BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Questions(Year 2008 - 2009)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 22.10.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
TAM Yiu-chungMeasures to safeguard food safetyReply
Q. 2
Jeffrey LAMStabilizing the financial system of Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Andrew LEUNGLaboratory tests on the presence of melamine in food productsReply
Q. 4
WONG Ting-kwongReplacement of ambulancesReply
Q. 5
Fred LIHigh level of pump prices of motor fuelsReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahFare concessions provided by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 7
Frederick FUNGReview of the Deposit Protection SchemeReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingCross-boundary studentsReply
Q. 9
James TOHandling of water seepage complaintsReply
Q. 10
Raymond HOPoor ventilation in some underground car parksReply
Q. 11
Fred LIRegulation on the sale of dogsReply
Q. 12
LEE Wing-tatCaring of treesReply
Q. 13
James TOInspection and caring of treesReply
Q. 14
Andrew CHENGDesignated clinics and centres providing assessment to children affected by melamineReply
Q. 15
Jeffrey LAMMeasures to mitigate air pollutionReply
Q. 16
Starry LEEAssisting grass-root elderly people in improving their livelihoodReply
Q. 17
Albert CHANLoss of mail items by the Hongkong PostReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahInstallation of air-conditioning systems in public marketsReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNGPublic consultation on healthcare reformReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongImplementation of the Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2004Reply

Council meeting on 29.10.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LI Fung-yingDiagnoses of occupational diseasesReply
Q. 2
WONG Ting-kwongHong Kong-Shenzhen Airports LinkReply
Q. 3
LAU Kong-wahPublic swimming poolsReply
Q. 4
Albert CHAN Wai-yipStudents forced to leave schoolReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Hok-mingRegulation of the prices of liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 6
Frederick FUNG Kin-keePrices of riceReply
Q. 7
James TO Kun-sunBuilding Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners and Home Environment Improvement Scheme for the ElderlyReply
Q. 8
LAU Kong-wahRelease of employees when typhoon warnings are in forceReply
Q. 9
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImplementation of infrastructural projectsReply
Q. 10
WONG Kwok-hingLight Rail serviceReply
Q. 11
James TO Kun-sunHandling of reports of cruelty to animalsReply
Q. 12
WONG Kwok-kinApplications for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance by the elderly peopleReply
Q. 13
LI Fung-yingControl on materials containing asbestosReply
Q. 14
Emily LAU Wai-hingAssistance to small shop tenantsReply
Q. 15
Emily LAU Wai-hingPaid paternity leaveReply
Q. 16
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooAir pollution and noise to be generated by the vent shaft of the West Hong Kong Island LineReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Hok-mingMeasures to deal with the problems of an ageing populationReply
Q. 18
Joseph LEE Kok-longPromotion of rooftop greeningReply
Q. 19
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooProblems of road traffic noiseReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongPiloting for Applied Learning coursesReply

Council meeting on 5.11.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Yiu-chungReview of fire-fighting equipment and salary of firemenReply
Q. 2
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRetail price for fresh and chilled porkReply
Q. 3
Raymond HO Chung-taiInvestment losses incurred by the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 4
PAN Pey-chyouDismissal of employees upon their return from maternityReply
Q. 5
WONG Kwok-hingDisability AllowanceReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Hok-mingUse of land for open storage and port back-upReply
Q. 7
CHAN Hak-kanHome Starter Loan SchemeReply
Q. 8
Raymond HO Chung-taiMeasures to protect investorsReply
Q. 9
David LI Kwok-poFormation of owners' corporationsReply
Q. 10
Emily LAU Wai-hingPrice surveillance of food and daily necessitiesReply
Q. 11
LAU Kong-wahRegulation on the safety of cosmetic and skin care productsReply
Q. 12
LAU Kong-wahSafety of slab-paved pavementsReply
Q. 13
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProvision of meteorological informationReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of subvented community servicesReply
Q. 15
LAM Tai-faiAssistance provided to small and medium enterprisesReply
Q. 16
LAU Wong-fatFlying the national flag and the regional flagReply
Q. 17
IP Kwok-himRemuneration arrangements for District Council membersReply
Q. 18
CHAN Hak-kanProvision of parks which admit petsReply
Q. 19
James TO Kun-sunProjects to improve pedestrian environment and beautify the harbourfrontReply

Council meeting on 12.11.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeBuilding a section of the South Island Line (East) on viaductReply
Q. 2
WONG Sing-chiMedical incidents in public hospitalsReply
Q. 3
Albert HO Chun-yanRegulation of listed companiesReply
Q. 4
KAM Nai-waiDesignation of low emission zonesReply
Q. 5
WONG Yuk-manMeasures to tackle problems brought by the financial tsunamiReply
Q. 6
WONG Kwok-kinElectricity charges subsidyReply
Q. 7
David LI Kwok-poSetting the level of minimum wage vis-à-vis Comprehensive Social Security Assistance paymentsReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingDevelopment of the agricultural and fisheries industriesReply
Q. 9
LAU Kong-wahFacilities of cycle tracks and promotion of cycling tourismReply
Q. 10
Frederick FUNG Kin-kee"EatSmart@restaurant.hk" campaignReply
Q. 11
LAU Kong-wahEmployment of students with disabilities and with special educational needs upon graduationReply
Q. 12
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of the financial tsunami on waste recycling activitiesReply
Q. 13
KAM Nai-waiTraffic control installations in private areas open for public useReply
Q. 14
CHAN TanyaNon-means Tested Loan SchemesReply
Q. 15
LI Fung-yingEmergency ambulance serviceReply
Q. 16
Raymond HO Chung-taiBuying the shares of the Eastern Harbour Crossing and the Western Harbour CrossingReply
Q. 17
James TO Kun-sunCarbon audit guidelinesReply
Q. 18
Emily LAU Wai-hingShort selling activitiesReply
Q. 19
CHAN Hak-kanAssistance provided to the recycling industryReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingAssistance to small shop tenantsReply

Council meeting on 19.11.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LI Fung-yingMeasures to protect investments of the Mandatory Provident FundReply
Q. 2
Alan LEONG Kah-kitThe work of the West Kowloon Cultural District AuthorityReply
Q. 3
Joseph LEE Kok-longProblems brought by substations of power companiesReply
Q. 4
James TO Kun-sunMonitoring of lift maintenanceReply
Q. 5
CHAN TanyaPublic space issue of the proposed Hopewell II projectReply
Q. 6
Vincent FANG KangGovernment's offices outside Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Paul CHAN Mo-poProtection of Wages on Insolvency FundReply
Q. 8
KAM Nai-waiProposed footbridge at Kennedy RoadReply
Q. 9
Starry LEE Wai-kingHandling of water seepage complaintsReply
Q. 10
Fred LI Wah-mingEggs containing melamineReply
Q. 11
David LI Kwok-poSME Loan Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 12
CHEUNG Hok-mingLight pollutionReply
Q. 13
Emily LAU Wai-hingCompetition in the foodstuffs and household necessities retailing sectorReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahRegulation of private columbariaReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReduction in interest ratesReply
Q. 16
James TO Kun-sunMeasures to enhance the road safety of public light busesReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahSafety of liftsReply
Q. 18
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeFuel Clause Charge in electricity tariffReply
Q. 19
WONG Kwok-hingHome Environment Improvement Scheme for the ElderlyReply

Council meeting on 26.11.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Cyd HO Sau-lanThe proposed Hopewell Centre II projectReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Man-kwongReview of the class sizes of special schoolsReply
Q. 3
Paul CHAN Mo-poBusiness opportunities in the Mainland for local professionals and service sectorsReply
Q. 4
Vincent FANG KangAssistance to small shop tenants and licensed hawkersReply
Q. 5
Ronny TONG Ka-wahSchools admitting Band Three students in Shatin and Tai PoReply
Q. 6
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeImpact of "Three Direct Links" on the air and maritime transport, logistics and tourism sectorsReply
Q. 7
Alan LEONG Kah-kitAnti-mosquito measuresReply
Q. 8
Audrey EU Yuet-meeElectric vehiclesReply
Q. 9
LAU Wong-fatSmall house applications in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 10
Starry LEE Wai-kingYoung people engaged in prostitution activitiesReply
Q. 11
CHAN Hak-kanOvernight public transport service to and from Tseung Kwan OReply
Q. 12
David LI Kwok-poPassenger liaison groupsReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Hok-mingPeople being harassed following unauthorized use of their personal data by othersReply
Q. 14
Emily LAU Wai-hingAppointment of the Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 15
James TO Kun-sunPromotion of eco-tourismReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahTelemarketing calls made to mobile telephone usersReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNG Kin-keePrevention of childhood obesityReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Man-kwongTemporary teachers in government schoolsReply
Q. 19
CHAN Hak-kanAssistance to families affected by the financial tsunamiReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahBlood donationReply

Council meeting on 3.12.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Kam-lamMaintenance of lifts in public housing estatesReply
Q. 2
Audrey EU Yuet-meeImpact of the financial tsunami on recycling activitiesReply
Q. 3
LEE Wing-tatAssistance to owners of Home Ownership Scheme flats and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme flatsReply
Q. 4
Emily LAU Wai-hingPopulation of District Council constituenciesReply
Q. 5
LEE Cheuk-yanMeasures to deal with layoffs and unemploymentReply
Q. 6
Paul TSE Wai-chunTourism facilities in Repulse BayReply
Q. 7
LEUNG Yiu-chungLaw enforcement against the sale of tobacco products to underage personsReply
Q. 8
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funAssistance provided to garment bleaching and dyeing factoriesReply
Q. 9
LEUNG Kwok-hungRecruitment of Workman IIReply
Q. 10
Cyd HO Sau-lanGovernment records with historical valueReply
Q. 11
Vincent FANG KangCaring of treesReply
Q. 12
Joseph LEE Kok-longHospice care servicesReply
Q. 13
LAM Tai-faiThe ratings of emerging markets by the Hong Kong Export Credit insurance CorporationReply
Q. 14
Fred LI Wah-mingAuction of 2009 Lunar New Year Fair stallsReply
Q. 15
Albert CHAN Wai-yipMeasures to mitigate road traffic noiseReply
Q. 16
CHEUNG Man-kwongSupport for schools admitting non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 17
Starry LEE Wai-kingRemoval of dangerous and abandoned signboardsReply
Q. 18
CHAN Hak-kanIncreased utilization of services of the public medical sectorReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingDevelopment of Hong Kong into an international arbitration centreReply
Q. 20
James TO Kun-sunReview on administration of Internet domain names in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 10.12.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funLocations of funeral parloursReply
Q. 2
David LI Kwok-poStructure of authorized institutionsReply
Q. 3
Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to boost employmentReply
Q. 4
IP Wai-mingWorkers who maintain and repair lifts and escalatorsReply
Q. 5
LAM Tai-faiNgong Ping 360Reply
Q. 6
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooImplementation of the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2006Reply
Q. 7
Paul TSE Wai-chunEntry arrangements for visitors from Guangdong and TaiwanReply
Q. 8
CHAN Hak-kanSubvention provided to uniformed groupsReply
Q. 9
Samson TAM Wai-hoIncidents of explosion in manholeReply
Q. 10
Emily LAU Wai-hingControl of transboundary movements of electronic wastesReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Yiu-chungTung Chung RoadReply
Q. 12
Audrey EU Yuet-meeRevenue from vehicle licence fees of diesel commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 13
Cyd HO Sau-lanDistrict minor works projects undertaken by District CouncilsReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Kwok-cheArrangements of the Hospital Authority's obstetric services for non-local pregnant womenReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatReview of public service broadcasting policyReply
Q. 16
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funComprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 17
Joseph LEE Kok-longSchool nursesReply
Q. 18
LAU Wong-fatSmoking outside office buildings and shopping mallsReply
Q. 19
Albert CHAN Wai-yipFare concessions offered by bus companiesReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongVocational Training CouncilReply

Council meeting on 17.12.2008

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Margaret NGFree Legal Advice Scheme and Duty Lawyer ServiceReply
Q. 2
Albert CHAN Wai-yipSpecialist out-patient clinicsReply
Q. 3
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanAssistance to the catering industryReply
Q. 4
LAU Kong-wahSupporting documents required for applications for Old Age Allowances and Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 5
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of economic policyReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Hok-mingTraffic flow at the Shenzhen Bay PortReply
Q. 7
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funMeasures to assist young people in purchasing homesReply
Q. 8
WONG Sing-chiAccess to computers and the Internet by students from recipient families under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 9
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeFare concessions offered to elderly passengers by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 10
CHAN Kin-porAssisting the insurance industry in operating in the MainlandReply
Q. 11
CHAN TanyaNon-Chinese speaking students with special educational needsReply
Q. 12
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungTax concessions for small and medium enterprisesReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Kwok-cheConversion of places in self-care hostels and homes for the agedReply
Q. 14
LEE Wing-tatMa Wan ParkReply
Q. 15
KAM Nai-waiBus services on Hong Kong IslandReply
Q. 16
Audrey EU Yuet-meeReplacement of printed publications by electronic copiesReply
Q. 17
LAU Wong-fatProblems caused by wild pigsReply
Q. 18
Joseph LEE Kok-longSulphur dioxide in foodReply
Q. 19
Starry LEE Wai-kingCoordinated Maintenance of Buildings SchemeReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongStudent hostel places at University Grants Committee-funded institutionsReply

Council meeting on 7.1.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
IP Kwok-himLight pollutionReply
Q. 2
CHAN Hak-kanAssistance to young applicants of public rental housingReply
Q. 3
Raymond HO Chung-taiTransforming the Greater Pearl River Delta Region into a Green Quality living SphereReply
Q. 4
Tanya CHANCaring of treesReply
Q. 5
LI Fung-yingRegistration of construction workersReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Yiu-chungSmuggling of food into Hong KongReply
Q. 7
WONG Yung-kanPublic rental housing tenants with rent arrearsReply
Q. 8
Patrick LAU Sau-shingInstallation of radar facilities on the rooftop of North Point Government OfficesReply
Q. 9
Albert HO Chun-yanExercise of voting right by persons who have just reached 18 years of ageReply
Q. 10
TAM Yiu-chungProperty projects at Tsuen Wan West Station of West RailReply
Q. 11
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDevelopment of Cantonese Opera in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
LEUNG Kwok-hungImpact of the North East New Territories New Development Areas on the residentsReply
Q. 13
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAccidents of buses catching fireReply
Q. 14
Paul TSE Wai-chunSightseeing facilities at the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter areaReply
Q. 15
LAM Tai-faiMaking public the list of credit risk ratings assigned to countries and markets by the Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance CorporationReply
Q. 16
Cyd HO Sau-lanPermit for removal and burial of dead bodyReply
Q. 17
KAM Nai-waiProvision of restaurants on the podiums of housing estatesReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheCrisis intervention and support centreReply
Q. 19
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooDay pass and monthly pass concessionary schemes offered by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 20
LEE Wing-tatRepair and maintenance of country trails and hiking trailsReply

Council meeting on 14.1.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Emily LAU Wai-hingMeasures conducive to the development of political partiesReply
Q. 2
LAM Tai-faiThe 2009 East Asian GamesReply
Q. 3
Paul TSE Wai-chunBuilding facilities to commend the achievements of Hong Kong celebritiesReply
Q. 4
Alan LEONG Kah-kitImpact of "Three Direct Links" on Hong KongReply
Q. 5
WONG Sing-chiGambling policyReply
Q. 6
Joseph LEE Kok-longComplaints Against Police OfficeReply
Q. 7
Albert HO Chun-yanProcurement of third party risks insurance by owners' corporationsReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Yiu-chungGovernment's one-off injection into accounts of members of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes and Occupational Retirement SchemesReply
Q. 9
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funRefusal to offer property mortgage loans by banksReply
Q. 10
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeImport and export declaration chargesReply
Q. 11
Raymond HO Chung-taiAssistance to Hong Kong people who used to work outside Hong Kong upon their returnReply
Q. 12
LI Fung-yingCivil Service Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 13
Albert CHAN Wai-yipPublic toilets at the camp sites and barbarque areasReply
Q. 14
KAM Nai-waiThe concrete batching plant at Tin WanReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of residential care home services for the elderly and people with disabilitiesReply
Q. 16
David LI Kwok-poStatistics on Hong Kong-owned factories in the Pearl River Delta RegionReply
Q. 17
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooInfluenza pandemics drugs and vaccinesReply
Q. 18
Starry LEE Wai-kingUnauthorized building works of mobile telephone base stationsReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Man-kwongImplementation of the new senior secondary academic structureReply
Q. 20
CHAN Hak-kanAssociate degreesReply

Council meeting on 4.2.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Kwok-cheSalary adjustment arrangements for staff in subvented non-governmental organizationsReply
Q. 2
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeMedical benefits for civil servantsReply
Q. 3
PAN Pey-chyouServices for mental and ex-mental patientsReply
Q. 4
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungHoldover of provisional taxesReply
Q. 5
Fred LI Wah-mingRegulation of advertisementsReply
Q. 6
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeCross-boundary passenger ferry servicesReply
Q. 7
Timothy FOK Tsun-tingAssistance to the Cantonese opera sectorReply
Q. 8
Abraham SHEK Lai-himVegetables imported from the MainlandReply
Q. 9
WONG Ting-kwongDo-not-call RegistersReply
Q. 10
WONG Sing-chiAssisting students in adapting to the New Senior Secondary Academic StructureReply
Q. 11
WONG Yung-kanAbandoned or stray cats and dogsReply
Q. 12
Paul CHAN Mo-poThe Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public PlacesReply
Q. 13
Albert HO Chun-yanFly-tipping and illegal land filling activitiesReply
Q. 14
LAM Tai-faiSpecial Loan Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 15
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funExtending the expiry dates of drugs by public medical institutionsReply
Q. 16
Audrey EU Yuet-meeConserving old cinemas in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Joseph LEE Kok-longHong Kong Monetary Authority awarding variable pay to its staffReply
Q. 18
LI Fung-yingIncidents of buses braking resulting in passenger casualtiesReply
Q. 19
Raymond HO Chung-taiRegulation of health foodReply
Q. 20
LEE Wing-tatStorage and display of works of artReply

Council meeting on 11.2.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Audrey EU Yuet-meePrevention of outbreak of influenza and human infection of avian influenzaReply
Q. 2
LEUNG Ka-lauProvision of civil service medical benefits by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 3
WONG Yuk-manComposition and powers of District CouncilsReply
Q. 4
Albert HO Chun-yanInterest rates charged by banksReply
Q. 5
Paul CHAN Mo-poOutsourcing winding-up cases by the Official Receiver's OfficeReply
Q. 6
Starry LEE Wai-kingServices for building managementReply
Q. 7
WONG Sing-chiCounselling and treatment services for problem and pathological gamblersReply
Q. 8
Paul TSE Wai-chunVisa requirements for visitorsReply
Q. 9
Fred LI Wah-mingCats and dogs kept by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentReply
Q. 10
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeThe requirement for employers to provide free medical treatment to foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 11
LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of soccer in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funEnforcement of the statutory smoking prohibition at amusement game centres and Internet computer services centresReply
Q. 13
Emily LAU Wai-hingMeasures to assist working-poor womenReply
Q. 14
Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of debt collection practicesReply
Q. 15
Joseph LEE Kok-longImplementation of the Marking Scheme for Estate Management Enforcement in Public Housing Estates in the estates under the Tenants Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 16
CHEUNG Man-kwongShortage of classrooms after the implementation of the new senior secondary academic structureReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Kwok-cheCommunity work organizers' remuneration and their personal safety at workReply
Q. 18
David LI Kwok-poMonitoring of flight paths taken by departing aircraftReply
Q. 19
LEE Wing-tatRetrofitting noise barriers along the Tsing Yi section of the Airport RailwayReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Hok-mingSafety of school transport vehiclesReply

Council meeting on 18.2.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funListed Chinese medicine practitionersReply
Q. 2
KAM Nai-waiSafeguarding the interests of minority shareholders and investorsReply
Q. 3
WONG Ting-kwongEnhancing cooperation between the service industries in the Pearl River Delta Region and Hong KongReply
Q. 4
WONG Kwok-hingProposed construction of the Tung Chung West StationReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatHong Kong residents being refused entry into MacaoReply
Q. 6
James TO Kun-sunInvestigation into the affairs of CITIC Pacific LimitedReply
Q. 7
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanCounterfeit wineReply
Q. 8
LEE Cheuk-yanComplaints about the services of residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 9
CHAN Kin-porRegulation of recovery agentsReply
Q. 10
TAM Yiu-chungPlatform gaps at Light Rail stationsReply
Q. 11
Emily LAU Wai-hingSalaries of staff of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 12
WONG Sing-chiAssistance for street sleepersReply
Q. 13
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAccidents of passengers losing their footing on staircases in franchised busesReply
Q. 14
LAM Tai-faiFood surveillance programme implemented by the Centre for Food SafetyReply
Q. 15
Audrey EU Yuet-meePiped and cylinder liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 16
Joseph LEE Kok-longThe quality of Dongjiang waterReply
Q. 17
Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to protect children against influenza infectionsReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Hok-mingPowers of the Director of AuditReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Man-kwongStudent Finance Assistance SchemesReply

Council meeting on 25.2.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeReunification and anniversary gifts from the MainlandReply
Q. 2
WONG Yuk-manContinuing Education FundReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanProvision of outreaching sex education for non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 4
IP Kwok-himProvision of community facilities on vacant government sitesReply
Q. 5
WONG Yung-kanIllegal discharge of firecrackers and fireworksReply
Q. 6
Paul CHAN Mo-poPharmaceutical products containing chloroformReply
Q. 7
Albert HO Chun-yanRegulation of developments in country parks and marine parksReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Yiu-chungTelevision announcements in the public interest on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 9
Paul TSE Wai-chunMeasures to assist the tourism industryReply
Q. 10
WONG Sing-chiMonitoring the operation of small group homesReply
Q. 11
KAM Nai-waiBuilding developments in Mid-LevelsReply
Q. 12
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeOutlying island ferry servicesReply
Q. 13
Audrey EU Yuet-meeRecycling of used clothingReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Kwok-cheOccupational retirement schemesReply
Q. 15
Starry LEE Wai-kingProtection of bank depositsReply
Q. 16
Joseph LEE Kok-longStudent Health Service implemented by the Department of HealthReply
Q. 17
CHAN Hak-kanRoute 8Reply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Hok-mingUpgrading works for Lam Kam RoadReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRe-examining the priority for the introduction of bills and policy proposalsReply
Q. 20
James TO Kun-sunEnhancing efficiency in utilization of roadsReply

Council meeting on 4.3.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Ronny TONG Ka-wahAppointment of Executive Council MembersReply
Q. 2
CHAN Kin-porAssistance to families of victims of occupational injuries and deathsReply
Q. 3
WONG Yung-kanWater pollution in Deep BayReply
Q. 4
Patrick LAU Sau-shingPromoting the use of automatic external defibrillatorsReply
Q. 5
CHAN Hak-kanExtension of existing landfillsReply
Q. 6
David LI Kwok-poThe role and function of credit rating agenciesReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-kinItems for the elderly and people in need to keep warmReply
Q. 8
WONG Kwok-hingBurial servicesReply
Q. 9
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungGifts of precious species from the Mainland to the Ocean ParkReply
Q. 10
Paul TSE Wai-chunTravel adviceReply
Q. 11
Fred LI Wah-mingDairy products containing unapproved additivesReply
Q. 12
WONG Sing-chiFood bank servicesReply
Q. 13
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funBuilding Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly OwnersReply
Q. 14
KAM Nai-waiUse of Basement Level 1 of the Car Park Complex of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition CentreReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Hok-mingImprovement works in Mui WoReply
Q. 16
Audrey EU Yuet-meeConstruction of an oil refinery in Nansha DistrictReply
Q. 17
LAM Tai-faiSpecial Loan Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 18
Emily LAU Wai-hingProvision of banking services to ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Kwok-cheIntensive Employment Assistance ProjectsReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahInstalling lifts to facilitate the use of footbridges by people with disabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 11.3.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Yung-kanEx-gratia allowances for mariculturists affected by marine works projects in Hong Kong watersReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Man-kwongLegislation on the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 3
IP Wai-mingJob-specific skills courses under Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 4
LAU Kong-wahConduct of the mediaReply
Q. 5
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeFares of the Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) LimitedReply
Q. 6
Paul TSE Wai-chunContribution of the tourism industry to the gross domestic productReply
Q. 7
WONG Yuk-manProtection of bank depositsReply
Q. 8
WONG Ting-kwongCounterfeit Hong Kong banknotesReply
Q. 9
WONG Kwok-hingBurial servicesReply
Q. 10
Paul CHAN Mo-poFilm Development FundReply
Q. 11
Albert HO Chun-yanThe acting appointment of a government driverReply
Q. 12
Fred LI Wah-mingLabelling of prepackaged foodReply
Q. 13
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeHong Kong Shaolin Wushu Culture CentreReply
Q. 14
David LI Kwok-poA site adjacent to Sunny Bay MTR StationReply
Q. 15
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funAssistance to the unemployed middle-class and professionalsReply
Q. 16
WONG Sing-chiDispensation of medicines in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 17
KAM Nai-waiDevelopment of cycle tracks in urban areasReply
Q. 18
LAM Tai-faiSoccer development in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Starry LEE Wai-kingImpact of infrastructural projects on the To Kwa Wan and Ma Tau Kok districtsReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Kwok-cheAssistance provided for street sleepersReply

Council meeting on 18.3.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of subsidized nursing home placesReply
Q. 2
TAM Yiu-chungUndergraduate degree programme in veterinary science offered by local universitiesReply
Q. 3
IP Kwok-himConstruction of community halls and civic centresReply
Q. 4
James TO Kun-sunRetrofitting of automatic platform gatesReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Hok-mingImproving the design of roads to enhance road safetyReply
Q. 6
Tanya CHANPromoting green lunchReply
Q. 7
Abraham SHEK Lai-himRescue operations for hikersReply
Q. 8
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeTrade fairs organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development CouncilReply
Q. 9
WONG Yung-kanWater supply to remote villages in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 10
WONG Ting-kwongPirated copies and parallel-imported copies of copyright worksReply
Q. 11
Paul TSE Wai-chunEntry requirements applicable to travellers of Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Albert CHAN Wai-yipCounterfeit $10 coinsReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatResumption of land for a public purposeReply
Q. 14
Joseph LEE Kok-longReusing medical instruments and consumables intended for single useReply
Q. 15
KAM Nai-waiFare adjustments for green minibusesReply
Q. 16
Starry LEE Wai-kingDrug abuse problems in schoolsReply
Q. 17
CHAN Hak-kanImplementation of energy saving measures in government buildingsReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-chePeople with autismReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of climate changeReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingControl of transboundary movements of hazardous wastesReply

Council meeting on 1.4.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
PAN Pey-chyouMedicine incidentsReply
Q. 2
IP Wai-mingWork-related injuries and occupational diseases of massage and acupressure practitionersReply
Q. 3
Alan LEONG Kah-kitMr Tsang Tsou-choi's valued pieces of calligraphyReply
Q. 4
IP Kwok-himAppointing District Council members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 5
Tanya CHANDiscrepancies between existing land use and planning intentionReply
Q. 6
Abraham SHEK Lai-himInfluenza Vaccination Subsidy SchemeReply
Q. 7
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of subsidized care and attention places for the elderlyReply
Q. 8
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeDevelopment of higher education at the Lok Ma Chau LoopReply
Q. 9
Paul CHAN Mo-poVacant government sites for short-term useReply
Q. 10
LAU Wong-fatPollution of streams by soya product factoriesReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongDevelopment of warehouses for red wineReply
Q. 12
Raymond HO Chung-taiLifts and escalators installed at the entrances/exits of MTR stationsReply
Q. 13
Paul TSE Wai-chunTravellers deceived by fraudulent hotel car pick-up serviceReply
Q. 14
Albert CHAN Wai-yipSpecialist out-patient servicesReply
Q. 15
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funRoad traffic nuisance caused to residents of Prosperous Garden in Yau Ma TeiReply
Q. 16
Audrey EU Yuet-meeRehabilitation works for Shek O QuarryReply
Q. 17
Joseph LEE Kok-longProblems of spurious pharmaceutical productsReply
Q. 18
KAM Nai-waiObnoxious facilities at Praya Road area in Tin WanReply
Q. 19
Starry LEE Wai-kingIllegal entrants applying for political asylumReply
Q. 20
CHAN Hak-kanFire safety of waste recycling facilitiesReply

Council meeting on 22.4.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Ronny TONG Ka-wahMechanism for handling unclaimed dead bodiesReply
Q. 2
LEUNG Ka-lauAccidents of work injuryReply
Q. 3
PAN Pey-chyouRecruitment of medical practitioners by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 4
WONG Yuk-manAssisting students from low-income families in making use of information technologies in learningReply
Q. 5
CHAN Kin-porProvision of elderly housingReply
Q. 6
LEE Cheuk-yanEmployment statisticsReply
Q. 7
Abraham SHEK Lai-himHill fires caused by burning of joss sticks and joss papersReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungElderly CommissionReply
Q. 9
Cyd HO Sau-lanCompensation for the third party victims, or their families, in traffic accidents caused by drink drivingReply
Q. 10
Tanya CHANIdentification of six economic areas by the Task force on Economic Challenges for further developmentReply
Q. 11
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeDeclaration of interests by members of the Chief Executive's Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 12
WONG Kwok-hingElderly Health CentresReply
Q. 13
Paul TSE Wai-chunServices for cruise travellersReply
Q. 14
WONG Sing-chiFunding provided under the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System to non-governmental organizations and their ReservesReply
Q. 15
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDevelopment of the Cattle Depot Artist VillageReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of the Chinese medicine sectorReply
Q. 17
Albert CHAN Wai-yipAir Mail Centre situated at Chek Lap KokReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Man-kwongLoans under the Start-up Loan Scheme to self-financing institutionsReply
Q. 19
Joseph LEE Kok-longAcademic titles of teaching staff in tertiary institutions funded by University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 20
KAM Nai-waiConcessionary interchange schemes for franchised buses and green minibusesReply

Council meeting on 29.4.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Wong-fatProblems caused by wild pigsReply
Q. 2
Cyd HO Sau-lanVacant military sites in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Margaret NGProof of employers' financial position submitted for application for renewal of contracts with foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 4
LEUNG Kwok-hungAppointment of members of the Elderly CommissionReply
Q. 5
CHAN Kam-lamContamination of water in the Shenzhen ReservoirReply
Q. 6
Vincent FANG KangAssistance to commercial tenants in Mongkok Flower MarketReply
Q. 7
WONG Yuk-manRecipients of old age allowance or disability allowance being denied short-term food assistanceReply
Q. 8
CHAN Kin-porOffice of the Commissioner of InsuranceReply
Q. 9
Joseph LEE Kok-longAdverse reactions to medicinesReply
Q. 10
Abraham SHEK Lai-himAssistance to unemployed workers in the construction industryReply
Q. 11
Tanya CHANSex educationReply
Q. 12
David LI Kwok-poA footpath along a section of the Queen's Road CentralReply
Q. 13
Paul TSE Wai-chunImpact of air pollution on the tourism industryReply
Q. 14
WONG Sing-chiPlacement-tied courses of the Employees Retraining BoardReply
Q. 15
Albert CHAN Wai-yipAircraft noise mitigating measuresReply
Q. 16
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funAnti-rodent measuresReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Kwok-cheOccupational injuries and deaths in non-governmental organizations within the purview of the Social Welfare DepartmentReply
Q. 18
Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of callable bull/bear contractsReply
Q. 19
CHAN Hak-kanTurnover of healthcare staffReply
Q. 20
James TO Kun-sunPublic Chinese medicine clinicsReply

Council meeting on 6.5.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEE Cheuk-yanFinancial assistance for unemployed middle-class peopleReply
Q. 2
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanHome safetyReply
Q. 3
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooRegulation of the Octopus payment systemReply
Q. 4
Alan LEONG Kah-kitAssistance for bankruptsReply
Q. 5
Joseph LEE Kok-longRegulation of the means of publicity used by private healthcare institutions and residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 6
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungPromoting cruise travelling on Hong Kong-based cruise linersReply
Q. 7
Vincent FANG KangPublic consultation for the 2009-2010 BudgetReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungDay care centres for the elderlyReply
Q. 9
WONG Yuk-manAssistance for Mucopolysaccharidoses patientsReply
Q. 10
Cyd HO Sau-lanAssistance for fishermenReply
Q. 11
CHAN Kin-porExecution of court orders by bailiffsReply
Q. 12
LAU Wong-fatSmoking outside office buildings and shopping mallsReply
Q. 13
Abraham SHEK Lai-himPremium valuation processReply
Q. 14
Tanya CHANBuilding Environmental Assessment MethodReply
Q. 15
Albert HO Chun-yanMortality rates of patients and turnover rates of healthcare staff in public hospitalsReply
Q. 16
David LI Kwok-poAdvertising spaces on the external walls of government propertiesReply
Q. 17
Paul TSE Wai-chunPublication of annual reports by government departmentsReply
Q. 18
Albert CHAN Wai-yipLow-floor busesReply
Q. 19
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funPolicy on earth burial in Gallant GardenReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Hok-mingImplementation of public works projects in the New TerritoriesReply

Council meeting on 13.5.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Albert HO Chun-yanReform of the law relating to guardianship and custody of childrenReply
Q. 2
CHAN Hak-kanReuse of construction and demolition materialsReply
Q. 3
KAM Nai-waiInclusion of the June 4th incident and the pro-democracy movement in 1989 in the curricula of senior secondary levelReply
Q. 4
Starry LEE Wai-kingEmotional problems of the public under the impact of the financial tsunamiReply
Q. 5
Paul CHAN Mo-poCorporate rescue procedureReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Yiu-chungAbove-station property development projects at Nam Cheong Station and Yuen Long StationReply
Q. 7
Ronny TONG Ka-wahReplacement of the air traffic control systemReply
Q. 8
WONG Kwok-kinParticipation of elderly people in social and public affairsReply
Q. 9
LEE Cheuk-yanDrug abuse problem of ethnic minority youthsReply
Q. 10
LEUNG Kwok-hungRelease of information on elderly people waiting for subsidized care and attention placesReply
Q. 11
Tanya CHANHigh prices of school textbooksReply
Q. 12
Abraham SHEK Lai-himMeasures to tackle the manpower problems in the construction industryReply
Q. 13
Fred LI Wah-mingMonitoring of dishonest trade practices of retailersReply
Q. 14
LEE Wing-tatProvision of babycare rooms in government premisesReply
Q. 15
Paul TSE Wai-chunUnlicensed travel agentsReply
Q. 16
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funTraffic and directional signs on roadsReply
Q. 17
Albert CHAN Wai-yipCross-boundary fishing of mainland fishing vesselsReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of social services to ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 19
LAU Kong-wahCross-boundary vehiclesReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeDigital terrestrial televisionReply

Council meeting on 20.5.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Raymond HO Chung-taiRegistration requirements for persons carrying out lift and escalator worksReply
Q. 2
Ronny TONG Ka-wahThe new cruise terminal at Kai TakReply
Q. 3
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeTraining members of the Administrative Service to work in the financial affairs streamReply
Q. 4
Audrey EU Yuet-meeUnder Secretaries and Political AssistantsReply
Q. 5
PAN Pey-chyouAssistance to ex-mentally ill personsReply
Q. 6
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funPromoting the culture of ethnic minorities in Hong KongReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-kinImpact of the Bus Service Rationalization PlanReply
Q. 8
Paul CHAN Mo-poRegulation of the nicotine contents of cigarettesReply
Q. 9
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooKowloon Southern LinkReply
Q. 10
Albert HO Chun-yanChinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing ExaminationReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of supplements to subvented residential care homes for the elderly for taking care of infirm and demented residentsReply
Q. 12
Tanya CHANTree conservation work of the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 13
Abraham SHEK Lai-himConstruction of joint hostels for tertiary studentsReply
Q. 14
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeCommercial vehicle insurance provided by insurance companiesReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatAddition or alteration works carried out in private buildingsReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiMeasures to assist Hong Kong enterprises and ease the unemployment problemReply
Q. 17
KAM Nai-waiPackaging materials discarded at landfillsReply
Q. 18
Paul TSE Wai-chunAberdeen Tourism ProjectReply
Q. 19
James TO Kun-sunManagement of hawker permitted areasReply
Q. 20
CHAN Hak-kanMeasures to reduce emissions of franchised busesReply

Council meeting on 27.5.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Ting-kwongDeveloping the mainland market for Hong Kong productsReply
Q. 2
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeDriving a motor vehicle under the influence of drugsReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Man-kwongProblems of the Pre-primary Education Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 4
WONG Sing-chiSupport services for mental patientsReply
Q. 5
WONG Kwok-hingRegulation of price adjustments of domestic liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 6
IP Wai-mingMeasures to tackle the unemployment problem aggravated by the Influenza A (H1N1) epidemicReply
Q. 7
Ronny TONG Ka-wahVacancy rate of the market stalls of Luen Wo Hui Market in FanlingReply
Q. 8
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooImplementation of the "trap-neuter-return" programme for stray dogsReply
Q. 9
Raymond HO Chung-taiAdmission of non-JUPAS students by local universitiesReply
Q. 10
LEUNG Kwok-hungNew rent adjustment mechanism under the Housing (Amendment) Ordinance 2007Reply
Q. 11
Fred LI Wah-mingAssistance to the grass-roots who are renting bedspaces and cubiclesReply
Q. 12
Abraham SHEK Lai-himMeasures to prevent abuse of the elderlyReply
Q. 13
Tanya CHANRodent infestation in indoor premises managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 14
Audrey EU Yuet-meeRanking of the Director of Environmental ProtectionReply
Q. 15
LAM Tai-faiMeasures to assist Hong Kong enterprises to operate on the Mainland and to develop the mainland marketReply
Q. 16
Starry LEE Wai-kingImproving environmental hygiene in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Paul TSE Wai-chunWaiving the travel agents' licence feeReply
Q. 18
Emily LAU Wai-hingProvision of female toilets in public placesReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingProcessing of small house applicationsReply
Q. 20
KAM Nai-waiPromoting the use of electric vehiclesReply

Council meeting on 3.6.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Kwok-cheImplementation of policies relating to childrenReply
Q. 2
Fred LI Wah-mingAppointment of the successor of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Kwok-hungPublic car parks operating on government land under short term tenanciesReply
Q. 4
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooDemocracy activists refused entry to Hong KongReply
Q. 5
WONG Yuk-manAllocating funds from the Lotteries Fund to provide more subvented nursing home places and care-and-attention home placesReply
Q. 6
Vincent FANG KangContraband and counterfeit cigarettesReply
Q. 7
TAM Yiu-chungMobile phone signal reception at the tourist attractions on Lantau IslandReply
Q. 8
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeMeasures to assist the tourism industryReply
Q. 9
Abraham SHEK Lai-himPopulation policyReply
Q. 10
WONG Sing-chiAssistance for family carersReply
Q. 11
Tanya CHANThe Fifth East Asian GamesReply
Q. 12
LEE Wing-tatRemuneration of the management and fees for the Board members of the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Man-kwongCases of plagiarism and frauds in University Grants Committee-funded institutionsReply
Q. 14
LAM Tai-faiEconomic downturn in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Albert CHAN Wai-yipProvision of subsidized residential places for the elderly, the mentally disabled and the severely disabled in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 16
Joseph LEE Kok-longRecruitment of senior staff of tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 17
LAU Kong-wahHarassments by debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 18
Starry LEE Wai-kingPrices of school textbooksReply
Q. 19
CHAN Hak-kanMechanism for cross-boundary public transport operators to report cases of infectious diseasesReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of quantitative easing policy implemented by the Federal Reserve on Hong Kong's economyReply

Council meeting on 10.6.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Emily LAU Wai-hingMeasures to promote gender equalityReply
Q. 2
Paul TSE Wai-chunMonitoring of the operation of the Travel Industry Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeEnergy saving and emission reduction plan to be implemented by the United States for new vehiclesReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Hok-mingTraffic congestion along the link roads to the Aberdeen TunnelReply
Q. 5
Tanya CHAN Caring of treesReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahIncidents of objects being thrown from a height onto pedestrian precinctsReply
Q. 7
IP Wai-mingThe six economic areas identified by the Task Force on Economic ChallengesReply
Q. 8
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungFuel clause chargeReply
Q. 9
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeChallenges faced by Hong Kong as a maritime and logistics centreReply
Q. 10
WONG Yuk-manAccessibility of the Shek Kip Mei Health CentreReply
Q. 11
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooRegulatory system for drugsReply
Q. 12
Fred LI Wah-mingBanning the sale and breeding of pets with genetic defects in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Kwok-hungStandardized Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly ServicesReply
Q. 14
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAssistance to mental patients who have returned to the communityReply
Q. 15
Audrey EU Yuet-meeVetting and approving of entry applications by the authoritiesReply
Q. 16
Abraham SHEK Lai-himThe Family Council and the related advisory committeesReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Man-kwongTeacher relief grant for aided schools with incorporated management committeesReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheLump Sum Grant ReservesReply
Q. 19
LAM Tai-faiImpacts of the financial tsunami and the Influenza A (H1N1) epidemic on various industriesReply
Q. 20
James TO Kun-sunImplementation of greening works in various districtsReply

Council meeting on 17.6.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Albert CHAN Wai-yipSanitary facilities in the public toilets in government premisesReply
Q. 2
LAU Wong-fatRural schoolsReply
Q. 3
Patrick LAU Sau-shingSetting up a temporary explosives magazine at Chung Hom ShanReply
Q. 4
LAM Tai-faiAir quality of Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungPayment of tax by self-employed personsReply
Q. 6
CHAN Hak-kanImpact of the Human Swine Influenza epidemic on the work of the Food and Health BureauReply
Q. 7
Samson TAM Wai-hoImplementation of the Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 8
TAM Yiu-chungBuilding covers at Light Rail stop platformsReply
Q. 9
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeProtection of the interests of animalsReply
Q. 10
LI Fung-yingFormaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds emitted by newly made wooden furniture and productsReply
Q. 11
WONG Yuk-manMedical treatment for mental patientsReply
Q. 12
Raymond HO Chung-taiControl of emission of oily fumes and cooking odour from restaurantsReply
Q. 13
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooExamination fee for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (Chinese) ExaminationReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Kwok-hungStandardized care need assessment mechanism for elderly servicesReply
Q. 15
David LI Kwok-poReplacement of non-franchised buses with more environment-friendly vehiclesReply
Q. 16
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeSticking of heat-insulating and light-transmitting colour films on windscreens and windows of vehiclesReply
Q. 17
Audrey EU Yuet-meeEmployment opportunities to be created by the development of green economyReply
Q. 18
Emily LAU Wai-hingAppointment of members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 19
Abraham SHEK Lai-himProvision of computers in government venues for Internet browsing by the publicReply
Q. 20
Paul TSE Wai-chunTraining courses organized by the Travel Industry Council of Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 24.6.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Samson TAM Wai-hoRegulation of person-to-person telemarketing callsReply
Q. 2
IP Kwok-himPromotion of street performancesReply
Q. 3
Cyd HO Sau-lanPublic assemblies and processionsReply
Q. 4
TAM Yiu-chungLicence fees of food businessesReply
Q. 5
KAM Nai-waiMarches on 1 JulyReply
Q. 6
Starry LEE Wai-kingRelocation of Yau Ma Tei Fruit MarketReply
Q. 7
CHAN Kin-porAssistance for insurance and finance sectorsReply
Q. 8
Raymond HO Chung-taiPrecautionary measures for earthquakes in Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooBooks on the June 4 incident in public librariesReply
Q. 10
Fred LI Wah-mingProtecting consumers who purchase pre-paid servicesReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungCases assessed under the Standardized Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly ServicesReply
Q. 12
David LI Kwok-poComprehensive report on consumer spendingReply
Q. 13
WONG Sing-chiSupport services for homosexualsReply
Q. 14
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeDevelopment of Hong Kong's air freight industryReply
Q. 15
Audrey EU Yuet-meeHandling cases of unlawful occupation of government landReply
Q. 16
Abraham SHEK Lai-himBook donation and sale campaignReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Hok-mingMTR half-fare concessions for eligible persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 18
Albert CHAN Wai-yipMeasures to combat deception activitiesReply
Q. 19
Joseph LEE Kok-longShortage of and manpower planning for nursesReply
Q. 20
LAM Tai-faiFinancial assistance for local exhibitorsReply

Council meeting on 8.7.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funAdvance directives of patients in relation to healthcare or medical treatmentReply
Q. 2
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenElectronic money systems of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta RegionReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Ka-lauPromoting the development of private hospitalsReply
Q. 4
LEE Cheuk-yanAssistance for the working-poor householdsReply
Q. 5
Margaret NGAssistance for school children in using computers and accessing the InternetReply
Q. 6
LEE Wing-tatUsing open space and government properties to display works of artReply
Q. 7
Alan LEONG Kah-kitArrangements for liver transplantsReply
Q. 8
IP Wai-mingRenewal of tourist guide passesReply
Q. 9
PAN Pey-chyouAssistance for social welfare service units to carry out epidemic-prevention workReply
Q. 10
Samson TAM Wai-hoInformation technology staffReply
Q. 11
Ronny TONG Ka-wahElderly people applying for Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 12
Vincent FANG KangImpact of extending smoking ban to places of public entertainmentReply
Q. 13
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungTenancy position of the Hong Kong Science ParkReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Yiu-chungStatutory ban on idling vehicles with running enginesReply
Q. 15
WONG Yung-kanWorking dogs kept by various government departmentsReply
Q. 16
Cyd HO Sau-lanArrangements for students with intellectual disability under the new senior secondary academic structureReply
Q. 17
WONG Kwok-hingWaiting list for public rental housingReply
Q. 18
CHAN Kin-porCapital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 19
Paul CHAN Mo-poInjection of money into Mandatory Provident Fund accountsReply
Q. 20
Albert HO Chun-yanSchool-based assessmentReply

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