Subcommittee on Peak Tramway (Safety) (Amendment) Regulation 2018 and Peak Tramway Ordinance (Amendment of Section 3(3)) Notice 2018


Members' concerns raised at the meeting and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)184/18-19(02) Administration's written response to issues raised at the meeting on 31 October 2018 12 November 2018
CB(4)238/18-19(02) Administration's written response to issues raised at the meeting on 12 November 2018 20 November 2018*
CB(4)184/18-19(03) Letter dated 8 November 2018 from Hon HUI Chi-fung requesting information relating to the operating right of the peak tramway and enclosing his draft amendment to the Peak Tramway Ordinance (Amendment of Section 3(3)) Notice 2018 (Chinese version only) 12 November 2018
• Administration's response to the letter dated 8 November 2018 from Hon HUI Chi-fung requesting information relating to the operating right of the peak tramway as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)184/18-19(03)
19 November 2018*
CB(4)184/18-19(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 31 October 2018 12 November 2018
CB(4)238/18-19(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 12 November 2018 21 November 2018*

* Issue date