BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Questions(Year 2009 - 2010)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 21.10.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Ronny TONG Ka-wahProvision of columbarium nichesReply
Q. 2
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMeasures to improve regulation of financial institutions and financial productsReply
Q. 3
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeReplacement of old commercial diesel vehiclesReply
Q. 4
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungProposed cooling-off period for sales of investment productsReply
Q. 5
Albert CHAN Wai-yipAutonomy of professionals in the provision of professional servicesReply
Q. 6
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenAssistance provided to Hong Kong businessmen engaged in business on the MainlandReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-hingAmendments of speed limits and change of relevant road signsReply
Q. 8
CHAN Hak-kanMeasures to reduce electricity consumptionReply
Q. 9
Paul TSE Wai-chunCollection of fuel surcharges and air passenger departure tax by travel agentsReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Hok-mingHandling of incidents of water mains burstsReply
Q. 11
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeAligning the fees and charges for public recreational and sports facilitiesReply
Q. 12
Fred LI Wah-mingControl on vegetables imported from the MainlandReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Kwok-cheIntegrated community mental health servicesReply
Q. 14
LEUNG Kwok-hungHong Kong Solicitors Indemnity FundReply
Q. 15
CHAN Kin-porRecycling of glass wasteReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiTaxation in relation to leasing arrangementsReply
Q. 17
LEUNG Ka-lauCosts of work injuries imposed on public healthcare servicesReply
Q. 18
Joseph LEE Kok-longProvision of audiological servicesReply
Q. 19
Tanya CHANPreservation and promotion of Cantonese operaReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongFurther education opportunities for students in the transition to the New Senior Secondary Academic StructureReply

Council meeting on 28.10.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeRegulation of modified vehiclesReply
Q. 2
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungImplementation of the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping BagsReply
Q. 3
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeBanning the purchase of bottled water by government departmentsReply
Q. 4
KAM Nai-waiElectricity tariffs of the two power companiesReply
Q. 5
James TO Kun-sunShatin to Central Link development projects in the Kai Tak Development areaReply
Q. 6
WONG Yuk-manStatistics relating to offences under the Immigration OrdinanceReply
Q. 7
IP Wai-mingOrder of pedestrian flows at MTR Hung Hom StationReply
Q. 8
Albert CHAN Wai-yipPlanting of trees by the GovernmentReply
Q. 9
LAU Kong-wahSale of investment funds by financial services companiesReply
Q. 10
Ronny TONG Ka-wahDevelopment of rural areasReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatFly-tipping of waste and unauthorized developments in the rural area of the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 12
Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of Internet computer services centresReply
Q. 13
WONG Ting-kwongRecognition of Prior Learning Mechanism under the Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 14
Audrey EU Yuet-meeDevelopment of renewable energy projects between Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta citiesReply
Q. 15
Joseph LEE Kok-longPassengers carrying oxygen cylinders on public transportReply
Q. 16
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeIssuance of government bondsReply
Q. 17
WONG Kwok-hingAssisting the youth in seeking employment and starting their own businessReply
Q. 18
Paul TSE Wai-chunMeasures to combat the illegal provision of tour guide services in Hong Kong by mainland tour escortsReply
Q. 19
LEUNG Kwok-hungSupport for patients with visceral diseasesReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Kwok-cheReview of the rent allowance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply

Council meeting on 4.11.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 2
Tanya CHANProposed Phase 3 development plan of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition CentreReply
Q. 3
Paul TSE Wai-chunReduction in commission for travel agents by airlinesReply
Q. 4
PAN Pey-chyouNon-civil service contract staffReply
Q. 5
Emily LAU Wai-hingComments of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against WomenReply
Q. 6
James TO Kun-sunFloor numbering of new buildingsReply
Q. 7
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanOperation of the Municipal Services Appeals BoardReply
Q. 8
Cyd HO Sau-lanGovernment efforts in addressing climate changeReply
Q. 9
CHAN Kam-lamDisposal of unsold vegetablesReply
Q. 10
WONG Sing-chiArrangements for disregarded earnings under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 11
Albert HO Chun-yanCompensation and rehousing for tenants affected by Urban Renewal Authority projectsReply
Q. 12
Abraham SHEK Lai-himOpening hours and utilization rates of ball game pitches/courts under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 13
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeIssue of Tropical Cyclone Warnings and Fire Danger Warnings by the Hong Kong ObservatoryReply
Q. 14
KAM Nai-waiHandling of planning applications for developments which may create wall effectReply
Q. 15
Albert CHAN Wai-yipRight of abode in Hong Kong of mainland children who were born to Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 16
Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to combat prostitution activities on the InternetReply
Q. 17
LEE Wing-tatRetrofitting of noise barriers along the Tsing Yi section of the Airport RailwayReply
Q. 18
LAU Kong-wahRegulation of chargeable short messagesReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Hok-mingIncidents of explosion in manholesReply
Q. 20
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeLinked exchange rate systemReply

Council meeting on 11.11.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Kwok-cheAnti-drug policiesReply
Q. 2
LAU Kong-wahRegulation of concealed video-recording and telephone tapping devicesReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Hok-mingFootball development in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
LEUNG Yiu-chungProvision of Chinese medical treatments for inmatesReply
Q. 5
KAM Nai-waiGross floor area concessionsReply
Q. 6
Cyd HO Sau-lanCooperation plans and agreements with mainland provinces and citiesReply
Q. 7
LAU Wong-fatE-ChannelsReply
Q. 8
Margaret NGImplementation of the jury system in the District CourtReply
Q. 9
Emily LAU Wai-hingCooperation on modern service industries between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in QianhaiReply
Q. 10
David LI Kwok-poAffordability of the buyers in the property marketReply
Q. 11
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of mental health support servicesReply
Q. 12
LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of the Chinese medicine industry in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Abraham SHEK Lai-himMainland pregnant women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
CHAN Hak-kanProvision of low-charge beds by private hospitalsReply
Q. 15
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeThe Capital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 16
WONG Yuk-manSupport services for victims of elder abuseReply
Q. 17
Joseph LEE Kok-longAppointments to the Supplementary Medical Professions Council, Nursing Council of Hong Kong, Chiropractors Council and Pharmacy and Poisons BoardReply
Q. 18
Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of charges by telecommunications service providersReply
Q. 19
Paul TSE Wai-chunWaiver fee paid by cruise operatorsReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of the Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply

Council meeting on 18.11.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Kwok-hingPyramid selling activitiesReply
Q. 2
Albert HO Chun-yanInvestigation into the affairs of CITIC Pacific LimitedReply
Q. 3
WONG Yung-kanDevelopment of agricultural and fisheries industriesReply
Q. 4
WONG Ting-kwongProgress of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership ArrangementReply
Q. 5
LEUNG Kwok-hungEmployment of Labour Relations OfficersReply
Q. 6
Audrey EU Yuet-meeCross-boundary vehicles from the MainlandReply
Q. 7
Raymond HO Chung-taiExplosion in manholeReply
Q. 8
PAN Pey-chyouDevelopment of Chinese medicine in Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Tanya CHANTaxi Drivers' Identity PlatesReply
Q. 10
Emily LAU Wai-hingAppointment of the new Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 11
David LI Kwok-poStatistics on economic activities compiled by the Census and Statistics DepartmentReply
Q. 12
CHEUNG Kwok-cheDesign Manual - Barrier free Access 2008Reply
Q. 13
Audrey EU Yuet-meeSetting up of recycling teamsReply
Q. 14
KAM Nai-waiRegulation of the operations of waste recyclersReply
Q. 15
CHAN Hak-kanHealth declaration formsReply
Q. 16
LAU Kong-wahEqual Opportunities CommissionReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeShatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 18
Paul TSE Wai-chunImprovement to local education systemReply
Q. 19
Joseph LEE Kok-longServices provided by the Department of HealthReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeBid for 2019 Asian GamesReply

Council meeting on 25.11.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEE Wing-tatGuangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 2
IP Kwok-himHarhourfront enhancement and planningReply
Q. 3
IP Wai-mingRetirement protectionReply
Q. 4
Joseph LEE Kok-longRegulation of the sale of medicines on the InternetReply
Q. 5
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooSafety of franchised busesReply
Q. 6
Raymond HO Chung-taiDisposal of electronic wasteReply
Q. 7
LI Fung-yingFly-tipping of construction wasteReply
Q. 8
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenTraffic control in congested areasReply
Q. 9
David LI Kwok-poProfessional training on building management servicesReply
Q. 10
CHAN Kin-porOccupational injuries and industrial accidentsReply
Q. 11
LAU Wong-fatPersonalized vehicle registration marksReply
Q. 12
Fred LI Wah-mingIAdvertising spaces on the external walls of retail and car parking facilities in housing estates under the Tenants Purchase SchemeReply
Q. 13
WONG Ting-kwongMonitoring of fund-raising activitiesReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Man-kwongArrangements regarding the provident funds of aided school teachers who are adjudicated bankruptReply
Q. 15
Emily LAU Wai-hingElectronic records of the GovernmentReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Tanya CHANBid for hosting the 2019 Asian GamesReply
Q. 18
Starry LEE Wai-kingIncidents of objects being thrown from a heightReply
Q. 19
Audrey EU Yuet-meeDisposal of fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps which contain mercuryReply

Council meeting on 2.12.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Sing-chiRetention or otherwise of functional constituencies of the Legislative CouncilReply
Q. 2
WONG Kwok-kinRelaxation of restrictions on Old Age AllowanceReply
Q. 3
Vincent FANG KangRetail facilities under the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 4
Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of sales practices of propertiesReply
Q. 5
LI Fung-yingImpact of influenza epidemic on the income of school bus driversReply
Q. 6
Fred LI Wah-mingWaivers of lease conditions granted in respect of the car parking facilities divested by the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 7
IP Kwok-himUtilization of convention and exhibition facilitiesReply
Q. 8
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooMaking use of vacant spaces in public hospitals for additional medical facilitiesReply
Q. 9
TAM Yiu-chungMeasures to solve the problem of wide platform gaps at MTR stationsReply
Q. 10
Audrey EU Yuet-meeDevelopment of a carbon emissions trading platformReply
Q. 11
IP Wai-mingAssistance for participants of the Working Holiday SchemeReply
Q. 12
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenRoad traffic arrangements for public processionsReply
Q. 13
James TO Kun-sunCapital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 14
Abraham SHEK Lai-himSale of government properties by public auctionReply
Q. 15
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeEnhancement of emergency ambulance servicesReply
Q. 16
LEE Wing-tatGeneric Code of Practice on Television Advertising StandardsReply
Q. 17
LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of services and assistance for inmatesReply
Q. 18
Emily LAU Wai-hingFeminization of povertyReply
Q. 19
Albert CHAN Wai-yipComplaints about water seepage in private buildingsReply
Q. 20
KAM Nai-waiConsideration of applications for planning permission by the Town Planning BoardReply

Council meeting on 9.12.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LAU Wong-fatTraffic accidents involving heavy vehiclesReply
Q. 2
Alan LEONG Kah-kitPrescription of drugs for public hospital patientsReply
Q. 3
KAM Nai-waiRegulation of private columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 4
Albert CHAN Wai-yipBanking services provided by note-issuing banksReply
Q. 5
Ronny TONG Ka-wahFinancial Secretary's power to appoint inspectors to investigate the affairs of companiesReply
Q. 6
Frederick FUNG Kin-keePrivatization of government assetsReply
Q. 7
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungImpact of Dubai World's debt problem on financial institutions in Hong KongReply
Q. 8
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooDesignated driving schoolsReply
Q. 9
Fred LI Wah-mingRegulation of health food products and complementary medicinesReply
Q. 10
IP Wai-mingCare workers providing care to the elderlyReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongSetting up a registration system for standard patents in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
CHEUNG Kwok-cheReview of Pre-primary Education Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 13
Tanya CHANProvision of columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 14
LAU Kong-wahFare collection systems for roads and tunnelsReply
Q. 15
David LI Kwok-poProgress of provision of various types of jobs and internship opportunitiesReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Hok-mingSafety of public service vehiclesReply
Q. 18
CHAN Hak-kanTolo Highway widening project worksReply
Q. 19
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeDevelopment of wine-related businesses in Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeMonitoring of the operations of finance companiesReply

Council meeting on 16.12.2009

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Jeffrey LAMImplementation of mutual use of the electronic money systems of Hong Kong and ShenzhenReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Man-kwongRemuneration for kindergarten teachersReply
Q. 3
Priscilla LEUNGLegislative Council by-electionsReply
Q. 4
Regina IPDevelopment of vaccine industry in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Paul TSEPublicity of tutorial schoolsReply
Q. 6
CHEUNG Kwok-cheElderly Health Care Voucher Pilot SchemeReply
Q. 7
Andrew LEUNGAssistance for secondary school studentsReply
Q. 8
WONG Yuk-manUnder-enrolment in primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 9
Andrew CHENGHospital Authority BoardReply
Q. 10
Fred LIRegulation of undesirable sale of beauty care and slimming servicesReply
Q. 11
IP Wai-mingEmployment of Non-civil Service Contract staffReply
Q. 12
Starry LEEKwun Tong Line ExtensionReply
Q. 13
Abraham SHEKConstruction of green buildingsReply
Q. 14
WONG Ting-kwongCombating smuggling activitiesReply
Q. 15
Joseph LEEAssistance for people recovered from Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeReply
Q. 16
LEUNG Kwok-hungAssistance for inmatesReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGParticipation patterns of Hong Kong people in physical activitiesReply
Q. 18
Albert CHANCompensation arrangement for the resumption of Wah Kai Industrial CentreReply
Q. 19
Emily LAUInvestigation of the incident of Hong Kong journalists being assaulted while covering news in XinjiangReply
Q. 20
KAM Nai-waiUnused Government premises and unused platforms of the MTR Corporation LimitedReply

Council meeting on 6.1.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Hak-kanInstallation of air quality monitoring stationsReply
Q. 2
Audrey EU Yuet-meeAbolition of functional constituencies of the Legislative CouncilReply
Q. 3
Tanya CHANAbnormal movements of the share prices of newly-listed companiesReply
Q. 4
Emily LAU Wai-hingDomestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 5
IP Wai-mingIndustrial accidents which happened during inclement weatherReply
Q. 6
Raymond HO Chung-taiImplementation of infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 7
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funFive-yearly review of the criteria for assessing the financial eligibility of legal aid applicantsReply
Q. 8
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funOrganization of exhibitions and programmes by the Hong Kong Museum of ArtReply
Q. 9
WONG Kwok-kinElder abuse cases in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 10
Ronny TONG Ka-wahPublic rental housing schemes for the elderlyReply
Q. 11
Albert HO Chun-yanProtection of endangered speciesReply
Q. 12
PAN Pey-chyouSupport for non-civil service contract staff who died or sustained injuries while at work and their familiesReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Ka-lauArts festivals organized or sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 14
WONG Sing-chiMedical services provided for mental patientsReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Man-kwongElective subjects taken by students under the New Senior Secondary Academic StructureReply
Q. 16
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungProgress of the development of the EcoParkReply
Q. 17
James TO Kun-sunOne-way PermitsReply
Q. 18
LEE Wing-tatOperation Building BrightReply
Q. 19
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooOverseas study visits and training activities arranged for staff of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Kwok-cheDisbursement of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance paymentsReply

Council meeting on 13.1.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHEUNG Hok-mingMeasures to alleviate economic pressure on members of the publicReply
Q. 2
LAU Kong-wahIncidents of objects being thrown from a heightReply
Q. 3
WONG Sing-chiMonitoring system of non-governmental organizationsReply
Q. 4
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenDisposal of food waste in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
PAN Pey-chyouAssistance for elderly people who suffer from dementiaReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Kwok-hungElder abuse casesReply
Q. 7
Raymond HO Chung-taiRegulating the level of alcohol concentration of pilots while discharging dutiesReply
Q. 8
Cyd HO Sau-lanAssistance for students who were expelled from schoolsReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongAdmission of Non-JUPAS students by local universitiesReply
Q. 10
Paul TSE Wai-chunDisposal of mileage earned from overseas official visitsReply
Q. 11
Audrey EU Yuet-meeUse of a site adjacent to Sunny Bay MTR StationReply
Q. 12
Tanya CHANMr Tsang Tsou-choi's pieces of calligraphyReply
Q. 13
LAM Tai-faiArrangement of assessing Hong Kong profits tax for enterprises involving contract processing and import processingReply
Q. 14
Fred LI Wah-mingImpact of the use of natural gas and wind power in electricity generation on electricity tariffReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNG Kin-keePredicted economic recession in 2010Reply
Q. 16
LEE Wing-tatArt development in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeEnvironmental impact of the proposed off-shore wind farm in southeastern watersReply
Q. 18
Joseph LEE Kok-longProblem of departure of nurses in public hospitalsReply
Q. 19
Albert CHAN Wai-yipUse of Vacant school premisesReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingHong Kong Academy for Gifted EducationReply

Council meeting on 20.1.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
IP Kwok-himChinese language proficiency requirements for entry to the civil serviceReply
Q. 2
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooManpower of nurses in public hospitalsReply
Q. 3
WONG Ting-kwongRedevelopment of industrial buildingsReply
Q. 4
Alan LEONG Kah-kitImplementation of the "trap-neuter-return" trial programmeReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatMonitoring the quality of liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 6
LAM Tai-faiAgreements for avoidance of double taxationReply
Q. 7
LAU Wong-fatTemporary structuresReply
Q. 8
WONG Sing-chiInvestigation into the affairs of CITIC Pacific LimitedReply
Q. 9
PAN Pey-chyouMonitoring the Continuing Education FundReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Hok-mingUse of light emitting diodes in public lighting systemsReply
Q. 11
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAir traffic in the Pearl River Delta regionReply
Q. 12
Starry LEE Wai-kingShatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 13
LEUNG Kwok-hungShops refusing to accept coins and $1,000 notesReply
Q. 14
Paul TSE Wai-chunRegulation of certain business practice of airline companiesReply
Q. 15
Audrey EU Yuet-meeAbandoned or stray animalsReply
Q. 16
KAM Nai-waiAnalogue and digital television servicesReply
Q. 17
Tanya CHANThe problem of children being left unattended at homeReply
Q. 18
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeThe off-shore wind farm to be developed by the CLP Power Hong Kong LimitedReply
Q. 19
Albert CHAN Wai-yipChoice of location for centres of continuing and professional studiesReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingSupport services for new arrival women from the MainlandReply

Council meeting on 27.1.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManagement of the Exchange FundReply
Q. 2
Albert HO Chun-yanThe relationship among the executive authorities, the legislature and the judiciaryReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Man-kwongMeasures to stabilize the development of schoolsReply
Q. 4
WONG Yuk-manThe march for universal suffrage on 1 January 2010Reply
Q. 5
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProtection of endangered speciesReply
Q. 6
LAU Wong-fatProblem of bullying in schoolsReply
Q. 7
WONG Kwok-kinShopping arcades under The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 8
Cyd HO Sau-lanPrivacy issues of cross-boundary use of electronic moneyReply
Q. 9
Audrey EU Yuet-meeMedical assistance for patients with cataractReply
Q. 10
James TO Kun-sunProvision of floor area for social welfare services facilitiesReply
Q. 11
IP Wai-mingProblem of youth unemploymentReply
Q. 12
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooOperation of Octopus payment systemReply
Q. 13
CHAN Hak-kanViews of young peopleReply
Q. 14
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeRegulating the activities of recovery agentsReply
Q. 15
LAM Tai-faiAssistance for elite athletesReply
Q. 16
LEE Wing-tatThe housing needs of low-income personsReply
Q. 17
Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of private columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheDistrict Support Scheme for Children and Youth DevelopmentReply
Q. 19
LEUNG Kwok-hungUnlawful taking of waterReply
Q. 20
Joseph LEE Kok-longProvision of low-charge beds by private hospitalsReply

Council meeting on 3.2.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Fred LI Wah-mingEqual Opportunities CommissionReply
Q. 2
James TO Kun-sunRemoval of visitors without valid travel documentsReply
Q. 3
Vincent FANG KangSale of counterfeit goodsReply
Q. 4
KAM Nai-waiCommunication between the Government and the youthReply
Q. 5
Emily LAU Wai-hingReferendum activitiesReply
Q. 6
LAU Kong-wahJuvenile crimesReply
Q. 7
PAN Pey-chyouTerms of employment of staff who are employed by the Government to work for less than 18 hours per weekReply
Q. 8
Abraham SHEK Lai-himRegulation of private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 9
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooMonitoring of the improvement works carried out in the premises under the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 10
IP Wai-mingSelf-employed persons who took out employees' compensation insurance or joined the mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 11
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeGovernment multi-storey car parksReply
Q. 12
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeVaccination schemes for childrenReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatSafety of pedestrians in the vicinity of schools in the rural areaReply
Q. 14
LAM Tai-faiAgreements on avoidance of double taxationReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Kwok-cheProvision of mental health servicesReply
Q. 16
Paul TSE Wai-chunIllegal practices used by taxi drivers to deceive travellersReply
Q. 17
Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulating the safety of entertainment establishments in composite buildingsReply
Q. 18
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeCase of infringement of privacyReply
Q. 19
KAM Nai-waiMandatory producer responsibility schemesReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingInstallation of closed circuit television cameras in public placesReply

Council meeting on 24.2.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Samson TAMImplementation of the Transport Information SystemReply
Q. 2
LEE Cheuk-yanAppointment of Legislative Council Members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 3
TAM Yiu-chungOperation Building BrightReply
Q. 4
CHAN Kin-porClaims relating to traffic accidents involving government vehiclesReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Man-kwongSupply and demand of teachersReply
Q. 6
WONG Ting-kwongAssistance for Hong Kong courier companies operating on the MainlandReply
Q. 7
David LIExpertise in slope stabilization and maintenance in Hong KongReply
Q. 8
CHAN Hak-kanDriving a motor vehicle under the influence of medicines or drugsReply
Q. 9
IP Wai-mingWork-at-height safetyReply
Q. 10
David LIIrrigation needs of golf courses in Hong KongReply
Q. 11
LAM Tai-faiAgreements on avoidance of double taxationReply
Q. 12
KAM Nai-waiConcessionary interchange schemes for green minibusReply
Q. 13
LEE Wing-tatProvision by the Hospital Authority of medical reports in Chinese to patientsReply
Q. 14
Starry LEELegislative Council by-electionsReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNGCompensation and rehousing arrangements for Choi Yuen Tsuen villagersReply
Q. 16
Joseph LEEGovernment resources deployed for the meetings of the Finance Committee held to consider the funding proposals for the project of the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 17
Paul TSELocal one-day toursReply
Q. 18
Audrey EUEmissions from non-franchised busesReply
Q. 19
Regina IPSuspension of dissemination of Hang Seng Family of IndexesReply
Q. 20
Emily LAUAssistance and support for poor childrenReply

Council meeting on 3.3.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
LEUNG Ka-lauProcedures for voting on motions and bills in the Legislative CouncilReply
Q. 2
CHAN Kin-porTaking out third party risks insurance for vehicles by ownersReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanSeverance payments and long service payments paid from accrued benefits of the mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 4
Margaret NGFelling of trees within the area of Maryknoll Convent SchoolReply
Q. 5
CHAN Hak-kanAnti-smoking measuresReply
Q. 6
Cyd HOMilitary sites in Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Samson TAMDevelopment of information technology in schoolsReply
Q. 8
Raymond HOInspection of private buildingsReply
Q. 9
WONG Kwok-kinMaintenance of old buildings acquired by the Urban Renewal AuthorityReply
Q. 10
WONG Sing-chiOperation of a kart trackReply
Q. 11
PAN Pey-chyouProgress of measures to achieve emission reduction targets in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Regina IPRegulation of "dark pool" tradingReply
Q. 13
David LICapital Investment Entrant Scheme and Quality Migrant Admission SchemeReply
Q. 14
Starry LEEAssistance for children with special educational needsReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatUse of reusable food containers in schoolsReply
Q. 16
Joseph LEETraining opportunities provided for nursesReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNGWeather forecast by the Hong Kong ObservatoryReply
Q. 18
LAM Tai-faiTraffic congestion on the three road harbour crossingsReply
Q. 19
KAM Nai-waiRegulating angling activities at the waterfronts of the Victoria HarbourReply
Q. 20
Paul TSERequirement for renewal of Travel Agents LicenceReply

Council meeting on 10.3.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanReview of liquor licensingReply
Q. 2
Starry LEE Wai-kingYouth drug abuse problemReply
Q. 3
Ronny TONG Ka-wahRetirement protectionReply
Q. 4
Paul TSE Wai-chunThe Legislative Council functional constituenciesReply
Q. 5
PAN Pey-chyouRemoval of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 6
WONG Sing-chiThe redevelopment project at Hanoi Road in Tsim Sha TsuiReply
Q. 7
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeMeasures to broaden the tax baseReply
Q. 8
CHAN Kin-porExecution of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooFung Yuen Butterfly ReserveReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Kwok-cheStaffing support in the Social Security Branch of the Social Welfare DepartmentReply
Q. 11
David LI Kwok-poWater Mains Replacement and Rehabilitation ProgrammeReply
Q. 12
Emily LAU Wai-hingSurveys conducted by government departmentsReply
Q. 13
LAM Tai-faiAnimal species kept in the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical GardensReply
Q. 14
Joseph LEE Kok-longTreatment of patients suffering from age-related macular degenerationReply
Q. 15
KAM Nai-waiPlanning for open space and green belt in various districtsReply
Q. 16
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProgress of planning of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Express LineReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeControl the spread of Human Swine Influenza among animalsReply
Q. 18
PAN Pey-chyouProvision of lifeguard services at beaches and water sports centresReply
Q. 19
CHEUNG Kwok-cheAssistance for special schoolsReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingEmployment of persons with disabilities by the Hong Kong DisneylandReply

Council meeting on 17.3.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
CHAN Kam-lamEntry requirements for Vietnam citizensReply
Q. 2
CHEUNG Hok-mingHealth conditions of drivers and road safetyReply
Q. 3
LAM Tai-faiHong Kong enterprises operating express delivery service within the MainlandReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Kwok-cheImplementation of Neighbourhood Support Child Care ProjectReply
Q. 5
Audrey EU Yuet-meeHuman Swine Influenza Vaccination ProgrammeReply
Q. 6
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooPlatform screen doors and automatic platform gates in MTR stationsReply
Q. 7
Timothy FOK Tsun-tingArts and Sport Development FundReply
Q. 8
Cyd HO Sau-lanDemand and supply of school places for primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 9
CHEUNG Man-kwongImplementation of various financial assistance schemes for tertiary or post-secondary studentsReply
Q. 10
Fred LI Wah-mingArrangements for statutory holidaysReply
Q. 11
PAN Pey-chyouAccidents which occurred at public swimming pools, beaches and water sports centresReply
Q. 12
David LI Kwok-poCountering hacking activitiesReply
Q. 13
Starry LEE Wai-kingWaiver of Government rentReply
Q. 14
CHAN Kin-porTaking out employees' compensation insuranceReply
Q. 15
KAM Nai-waiEmissions from franchised busesReply
Q. 16
Emily LAU Wai-hingConvention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeThe level of internationalization of tertiary education in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheService needs of people with disabilities in various districtsReply
Q. 19
LAM Tai-faiJoint Liaison Committee on TaxationReply
Q. 20
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMonitoring vehicle safetyReply

Council meeting on 14.4.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Paul CHAN Mo-poPersonnel employed by the United States in Hong Kong for tax enforcement purposesReply
Q. 2
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funFire safety of old industrial buildingsReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanHousehold income distribution in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Ronny TONG Ka-wahChargeable mobile content services delivered through short messaging servicesReply
Q. 5
LEUNG Ka-lau2009 Annual Earnings and Hours SurveyReply
Q. 6
TAM Yiu-chungMaintenance of footbridges within the areas of private developmentsReply
Q. 7
LAU Wong-fatMeasures to combat drink drivingReply
Q. 8
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungRetrofitting Euro II and III buses with selective catalytic reduction devicesReply
Q. 9
James TO Kun-sunApplication for building development in the harbourfront areasReply
Q. 10
CHEUNG Hok-mingOperation Building BrightReply
Q. 11
CHAN Hak-kanUtilization of public swimming poolsReply
Q. 12
Fred LI Wah-mingProgress of the upgrading of the fire safety installations in retail and car parking facilities under The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 13
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeDriving training and driving test systemsReply
Q. 14
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooErroneous charging at fuel and liquefied petroleum gas filling stationsReply
Q. 15
PAN Pey-chyouRatio of graduate teacher posts in public sector primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 16
Paul TSE Wai-chunEmergency assistance for travellers visiting Hong KongReply
Q. 17
LEE Wing-tatRedevelopment Project at Hanoi Road in Tsim Sha TsuiReply
Q. 18
David LI Kwok-poStatistical surveys conducted by the Census and Statistics DepartmentReply
Q. 19
Starry LEE Wai-kingSupport service centres for ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Kwok-cheLeasing of offices and multi-function areas in Youth SquareReply

Council meeting on 21.4.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Paul CHAN Mo-poAllocation of funds from the Lotteries FundReply
Q. 2
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funSafety and redevelopment of old buildingsReply
Q. 3
LEE Cheuk-yanEmployment statisticsReply
Q. 4
Ronny TONG Ka-wahCourses conducted for seafarersReply
Q. 5
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungTrial schemes for light emitting diode road lightsReply
Q. 6
James TO Kun-sunProgress of the scheme to extend the footbridge system in Mong KokReply
Q. 7
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeExchange rate situation of Renminbi and its impact on Hong Kong economyReply
Q. 8
CHEUNG Hok-mingMeasures to improve the employment situation in Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 9
Fred LIManpower in the Veterinary Officer gradeReply
Q. 10
Paul TSE Wai-chunOutbound Travel Alert SystemReply
Q. 11
LEE Wing-tatDevelopment of Long ValleyReply
Q. 12
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeWater supply in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
LAM Tai-faiSpecial Loan Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 14
KAM Nai-waiDevelopment of renewable energy for generating electricityReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Kwok-cheSubsidized places in social work sub-degree and undergraduate degree programmesReply
Q. 16
Emily LAU Wai-hingStatutory paternity leave for male employeesReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeNuisances caused by air-conditionersReply
Q. 18
Paul CHAN Mo-poThe problem of students abusing substances and taking drugs in Internet cafesReply
Q. 19
Priscilla LEUNGRelocation of Christian Zheng Sheng CollegeReply
Q. 20
Paul TSE Wai-chunSetting up a tourism crisis management officeReply

Council meeting on 28.4.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Paul CHAN Mo-poFinancial reporting requirements of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited for listed companies incorporated in overseas jurisdictionsReply
Q. 2
Samson TAM Wai-hoHandling conflicts between school management and studentsReply
Q. 3
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funReview of the Capital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 4
CHEUNG Man-kwongImplementing gender mainstreaming and promoting gender equalityReply
Q. 5
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManagement of the Exchange FundReply
Q. 6
Albert HO Chun-yanLegislative Council functional constituenciesReply
Q. 7
Patrick LAU Sau-shingBuilding management cases handled by the Lands TribunalReply
Q. 8
Abraham SHEK Lai-himEnforcement of the Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
IP Wai-mingHandling of accrued benefits by Mandatory Provident Fund scheme members upon the change of their employmentReply
Q. 10
CHAN Hak-kanTermination of business of centralized liquefied petroleum gas supply by suppliersReply
Q. 11
CHEUNG Hok-mingParking facilities for vehicles carrying cylinder liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 12
Paul TSE Wai-chunDemand and supply of manpower in Hong Kong's hotel industryReply
Q. 13
KAM Nai-waiLocations of petrol filling stationsReply
Q. 14
CHEUNG Kwok-cheCommunity mental rehabilitation programmesReply
Q. 15
LAM Tai-faiRegulation of proprietary Chinese medicinesReply
Q. 16
Emily LAU Wai-hingOpening hours of public museumsReply
Q. 17
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImport and retail prices for fresh and chilled pork from the MainlandReply
Q. 18
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeIn memory of Mr WONG Fuk-wingReply
Q. 19
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funSurvey conducted by The Chinese University of Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Paul TSE Wai-chunMonitoring the complaint handling mechanism of the Travel Industry Council of Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 5.5.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungTaxes collected and recoveredReply
Q. 2
Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to increase the supply of different fuel productsReply
Q. 3
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeCruelty to animalsReply
Q. 4
Ronny TONG Ka-wahDevelopment of the convention and exhibition industryReply
Q. 5
Cyd HO Sau-lanMeasures to cope with the impact of sandstormsReply
Q. 6
Raymond HO Chung-taiWorks carried out on pedestrian walkwaysReply
Q. 7
Patrick LAU Sau-shingOutline Zoning PlansReply
Q. 8
LAU Kong-wahStatutory distribution of the estate of an intestateReply
Q. 9
WONG Sing-chiManagement of private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 10
Audrey EU Yuet-meeConstruction of pedestrian walkway and tunnel under the Hopewell Centre II project in Wan ChaiReply
Q. 11
David LI Kwok-poReorganizations of policy bureauxReply
Q. 12
LAM Tai-faiCapital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 13
KAM Nai-waiDevelopment of intelligent transport systems in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeDevelopment of social enterprisesReply
Q. 15
Emily LAU Wai-hingRemuneration package for District Council membersReply
Q. 16
Paul TSE Wai-chunQuality Tourism Services SchemeReply
Q. 17
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeEnforcement of the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants OrdinanceReply
Q. 18
Raymond HO Chung-taiStreet arts performance in pedestrian zonesReply
Q. 19
WONG Sing-chiVictim Support Programme for Victims of Family ViolenceReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Man-kwongEmployment of permanent and contract teachersReply

Council meeting on 12.5.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Paul CHAN Mo-poOperation of charitable organizations and fundsReply
Q. 2
WONG Yung-kanWater sports accidentsReply
Q. 3
Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funConservation of Wing Lee StreetReply
Q. 4
CHAN Hak-kanEuthanasia of animals by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentReply
Q. 5
PAN Pey-chyouTrading of Loco London goldReply
Q. 6
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeChanges in the senior management and operation of Asia Television LimitedReply
Q. 7
Samson TAM Wai-hoMeasures to assist persons with physical disabilities in using information and communication technology facilitiesReply
Q. 8
TAM Yiu-chungSafety of establishments for running playgroupsReply
Q. 9
Raymond HO Chung-taiFacilities for roller skatingReply
Q. 10
LAU Kong-wahAutomatic teller machine fraud casesReply
Q. 11
CHAN Kin-porCompetitiveness of Hong Kong's taxation regimeReply
Q. 12
Abraham SHEK Lai-himJob fairs organized by the GovernmentReply
Q. 13
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeUpgrading fire-fighting equipmentReply
Q. 14
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooPurchase of self-financed drugs by Hospital Authority patientsReply
Q. 15
CHEUNG Kwok-cheComprehensive Student Guidance ServiceReply
Q. 16
Paul TSE Wai-chunUnlicensed guesthousesReply
Q. 17
LAM Tai-faiSupport for District Council membersReply
Q. 18
KAM Nai-waiC40 workshopReply
Q. 19
Emily LAU Wai-hingAttendance of public officers at District Council meetingsReply
Q. 20
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeFly-tipping of construction waste in Ho Sheung HeungReply

Council meeting on 19.5.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Paul CHAN Mo-poDividends collected from the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 2
LEE Wing-tatHousing policyReply
Q. 3
Fred LI Wah-mingRegistration system of proprietary Chinese medicinesReply
Q. 4
LAU Kong-wahHong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 5
Emily LAU Wai-hingGovernment's policies on land developmentReply
Q. 6
KAM Nai-waiPromoting the use of electric vehiclesReply
Q. 7
Samson TAM Wai-hoProvision of Internet access facilities in old buildingsReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Ka-lauHandling of asbestos found in the debris of the collapsed building in Ma Tau Wai RoadReply
Q. 9
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenRevitalization of industrial buildingsReply
Q. 10
James TO Kun-sunProtection of consumers' rights and interestsReply
Q. 11
Abraham SHEK Lai-himOutstanding leisure and cultural services projects of the former Municipal CouncilsReply
Q. 12
CHAN Hak-kanWater conservationReply
Q. 13
PAN Pey-chyouElderly people suffering from dementiaReply
Q. 14
David LI Kwok-poCopyright issue of the information to be disclosed under the Code on Access to InformationReply
Q. 15
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeQuality of building materials for public rental housingReply
Q. 16
LAM Tai-faiIllegal rooftop structures in single-staircase buildingsReply
Q. 17
Paul TSE Wai-chunConfidentiality clause in agreements signed between the Government and commercial organizationsReply
Q. 18
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeConserving rare species of butterflyReply
Q. 19
Paul CHAN Mo-poPostings of administrative officersReply
Q. 20
LAU Kong-wahCombating illegal football bettingReply

Council meeting on 26.5.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Patrick LAU Sau-shingTree felling and planting arrangementsReply
Q. 2
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanSecurity problem of automatic teller machinesReply
Q. 3
IP Wai-mingMandatory Provident Fund systemReply
Q. 4
WONG Ting-kwongCross-boundary rail freight serviceReply
Q. 5
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeFunctional constituency electionsReply
Q. 6
Paul TSE Wai-chunTravel Industry Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Albert HO Chun-yanApplication for naturalization as a Chinese nationalReply
Q. 8
Samson TAM Wai-hoSecurity of Wi-Fi facilities in government venuesReply
Q. 9
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungThe 2011 Population CensusReply
Q. 10
LAU Kong-wahPenalty for passengers travelling First Class on East Rail Line without valid ticketsReply
Q. 11
CHEUNG Man-kwongProblem of sexual harassment in schoolsReply
Q. 12
Abraham SHEK Lai-himAdditional resources for resite of Choi Yuen TsuenReply
Q. 13
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooStatistics on driving offencesReply
Q. 14
CHAN Hak-kanDevelopment of Chinese medicine clinicsReply
Q. 15
LEE Wing-tatMeasures to strengthen the regulation of the sales of residential propertiesReply
Q. 16
David LI Kwok-poStatistics on civil servantsReply
Q. 17
CHEUNG Kwok-cheQualifications for training bodies to organize retraining coursesReply
Q. 18
KAM Nai-waiThree-coloured waste separation binsReply
Q. 19
Frederick FUNG Kin-keeConsultation on subsidizing home ownershipReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingMeasures taken by the Government to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 2.6.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Kwok-hingNon-civil service manpower used by various government departmentsReply
Q. 2
LEUNG Yiu-chungPrivate columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 3
James TO Kun-sunPre-payment for servicesReply
Q. 4
WONG Sing-chiAssistance for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 5
CHEUNG Hok-mingThird party risks insurance for taxisReply
Q. 6
LAM Tai-faiLegislative Council by-electionsReply
Q. 7
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funDrug driving offencesReply
Q. 8
LI Fung-yingProsecution of employers and employees under the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and the Occupational Safety and Health OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
Albert HO Chun-yanSupport services for mental patients and people recovering from mental illnessReply
Q. 10
Samson TAM Wai-hoElectronic trading systemReply
Q. 11
WONG Ting-kwongComputer virusReply
Q. 12
CHAN Kin-porGovernment's compensation liability in injury and death of civil servantsReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Man-kwongPost-service employment of civil servantsReply
Q. 14
Abraham SHEK Lai-himUnused government premisesReply
Q. 15
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeSales and purchases of luxurious residential building unitsReply
Q. 16
CHAN Hak-kanTseung Kwan O Extension (Phase II)Reply
Q. 17
LEE Wing-tatRailway service performanceReply
Q. 18
CHEUNG Kwok-cheHome Environment Improvement Scheme for the ElderlyReply
Q. 19
KAM Nai-waiThe 4 June incidentReply
Q. 20
Paul TSE Wai-chunCommissions payable to travel agentsReply

Council meeting on 9.6.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeDevelopment of self-financing universitiesReply
Q. 2
LEUNG Kwok-hungSubsidized places in nursing homes and care and attention homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 3
Tanya CHANPublicity strategies for 2012 constitutional packageReply
Q. 4
WONG Kwok-kinImplementation of the Mandatory Provident Fund systemReply
Q. 5
Albert HO Chun-yanMethods for selecting the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012Reply
Q. 6
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooMTR fares and station facilitiesReply
Q. 7
LEUNG Yiu-chungReview of the Mandatory Provident Fund systemReply
Q. 8
WONG Kwok-hingDental services for the elderlyReply
Q. 9
LI Fung-yingPost-service employment of the former Commissioner for TourismReply
Q. 10
Paul CHAN Mo-poE-learning programmes on the Internet for civil servantsReply
Q. 11
WONG Sing-chiRegulation of football bettingReply
Q. 12
James TO Kun-sunGreening worksReply
Q. 13
LAU Kong-wahTraffic accident black spotsReply
Q. 14
IP Wai-mingBroadcasting of international sports games on free television stationsReply
Q. 15
PAN Pey-chyouLicensing Examination of the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeMeasures to prevent traffic accidentsReply
Q. 17
Abraham SHEK Lai-himDemand and supply of baby formula in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
LEE Wing-tatEmissions from franchised busesReply
Q. 19
LAM Tai-faiAssistance for small and medium enterprisesReply
Q. 20
CHEUNG Kwok-cheStaff salary structures of subvented non-governmental organizationsReply

Council meeting on 23.6.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Alan LEONG Kah-kitReform of the political systemReply
Q. 2
Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 3
Joseph LEE Kok-longDisability allowance for patients with stomaReply
Q. 4
Tanya CHANLeasing of government land by private clubsReply
Q. 5
LEUNG Kwok-hungIntegrated Home Care ServicesReply
Q. 6
WONG Kwok-hingCommunity support services for people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illnessReply
Q. 7
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanAnti-rodent measuresReply
Q. 8
Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funObstruction and nuisances caused by illegal shop extensionsReply
Q. 9
WONG Kwok-kinConstruction of a hospital in the Kai Tak Development areaReply
Q. 10
Albert HO Chun-yanInvestigation into the affairs of CITIC Pacific LimitedReply
Q. 11
TAM Yiu-chungSupply of physiotherapistsReply
Q. 12
Paul CHAN Mo-poChecking of sexual offences records of teachersReply
Q. 13
Samson TAM Wai-hoDevelopment of data centres in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
CHAN Kin-porMeasures to improve the hygiene conditions in various public facilitiesReply
Q. 15
WONG Sing-chiHourly wage levels of employeesReply
Q. 16
James TO Kun-sunRegulation of the sale of petsReply
Q. 17
Fred LI Wah-mingSupply of residential unitsReply
Q. 18
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooImplementation of the "trap-neuter-return" programmeReply
Q. 19
PAN Pey-chyouNon-emergency ambulance transfer serviceReply
Q. 20
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeProposed extension of the South East New Territories LandfillReply

Council meeting on 30.6.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 0
Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeTree-falling incidentsReply
Q. 1
TAM Yiu-chungNuclear-related events in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and its reporting systemReply
Q. 2
CHAN Kam-lamTransfer of Hong Kong residents from the Mainland to hospitals in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
IP Kwok-himRoad safety affected by road maintenance works and traffic signsReply
Q. 4
Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenUtilization of Shenzhen Bay PortReply
Q. 5
WONG Kwok-kinRelocation arrangement for paper recyclers affected by the decommissioning of Kwun Tong Public Cargo Working AreaReply
Q. 6
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungRegulation of shops which mainly serve tour groups from the MainlandReply
Q. 7
LEUNG Kwok-hungLegal representation provided by the Legal Aid DepartmentReply
Q. 8
Tanya CHANFelling of trees within the campus of Maryknoll Convent SchoolReply
Q. 9
Albert CHAN Wai-yipLocations of polling stations for the 2010 Legislative Council By-electionReply
Q. 10
Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanSupply of live poultryReply
Q. 11
WONG Kwok-hingSchool Dental Care ServiceReply
Q. 12
Cyd HO Sau-lanNuclear energy for power generationReply
Q. 13
Albert HO Chun-yanScrutiny of the budgets of the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 14
Paul CHAN Mo-poRegulation of the operation of funded institutions by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 15
Samson TAM Wai-hoCloud computing technologiesReply
Q. 16
CHAN Kin-porPolicies to alleviate povertyReply
Q. 17
WONG Sing-chiPublic market tenancy agreementsReply
Q. 18
IP Wai-mingSafety of repair works for liftsReply
Q. 19
Joseph LEE Kok-longNon-emergency ambulance transfer serviceReply
Q. 20
Audrey EUOral examination of the Chinese Language subjectReply

Council meeting on 7.7.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
WONG Yuk-manPrevention of students and teachers from being pressurized by school authorities to indicate their stance on political issuesReply
Q. 2
TAM Yiu-chungAir ventilation assessments in respect of development projects in Tsuen Wan DistrictReply
Q. 3
Tanya CHANTree management workReply
Q. 4
Starry LEE Wai-kingProtection of consumers' rights and interestsReply
Q. 5
Paul CHAN Mo-poPolicy on the leasing and sale of government propertiesReply
Q. 6
LEUNG Kwok-hungAllowances provided to the elderly and other people in needReply
Q. 7
Alan LEONG Kah-kitDrugs included in the Hospital Authority Drug FormularyReply
Q. 8
Albert CHAN Wai-yipProvision of public rental housing units in the New TerritoriesReply
Q. 9
Margaret NGDaya Bay Nuclear Safety Consultative CommitteeReply
Q. 10
WONG Kwok-kinQuality of fixtures in public housing estatesReply
Q. 11
WONG Kwok-hingRenovation of offices and procurement of office furniture and stores by heads of government departmentsReply
Q. 12
Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungFacilitating the operation of Hong Kong manufacturers through taxation arrangementsReply
Q. 13
Albert HO Chun-yanCases of judicial reviewReply
Q. 14
Samson TAM Wai-hoDesignSmart InitiativeReply
Q. 15
LAU Kong-wahRepairs to squatter hutsReply
Q. 16
Abraham SHEK Lai-himImplementation of energy-efficient plans in schoolsReply
Q. 17
CHAN Hak-kanInspection and caring of treesReply
Q. 18
Audrey EU Yuet-meeCompact fluorescent lamps and fluorescent tubesReply
Q. 19
Miriam LAU Kin-yeeRegulation of pleasure vesselsReply
Q. 20
Andrew CHENG Kar-fooElderly health centresReply

Council meeting on 14.7.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Margaret NGProsecution policyReply
Q. 2
Alan LEONG Kah-kitPromoting street arts performanceReply
Q. 3
CHEUNG Kwok-cheConsultation paper on Long-term Social Welfare Planning in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
CHAN Hak-kanSupply of Group B rental estate units of the Hong Kong Housing SocietyReply
Q. 5
LEE Wing-tatFollow-up work to the passage of motions to amend the methods for the selection of the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012Reply
Q. 6
WONG Kwok-kinHousing assistance for sandwich classReply
Q. 7
WONG Yuk-manICAC's prosecution policy and establishment in relation to prosecutionReply
Q. 8
LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 9
Albert CHAN Wai-yipSewage treatment in villagesReply
Q. 10
Ronny TONG Ka-wahRequiring seat belts be retrofitted to all seats of public light busesReply
Q. 11
WONG Kwok-hingReinstatement of the original fixtures and facilities by tenants moving out of public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 12
Albert HO Chun-yanReciprocal notification mechanismReply
Q. 13
CHEUNG Hok-mingRemoval of abandoned signboardsReply
Q. 14
WONG Sing-chiMonitoring the completion of private residential development projectsReply
Q. 15
IP Wai-mingTransport Support SchemeReply
Q. 16
Starry LEE Wai-kingAssistance for persons with different religious requirements on dietReply
Q. 17
PAN Pey-chyouManpower and establishment of dispensing medicine in public general out-patient clinicsReply
Q. 18
Abraham SHEK Lai-himForeign domestic helpers engaging in hawking activities in Central DistrictReply
Q. 19
David LI Kwok-poPublishing annual reports in electronic version by government departmentsReply
Q. 20
Emily LAU Wai-hingWomen's participation rate in advisory and statutory bodiesReply

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