BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Questions(Year 2011 - 2012)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 19.10.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunCourt judgment on the judicial review on right of abode in Hong Kong lodged by a foreign domestic helperReply
Q. 2
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiStrategies for managing reserve assetsReply
Q. 3
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitGovernment's proposal to abolish the District Council appointed seatsReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheStudy on the development of a retirement protection schemeReply
Q. 5
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungJudicial review on the Environmental Impact Assessment reports for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 6
Hon James TO Kun-sunProvision of subsidies to improve the health of the persons in needReply
Q. 7
Hon IP Wai-mingProtection of workers against heat strokeReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Sing-chiMTR services and facilitiesReply
Q. 9
Hon KAM Nai-waiCycling policy in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauProfessional liability insurance for doctorsReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipEmissions from aircraft and their impact on Tung ChungReply
Q. 12
Hon LEE Wing-tatResumption of the Tenants Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Kwok-hingThe incident of a work barge hitting the shore near Heng Fa ChuenReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longSubsidies for hiring the services of physiotherapists and occupational therapists under the enhanced bought place schemeReply
Q. 15
Hon LAU Wong-fatApplications from non-Chinese persons for permanent right of abode in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRegulation of nitrite content in bird's nestsReply
Q. 17
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeePromotion of cycling safetyReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingConservation of important public recordsReply
Q. 19
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingLegal aid casesReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeConsultation on the introduction of a mandatory producer responsibility scheme for waste electrical and electronic equipmentReply

Council meeting on 26.10.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiJudicial review case regarding the Environmental Impact Assessment reports of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 2
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungAssistance to small and medium enterprises in relieving capital flow problemsReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinProvision of medical services for residents in the Kowloon East ClusterReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunTourist attractions in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheFunds allocated to social work programmes operated by universitiesReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Kin-porThe Central Government's measures to implement the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor scheme and support Hong Kong's insurance companies to enter the mainland marketReply
Q. 7
Hon Tanya CHANMega Events FundReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Ting-kwongAnti-smoking measuresReply
Q. 9
Hon James TO Kun-sunDevelopment of harbourfront promenadesReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanLaw and order in Tseung Kwan O DistrictReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDevelopment of Chinese medicines after disbanding the Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese MedicineReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Wai-mingGranting of land to franchised bus companiesReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRedevelopment and expansion of public hospitals in various districtsReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipRedevelopment of land in country parks for residential useReply
Q. 15
Hon WONG Kwok-hingRegulation of sales practices of subscription televisionReply
Q. 16
Hon KAM Nai-waiAssistance package for trawler vessel owners and local deckhands affected by the trawl banReply
Q. 17
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of the issuance of inflation-linked bondsReply
Q. 18
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingTime capsule of the former Urban CouncilReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunInfrastructural developments and policies to promote cruise tourismReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longPlans to tackle manpower shortage problem in the public health sectorReply

Council meeting on 2.11.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-hingRegulation of investment activities related to Loco London goldReply
Q. 2
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to alleviate the burden of travelling expenses on the publicReply
Q. 3
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePublic consultation on Hong Kong's climate change strategy and action agendaReply
Q. 4
Hon KAM Nai-waiAssistance for low-income private housing tenantsReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Sing-chiWork Incentive Transport Subsidy SchemeReply
Q. 6
Hon LEE Wing-tatProvision of public housing to grassrootsReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouReplacement and maintenance of underground water mainsReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungEligibility of Hong Kong people residing abroad for receiving the sum of $6,000Reply
Q. 9
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingPublic transport running between Tuen Mun and the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProvision of old age allowance for eligible elderly people who take up long-term residence in Guangdong Province or Fujian ProvinceReply
Q. 11
Hon Tanya CHANExtension works of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funRegulation of free newspapersReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiRationalization of allocation of public housing resourcesReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingEducation for ethnic minority childrenReply
Q. 15
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipComplaints on excessive fees charged by telecommunications service providersReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunGroup purchase of ferry tickets and other travel related products and servicesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouSalaries of teachers in government and aided schoolsReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiMeasures to promote green transportReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeCommunity Care FundReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunServices provided by the Protocol Division of the Government SecretariatReply

Council meeting on 9.11.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kin-porShortage of beds and rising fees of private hospitalsReply
Q. 2
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingThe "i Learn at home" Internet Learning Support ProgrammeReply
Q. 3
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRecruitment of non-local registered doctorsReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to assist Hong Kong enterprisesReply
Q. 5
Hon Tanya CHANConservation of statutory monuments and historic buildingsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funOperation of Hung Hom/Central and Hung Hom/Wan Chai ferry servicesReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poSupply of ultra low sulphur dieselReply
Q. 8
Hon LAU Wong-fatFlying of the national flag and regional flagReply
Q. 9
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingWater supplies in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanAnimal Watch Scheme of the Hong Kong Police ForceReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-hingManagement of the shopping arcades and markets under The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouProductivity assessments for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 13
Hon KAM Nai-waiRoad maintenanceReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipProvision of land for construction of religious facilitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImplementation of a five-day work weekReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunUtilization of the Shenzhen Bay Control Point, other boundary control points and the SkyPier at the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funRegulation of maintenance of pipes on the external walls of buildingsReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAssistance for Hong Kong students studying on the MainlandReply
Q. 19
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingProtection of providers of goods, services and facilities against sexual harassment by customersReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunDevelopment of tourism on Lantau IslandReply

Council meeting on 16.11.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanPlanning and development of Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Ting-kwongLicensed newspaper stallsReply
Q. 3
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahLitigations to which the Government was a partyReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamFuel pricesReply
Q. 5
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeReview of the Standard Employment Contract for foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 6
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of pesticidesReply
Q. 7
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himPromoting the use of solar-powered air-conditioning system in vehiclesReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungMeasures to tackle under-occupation in public rental housingReply
Q. 9
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poPreparation for possible policy changes to be introduced by the new Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 10
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingEducational support for ethnic minority studentsReply
Q. 11
Hon James TO Kun-sunRedevelopment of the Kwong Wah HospitalReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poShort-term tenancies and waiversReply
Q. 13
Hon Tanya CHANNoises emanated from schoolsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingAccidents involving pedestrian refugesReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funVacant government quartersReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiInternational Cuisine CollegeReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiTraffic lightsReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMeasures to reduce the risks faced by local banksReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunSupporting facilities for tourists in Repulse BayReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProvision of 15-year free educationReply

Council meeting on 23.11.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poMeasures to enhance regulation of financial derivative products to protect the interest of investorsReply
Q. 2
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingDevelopment of transport infrastructure in Tuen MunReply
Q. 3
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeRegulation of housing developments in rural areasReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongRatios of graduate teacher posts in public sector primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Yuk-manVoting arrangements for hospital in-patients and the elderly in public electionsReply
Q. 6
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanRegulation of food additivesReply
Q. 7
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahDisparity between the rich and the poor in Hong KongReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kin-porFigures on salaries tax and profits tax Reply
Q. 9
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himImplementation of the Antiquities and Monuments OrdinanceReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longHealthcare services provided to residents in Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 11
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of guesthousesReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCharging facilities for electric vehiclesReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipFranchised buses running between Kwai Fong and Yau TongReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funImpact of the special stamp duty on the property marketReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAgreements for avoidance of double taxationReply
Q. 16
Hon KAM Nai-waiManagement of waste electrical and electronic equipmentReply
Q. 17
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePork prices and qualityReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunAssistance for Hong Kong people serving sentences in other placesReply
Q. 19
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeCancellation of metered parking spacesReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of the debt crises in European countriesReply

Council meeting on 30.11.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poEmployment in the financial services industryReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Wai-mingGeneral Employment PolicyReply
Q. 3
Hon Vincent FANG KangRegulation of waste recycling yardsReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunGovernment's replies to questions asked by Legislative Council MembersReply
Q. 5
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiConverting the land use of agricultural landReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of the statutory minimum wage rate and formulation of standard working hoursReply
Q. 7
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeSupply of and demand for public and private residential unitsReply
Q. 8
Hon LEE Wing-tatHousing assistance for female victims of abuseReply
Q. 9
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himMeasures to improve the competitiveness of Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanVerification of voter registration particularsReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipUse of vacant school premisesReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingImpact of the construction works of the Hong Kong section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funHandling of complaints about water seepage/leakage in residential unitsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiScheme $6,000Reply
Q. 15
Hon KAM Nai-waiRegulation of liquor-licensed premisesReply
Q. 16
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himQuestionnaire surveys conducted under the 2011 Population CensusReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunProtection for consumers who bought travel packagesReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeSupply and prices of riceReply
Q. 19
Hon TAM Yiu-chungFree legal service for transfer of land relating to Wong Wai Tsak TongReply
Q. 20
Hon WONG Sing-chiWaiting list for places in residential care homes for the elderly and persons with disabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 7.12.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funFollow-up actions on the Fa Yuen Street fire and relief measures for the victimsReply
UQ. 2
Hon James TO Kun-sunFire hazards of hawker stalls and buildings in their vicinityReply
UQ. 3
Hon WONG Yuk-manFire hazards of sub-divided flat units and sub-divided hawkers stallsReply
UQ. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitProviding immediate assistance and stepping up fire precautions after the Fa Yuen Street fireReply
UQ. 5
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingEnhancing fire safety of old buildings and hawker stallsReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungEnforcement of the Building Management OrdinanceReply
Q. 2
Hon LAU Wong-fatStatistics on pensionersReply
Q. 3
Hon TAM Yiu-chungNorth Lantau HospitalReply
Q. 4
Hon KAM Nai-waiFive-year development plans of the two power companiesReply
Q. 5
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingA survey regarding women's status at home, work and in social environmentsReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Sing-chiThe Supplementary Labour SchemeReply
Q. 7
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiAdmission of non-JUPAS students by local universitiesReply
Q. 8
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongSelf-financing programmes offered by local universitiesReply
Q. 9
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunGlass recovery and recyclingReply
Q. 10
Hon Tanya CHANEducation support for children of native-speaking English teachersReply
Q. 11
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingDebundling of textbooks and teaching/learning materials for pricingReply
Q. 12
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himThe World Bank Report "Doing Business 2012"Reply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Hak-kan Fire safety of old buildingsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingHorticultural plants with cancer-causing potentialReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Margaret NGRight of abode in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAssessment of taxes under the Arrangement between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on IncomeReply
Q. 17
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRegulation of breastmilk substitutes and promotion of breastfeeding in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiEngine stalling problem of LPG vehiclesReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRegulation of credit rating agencies in Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunTravel club membershipReply

Council meeting on 14.12.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-hingSafety of professional drivers under Occupational Safety and Health OrdinanceReply
Q. 2
Hon Tanya CHANPrivate recreational leasesReply
Q. 3
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poVarious funds set up by the GovernmentReply
Q. 4
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingNon-renewal of the contracts of two programme hosts of the Radio Television Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanVote-rigging in District Council electionsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to assist small and medium enterprises amidst global financial turmoilReply
Q. 7
Hon James TO Kun-sunClean fuels for vesselsReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeReview of the Building Management OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungProgress of retrofitting Euro II and III buses with catalytic reduction devices and the trial run on hybrid busesReply
Q. 10
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeVerification of addresses of registered electors for District Council electionsReply
Q. 11
Hon LAU Wong-fatHiring of consultants by offices of the Secretaries, Policy Bureaux and government departments Reply
Q. 12
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poFood prices in districts with high concentrations of low-income familiesReply
Q. 13
Hon James TO Kun-sunGuidelines on Industry Best Practices for External Lighting InstallationsReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingWoman Health Centres and Maternal and Child Health CentresReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunSpurious proprietary medicines sold to mainland touristsReply
Q. 16
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himSpecial learning needs of ethnic minority school childrenReply
Q. 17
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeSafety of food containers containing Bisphenol AReply
Q. 18
Hon Tanya CHANRelocation of Lingnan Primary School and KindergartenReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiPublic transport concessionsReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeNew H3N2 flu variantReply

Council meeting on 21.12.2011

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingUrgent review of the proposed rates of tariff increase which will take effect on 1 January 2012Reply
UQ. 2
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingCalculation of the rates of increase in basic tariffReply
UQ. 3
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahProposed rates of tariff increase for 2012Reply
UQ. 4
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeImpact of the substantial increase in tariffs on business operating costsReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouStatutory holidays in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon CHIM Pui-chungFootball development in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Yung-kanJapanese infant formulas containing radioactive cesiumReply
Q. 4
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanLicence for keeping or using any place of public entertainment for lectures or story-tellingReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanApplication of new practice notes on gross floor area concessions to the development project above the Tin Shui Wai Light Rail TerminusReply
Q. 6
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahSuspected vote-rigging and irregularities in the 2011 Election Committee Subsector ElectionsReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitMedical Assistance Programmes launched by the Community Care FundReply
Q. 8
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongThe Hong Kong Academy for Gifted EducationReply
Q. 9
Hon LEE Wing-tatUnauthorized building works in village housesReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinPickpocketing cases within the railway premisesReply
Q. 11
Hon Tanya CHANImproving air quality and updating air quality reportsReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Hak-kanBooking and use of leisure facilities managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 13
Hon KAM Nai-waiRedevelopment scheme for the West Wing of Central Government OfficesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAssessment of taxes under the Arrangement between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on IncomeReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunRisk of Hong Kong travellers being affected by nuclear radiation in JapanReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeArrangements regarding substitution of general holidays for employees working five days a weekReply
Q. 17
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanManagement of public records kept by Office of the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 18
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahReview of and planning for a sustainable population policy for Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRelaxing anti-property speculation measures amid economic slowdownReply
Q. 20
Hon LAU Kong-wahDefinition of old age under various assistance schemes for the elderlyReply

Council meeting on 11.1.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longLegionella bacteria found at the new Central Government Complex and the Legislative Council ComplexReply
UQ. 2
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funHealth risks posed by Legionella bacteria to the staff at TamarReply
Q. 1
Hon LEE Wing-tatAvailability of land for the development of small housesReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manOutreach primary dental care services for the elderly in residential care homes and day care centresReply
Q. 3
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungRegulation of residential flats for lease on a short-term basisReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongReducing the risk of student suicideReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungFree television programme service licencesReply
Q. 6
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeSelf-financing top-up degree programmesReply
Q. 7
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poProposed Health and Medical Research FundReply
Q. 8
Hon TAM Yiu-chungRedevelopment of the ferry pier at Pak Kok TsuenReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRegulation of banking institutes engaging in the sale of endowment insurance productsReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Kin-porIndustrial accidents in the construction industryReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-kinThe Tenants Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Sing-chiInstallation of CCTV cameras in MTR train compartmentsReply
Q. 13
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeFine particulate air pollutionReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingCurrent situation on the elimination of sex discrimination in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingProtecting the rights of consumers who make online purchasesReply
Q. 16
Hon Tanya CHANReducing the use of non-woven shopping bagsReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipPermitting euthanasia in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funFormation of owners' corporations in large private housing estatesReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRedevelopment and expansion of public hospitalsReply
Q. 20
Hon KAM Nai-waiHong Kong's air qualityReply

Council meeting on 18.1.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeAir quality inside the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Q. 1
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunPromoting hospitality and international perspective in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon KAM Nai-waiElectoral legitimacy of former mainland officials in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingManagement Agreement Scheme and Public-private Partnership Pilot Scheme Reply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamConcession of Government rent Reply
Q. 5
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingAcademic freedom in Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeLand supply in Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenAuction of vehicle registration marksReply
Q. 8
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poClass restructuring measures of secondary schoolsReply
Q. 9
Hon TAM Yiu-chungIssuance of One-way Permits to mainland "over-age children" of Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 10
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahArts Development FundReply
Q. 11
Hon LEE Wing-tatInvestigation into the sale of first-hand residential propertiesReply
Q. 12
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingCorporate social responsibilities of companies listed in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Sing-chiAllowing the public to use the clubs and clubhouses of the Hong Kong Jockey ClubReply
Q. 14
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeLifting the ban on firecrackers at festivalsReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingAssaults on immigration officers by travellers at boundary control pointsReply
Q. 16
Hon Tanya CHANThe Chinese Temples OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to enhance the reputation of Hong Kong as a shopping paradiseReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunCollection of fuel surcharge and air passenger departure tax by travel agentsReply
Q. 19
Hon LAU Kong-wahAllowing dogs to enter restaurantsReply

Council meeting on 1.2.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungMonitoring the safety of infant productsReply
Q. 2
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeInternational school placesReply
Q. 3
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiEnvironmental hygiene of tourist attractions famous for seafoodReply
Q. 4
Hon IP Wai-mingAccidents inside bus compartmentsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungThe incident of a fishing vessel being intercepted by the Hong Kong Marine Department while departing from Hong Kong watersReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Kin-porEnforcement of the Employees' Compensation OrdinanceReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poRoad safety of Cheung Tung RoadReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouPressure on the services of Maternal and Child Health CentresReply
Q. 9
Hon LEE Wing-tatRecovery and recycling of municipal solid wasteReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Sing-chiCombating sex crimes in the railway premisesReply
Q. 11
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeConstruction costs of the new Central Government Complex and the Legislative Council Complex and electricity consumptionReply
Q. 12
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himEmployment support for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 13
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingBullying and discrimination faced by homosexuals in schoolsReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipCurbing the proliferation of Mikania micranthaReply
Q. 15
Hon Tanya CHANThe Government's proposal on increasing land supply by reclamation outside Victoria HarbourReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSmall class teaching in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunFingerprint verification problem of the Automated Passenger Clearance SystemReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of the arrangement for tax deductions for home loan interestReply
Q. 19
Hon IP Wai-mingOdour management and traffic control for the landfill at Tseung Kwan OReply
Q. 20
Hon LEE Wing-tatUnauthorized extension works of the Stanley PlazaReply

Council meeting on 8.2.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LAU Kong-wahLong waiting time for public hospital servicesReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Hak-kanReview of the measures to combat pregnant mainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funContingency plans and response measures for railway incidentsReply
Q. 4
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeArrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong for avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to income taxesReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Kin-porPreventive health screening for early detection of cancerReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouImplementation of a five-day work weekReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoDevelopment of e-citizen engagement and e-government in Hong KongReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Ting-kwongSale of illicit cigarettes on a mainland shopping web siteReply
Q. 9
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiServices of court interpretersReply
Q. 10
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poParole for Hong Kong people serving imprisonment sentences on the MainlandReply
Q. 11
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungVetting and approval of applications for Airport Restricted Area PermitsReply
Q. 12
Hon TAM Yiu-chungSocial Welfare Department staff being assaulted while at workReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingReview of rural land uses in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 14
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himShortage of international school places for non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 15
Hon Tanya CHANCurriculum for special schoolsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiOperation of Ngong Ping 360Reply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunMeasures to combat pregnant mainland women renting and staying in unlicensed guesthouses in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeThe new Air Quality Objectives to be introduced in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiDefault on payment of medical fees by Non-eligible PersonsReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poReview on the adjustment mechanism of the levy rate of Business Registration CertificateReply

Council meeting on 15.2.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Hon LEE Wing-tatAllegation of conflict of interests involving a Chief Executive candidateReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poImmigration clearance and entry visas to the Mainland for foreign nationals who are Hong Kong permanent residentsReply
Q. 2
Hon Tanya CHANImpact of the trial scheme on one-off ad hoc quotas for cross-boundary private cars on the problem of pregnant mainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanImplementation of the trial scheme on one-off ad hoc quotas for cross-boundary private carsReply
Q. 4
Hon LAU Wong-fatMonitoring of aircraft incidentsReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-hingPublic transport fare concessionsReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Sing-chiSupport services for people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illnessReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Ting-kwongUnscrupulous business practices of some ginseng and dried seafood shopsReply
Q. 8
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiNuisance behaviour in MTR train compartmentsReply
Q. 9
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingFire Safety (Buildings) OrdinanceReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of the agriculture and fisheries industriesReply
Q. 11
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunCompensation arising from flight delaysReply
Q. 12
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProvision of public transport fare concessions to the elderly and persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 13
Hon Tanya CHANRegulation of private columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunOffensive comments on Hong Kong people made by a mainland academicReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeSewage and stormwater drainage systems in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanReduction of primary and secondary school placesReply
Q. 17
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanRight of abode in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenRadiation leak in JapanReply
Q. 19
Hon James TO Kun-sunThe trial scheme on one-off ad hoc quotas for cross-boundary private carsReply
Q. 20
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitLandslip prevention and mitigation worksReply

Council meeting on 22.2.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Margaret NGThe problem of pregnant mainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRetrofitting of noise barriers in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanRemarks on Hong Kong people made by a Beijing academicReply
Q. 4
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingDeclaration of interests by Members of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Wing-tatSurveys on the popularity of the 2012 Chief Executive potential candidates conducted by the Hong Kong Baptist UniversityReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingBlasting works for MTR West Island LineReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funPromoting the use of automatic external defibrillatorsReply
Q. 8
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeSafety of staircasesReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Ting-kwongIllicit cigarettes seized by the Customs and Excise DepartmentReply
Q. 10
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingPublic vehicle licence feesReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingActs of contravention in the railway premisesReply
Q. 12
Hon KAM Nai-waiEnhancing land supply by reclamationReply
Q. 13
Hon Tanya CHANTrading hours of Hong Kong stock exchange marketReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of Chinese medicine industry and clinicsReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunOversale of air tickets by airlinesReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeWork Incentive Transport Subsidy SchemeReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunAd hoc quotas for cross-boundary private cars and mainlanders driving in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProvision of meterological information by the Hong Kong ObservatoryReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManpower and staff establishments of dispensaries of public hospitalsReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Kam-lamAllocation of public rental housing flatsReply

Council meeting on 29.2.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipAcceptance of passage and discounts by public officersReply
UQ. 2
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanPersons with official dealings with the Government providing advantages and discounts to public officersReply
UQ. 3
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheRelevant codes and regulations governing the acceptance of entertainment by public officersReply
UQ. 4
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanArrangements for declaration of interest by public officersReply
UQ. 5
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitActing arrangement for the Chief Executive during leave and related mattersReply
UQ. 6
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunInvestigation of offences under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance involving public officersReply
UQ. 7
Hon LEE Wing-tatPersons with official dealings with the Government leasing flats to public officersReply
UQ. 8
Hon KAM Nai-waiPublic officers engaging in private dealings with persons with whom the Government has official dealingsReply
Q. 1
Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-fooDeclaration of interests by public officersReply
Q. 2
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeStaff establishment of the Chief Executive's OfficeReply
Q. 3
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingPublic transport fare concessions for studentsReply
Q. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitRegulation of the sales of first-hand private residential propertiesReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheServices provided to autistic childrenReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouExtending trading hours of the Hong Kong securities marketReply
Q. 7
Hon LAU Kong-wahThe Tenants Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungGifts of precious species from the Mainland to Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himSpecial Stamp DutyReply
Q. 10
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeDeclaration of change of nationality by overseas Hong Kong people and right of abode of their childrenReply
Q. 11
Hon Tanya CHANOne-off ad hoc quotas for cross-boundary private carsReply
Q. 12
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunExchanging Hong Kong driving licence for a Great Britain driving licenceReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeThe new Air Quality ObjectivesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheIntegrated Community Centres for Mental WellnessReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 16
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingVacant public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiUnauthorized building works involving senior government officialsReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to help Hong Kong enterprises to explore business opportunities on the Mainland Reply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunRegulation of charitable organizationsReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeAbolition of the District Council appointment systemReply

Council meeting on 21.3.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Vincent FANG KangWaste management in Hong Kong and other citiesReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manAssistance for street sleepersReply
Q. 3
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanStatistics on household incomeReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauMeasures to enhance the occupational safety and health of cleansing workersReply
Q. 5
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funAllocation of resources for local and non-local students in universitiesReply
Q. 6
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenProvision of social services to children born locally but whose parents are non-permanent residents of Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungOperation of Ngong Ping 360Reply
Q. 8
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingUnauthorized building works involving senior government officialsReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungComplaints relating to mobile phone data planReply
Q. 10
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongNew academic building of the City University of Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheFunding policy of the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 12
Hon LAU Kong-wahShop tenants operating in shopping malls under The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Kwok-kinTransport networks of East KowloonReply
Q. 14
Hon IP Wai-mingSafety of road tunnelsReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longSupply of and demand for radiographersReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porProvision of medical services to non-eligible personsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouMeasures to enhance the occupational safety of security guardsReply
Q. 18
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiOrgan donation and transplantReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poAppointment of government representatives to serve on the councils or boards of professional bodiesReply
Q. 20
Hon James TO Kun-sunArea Improvement Plan for the Shopping Areas of Mong KokReply

Council meeting on 28.3.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanFraudulent insurance claimsReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manReporting of sentinel and serious untoward events in public hospitalsReply
Q. 3
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeCompensation for investors holding Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds and other structured financial productsReply
Q. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitTransport connection and other ancillary facilities for the new public housing estates in Kowloon BayReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongResource allocation for local and non-local students studying in tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheEnhancing employment of persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 7
Hon LAU Kong-wahDepression in the elderlyReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Ting-kwongProblem of obesity in Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longAuxiliary forces in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Wai-mingSafety of lifts and escalators in railway premisesReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouOccupational safety of cleansing workersReply
Q. 12
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poUnderestimation of fiscal surplusesReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Sing-chiDirect issue of Hong Kong driving licences without test and Guangdong/Hong Kong cross-boundary vehiclesReply
Q. 14
Hon James TO Kun-sunEmployees Choice Arrangement of Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRegulation of pet food in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingLost trips of franchised busesReply
Q. 17
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeChinese medicines containing bear bileReply
Q. 18
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipEmergency alarm services for the elderlyReply
Q. 19
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himEducation support for ethnic minority studentsReply
Q. 20
Hon KAM Nai-waiHong Kong's contingency plan in respect of nuclear incidentsReply

Council meeting on 18.4.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-kinExpress Flat Allocation SchemeReply
Q. 2
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeAllegations relating to undue influence of the representative organ of the Central People's GovernmentReply
Q. 3
Hon LAU Kong-wahElectrical Rewiring and Reinforcement ProgrammeReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funOpen air rail sectionsReply
Q. 5
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanRegulation of financial products involving investment activities abroadReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yung-kanFisheries Impact AssessmentReply
Q. 7
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanGovernment records destroyed by the Office of the Chief Executive during relocationReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeResearch capabilities of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research and the Economic Analysis Division of the Financial Secretary's OfficeReply
Q. 9
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRegulation of sale of equity interest in power companiesReply
Q. 10
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheMental Health Service Plan for Adults 2010-2015Reply
Q. 11
Hon IP Wai-mingManpower Projection to 2018Reply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Sing-chiCelebration of marriages in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon James TO Kun-sunThe pilot Building Management Professional Service Scheme and the Building Management Professional Advisory SchemeReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poApplication for Hong Kong identity cards by people born abroad to Hong Kong permanent residentsReply
Q. 15
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingStaff establishments of the overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade OfficesReply
Q. 16
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingWomen's developmentReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipAircraft noise mitigating measuresReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiWashrooms for government officialsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to promote Hong Kong's textile and apparel industryReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunHong Kong people serving imprisonment sentences abroadReply

Council meeting on 25.4.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungAppointment of members of the Elderly CommissionReply
Q. 2
Hon James TO Kun-sunPosting of posters in public housing estatesReply
Q. 3
Hon CHAN Hak-kanFare Adjustment Mechanism of the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSub-divided units, cubicle apartments and bedspace apartmentsReply
Q. 5
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiPromotion of research and development in science and technologyReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poProperty development rights of MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 7
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanRemoval and resite of Chuk Yuen VillageReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeePossible abuse of the trial scheme on one-off ad hoc quotas for Guangdong/Hong Kong cross-boundary private cars by non-local pregnant womenReply
Q. 9
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingWaiting time for allocation of public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 10
Hon TAM Yiu-chungSocial work officers acting as appointees of applicants for Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poRegional Cooperation Plan on Building a Quality Living AreaReply
Q. 12
Hon LAU Kong-wahPopulation policy for Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiThe offices of the Government of the HKSAR on the MainlandReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funSuspected cases of children abductionReply
Q. 15
Hon IP Wai-mingChild-care services and facilitiesReply
Q. 16
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeUse of compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diode lampsReply
Q. 17
Hon Tanya CHANBeauty Industry Code of PracticeReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiWaste management in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunMobile network failureReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMonitoring of mainland private enterprises listed in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 2.5.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImprovement to the employees' compensation insurance systemReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiRestructuring and upgrading of Hong Kong enterprises engaging in processing trade on the MainlandReply
Q. 3
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingFree telecast of London 2012 Olympic GamesReply
Q. 4
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeTransition of the present Government and the Government of the next termReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Yung-kanSea burialsReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongLiberal Studies Curriculum Support GrantReply
Q. 7
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanEntry arrangements for non-local students who wish to enter Hong Kong for studyReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Yuk-manPosters not permitted by Housing Department to be displayed in public housing estatesReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungMotorcycle parking spacesReply
Q. 10
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanRecords of the Chief Executive's OfficeReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheElderly health centresReply
Q. 12
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeMinor Works Control SystemReply
Q. 13
Hon LAU Kong-wahTelevision and telecommunication signals in frontier closed areasReply
Q. 14
Hon WONG Sing-chiIllegal fuel filling stationsReply
Q. 15
Hon James TO Kun-sunProvision of elevators, escalators and footbridges in public housing estatesReply
Q. 16
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingPress and demonstration areas outside the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipLow-platform busesReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiRegulation of the trading of endangered speciesReply
Q. 19
Hon Tanya CHANSexual offences committed by juvenilesReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunPromoting the development of convention and exhibition industries in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 9.5.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
David LIVolcker RuleReply
Q. 2
Andrew LEUNGBarriers of entry to the mainland marketReply
Q. 3
LEUNG Ka-lauService costs of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 4
Margaret NGAppointment of staff to the Chief Executive-elect's OfficeReply
Q. 5
Vincent FANGAssistance to small shop tenantsReply
Q. 6
WONG Yuk-manHong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examinationReply
Q. 7
Albert HOMeasures to prevent alcohol abuse and underage drinkingReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Man-kwongMeasures to tackle the problem of pregnant mainland women whose spouses are not Hong Kong permanent residents giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Albert CHANSizes of public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 10
Cyd HOGovernment records kept by the Chief Executive's OfficeReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongAssistance for convenience store franchiseesReply
Q. 12
Raymond HOFuture manpower planning upon the completion of 10 major infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Kwok-cheProductivity assessment for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Kwok-hungRelocation of Yaumatei ShelterReply
Q. 15
PAN Pey-chyouEmployment of persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahTravel subsidy for studentsReply
Q. 17
Priscilla LEUNGRedevelopment of Pak Tin Estate Reply
Q. 18
Emily LAUChinese learning support for ethnic minority childrenReply
Q. 19
KAM Nai-waiMonitoring the level of fine suspended particulatesReply
Q. 20
James TOCrowd control in MTR stationsReply

Council meeting on 16.5.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingTenders for government building contractsReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunFake marriage documents used by pregnant mainland women to give birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungMeasures to prevent elderly abuseReply
Q. 4
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRedevelopment of public housing estatesReply
Q. 5
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingAppointment of a non-permanent resident of Hong Kong as the Project Officer of the Chief Executive-elect's OfficeReply
Q. 6
Hon LAU Kong-wahMeasures to improve the economy and livelihood of residents of Tung ChungReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoPromoting the development of local innovative technologyReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanBarrier free access and facilities for persons with disabilities in public hospitals and clinicsReply
Q. 9
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitLand exchange agreements with the representative organ of the Central People's GovernmentReply
Q. 10
Hon LAU Wong-fatVillage houses built on old schedule lotsReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongStart-up Loan SchemeReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poInfluence of mainland buyers on the Hong Kong property marketReply
Q. 13
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeStatistics on retired civil servantsReply
Q. 14
Hon LEE Wing-tatThe application for in-situ land exchange involving lots at Tai Tam RoadReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSupport to children with disabilities including autism and specific learning difficultiesReply
Q. 16
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingComplaints relating to online purchasesReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiFalse fire alarms going off at hotelsReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiRegistered vegetable farms on the Mainland supplying vegetables to Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funPilot scheme on community care service voucher for the elderlyReply
Q. 20
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingHarbourfront developmentReply

Council meeting on 23.5.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LI Fung-yingLabour supply for 10 major infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 2
Hon KAM Nai-waiDevelopment of Hong Kong's electricity marketReply
Q. 3
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheThe rates of tariff increaseReply
Q. 4
Hon WONG Kwok-hingAfter-hours futures tradingReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Sing-chiPolitically appointed officials of the Chief Executive-elect's OfficeReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingPrices of textbooksReply
Q. 7
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeNon-franchised bus servicesReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanSamaritan FundReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungTsing Ma Control AreaReply
Q. 10
Hon LAU Wong-fatRegulations relating to village housesReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Kin-porIllegal acts of champerty and maintenance involving legal aid casesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungEnvironmental friendliness of government vehiclesReply
Q. 13
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeThe issuance of inflation-linked retail bondsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProvision of paediatric services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunJudicial review cases involving the GovernmentReply
Q. 16
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeElectricity consumption of the Government in the Central Government ComplexReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDisplay walls and lights on the external walls of buildingsReply
Q. 18
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of callable bull/bear contractsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiThe use of vacant school premisesReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImplementation of the nutrition labelling schemeReply

Council meeting on 30.5.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longSafety of proprietary Chinese medicines in capsule dose formReply
Q. 2
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanEliminating discrimination on the ground of sexual orientationReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to assist micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprisesReply
Q. 4
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanCommunity support services for mental patients and ex-mental patientsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Wing-tatLicences for domestic free television programme servicesReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouMeasures to cope with problems arising from an increasing number of civil servants retiringReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauAssessment of the governance of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funThe Judiciary in Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-hingHandling of Committee stage amendments to billsReply
Q. 10
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahExpenditure on overseas duty visits incurred by politically appointed officialsReply
Q. 11
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitPublic forums and meetings of various councils attended by Under Secretaries and Political AssistantsReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Kwok-kinVoter registration for Hong Kong permanent residents residing on the MainlandReply
Q. 13
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingFood labelling requirements in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Hon LAU Wong-fatEngagement of consultancy firms by offices of the Secretaries, policy bureaux and government departmentsReply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Kin-porTax avoidance and tax evasionReply
Q. 16
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheNeighbourhood Elderly CentreReply
Q. 17
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeExpenditure on overseas duty visits incurred by senior government officialsReply
Q. 18
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungDebris removal charges collected by outsourced property management services contractors of public housing estatesReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Sing-chiFare Adjustment Mechanism and fare concession schemes of the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 20
Hon James TO Kun-sunProvision of healthcare services for an ageing societyReply

Council meeting on 6.6.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauAdoption of the classification system of diagnosis-related groupsReply
Q. 2
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahVerification of residential addresses of registered electorsReply
Q. 3
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPrimary school places in the North DistrictReply
Q. 4
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meePolitical liaison conducted by Political AssistantsReply
Q. 5
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingSexual harassment in tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poDevelopment of private hospitalsReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitElector registrationReply
Q. 8
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeParking spaces for container vehiclesReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanTheft of mobile phonesReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longSubsidized places in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Kin-porPrevention of Internet addiction among young peopleReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingRainstorm warning systemReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungAllocation of Secondary One placesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheRights of same-sex cohabitantsReply
Q. 15
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahLand supply in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himConcentration limits of pollutants under Air Quality ObjectivesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funHandling of torture claim casesReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauClaims of medical negligenceReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiThe operating environment of the catering industryReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunCharging rates of Mandatory Provident Fund schemesReply

Council meeting on 13.6.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funConsultation on the introduction of the concept of advance directives in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon James TO Kun-sunAudit Commission's Report on hotel accommodation arrangements for the Chief Executive's duty visits outside Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahCopyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2007Reply
Q. 4
Hon Tanya CHANConservation of heritage and historic buildingsReply
Q. 5
Hon LAU Kong-wahIncidents of attacks on cabin crew membersReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRights and benefits of inmatesReply
Q. 7
Hon Vincent FANG KangGood manufacturing practice in respect of proprietary Chinese medicinesReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Yuk-manConflicts between management committees of owners' corporations and owners of private propertiesReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauService costs of Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanUse of vacant school premisesReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRetirement of nursing staffReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Wai-mingEvening adult education coursesReply
Q. 13
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeGuidelines on Service Improvement and Reduction in Bus Route Development ProgrammesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheServices for youth at riskReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingConvention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeFuel consumption of air-conditioned busesReply
Q. 17
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himRetirement age of judges and judicial officersReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funMandatory Building and Window Inspection SchemesReply
Q. 19
Hon KAM Nai-waiBuildings Energy Efficiency Funding Scheme and Energy Conservation ProjectsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMoral and National Education subject for primary and secondary schoolsReply

Council meeting on 20.6.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon IP Wai-mingBus routes serving the North DistrictReply
Q. 2
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitGovernment land formerly used as shipyards in Ap Lei ChauReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-hingHazards generated by rooftop transmitters of telecommunications operatorsReply
Q. 4
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRe-grant of the Ocean Terminal lotReply
Q. 5
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePrices of porkReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunExpenditure incurred and hospitality received during duty visits made by the Chief Executive and politically appointed officials outside Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanSecondment of Civil Aviation Department's staff to local airlinesReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Yuk-manElderly health centresReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRetirement of allied health professionalsReply
Q. 10
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeAsbestos control for demolition worksReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPlanning for old market towns in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Sing-chiIncrease in MTR faresReply
Q. 13
Hon James TO Kun-sunAuction of vacant market stallsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSheltered workshops for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingMeasures to protect the rights of women with disabilitiesReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunDevelopment of tourism in Lei Yue MunReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiConservation of the Central Police Station CompoundReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeCommunity Care FundReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longInpatient treatment arrangements for drug abusers with mental problemsReply
Q. 20
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeAllocation of public rental housing units in the North DistrictReply

Council meeting on 27.6.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Vincent FANG KangMeasures to tackle sales of illicit cigarettesReply
Q. 2
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheCommunity Treatment OrdersReply
Q. 3
Hon KAM Nai-waiThe death of a Chinese dissidentReply
Q. 4
Hon WONG Sing-chiMeasures to encourage disposal of food waste by appropriate meansReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiEconomic measures to be taken amidst the European debt crisisReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouDispensers in the Hospital Authority who are required to perform the duties of pharmacistsReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Kwok-kinHandling of food wasteReply
Q. 8
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitEnvironmentally friendly linkage system for Kowloon EastReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCodes of practice for veterinary surgeonsReply
Q. 11
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingProvision of school bus servicesReply
Q. 12
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeSales arrangement for Heya Green flatsReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipStructural problems of footbridgesReply
Q. 14
Hon James TO Kun-sunGambling activities in amusement game centres and family entertainment centresReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongChild care services for children aged between six and 12Reply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiGovernment support for religious groupsReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunComplimentary upgrade of air tickets and hotel accommodation offered by airlines to senior government officials making overseas duty visitsReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiClearance arrangement at boundary control points for the vehicles of the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Reply
Q. 19
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheCivic awareness among Hong Kong peopleReply
Q. 20
Hon KAM Nai-waiDemonstration area outside the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionReply

Council meeting on 4.7.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longPlanning on manpower of healthcare and allied health staffReply
Q. 2
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanStatutory holidays in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon LEE Wing-tatUnauthorized building works involving the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 4
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeGreen measures taken by the Government of the new term to improve energy efficiency of the new Central Government Complex and the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Hak-kanEnergy saving measuresReply
Q. 6
Hon Albert HO Chun-yan1 July marchReply
Q. 7
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanNon-elderly one-person applicants for public rental housingReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Kwok-kinEmployment assistance for recipients of Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinJob Matching ProgrammeReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheMedical social work servicesReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funProvision of paediatric services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunInitiatives under the "Energizing Kowloon East" projectReply
Q. 15
Hon KAM Nai-waiMainlanders crossing the boundary through the land boundary control points in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunEmployment of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiAir pollution caused by diesel exhaustReply
Q. 18
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of care services for the elderlyReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Kam-lamHandling of water main burst incidentsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouLand use in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 11.7.2012

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeThe Government's new housing policyReply
Q. 2
Hon TAM Yiu-chungPrices of domestic and auto liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitAppointment of the Director of AuditReply
Q. 5
Hon James TO Kun-sunUnauthorized building works and integrity checking relating to senior government officialsReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongUnauthorized building works involving the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 7
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingDeclaration of interests by politically appointed officialsReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanThe University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen HospitalReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-kinGreening works in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanNorth East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering StudyReply
Q. 11
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Agency for Volunteer ServiceReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Sing-chiYoungsters' participation in football bettingReply
Q. 13
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingBarrier-free access and facilities for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 14
Hon James TO Kun-sunLand resources and land use planning in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of mental health services in North LantauReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunMedical incidents involving newborn babiesReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiPerformances to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the reunification of Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunPolicy bureaux's replies to questions asked by Legislative Council MembersReply
Q. 19
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitThe elderly and child dependency ratiosReply
Q. 20
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeReducing styrofoam wasteReply

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