BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009

Subsidiary legislation/other instruments with resolution moved to amend them

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary legislation/other instruments
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting on by
27.5.09 Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 107 of 2009]
14.10.09 Secretary for the Environment Passed
24.6.09 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 130 of 2009]
21.10.09 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Passed
24.6.09 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (District Councils) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 131 of 2009]
21.10.09 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Passed
24.6.09 Electoral Affairs Commission (Electoral Procedure) (Election Committee) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 132 of 2009]
21.10.09 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Passed
24.6.09 Electoral Procedure (Chief Executive Election) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 133 of 2009]
21.10.09 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Passed
24.6.09 Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) (Amendment) Regulation 2009
[L.N. 134 of 2009]
21.10.09 Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Passed
14.10.09 Building (Minor Works) (Fees) Regulation
[L.N. 178 of 2009]
2.12.09 Secretary for Development Passed
4.11.09 Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules) Order 2009
[L.N. 204 of 2009]
6.1.10 Secretary for the Environment Passed
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon James TO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 2 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Mrs Regina IP Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 3 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon James TO Not Proceeded with
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon James TO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 4 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon James TO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 5 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 6 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 7 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 8 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 9 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Albert HO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 10 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Albert HO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 11 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Audrey EU Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 12 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
24.2.10 Immigration (Treatment of Detainees) (Amendment) Order 2010
[L.N. 15 of 2010]
14.4.10 Secretary for Security Passed

Subsidiary legislation/other instruments with resolution moved to repeal them

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary legislation/other instruments
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting on by
14.10.09 Rules of the High Court (Amendment) Rules 2009
[L.N. 186 of 2009]
2.12.09 Dr Hon Margaret NG Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 1 of the Council meeting of 2 December)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Cyd HO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 1 of the Council meeting of 17 March)
27.1.10 Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice
[L.N. 6 of 2010]
17.3.10 Hon Albert HO Not Proceeded with

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