Establishment Subcommittee (Staffing proposals considered by the Establishment Subcommittee) |
Paper No. | Subject | Decision of Subcommittee | Decision of Finance Committee | ||
1. | EC(2020-21)7 | Proposed grade structure review for the Veterinary Laboratory Technician and Medical Laboratory Technician grades of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the Department of Health respectively to tackle the recruitment and retention difficulties in both grades | Endorsed on (25.11.2020) | Approved (16.12.2020) FCR(2020-21)75 |
2. | EC(2020-21)8 | Proposed creation of one permanent judicial post of Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court in the Judiciary to strengthen the judicial establishment at that level of court; retention of one supernumerary civil service post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C to provide directorate support to the Planning and Quality Division of the Judiciary Administration; and creation of one supernumerary civil service post of Principal Executive Officer to provide directorate support to the Accommodation Section of the Planning and Quality Division of the Judiciary Administration | Endorsed on (17.2.2021) | Approved (26.3.2021) FCR(2020-21)101 |
3. | EC(2020-21)9 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Fire Officer in the Fire Services Department for five years to strengthen the supervision, direction and support to the operation in the New Territories Command | Endorsed on (17.3.2021) | Approved
(23.4.2021) FCR(2021-22)1 |
4. | EC(2020-21)10 | Proposed creation of one permanent post of Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise in the Customs and Excise Department, to be offset by the deletion of one permanent post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C to rationalize the directorate support for the Administration and Human Resource Development Branch | Endorsed on (17.3.2021) | Approved
(23.4.2021) FCR(2021-22)2 |
5. | EC(2020-21)11 | Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Assistant Director of Social Welfare in the Social Welfare Department for three years to continue to head the Licensing and Regulation Branch so as to strengthen the monitoring of residential care homes for the elderly and for persons with disabilities and take forward various initiatives to improve the service quality of residential care homes on an on-going basis | Endorsed on (17.3.2021) | Approved
(23.4.2021) FCR(2021-22)3 |
6. | EC(2020-21)12 | Proposed creation of six supernumerary posts of one Principal Government Engineer, one Government Town Planner, three Chief Engineer and one Chief Town Planner in the Civil Engineering and Development Department; creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Town Planner in the Planning Department; and creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Engineer in the Highways Department to implement the development and conservation projects related to Lantau | Endorsed on (31.3.2021) | Approved
(30.4.2021) FCR(2021-22)6 |
7. | EC(2020-21)13 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Engineer in the Drainage Services Department to lead a new Cavern Projects Division to mainly implement the "Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to caverns" and plan cavern projects for relocation/accommodation of other suitable sewage treatment facilities | Endorsed on (31.3.2021) | Approved
(30.4.2021) FCR(2021-22)5 |
8. | EC(2021-22)5 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Superintendent of Police in the Hong Kong Police Force for five years to head the Financial Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to be established under the Crime Wing, to strengthen Hong Kong's capability in combating money laundering and terrorist financing | Endorsed on (5.5.2021) | Approved
(21.5.2021) FCR(2021-22)17 |
9. | EC(2021-22)1 | Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C in the Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau for three years to continue to provide necessary policy input and support to various reform measures of the Mandatory Provident Fund System | Endorsed on (5.5.2021) | Approved
(21.5.2021) FCR(2021-22)18 |
10. | EC(2020-21)14 | Proposed creation of one non-civil service position of Head of Invigorating Island South Office in the Planning and Lands Branch of the Development Bureau to lead a multi-disciplinary team of the Invigorating Island South Office to co-ordinate with relevant bureaux/departments to take forward and implement measures under the "Invigorating Island South" initiative | Endorsed on (5.5.2021) | Approved
(4.6.2021) FCR(2021-22)23 |
11. | EC(2021-22)3 | Proposed retention of one supernumerary post of Government Architect in the Home Affairs Bureau for two years and four months to continue to head the Kai Tak Sports Park Section to oversee the implementation of the Kai Tak Sports Park | Endorsed on (9.6.2021) | Approved
(2.7.2021) FCR(2021-22)40 |
12. | EC(2021-22)6 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post/non-civil service position of Assistant Commissioner for Transport, and two supernumerary posts of one Principal Transport Officer and one Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in the Transport Department to lead the Franchised Bus Safety Team to strengthen the oversight and support in enhancing the safety of franchised buses | Endorsed on (9.6.2021) | Approved
(2.7.2021) FCR(2021-22)41 |
13. | EC(2021-22)2 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C in the Housing Department to oversee the operation of the Task Force on Transitional Housing | Endorsed on (23.6.2021) | Approved
(16.7.2021) FCR(2021-22)51 |
14. | EC(2021-22)8 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Engineer in the Civil Engineering and Development Department to cope with the workload arising from public housing developments | Endorsed on (23.6.2021) | Approved
(16.7.2021) FCR(2021-22)50 |
15. | EC(2021-22)9 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Chief Building Services Engineer in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department for five years to head a new division in order to strengthen the planning and implementation of district cooling system projects | Endorsed on (14.7.2021) |
(13.8.2021) FCR(2021-22)58 |
16. | EC(2021-22)7 | Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of Chief Engineer in the Highways Department for three years to cope with the rapidly increasing workload relating to the maintenance of cross-boundary highway infrastructures, other major highway infrastructures as well as ageing public highway structures, and to take part in various tasks relating to land supply and land use planning strategies | Endorsed on (14.7.2021) |
(13.8.2021) FCR(2021-22)59 |
17. | EC(2021-22)10 | Proposed regrading of two one-rank grade permanent directorate posts in the Works Branch of the Development Bureau of one Head of Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section and one Head of Tree Management Office to multi-disciplinary directorate posts for meeting operational needs and implementing the greening, landscape and tree management initiatives more effectively | Endorsed on (23.7.2021) |
(13.8.2021) FCR(2021-22)56 |
18. | EC(2021-22)11 | Proposed creation of a new one-rank grade and one permanent post of Head of the Civil Service College in the Civil Service Bureau to lead the Civil Service College to take forward its mission in enhancing civil service training | Endorsed on (23.7.2021) |
(13.8.2021) FCR(2021-22)57 |
19. | EC(2021-22)12 | Proposed creation of three supernumerary posts of two Assistant Director of Education and one Principal Education Officer in the Education Bureau for four years to strengthen directorate support to formulate, implement, monitor and review various education policies and to meet the upsurge in service needs for quality and effective education | Endorsed on (18.8.2021) |
(10.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)62 |
20. | EC(2021-22)13 | Proposed upgrading of one permanent post of Principal Government Counsel to Law Officer in the Department of Justice to provide support to the Secretary for Justice in her capacity as the Law Reform Commission Chairman and to lead a new project of "Systematic Review of the Statutory Laws of Hong Kong" | Endorsed on (18.8.2021) |
(10.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)60 |
21. | EC(2021-22)14 | Proposed creation of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B and retention of one supernumerary post of Administrative Officer Staff Grade C in the Financial Services Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau for four years to continue to spearhead the various major legislative and policy initiatives; and deletion of four permanent posts of one Commissioner of Insurance and three Assistant Commissioner of Insurance of the then Office of the Commissioner of Insurance | Endorsed on (27.8.2021) |
(24.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)65 |
22. | EC(2021-22)16 | Proposed implementation of the relevant recommendations of the grade structure review for the disciplined services grades except those in the Independent Commission Against Corruption | Endorsed on (27.8.2021) |
(24.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)66 |
23. | EC(2021-22)17 | Proposed implementation of the relevant recommendations of the grade structure review for the disciplined services grades in the Independent Commission Against Corruption | Endorsed on (27.8.2021) |
(24.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)67 |
24. | EC(2021-22)15 | Proposed creation of six supernumerary posts of three Chief Engineer in the Civil Engineering and Development Department; one Chief Estate Surveyor in the Lands Department; one Chief Town Planner in the Planning Department; and one Chief Estate Surveyor / Principal Valuation Surveyor in the Government Property Agency for five years to take forward policy initiatives to increase land supply in the short, medium and long term | Endorsed on (1.9.2021) |
(24.9.2021) FCR(2021-22)68 |
25. | EC(2021-22)18 | Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Government Engineer and one Chief Engineer in the Civil Engineering and Development Department to lead the Kai Tak Office for the co-ordination and implementation of on-going and upcoming projects in and around the Kai Tak Development | Endorsed on (8.9.2021) |
(8.10.2021) FCR(2021-22)74 |
26. | EC(2021-22)19 | Proposed creation of two supernumerary posts of one Deputy Principal Government Counsel and one Assistant Principal Government Counsel in the Department of Justice for five years to take forward the new policy initiatives under "Vision 2030 for Rule of Law", and to cope with the increased workload arising from new and existing projects | Endorsed on (8.9.2021) |
(8.10.2021) FCR(2021-22)71 |