Finance Committee

Establishment Subcommittee

Date :26 February 1997
Time:10:45 am

(Note: In case we cannot finish discussion of all the agenda items on 26 February 1997, we will defer discussion of the remaining items to another meeting to be held on 27 February 1997 at 10:45 a.m. in the same venue.)

Item No. Subject
I.Proposed retention of the following posts in the Legal Department from 1 April 1997 to 31 March 1998 -
  1. nine Senior Crown Counsel posts offset by the deletion of nine Crown Counsel posts under the Double Ladder Scheme;

  2. 14 supernumerary Assistant Principal Crown Counsel posts held against 14 Senior Crown Counsel posts under the Development Posts Scheme; and

  3. four supernumerary Principal Crown Counsel posts held against four Deputy Principal Crown Counsel posts under the Succession Posts Scheme.

(In attendance : The Solicitor General, Legal Department/the Chambers Manager, Legal Department)


II.Proposed creation of a permanent post of Assistant Director of Telecommunications(D2) in the Office of the Telecommunications Authority with effect from 23 March 1997 to head the Economic Regulation Division
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Economic Services/the Director-General of Telecommunications/the Senior Assistant Director of Telecommunications
III.Proposed making permanent of the post of Assistant Commissioner for Transport(D2) in the Bus Development Branch of the Transport Department to meet the increased complexity and volume of work
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport/the Deputy Commissioner for Transport)
IV.Proposed retention of a supernumerary post of Director of Highways(D6) held against a permanent post of Director of Highways(D5) in the Highways Department up to 31 March 1999 in view of the current level of responsibility and span of the post
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Transport/the Director of Highways)
V.Proposed redeployment of two permanent posts of Chief Engineer(D1) in the Development Offices of the Territory Development Department to cope with project workload emerging from the increasing number and scope of development projects in the Hong Kong Island, North Lantau and the Northwest New Territories regions
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Deputy Director of Territory Development)
VI.Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Government Town Planner(D2) and one Chief Town Planner(D1) for two years in the Urban Renewal Division of the Planning Department to cope with the increasing workload
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Government Town Planner, Planning Department
VII.Proposed lowering the salary bar of the Assistant Education Officer rank from MPS 27 to MPS 22 for officers appointed on or after 1 September 1997 in the Education Department to improve the quality of secondary education
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretary for Education and Manpower/the Assistant Directors of Education)
VIII.Proposed creation of two permanent posts of one Administrative Officer Staff Grade C(D2) and one Chief Planning Officer(D1) in the new Housing Strategy Division of the Housing Branch to cope with the increase in the complexity and volume of work arising from the implementations of the Long Term Housing Strategy Review
(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Housing/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Housing)
IX. Proposed creation of five permanent posts of Principal Environmental Protection Officer(D1) in the Environmental Protection Department to strengthen the directorate structure
(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Principal Assistant Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands/the Director of Environmental Protection)
X.Proposed delegation of authority to Controlling Officers to create supernumerary posts, to be held against permanent posts of a lower pay scale, to accommodate staff whose office will be abolished upon the closure of Vietnamese Migrants Detention Centres to take up alternative employment within the Civil Service
(In attendance : The Principal Assistant Secretaries for Security/the Assistant Commissioners of Correctional Services/the Civil Secretary, Correctional Services Department)
XI. Proposed retention of two supernumerary posts of one Assistant Director of Water Supplies(D2) and one Chief Engineer(D1) for one year in the Water Supplies Department to see through implementation of the main recommendations of a recent management review and its follow up studies
(In attendance : The Deputy Secretary for Works/the Deputy Director of Water Supplies/the Assistant Director of Water Supplies)

* resubmission item

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Last Updated on 10 September 1998

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