List of outstanding items for discussion
List of follow-up actions
 | Papers
| Policy briefing
| Companies
| |
| Rewrite of the Companies Ordinance
| |
| Financial Reporting Council
| |
| Others
| Budgeting and Government Expenditure
| |
| Budget consultation and Budget proposals
| |
| Others
| Market Development
| |
| Development of debt market
| |
| Development of Islamic finance
| Government revenue
| |
| Tax relief
| |
| Review of the Inland Revenue Ordinance
| |
| Others
| Macro economic development
| |
| Economic situation
| |
| Economic Report
| Monetary and banking affairs
| |
| Hong Kong Monetary Authority
| |
| Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation
| |
| Provision of banking services
| |
| Implementation of Basel II and Basel III
| |
| Deposit Protection Scheme
| |
| Others
| Retirement schemes and insurance
| |
| Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes
| |
| Compensation Fund for the MPFS
| |
| Protection for insurance policyholders
| |
| Others
| Securities, futures and debt markets
| |
| Securities and Futures Commission
| |
| Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
| |
| Regulation of listed companies and market activities
| |
| Issue relating to PCCW Limited
| |
| Proposed establishment of Investor Education Council and Financial Dispute Resolution Centre
| |
| Others
| Others