BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009

Subsidiary legislation/other instruments with resolution moved to amend them

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary legislation/other instruments
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting on by
6.7.11 Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Regulation
[Legal Notice No. 111 of 2011]
9.11.11 Secretary for Labour and Welfare Passed
12.10.11 Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) (Amendment) Rules 2011
[Legal Notice No. 135 of 2011]
30.11.11 Hon KAM Nai-wai Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 1 of the Council meeting of 30 November)
2.11.11 Building (Minor Works) (Amendment) Regulation 2011
[Legal Notice No. 148 of 2011]
21.12.11 Secretary for Development Passed
7.12.11 Frontier Closed Area (Amendment) Order 2011
[Legal Notice No. 170 of 2011]
1.2.12 Secretary for Security Passed

Subsidiary legislation/other instruments with resolution moved to repeal them

Date of tabling in Council Subsidiary legislation/other instruments
(Legal Notice No.)
Resolution moved Voting Results
at the Council meeting on by
26.10.11 Companies Ordinance (Exemption of Companies and Prospectuses from Compliance with Provisions) (Amendment) Notice 2011
[Legal Notice No. 143 of 2011]
14.12.11 Hon James TO Negatived
(Voting Result:no. 4 of the Council meeting of 14 December)

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