Bills Committee on National Anthem Bill

Meeting on 16 March 2019 at 9:00 am

Submissions from deputations/individuals
(as at 4 April 2019)

Submissions from deputations/individuals attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Mr Jacky KO Chung-kit LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(01) 14 March 2019
2.The Hong Kong Taoist Association LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(02) 14 March 2019
3.Mr HAN Ping LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(03) 14 March 2019
4.Professor LAM Chi-wing LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(04) 14 March 2019
5.Hong Kong Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Professional Employees Association LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(05) 14 March 2019
6.Harbour Transportation Workers General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(06) 14 March 2019
7.Mr Gary FONG Ka-wai LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(08) 14 March 2019
8.Hong Kong Manufacturing Industry Employee General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(09) 14 March 2019
9.Zhongshan University Law Faculty Hong Kong Students Association LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(10) 14 March 2019
10.Mr Joshua WONG LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(11) 14 March 2019
11.Mr William FUNG Hon-kwong LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(12) 14 March 2019
12.Mr SHIH Man-ngai LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(13) 14 March 2019
13.Civic Party LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(14) 14 March 2019
14.陳海容小姐 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(15) 14 March 2019
15.錢祉熒小姐 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(16) 14 March 2019
16.Miss HUNG Hoi-ki LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(17) 14 March 2019
17.Mr LAM Wang-kit LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(18) 14 March 2019
18.Progressive Lawyers Group LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(19) 14 March 2019
19.Mr MOK Ka-kit LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(22) 14 March 2019
20.周潔莹小姐 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(23) 14 March 2019
21.Mr LAM Hin-fai LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(25) 14 March 2019
22.Ms Betty HUI Pui-yan LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(26) 14 March 2019
23.Mr LEUNG Ming-yin LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(28) 14 March 2019
24.Mr LAM Wing-shing LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(29) 14 March 2019
25.Mr Vincent POON LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(30) 14 March 2019
26.Mr RUAN Jianming LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(31) 14 March 2019
27.Mr CHAU Kwok-wa LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(33) 14 March 2019
28.Eating Establishment Employees General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(34) 14 March 2019
29.Mr Sherman YAN Chuek-ning LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(36) 14 March 2019
30.Hong Kong Quality And Talent Migrants Association LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(40) 14 March 2019
31.Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Industry LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(42) 14 March 2019
32.Mr WONG Kin-long LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(44) 14 March 2019
33.Mr FU Wang-yan LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(01)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
34.Mr YAO Yiong LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(02)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
35.Mr Erwin CHU Hock-hoi LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(03)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
36.翁狄燊先生 LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(05)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
37.Mr CHENG Po-wai LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(06)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
38.Mr WONG Chin-hang LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(07)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
39.Mr TSUI King-sing LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(08)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
40.Logistics Practitioners Union LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(11)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
41.Mr PUN Long-chung LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(12)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
42.Ms HUNG Lo-san LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(13)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
43.Democratic Party LC Paper No. CB(2)998/18-19(01) 15 March 2019
44.Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(01) 22 March 2019
45.Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(02) 22 March 2019
46.Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(03) 22 March 2019
47.Mr LI Chung-chak LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(04) 22 March 2019
48.Mr Julian KAN Chi-chung LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(05) 22 March 2019
49.Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(06) 22 March 2019
50.Mr LAM Chi-yeung LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(07) 22 March 2019
51.Mr KWOK Chiu-lam LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(08) 22 March 2019
52.The Confucian Academy LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(09) 22 March 2019
53.Hong Kong Clerical and Professional Employees General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(10) 22 March 2019
54.Miss FUNG Hoi-ying LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(11) 22 March 2019
55.Mr YIM Man-sing LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(12) 22 March 2019
56.Mr TSANG Wing-fai LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(13) 22 March 2019
57.Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(14) 22 March 2019
58.Mr Joe CHAN Wai-ki LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(15) 22 March 2019
59.Miss LO So-kwan LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(16) 22 March 2019
60.Mr LAM Hang-kwong LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(17) 22 March 2019
61.Mr LAM War-wai LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(18) 22 March 2019
62.Mr CHU Pui-hung LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(19) 22 March 2019
63.The Staffs & Workers Union Of Hong Kong Civil Airlines LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(20) 22 March 2019
64.Hong Kong Shipbuilding, Machinery Manufacturing, Electrical and Steel Industries Employees General Union LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(21) 22 March 2019
65.All China Women's Federation Hong Kong Delegates Association Limited LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(22) 22 March 2019
66.Mr Manley LAU LC Paper No. CB(2)1170/18-19(01) 4 April 2019
67.Mr Joey LEE LC Paper No. CB(2)1170/18-19(02) 4 April 2019
68.Mr KAM Man-fung LC Paper No. CB(2)1170/18-19(03) 4 April 2019

Submissions from deputations/individuals not attending the meeting

  Name of deputation/individual Submission Date of issue
1.Miss LAU Pik-yiu LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(07) 14 March 2019
2.Ms TO Hiu-wa LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(20) 14 March 2019
3.Ms Fennie LAI Yuet-kwan LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(21) 14 March 2019
4.Mr Jacky KWOK Tuen-cheung LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(24) 14 March 2019
5.Government Employees Association LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(27) 14 March 2019
6.譚澤峰先生 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(32) 14 March 2019
7.Hong Kong Music Teacher Union LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(35) 14 March 2019
8.Mr Cyrus LI Haw-nan LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(37) 14 March 2019
9.Civil Society Development Resources Centre LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(38) 14 March 2019
10.黃曉丹女士 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(39) 14 March 2019
11.Hong Kong Policy Research Institute LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(41) 14 March 2019
12.王澄烽先生 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(43) 14 March 2019
13.Mr WU Pun-keung LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(45) 14 March 2019
14.李欽聖先生 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(46) 14 March 2019
15.梁金成 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(47) 14 March 2019
16.香港新馬泰歸僑華人聯合會 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(48) 14 March 2019
17.Hong Kong Chinese Islamic Federation Ltd. LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(49) 14 March 2019
18.FgFg LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(50) 14 March 2019
19.Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong - Professional Affairs Committee LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(51) 14 March 2019
20.凌友詩 LC Paper No. CB(2)986/18-19(52) 14 March 2019
21.Miss HUI Po-chun LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(04)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
22.Mr SC CHAN LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(09)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
23.Mr LEUNG Tong-fai LC Paper No. CB(2)987/18-19(10)
[circulated to members only]
14 March 2019
24.Mr CHAN Sik-man LC Paper No. CB(2)1053/18-19(23) 22 March 2019