Finance Committee

Establishment Subcommittee
Meeting Agenda as of 26 July 1996

Date :2 November 1995
Time:10:45 a.m.

Item No. Subject
IProposed hiving off of the Chinese Language Division from the Chief Secretary's Office to form a new independent agency to be retitled as the Official Languages Agency on 1 April 1996 and changes in the directorate establishment in the Chinese Language Division under the Administration Wing, Chief Secretary's Office
II.Proposed merger of the Civil Service Training Centre and the Senior Staff Course Centre to form the Civil Service Training and Development Institute with effect from 1 April 1996 and creation of a permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) in the Civil Service Branch with effect from 1 January 1996
III. Proposed creation of three permanent posts of Deputy Principal Crown Counsel(DL2) in the Prosecutions Division of the Legal Department to cope with the increasing workload
IV.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Engineer(D1) in the Civil Engineering Department to head a new Technical Services Division
V. Proposed increase in establishment ceiling of the Student Financial Assistance Agency to permit the creation of 18 non-directorate posts to carry out more detailed-vetting of applications under the Local Student Finance Scheme and to replace the temporary staff now hired for simple-vetting under the Scheme
VI.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Chief Building Services Engineer(D1) to head a new Building Services Section 2 of the Housing Department

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Last Updated on 27 November 1998
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