReply
Q. 5
TAM Yiu-chungNon-ethnic Chinese illegal entrantsReply
Q. 6
WONG Yung-kanSale of poisonous puffer fishReply
Q. 7
YEUNG SumEducation and vocational training for the ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 8
James TOMonitoring public comments made by adjudicators of the Obscene Articles TribunalReply
Q. 9
Albert HOHuman rights educationReply
Q. 10
LEUNG Yiu-chungLaw enforcement against the sale of tobacco products to underage personsReply
Q. 11
Fred LIServices provided by the United Christian HospitalReply
Q. 12
TAM Heung-manShortage of manpower in the accounting sectorReply
Q. 13
LAU Kong-wahComing into operation of the rental right provisions on video discs and comic booksReply
Q. 14
CHOY So-yukOffice removal and renovation works undertaken because of reorganization of policy bureauxReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatMortgage arrangements for Home Ownership Scheme flatsReply
Q. 16
WONG Ting-kwongSponsoring the setting up of commercial web sitesReply
Q. 17
Albert CHANNuisance caused by private barbeque sitesReply
Q. 18
Emily LAURegistration of electors and voting arrangementsReply
Q. 19
David LIPeople who have not benefited from the rates concession granted by the GovernmentReply
Q. 20
SIN Chung-kaiHong Kong Education CityReply

Council meeting on 16.1.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Kong-wahThe guideline capping the loan-to-value ratio for residential mortgage lending at 70%Reply
Q. 2
CHAN Yuen-hanProvision of disregarded earnings under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 3
Emily LAUExit pollsReply
Q. 4
Albert CHENGStructural safety of franchised busesReply
Q. 5
James TIENCrackdown on dangerous drivingReply
Q. 6
TAM Heung-manSub-prime mortgage problemReply
Q. 7
KWONG Chi-kinOccupational health clinicsReply
Q. 8
TAM Yiu-chungCriminal intimidation casesReply
Q. 9
James TOPublic housing tenants' claims for compensation from the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 10
YEUNG SumEnforcement actions against unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 11
LI Fung-yingManpower shortage of the Fire Services DepartmentReply
Q. 12
Fred LIFood products containing chemical substancesReply
Q. 13
CHOY So-yukDogs kept on construction sitesReply
Q. 14
LEE Wing-tatRemoval of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 15
TSANG Yok-singPromoting the use of electric vehiclesReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiMaking available public facilities for installation of Wi-Fi antennasReply
Q. 17
LEE Wing-tatCommissioning of opinion surveys by the GovernmentReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNGDurability of smart identity cardsReply
Q. 19
Daniel LAMLaw enforcement against smoking in no smoking areaReply
Q. 20
Fred LIInstallation of metal gates for public housing unitsReply

Council meeting on 23.1.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Vincent FANGManagement of Women's StreetReply
Q. 2
Daniel LAMSafety measures at Light Rail platformsReply
Q. 3
David LINon-local media organisations and journalists based in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Frederick FUNGMainland's export control and tariff on grain flourReply
Q. 5
Alan LEONGToll levels of cross harbour tunnelsReply
Q. 6
Jeffrey LAMUsage of the Shenzhen Bay PortReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-hingFunctions of smart identity cardsReply
Q. 8
Tommy CHEUNGImportation of chilled porkReply
Q. 9
CHOY So-yukPrevention of hill firesReply
Q. 10
TSANG Yok-singDefault repayment of student loansReply
Q. 11
Emily LAUSupport Scheme to Schools in using Putonghua as a Medium of Instruction for the Chinese LanguageReply
Q. 12
LAU Kong-wahSmuggling activitiesReply
Q. 13
SIN Chung-kaiMigration to Internet Protocol version 6Reply
Q. 14
Daniel LAMCar parks in public housing estates in New TerritoriesReply
Q. 15
TSANG Yok-singHazards posed by pools in public parksReply
Q. 16
Emily LAUImplementation of universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and Legislative Council in 2012Reply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahUse of octopus cardsReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNGGovernment's assets operated on commercial principlesReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Man-kwongProjects to expand campus space of University Grants Committee-funded institutionsReply
Q. 20
KWOK Ka-kiPreservation of Nursing Quarter - Block A in Queen Mary HospitalReply

Council meeting on 30.1.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Kwok-hingPromoting the use of paper coffinsReply
Q. 2
LEE Wing-tatThe Department of Justice's handling of a case of speeding detected by a laser gunReply
Q. 3
Selina CHOWVacant government quartersReply
Q. 4
CHOY So-yukReduction in emission of air pollutants in the Pearl River Delta RegionReply
Q. 5
Fred LIPrices and supply of pork and beefReply
Q. 6
Audrey EUPneumococcal diseasesReply
Q. 7
Jeffrey LAMIntroduction of group loss relief and loss carry-back for profits taxReply
Q. 8
CHAN Yuen-hanChildhood Immunisation ProgrammeReply
Q. 9
Daniel LAMDisposal of old television sets upon the rollout of digital terrestrial television broadcastingReply
Q. 10
James TOThe role and operation of public librariesReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Yiu-chungAssistance provided for local residents who are illiterate in Chinese (and English)Reply
Q. 12
KWOK Ka-kiContract renewal for Hospital Authority's doctorsReply
Q. 13
David LISupport for Hong Kong students studying on the MainlandReply
Q. 14
Emily LAUSeparate collection of waste at public housing estatesReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiTendering for the development of a new cruise terminalReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahControl on the sale of unregistered drugsReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGThe plan to improve the homes of elderly people in relatively poor communitiesReply
Q. 18
Daniel LAMEradicate the inflow of substandard and poisonous mainland products into Hong KongReply
Q. 19
James TOGovernance of statutory bodiesReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUPromotion of gender equalityReply

Council meeting on 20.2.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
HO Chung-taiHygiene conditions of civilian passenger aircraftReply
Q. 2
Bernard CHANPromotion of local artReply
Q. 3
Ronny TONGPolice's handling of searches of detained personsReply
Q. 4
Albert CHANScheduling of mid-term examinations by schoolsReply
Q. 5
Andrew CHENGExtension of franchises for air cargo terminalsReply
Q. 6
LUI Ming-wahHygiene conditions and product safety of disposable tablewareReply
Q. 7
LAU Chin-shekCollection of data according to the races of stakeholdersReply
Q. 8
Timothy FOKPromoting arts education in schools and the communityReply
Q. 9
Anson CHANWork of the Employees Retraining BoardReply
Q. 10
CHAN Kam-lamOffsetting long service payments and severance payments by accrued benefits in employees' Mandatory Provident Fund accountsReply
Q. 11
Fernando CHEUNGProvision of barrier-free access and facilities in special schoolsReply
Q. 12
LAU Wong-fatGratuities and medical benefits for District Council membersReply
Q. 13
Joseph LEEChildhood Immunisation ProgrammeReply
Q. 14
Albert HOProtection of personal dataReply
Q. 15
CHAN Yuen-hanEducation for non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 16
James TIENThe problem of young children being left alone at homeReply
Q. 17
Audrey EUElectronic water billsReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Hok-mingPromotion of wireless Internet accessReply
Q. 19
YEUNG SumHealth care expenditureReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongCivil service entry systemReply

Council meeting on 27.2.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Andrew CHENGConcessionary interchange schemeReply
Q. 2
LAU Wong-fatOpen sewersReply
Q. 3
Joseph LEEMembers of the public being interviewed alone in police stationsReply
Q. 4
James TIENRemoval arrangements for elderly tenants in Housing for Senior Citizens unitsReply
Q. 5
Audrey EURemission of sentences for sentenced persons transferred from other jurisdictionsReply
Q. 6
Daniel LAMElectricity tariffsReply
Q. 7
YEUNG SumExercise of discretion by the Student Financial Assistance AgencyReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingTaxi Hiring SchemeReply
Q. 9
Abraham SHEKChildren's ability to face up to adversityReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Man-kwongTeacher-librarians in primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukManagement of telephone numbersReply
Q. 12
James TOVeterinary surgeons and their servicesReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatBedspace apartments and cubicle apartmentsReply
Q. 14
Albert CHANUse of plastic bags by government departmentsReply
Q. 15
KWOK Ka-kiDental servicesReply
Q. 16
Emily LAUGovernance of the Equal Opportunities CommissionReply
Q. 17
SIN Chung-kaiProtection of intellectual property rights of inventorsReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahAmusement game machines with gambling elementsReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNGAvian influenzaReply
Q. 20
LAU Wong-fatResidential and day care services for mentally or physically handicapped peopleReply

Council meeting on 5.3.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Anson CHANElderly health centres under the Department of HealthReply
Q. 2
Emily LAUCultivating cultural literacy at schools and in the communityReply
Q. 3
Margaret NGCompliance by real estate developers with land lease condition on the provision of public open spaceReply
Q. 4
SIN Chung-kaiEnforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles OrdinanceReply
Q. 5
James TOProsecution against publishing obscene articles on the InternetReply
Q. 6
Fernando CHEUNGAssistance for discharged offendersReply
Q. 7
LEE Cheuk-yanUse of paper by the GovernmentReply
Q. 8
Andrew CHENGUse of medical services by non-residents of Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Martin LEEServices for street sleepersReply
Q. 10
Joseph LEEPrevention and control of communicable diseases spreading in residential homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukLicence requirement for the provision of amusement game machines in clubhousesReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANPublic light bus drivers being extorted money by triad membersReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiControl on materials containing asbestosReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahClassification system for electronic toy productsReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGChild care servicesReply
Q. 16
Fernando CHEUNGTelephone booking service provided by the general out-patient clinics of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 17
James TONew measures to safeguard the rights and interests of consumersReply
Q. 18
Emily LAUHiring consultant for public consultation on health care reformsReply
Q. 19
SIN Chung-kaiOrgan donationReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahUse of radar detectors by motoristsReply

Council meeting on 12.3.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Martin LEEOvertime allowance for staff of government departments and subvented organizationsReply
Q. 2
WONG Kwok-hingStructural safety guarantee for Tenants Purchase Scheme flatsReply
Q. 3
KWOK Ka-kiWorking Group on Mental Health ServicesReply
Q. 4
YEUNG SumNumber of places for publicly-funded first-degree programmesReply
Q. 5
Albert HOHiring a consulting firm for the work relating to public consultation on health care reformsReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahTravel subsidy for studentsReply
Q. 7
Anson CHANProtection for women not in employmentReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of shops and facilities in public housing estatesReply
Q. 9
Joseph LEEApplication for medical fee waivers by the elderlyReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Hok-mingCrimes involving the use of chloroformReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukMaintenance of the Register of Old and Valuable TreesReply
Q. 12
James TONumber of places for first-degree programmesReply
Q. 13
David LIPublic Policy Research Funding SchemeReply
Q. 14
Emily LAUHandling by the Police of cases involving the ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiControl of Obscene and Indecent Articles OrdinanceReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGArrangements for and promotion of marathonReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Hok-mingCultural heritage of New Territories villagesReply
Q. 18
James TOMitigation of traffic noiseReply
Q. 19
KWOK Ka-kiRetirement and promotion arrangements for academic staff of the University of Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUStructural safety of elevated roadsReply

Council meeting on 9.4.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Howard YOUNGAllowing pay television operators to transmit the digital broadcast signals of free television broadcastersReply
Q. 2
Tommy CHEUNGMaintenance of water metersReply
Q. 3
HO Chung-taiPrivate aircraft movements at the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 4
Ronny TONGExit pollsReply
Q. 5
Anson CHANInfluenza outbreakReply
Q. 6
Margaret NGTransfer of sentenced persons between Hong Kong and the MainlandReply
Q. 7
LEE Cheuk-yanEmployment statistics for 2007Reply
Q. 8
LAU Chin-shekStatistics relating to public meetings and public processionsReply
Q. 9
Bernard CHANBegging and illegal fund raising on the streetReply
Q. 10
CHAN Yuen-hanConstruction of the Shatin to Central Link depot at Diamond HillReply
Q. 11
Fernando CHEUNGGreen features of residential projectsReply
Q. 12
Andrew CHENGOwners of stolen van-type light goods vehicles being extorted ransomReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Yiu-chungReligious discrimination in the provision of public servicesReply
Q. 14
Martin LEEGlobal warmingReply
Q. 15
Audrey EUCode on Access to InformationReply
Q. 16
Fred LIRegulation of animal breeding farmsReply
Q. 17
YEUNG SumEducation for children born to mainland womenReply
Q. 18
WONG Ting-kwongProcedure adopted by government departments for vetting expensesReply
Q. 19
Joseph LEEExpenditure on electricity and use of renewable energy by government departmentsReply
Q. 20
Abraham SHEKReview of hospital manpower in view of medical incidentsReply

Council meeting on 16.4.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Andrew CHENGIllegal modification of vehicles and illegal motor racingReply
Q. 2
Martin LEEEmissions from franchised busesReply
Q. 3
Fred LIPower breakdownReply
Q. 4
WONG Ting-kwongRetirement ageReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Man-kwongKindergarten teachers leaving their jobs or transferring to other schoolsReply
Q. 6
YEUNG SumMedical services for AIDS patients and HIV infected individualsReply
Q. 7
Joseph LEEInvestment by public organizationsReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingIssue of Closed Area PermitsReply
Q. 9
James TOAdmission schemes for mainland peopleReply
Q. 10
CHOY So-yukEnforcement of legislation to prevent cruelty to animalsReply
Q. 11
Albert CHANNuisances caused by aircraft noisesReply
Q. 12
David LICapital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiLiver transplantationReply
Q. 14
Emily LAUHandling of exhibits by the PoliceReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiInstallation of Wi-Fi antennas on lamp postsReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNGServices and development of public librariesReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahDrug addiction and abuse of psychotropic substances among adolescentsReply
Q. 18
WONG Ting-kwongComprehensive Social Security Assistance fraud casesReply
Q. 19
Fred LILiquefied petroleum gas vehicles queuing up for gas refillsReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Hok-mingEnforcement of speed limitsReply

Council meeting on 23.4.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Howard YOUNGTravel insurance agentsReply
Q. 2
James TIENReplacement and Rehabilitation Programme of Water MainsReply
Q. 3
Andrew CHENGTraffic congestion in the three road-harbour crossingsReply
Q. 4
Martin LEEAir pollution in districts with heavy trafficReply
Q. 5
YEUNG SumFinancial assistance schemes for post-secondary and tertiary level studentsReply
Q. 6
Joseph LEEOperation of the Supplementary Medical Professions CouncilReply
Q. 7
Fred LITransparency of and public participation in heritage assessmentReply
Q. 8
LEE Wing-tatDisclosure to prospective property buyers of the requirement to provide facilities in private developments for public useReply
Q. 9
CHOY So-yukManagement of Chater Road Pedestrian PrecinctReply
Q. 10
James TOPublic transport service plying Route 8Reply
Q. 11
David LIe-Certs embedded in smart identity cardsReply
Q. 12
KWOK Ka-kiFilling vacancies of doctors in Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 13
Emily LAUHandling of sexual harassment cases by the PoliceReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiNon-means tested loan schemes for tertiary studentsReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGRegulating junk food TV advertisements in order to tackle childhood obesityReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahInstallation of television broadcasting systems in private estatesReply
Q. 17
James TOStock options known as accumulatorsReply
Q. 18
Emily LAUConduct of breath tests for drivers suspected of drink drivingReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNGPromotion of social enterprisesReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahFinancing the construction of new railway linesReply

Council meeting on 30.4.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
KWONG Chi-kinElderly persons in residential care homes being defrauded of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance paymentsReply
Q. 2
LAU Chin-shekDefault payment of Mandatory Provident Fund contributionsReply
Q. 3
Howard YOUNGIncreasing flight movementsReply
Q. 4
Daniel LAMProvision of parks which admit dogsReply
Q. 5
LEUNG Yiu-chungConstruction of new public hospitals in Tin Shui Wai and North LantauReply
Q. 6
Vincent FANGHawker licence fee waiverReply
Q. 7
LEE Cheuk-yanNon-civil service contract staff's paid leave entitlementReply
Q. 8
Albert HOCoroner's courtReply
Q. 9
Martin LEETraffic noise in KowloonReply
Q. 10
Abraham SHEKMeasures to boost fertility rateReply
Q. 11
CHOY So-yukDisplay of notices concerning excessive gambling in off-course betting branchesReply
Q. 12
David LIRents for private residential propertiesReply
Q. 13
Emily LAUEnergy efficiency of newly-built buildingsReply
Q. 14
SIN Chung-kaiOperation of the Unsolicited Electronic Messages OrdinanceReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGChildhood Immunization ProgrammeReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahAssistance to elderly people residing on the Mainland and those who have returned to settle in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
LEUNG Yiu-chungDifferences in the charges for cultural and recreational facilities in different districtsReply
Q. 18
Abraham SHEKIndustry safety for working at heightReply
Q. 19
Emily LAURecovery of outstanding student loansReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNGCycling facilities and the promotion of cyclingReply

Council meeting on 7.5.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Yuen-hanMeasures to assist low-income peopleReply
Q. 2
Fernando CHEUNGStaff salary structures of non-governmental welfare organizations subvented under the Lump Sum Grant Subvention SystemReply
Q. 3
James TOUse of public facilities on private land by the publicReply
Q. 4
LAU Wong-fatCommunity Garden ProgrammeReply
Q. 5
SIN Chung-kaiManagement of public facilities on private landReply
Q. 6
James TIENUtilization of wards and beds in public hospitalsReply
Q. 7
Albert HOSewage treatment facilities and water quality of rivers and streams in Tuen Mun and Yuen LongReply
Q. 8
Audrey EUManagement of public open space in private developmentsReply
Q. 9
Fred LIServices of public light busesReply
Q. 10
CHOY So-yukPromoting Fuwa - mascots of the Beijing OlympicsReply
Q. 11
Albert CHANUsing low-platform buses to provide bus serviceReply
Q. 12
David LIProhibition of smoking in covered walkwaysReply
Q. 13
Emily LAUProvision of male and female lavatories in public placesReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahConsumption of fresh waterReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGViability of the ferry service between Central and Tsim Sha TsuiReply
Q. 16
LAU Wong-fatCounterfeit Hong Kong $10 coinsReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahDeparture of civil servantsReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNGProvision of lifeguard services at public swimming pools and beachesReply
Q. 19
Martin LEEFranchised bus servicesReply
Q. 20
SIN Chung-kaiHiring consultants for the introduction of a competition lawReply

Council meeting on 14.5.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Patrick LAURemuneration of government employeesReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Hok-mingFrontier Closed AreaReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Man-kwongThe Government taking the lead in enhancing recognition for associate degree qualificationReply
Q. 4
Frederick FUNGMeasures to alleviate povertyReply
Q. 5
Alan LEONGOutlying island ferry servicesReply
Q. 6
Jeffrey LAMOperation of Ngong Ping 360Reply
Q. 7
LAU Chin-shekVoter registrationReply
Q. 8
Albert HODefault cases of non-means tested loan schemesReply
Q. 9
YEUNG SumApplications for deferring repayment of student loansReply
Q. 10
Martin LEEAir Pollution Index and Air Quality ObjectivesReply
Q. 11
Joseph LEEDeparture of nurses in the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 12
CHOY So-yukLoss of and damage to books in public librariesReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiWorking hours of doctors in public hospitalsReply
Q. 14
David LIVisa applications for entry to the Mainland by foreign nationalsReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiDevelopment of a platform for geospatial informationReply
Q. 16
Emily LAUHigh prices of goods in supermarketsReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahUtilization of indoor cultural, recreational and sports facilities under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 18
Albert HOAssistance to unwed pregnant girls and unwed mothers who are underageReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingEffectiveness in energy conservation of the measure of maintaining the indoor temperature at 25.5°CReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNGImprovement to roads to reduce traffic accidentsReply

Council meeting on 21.5.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Fred LIEnactment of a competition lawReply
Q. 2
Ronny TONGLiberalization measures under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement relating to the film industryReply
Q. 3
CHOY So-yukAir quality in Guangdong and Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Audrey EUProtection of personal dataReply
Q. 5
Selina CHOWTendering arrangements for petrol filling station sitesReply
Q. 6
HO Chung-taiIndiscriminate sounding of horns by driversReply
Q. 7
TAM Yiu-chungReview of sentences of prisoners and rehabilitation services for discharged prisonersReply
Q. 8
Anson CHANSubventions for residential child care service providersReply
Q. 9
Howard YOUNGBankruptcy and winding-up of airlinesReply
Q. 10
Albert HOFoster care serviceReply
Q. 11
CHEUNG Man-kwongRecurrent subsidies for direct subsidy schoolsReply
Q. 12
LAU Kong-wahEmergency ambulance serviceReply
Q. 13
James TOOperation of the Fire Safety (Buildings) OrdinanceReply
Q. 14
David LIImpact of closer links across the Taiwan StraitReply
Q. 15
Emily LAUReview of the Personal Data (Privacy) OrdinanceReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahFood safety of canned foodReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGEnteroviral infection casesReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Man-kwongImplementation of small-class teaching in special schoolsReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingSecurity of patient informationReply
Q. 20
Fred LIAppointment of District Council membersReply

Council meeting on 28.5.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TSANG Yok-singProtection of personal data by government departments and public organizationsReply
Q. 2
Daniel LAMTraditional and festive events in the communityReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Hok-mingPilot scheme on basic health and community health centresReply
Q. 4
TAM Heung-manTraffic accident black spotsReply
Q. 5
CHAN Yuen-hanImpact of rising prices of motor vehicle fuels on the relevant tradesReply
Q. 6
Fernando CHEUNGPolling arrangements for disabled personsReply
Q. 7
HO Chung-taiCorruption cases involving private building maintenance worksReply
Q. 8
Andrew CHENGFranchised bus servicesReply
Q. 9
Joseph LEEAllied health staff of Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 10
James TONuisance caused by lights from government venuesReply
Q. 11
Albert CHANStench near Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment WorksReply
Q. 12
CHOY So-yukImpact of air quality and weather conditions on the equestrian events of the 2008 Olympic GamesReply
Q. 13
KWOK Ka-kiDoctors and dentists employed by the GovernmentReply
Q. 14
David LIRestrictions on height of new buildingsReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiRegulation of dealing in devices and provision of services which aim to circumvent technological measures applied in the protection of copyright worksReply
Q. 16
Emily LAURationalization of the usage of the three road harbour crossingsReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGReview of policy on control and licensing of hawking activitiesReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahHong Kong Special Administrative Region PassportReply
Q. 19
TSANG Yok-singProviding medical consultation service and nursing advice using video conferencing systemsReply
Q. 20
Emily LAULoss of computer server containing personal data of customers by a bankReply

Council meeting on 4.6.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Albert CHANInfection of pine treesReply
Q. 2
YEUNG SumDevelopment restrictions imposed on land granted by way of land exchangeReply
Q. 3
WONG Kwok-hingMeasures to combat wage default and assist employees in enforcing Labour Tribunal awardsReply
Q. 4
Frederick FUNGRising inflationReply
Q. 5
Martin LEEAppointment of Under Secretaries at the rank of Deputy Director of Bureau and Political Assistants to Directors of BureauxReply
Q. 6
LAU Wong-fatMatching Grant Scheme for tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 7
TAM Heung-manStandard working hoursReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungSickness allowanceReply
Q. 9
Albert HOMeasures and facilities relating to catastrophesReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Hok-mingAbuse of drugs by youngstersReply
Q. 11
James TOCycle tracksReply
Q. 12
CHOY So-yukHandling of the media by police officersReply
Q. 13
David LIStudies on tourismReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahThe requirements for tenants of public rental housing to declare household income and assetsReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGRequirement for cyclists to wear protective helmets Reply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahConsumption of paper by the GovernmentReply
Q. 17
LAU Wong-fatVillage sewerage projectsReply
Q. 18
KWOK Ka-kiExpansion project of the United Christian HospitalReply
Q. 19
WONG Kwok-hingPassing on rates concession to tenants of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Hong Kong Housing SocietyReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUThe Police's handling of matters relating to the news covering activities of the mediaReply

Council meeting on 11.6.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Kwok-hungManagement of common areas in public housing estatesReply
Q. 2
Albert HODevelopment of Park Island and Ma Wan Park in Ma WanReply
Q. 3
Ronny TONGGovernment departments' handling of incidents of leakage of personal dataReply
Q. 4
KWOK Ka-kiPublic expenditure on healthReply
Q. 5
LAU Kong-wahScheme to encourage owners to replace old diesel commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 6
SIN Chung-kaiUsing information technologies to serve peopleReply
Q. 7
Frederick FUNGWeb sites using domain names ending with ".gov.hk"Reply
Q. 8
Fernando CHEUNGResidential care homesReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Yiu-chungService life of the Cross-Harbour TunnelReply
Q. 10
LEE Wing-tatDevelopment of a theme park in Ma WanReply
Q. 11
Fred LIExemptions and exclusions under the proposed competition lawReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANInformation on treesReply
Q. 13
CHOY So-yukMeals provided in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 14
David LIEvaluation of government-funded training programmesReply
Q. 15
LI Kwok-yingDesignation of a sitting-out area adjacent to a liquefied petroleum gas store as a smoking areaReply
Q. 16
LEUNG Yiu-chungFoster care serviceReply
Q. 17
Albert HOOrgan donationReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNGStudies on public participation in physical activitiesReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahAccidents in public places in public housing estatesReply
Q. 20
Bernard CHANHospital bedsReply

Council meeting on 18.6.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Andrew CHENGConcessionary bus-bus interchange schemes implemented by franchised bus companiesReply
Q. 2
Jeffrey LAMRequirements on qualifications of primary and secondary school teachersReply
Q. 3
TAM Heung-manAppointment of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants to Directors of BureauxReply
Q. 4
KWOK Ka-kiMedical services provided to residents in Kwun TongReply
Q. 5
Fernando CHEUNGFinancial assistance schemes for studentsReply
Q. 6
Audrey EUTree transplantationReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-hingRates concession for properties of the Hong Kong Housing SocietyReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungAccess to small houses in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongDevelopment of self-financing degree-awarding institutions and private universitiesReply
Q. 10
Albert HOThe impact of the pollutants generated by the Castle Peak Power Station on the environment of the Tuen Mun districtReply
Q. 11
James TOLight pollutionReply
Q. 12
Albert CHANPenalties for public cleanliness offences and smoking offencesReply
Q. 13
CHOY So-yukPostal servicesReply
Q. 14
David LIDetermination of mean site formation levelReply
Q. 15
SIN Chung-kaiUse of personal data of electors kept by professional bodiesReply
Q. 16
Emily LAUDrug administration in public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGChildhood Immunization ProgrammeReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahProperty development rights granted to railway corporationsReply
Q. 19
LEUNG Kwok-hungAutomatic discharge from bankruptcyReply

Council meeting on 25.6.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Ting-kwongMonitoring of fund-raising activitiesReply
Q. 2
Andrew LEUNGSecurity problem of web sites using domain names ending with ".hk"Reply
Q. 3
LEUNG Yiu-chungChinese Medical Practitioners Licensing ExaminationReply
Q. 4
LEE Wing-tatProperty projects at the Tsuen Wan West StationReply
Q. 5
Alan LEONGNuisance caused to Kwun Tong residents by public cargo working areas, scrap metal recovery factory and refuse transfer stationReply
Q. 6
CHOY So-yukFlooding problems in the Central and Western DistrictReply
Q. 7
Vincent FANGRegistration fees for small volume exemption for prepackaged foodReply
Q. 8
TAM Yiu-chungDisaster relief work of the GovernmentReply
Q. 9
CHAN Yuen-hanNuisance caused by piling works of the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 10
LEUNG Kwok-hungProtection of wild birdsReply
Q. 11
Andrew CHENGManagement of sick leave taken by civil servantsReply
Q. 12
Audrey EUBanning the sale of birdReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Man-kwongFunding matters relating to community colleges or continuing education arms of institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Hok-mingFare concessions provided by bus companiesReply
Q. 15
Fred LISupply of pork from the MainlandReply
Q. 16
James TOHawker management and controlReply
Q. 17
David LIAssistance to relief work undertaken by non-governmental organizationsReply
Q. 18
Emily LAUDetection of H5N1 avian influenza virus at poultry stallsReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNGProvision of water dispensers in public facilities under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahPublic car parks managed by The Link Management LimitedReply

Council meeting on 2.7.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TAM Yiu-chungInstallation of automatic platform gates at MTR stationsReply
Q. 2
Vincent FANGManagement of wholesale food marketsReply
Q. 3
Emily LAUSelection of the Chief Executive and election of Members of Legislative Council by universal suffrageReply
Q. 4
LEUNG Yiu-chungEmergency situation caused by a rainstormReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Hok-mingNew Liantang-Heung Yuen Wai boundary control pointReply
Q. 6
LAU Wong-fatPublic housing blocks without liftsReply
Q. 7
LEE Cheuk-yanEmployment statistics of selected trades and occupationsReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Man-kwongContract staff of institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 9
James TOProvision of lifts and escalatorsReply
Q. 10
CHOY So-yukRecycling of used computer equipmentReply
Q. 11
James TOInclusion of cash values of insurance policies in the calculation of capital assets in assets testsReply
Q. 12
SIN Chung-kaiIncrease of Fixed-Mobile Interconnection ChargeReply
Q. 13
Frederick FUNGComputer Recycling ProgrammeReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahTraffic accident black spotsReply
Q. 15
LEUNG Yiu-chungProvision of Chinese medical treatments for prisonersReply
Q. 16
SIN Chung-kaiDe-regulation of Fixed-Mobile Interconnection Charge arrangementReply
Q. 17
Emily LAUPolice's conduct of body searches of personsReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNGSolid waste managementReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahHandling of vacant public housing unitsReply

Council meeting on 9.7.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Sophie LEUNGImpact of the Labour Contract Law on Hong Kong enterprises on the MainlandReply
Q. 2
Joseph LEEPrimary health care servicesReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanSelection and appointment of the first batch of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants to Directors of BureauxReply
Q. 4
TAM Yiu-chungAssistance for home purchasesReply
Q. 5
Vincent FANGImpact of total cessation of business of the live poultry tradeReply
Q. 6
Emily LAUAppointment of Under Secretaries and Political Assistants to Directors of BureauxReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-hingRecognition of sick leave certificates issued by chiropractorsReply
Q. 8
LAU Chin-shekOvernight bus routes serving the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 9
TAM Heung-manServices of the Company RegistryReply
Q. 10
Bernard CHANStatistics on salaries tax payersReply
Q. 11
Andrew CHENGHandling of complaints by the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Audrey EUUse of natural gas in electricity generationReply
Q. 13
YEUNG SumCross-boundary marriagesReply
Q. 14
Martin LEEDuty on and prices of tobacco productsReply
Q. 15
Albert HOHuman rights educationReply
Q. 16
CHEUNG Man-kwongPlaces in schools for social developmentReply
Q. 17
KWOK Ka-kiReporting of medical incidentsReply
Q. 18
CHOY So-yukLoophole in the Town Planning OrdinanceReply
Q. 19
James TODigital broadcastingReply
Q. 20
David LIExpenditure weights for compiling Consumer Price IndexReply

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