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Bills Committee on Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (Papers)

Bills Committee on Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014


Submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1584/13-14(02) Administration's paper on "The Administration's response to certain concerns raised by the trade" 20 May 2014
CB(2)206/14-15(01) Administration's reply letter dated 29 October 2014 to the Hong Kong Doctors Union, which was copied to the Bills Committee, addressing its concerns on the proposed requirement of placing drug orders in written form (English version only) 31 October 2014*
CB(2)1584/13-14(01) Administration's response to some newspaper reports on the proposed introduction of the "Authorized Persons" system under the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 dated 19 May 2014 20 May 2014
CB(2)110/14-15(01) Administration's response to the submissions from retailers of drugs expressing their views on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 20 October 2014*
CB(2)1629/13-14(01) Administration's response to the views expressed by the deputations at the meeting on 20 May 2014 regarding the regulatory framework for registered pharmacists dated 26 May 2014 20 May 2014
10 June 2014
17 June 2014
CB(2)1735/13-14(02) Administration's response to views and concerns raised by deputations/individual at the meeting on 20 May 2014 10 June 2014
17 June 2014
CB(2)1602/13-14(01) Copy of the identical submissions from members of the public on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1642/13-14(01) Copy of the identical submissions from members of the public on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)57/14-15(01) Copy of the identical submissions from retailers of drugs expressing views on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 13 October 2014*
CB(2)460/14-15(01) Further joint submission from the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of The University of Hong Kong; the School of Pharmacy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong; The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry; Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association; College of Pharmacy Practice; and Patients' Alliance on Healthcare Reform (Chinese version only) 10 December 2014*
CB(2)479/14-15(01) Further submission from Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association (Chinese version only) 15 December 2014*
CB(2)1649/13-14(02) Further submission from Asia Regulatory Professional Association (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)2042/13-14(01) Further submission from Drug Safety Consortium (English version only) 14 July 2014*
CB(2)1837/13-14(03) Further submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (English version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1975/13-14(03) Further submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (English version only) 3 July 2014*
CB(2)2381/13-14(01) Further submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (English version only) 3 October 2014*
CB(2)45/14-15(01) Further submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (English version only) 10 October 2014*
CB(2)2009/13-14(03) Further submission from Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (English version only) 8 July 2014*
CB(2)454/14-15(01) Further submission from Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (English version only) 10 December 2014*
CB(2)1975/13-14(01) Further submission from Hong Kong Pharmacists Union 3 July 2014*
CB(2)1979/13-14(01) Further submission from Hong Kong Pharmacists Union (Chinese version only) 3 July 2014*
CB(2)2049/13-14(01) Further submission from The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (English version only) 15 July 2014*
CB(2)2074/13-14(01) Joint submission from 11 organizations of various sectors (Chinese version only) 17 July 2014
CB(2)382/14-15(01) Joint submission from a group of doctors (English version only) 2 December 2014*
CB(2)1743/13-14(04) Joint submission from Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of The University of Hong Kong; School of Pharmacy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong; The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry; College of Pharmacy Practice; and Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1743/13-14(03) Joint submission from four practicing oncologists (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(06) Joint submission from Hong Kong Pharmacists Union, Hong Kong Doctors Union, Retina Hong Kong and Pharmaceutical Trade Alliance (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1584/13-14(05) Joint submission from School of Pharmacy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The College of Pharmacy Practice; The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; and Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)313/14-15(01) Joint submission from the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of The University of Hong Kong; the School of Pharmacy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong; The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry; Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association; College of Pharmacy Practice; and Patients' Alliance on Healthcare Reform (Chinese version only) 20 November 2014*
CB(2)1802/13-14(01) Joint submission from Zuellig Pharma Limited, DKSH Hong Kong Limited and LF Asia Healthcare (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1735/13-14(01) Paper on views and concerns expressed by deputations/individual at the meeting on 20 May 2014 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (summary of views) 10 June 2014
17 June 2014
CB(2)1837/13-14(06) Press release dated 16 June 2014 issued by Hong Kong Pharmacists Union, Retina Hong Kong and Drug Safety Consortium which was copied to the Bills Committee (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(08) Press release provided by Hong Kong Pharmacists Union on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(09) Submission from a group of concerned pharmacists (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)57/14-15(02) Submission from a retailer of drugs expressing views on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014(Chinese version only) (Circulated to members only) 13 October 2014*
CB(2)1837/13-14(02) Submission from Alliance for Renal Patients Mutual Help Association (Chinese version only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(02) Submission from Alliance of Safe and Quality Use of Medicines (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1522/13-14(03) Submission from Asia Regulatory Professional Association (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1837/13-14(04) Submission from Cancer Information (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1778/13-14(01) Submission from College of Consultant Pharmacist (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(04) Submission from College of Geriatric Pharmacy (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(01) Submission from College of Primary Healthcare Pharmacists (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1767/13-14(01) Submission from Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy of The University of Hong Kong (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1961/13-14(01) Submission from Dr Henry YEUNG Chiu-fat (English version only) 3 July 2014*
CB(2)1767/13-14(03) Submission from Drug Safety Consortium (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1778/13-14(02) Submission from Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1767/13-14(04) Submission from Hong Kong Academy of Pharmacy (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1649/13-14(03) Submission from Hong Kong Alliance of Patients' Organizations (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1560/13-14(01) Submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1522/13-14(02) Submission from Hong Kong General Chamber of Pharmacy Limited (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1649/13-14(01) Submission from Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(05) Submission from Hong Kong Pharmacists Union (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(07) Submission from Hong Kong Pharmacists Union on the briefing session organized by the Department of Health on Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)2009/13-14(02) Submission from Hong Kong Pharmacology Society (English version only) 8 July 2014*
CB(2)1837/13-14(05) Submission from Hong Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Association (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 17 June 2014
CB(2)1767/13-14(02) Submission from Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1743/13-14(02) Submission from Ms Celine CHENG (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1694/13-14(01) Submission from Patients' Alliance on Healthcare Reform (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1767/13-14(05) Submission from Pharmaceutical Trade Alliance (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1584/13-14(07) Submission from Primary Healthcare Quality Alliance (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1584/13-14(06) Submission from the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries Council of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1975/13-14(02) Submission from The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong (English version only) 3 July 2014*
CB(2)1743/13-14(01) Submission from The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1726/13-14(01) Submission from The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (Chinese version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)2009/13-14(01) Submission from The Pharmaceutical Distributors Association of Hong Kong (English version only) (Circulated to members only) 8 July 2014*
CB(2)1522/13-14(04) Submission from The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong 20 May 2014
CB(2)1757/13-14(03) Submission from The Practising Pharmacists Association of Hong Kong (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1678/13-14(01) Submission from the School of Pharmacy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)476/14-15(01) Submission from The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong (English version only) 15 December 2014*

* Issue date