BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Questions(Year 2010 - 2011)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 20.10.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Tanya CHANElectorate base of the Legislative Council functional constituenciesReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunTourism development projects and conservation of rural areas with tourism valueReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Sing-chiSubsidies for patients' drug expensesReply
Q. 4
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProblem of obesity in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheHong Kong residents being refused entry into MacaoReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungSingle-person applicants for public rental housingReply
Q. 7
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungDepreciation allowance for machinery and plantsReply
Q. 8
Hon James TO Kun-sunAir and water pollution in the West Kowloon waterfrontReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Yuk-manProvision of non-emergency transfer service for patientsReply
Q. 10
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiCapital subvention projects for the provision of medical servicesReply
Q. 11
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeEntry visa arrangements for Hong Kong and Taiwan residentsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 14
Hon KAM Nai-waiConsultation paper on "Should Hong Kong bid to host the 2023 Asian Games?"Reply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Hak-kanFactors of consideration in selecting the tree species to be plantedReply
Q. 16
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingComposition of the Election CommitteeReply
Q. 17
Hon LAU Kong-wahInformation dissemination mechanism of Police on unforeseen incidentsReply
Q. 18
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipEmissions from aircraft and their impact on the communities near the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longMonitoring the practice of optometristsReply
Q. 20
Hon WONG Ting-kwongProblem of insufficient coach parking spaces at tourist attractions and shopping areasReply

Council meeting on 27.10.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunProtection of animal rightsReply
Q. 2
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheProject officers responsible for observing the drug testing process under the Trial Scheme on School Drug Testing in Tai Po DistrictReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungDiscretionary power of the Director of Immigration to allow a person to remain in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingMeasures to promote the development of social enterprisesReply
Q. 5
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himIncrease in school fees charged by the English Schools Foundation schoolsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoTime taken for immigration clearanceReply
Q. 7
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRegulation of exchange-traded fundsReply
Q. 8
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanCases handled by the Family CourtReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Sing-chiAssistance to persons with disabilities and the elderlyReply
Q. 10
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeAssistance for independent musicians to stage live performanceReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingInspection of the West Rail LineReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRegulation of cosmetic contact lensReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipStatistics on organ donationReply
Q. 14
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeProblem of flight delayReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 16
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingProsecution policy on assault on police officersReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiWaste recovery and recyclingReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Yuk-manArrangements regardings statutory holidaysReply
Q. 20
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImmigration facilitating measures for Hong Kong and Taiwanese residentsReply

Council meeting on 3.11.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poImplementation of the Education Regulations and the Child Care Services RegulationsReply
Q. 2
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingOverseas visits by senior officialsReply
Q. 3
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiUnauthorized changes in land useReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to enhance private building managementReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingRejection of coins by shopsReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Ting-kwongCo-operation in modern service industries between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in QianhaiReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Kwok-hingWest New Territories LandfillReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeThe Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) OrdinanceReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouPriority follow-up system to manage high-risk psychiatric patientsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poProhibition of smoking in covered walkwaysReply
Q. 11
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePromoting the use of bicycle as a form of green transporReply
Q. 12
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunControl of fuel oil used by vessels within Hong Kong watersReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungElderly in povertyReply
Q. 14
Hon WONG Sing-chiInstallation of platform screen doors and automatic platform gates by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 15
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanEarly childhood education services provided for children with special educational needsReply
Q. 16
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himImplementation of the "Be NetWise" Internet education campaign Reply
Q. 17
Hon James TO Kun-sunIntroduction of legislation to control light pollutionReply
Q. 18
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-chePremises for facilities providing community support servicesReply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungSupport services for the elderlyReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipAssistance for Thalassaemia patientsReply

Council meeting on 10.11.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeProvision of parapetsReply
Q. 2
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungDevelopment of Integrated Waste Management FacilitiesReply
Q. 3
Hon James TO Kun-sunProgress of the investigation into the affairs of CITIC Pacific LimitedReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 5
Hon KAM Nai-waiIncrease in the use of nuclear energyReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yuk-manActions taken by the Police against protestors in the march on 1 OctoberReply
Q. 7
Hon LAU Wong-fatReplacement of printed publications by electronic copiesReply
Q. 8
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingCode of marketing of breast-milk substitutesReply
Q. 9
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poLevy of profits tax on profits arising from property speculationReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinPayment of severance payments and long service payments from accrued benefits of the mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 11
Hon LEE Wing-tatStatistics on households living in private flatsReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingDirectional signs erected during repair works on expresswaysReply
Q. 13
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeProtection of privacyReply
Q. 14
Hon LAU Kong-wahImplementation of green roof projects for government buildingsReply
Q. 15
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeHong Kong Institute for Monetary ResearchReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanHandling of discarded single-use batteriesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poInfluence of mainland buyers on the Hong Kong property marketReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingProvisions concerning continuous contract under the Employment OrdinanceReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImplementation of the provisions of the Copyright Ordinance concerning the copying and distribution offenceReply
Q. 20
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himMeasures against abuse of public rental housing resourcesReply

Council meeting on 17.11.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingRegulation of slimming productsReply
Q. 2
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahImplementation of the Building Management OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeSafety of nuclear power plants near Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeePost-service employment arrangements for senior staff of the Hong Kong Monetary AuthorityReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-hingNew hospital in Tin Shui WaiReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yung-kanCode of Marketing of Breastmilk SubstitutesReply
Q. 7
Hon IP Wai-mingEmployment of Programme WorkersReply
Q. 8
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongUse of public funds by the Hong Kong Baptist UniversityReply
Q. 9
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingEuro IV and V public light busesReply
Q. 10
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeImplementation of the Road Traffic (Driving-offence Points) OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
Hon KAM Nai-waiProcurement of policies of third party risks insurance by Owners' CorporationsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSpecial Loan Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheNeighbourhood Support Child Care ProjectReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImplementation of the Building Management (Third Party Risks Insurance) RegulationReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunAssistance for Hong Kong residents facing criminal charges in overseas countriesReply
Q. 16
Hon WONG Yuk-manOperation of the Hong Kong Girl Guides AssociationReply
Q. 17
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanFiles and documents relating to the introduction of local legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic LawReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiMonitoring the quality of liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 19
Hon LAU Kong-wahRedevelopment of public housing estatesReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poSkyPier at the Hong Kong International AirportReply

Council meeting on 24.11.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 0
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungResumption of land by the Government at Choi Yuen TsuenReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiReview of the implementation of section 39E of the Inland Revenue Ordinance by the Joint Liaison Committee on TaxationReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Kwok-kinPermissible limit of absence from Hong Kong for Old Age Allowance recipientsReply
Q. 3
Hon LAU Kong-wahBarrier free facilities provided in properties under The Link Real Estate Investment TrustReply
Q. 4
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingCounting of meal breaks as paid timeReply
Q. 5
Hon IP Kwok-himProtection of privacyReply
Q. 6
Hon LEE Wing-tatMeasures to combat speculation on residential propertiesReply
Q. 7
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahSelection and training of athletes for international competitionsReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kin-porPositive credit information database on mortgage loansReply
Q. 9
Hon LAU Wong-fatChildren interest classes conducted in multi-storey commercial buildingsReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Wai-mingDevelopment of the six priority industriesReply
Q. 11
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManagement of Home Ownership Scheme courtsReply
Q. 12
Hon James TO Kun-sunThe Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) NoticeReply
Q. 13
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meePneumococcal vaccination provided for childrenReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipGovernment offices outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingAdopting the same criteria for both genders in testing the physical fitness of applicants by the disciplined servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungHelipads in public hospitalsReply
Q. 17
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of quantitative easing monetary policy implemented by the Federal Reserve on Hong Kong's economyReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiTaxis for people with disabilitiesReply
Q. 19
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himRegulation of fund-raising activities on the streetsReply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheProject Yi JinReply

Council meeting on 1.12.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingReview of legislation on the transportation and storage of explosivesReply
Q. 2
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanEnforcement of the Human Reproductive Technology OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
Hon IP Wai-mingPolicy study on standard working hoursReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Margaret NGAdministrative Officers leaving the civil serviceReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongProvision of 15-year free education in Hong Kong and implementation of small class teaching in secondary schoolsReply
Q. 6
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himImplementation of the Race Discrimination OrdinanceReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenProvision of fare concessions for full-time students by MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauTreatment of colon cancerReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanVarious funds managed by bureauxReply
Q. 10
Hon Tanya CHANPublic works conducted to compensate for the disturbance to the fung shui of villagesReply
Q. 11
Hon Vincent FANG KangTourist guides in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Hon LEE Wing-tatSmall house policyReply
Q. 13
Hon LAU Kong-wahMeasures to combat smuggling activitiesReply
Q. 14
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiSafety of buildingsReply
Q. 15
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingGovernment, institution or community facilities sites in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poInternships offered to undergraduates by statutory bodiesReply
Q. 17
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingAllocation of public rental housing and applicants on the Waiting ListReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanExpenditure on drugs incurred by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 19
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingPromoting the use of electric vehiclesReply
Q. 20
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeRegulation of alternation works inside private premisesReply

Council meeting on 8.12.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouExpanding the scope of the Employees' Compensation Ordinance to cover job-related mental illnessesReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longEnforcement of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004Reply
Q. 3
Hon TAM Yiu-chungBroadcast of international sports eventsReply
Q. 4
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanDevelopment of the former Marine Police Headquarters siteReply
Q. 5
Hon Vincent FANG KangMeasures to tackle problems of inflation and inflow of hot moneyReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRising food pricesReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauVoluntary Health Protection SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kin-porPopulation policy and employment of low-income workersReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-hingParking spaces for motor tricycles and motorcyclesReply
Q. 10
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungPromotion of cruise tourismReply
Q. 11
Hon Tanya CHANManagement of Chinese templesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRegulation of credit reference agenciesReply
Q. 13
Hon IP Wai-mingBulk purchase of hearing aids through the Education BureauReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poGovernment's shareholdings in MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 15
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingReview of income limits for support programmes before the implementation of the statutory minimum wageReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiReview of the implementation of section 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunSponsorship of travel agencies' advertisement and promotion expenses provided by the Hong Kong Tourism BoardReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiThe Joint Office responsible for resolving water seepage problems in buildingsReply
Q. 19
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingUse of nanotechnology in foodReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of charges by telecommunications service providersReply

Council meeting on 15.12.2010

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funWater quality of the New Yau Ma Tei Typhoon ShelterReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipErrors in tax assessmentsReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-fooSoliciting public support for bidding to host the 2023 Asian GamesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheShortage of paramedical staff in the welfare sectorReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Sing-chiCompensation for disturbance to the fung shui of villagesReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunHong Kong Wine and Dine FestivalReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitMeasures to tackle hygiene problems in the communityReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Margaret NGBan on trawlingReply
Q. 9
Hon IP Kwok-himConservation of Wing Lee StreetReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanManpower planning and training for doctorsReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouRegulation of clinical trials of pharmaceutical productsReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Kwok-hingPrecautionary measures for earthquakesReply
Q. 13
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poProposals to enhance the taxation system and policyReply
Q. 14
Hon IP Wai-mingShared Care ProgrammeReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingImpact of the abolition of estate duty and duty on alcoholic beverages on the economyReply
Q. 16
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeVoluntary Medical Insurance Scheme for Civil ServantsReply
Q. 17
Hon KAM Nai-waiChange in the use of residential unitsReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeObnoxious community facilities attached to private residential developmentsReply
Q. 19
Hon LAU Kong-wahDistrict minor works implemented by District CouncilsReply
Q. 20
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himDevelopment Opportunities OfficeReply

Council meeting on 5.1.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Hak-kanManagement of waste electrical and electronic equipmentReply
Q. 2
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitReverse mortgage pilot schemeReply
Q. 3
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeMeasures to support the education of children from low-income familiesReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poManpower arrangement of Radio Television Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungExecution of section 107 of the Securities and Futures OrdinanceReply
Q. 6
Hon LAU Wong-fatChildren interest classes conducted in multi-storey commercial buildingsReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDistrict Urban Renewal ForumReply
Q. 8
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanHandling of food wasteReply
Q. 9
Hon IP Kwok-himFamily niches in the columbaria of Chinese Permanent CemeteriesReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinShort-term food assistanceReply
Q. 11
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahLand (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) OrdinanceReply
Q. 12
Hon LEE Wing-tatRetrofitting franchised buses with emission reduction devicesReply
Q. 13
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiPhysical education lessons in schoolReply
Q. 14
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeMeasures to assist the cross-boundary transport sector affected by shortage of diesel on the MainlandReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poThe Internship Programme for University GraduatesReply
Q. 16
Hon James TO Kun-sunInstallation of noise barriers by MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Kwok-hingInstallation of vehicular countdown deviceReply
Q. 18
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheEmployment of persons with disabilities by the GovernmentReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Sing-chiCentres for persons with disabilities and the elderly in the communityReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunLeakage of government confidential informationReply

Council meeting on 12.1.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanRetirement ProtectionReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manSupport for the "hidden elderly"Reply
Q. 3
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungDevelopment of Hong Kong as an offshore Renminbi business centreReply
Q. 4
Hon KAM Nai-waiProtests staged outside the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionReply
Q. 5
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiRegistration for minor works contractorsReply
Q. 6
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingProtecting Hong Kong journalists' freedom of press on the MainlandReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitRegulation of development projects for conservation purposeReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funAssistance for victims of the fire at Fa Yuen StreetReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Kin-porTraining activities of the insurance industry taken over by the Employees Retraining BoardReply
Q. 10
Hon Tanya CHANIncidents of fatal poisoning of dogsReply
Q. 11
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeMeasures to reduce consumption of shark's finReply
Q. 12
Hon LEE Wing-tatOperation Building BrightReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingReturn of library materials and fines for late returnReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poSafety of students and persons with intellectual disability on school buses and coachesReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 16
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRegulation of pesticide residues in foodReply
Q. 17
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeFraudulent claims of Traffic Accident Victims AssistanceReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poPlans deposited in the Land RegistryReply
Q. 19
Hon IP Wai-mingRail services provided by MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipEnvironmental impact of the construction of the third airport runwayReply

Council meeting on 19.1.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Wai-mingObstetrics and gynaecology services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 3
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingProcurement of policies of third party risks insurance by owners' corporationsReply
Q. 4
Hon Tanya CHANAllocation of land to the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungDuties of Under SecretariesReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Kwok-hingConstruction of waste incineration facilitiesReply
Q. 7
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanClaims submitted by employees under Part VIA of the Employment OrdinanceReply
Q. 8
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitPneumococcal Conjugate VaccineReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funMeasures to improve the congested road and pedestrian walkway conditions in MongkokReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longManpower planning for nursesReply
Q. 11
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungMarriage ceremonies at marriage registriesReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDrug abuse problem in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon LEE Wing-tatDevelopment of diesel commercial vehicles, liquefied petroleum gas vehicles and electric vehiclesReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingEducation allowances granted to senior government officialsReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungPayment of government feesReply
Q. 16
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheCivil service pension schemesReply
Q. 17
Hon LAU Kong-wahDevelopment of Sha Tau Kok townReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiFacilities in MTR stations and design of train compartmentsReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeVetting and approval of investment productsReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImplementation of the Nutrition Labelling SchemeReply

Council meeting on 26.1.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-fooRegulation of food additivesReply
Q. 2
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahChild abuse casesReply
Q. 3
Hon LEE Wing-tatRegulation of the sales of first-hand private residential propertiesReply
Q. 4
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingAllocation of public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 5
Hon Vincent FANG KangRecycling of wastesReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yuk-manSubsidized places in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Margaret NGManpower in the Prosecutions Division of the Department of JusticeReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungUnderpayment of wages to foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Ting-kwongInternet commercial fraudReply
Q. 10
Hon KAM Nai-waiAutomatic teller machinesReply
Q. 11
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunImplementation of recommendations on law reformReply
Q. 12
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himRegulation of charitable institutionsReply
Q. 13
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poHong Kong's participation in the 60th National Anniversary float parade and the World Exposition 2010Reply
Q. 14
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeShortage of container truck driversReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poRegulation of the provision of residents' servicesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingPublic access to public records kept in Government Records ServiceReply
Q. 18
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipKeeping of pets by tenants of public housing estatesReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeProposal to construct a cross harbour tunnel for pedestriansReply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSchool Textbook Assistance SchemeReply

Council meeting on 16.2.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon CHIM Pui-chungCharges for the transfer of securitiesReply
Q. 2
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanChilled beef imported from the MainlandReply
Q. 3
Hon LI Fung-yingPerformance of driving duties by foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 4
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManagement of external walls of private residential buildingsReply
Q. 5
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanFees and charges in bankruptcyReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongIndecent assault offences committed by juvenilesReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funWater saving measuresReply
Q. 8
Hon Vincent FANG KangAnti-smoking measuresReply
Q. 9
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenElectronic teaching and learning materialsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauAsbestos survey under "Operation Building Bright"Reply
Q. 11
Hon LAU Wong-fatMotorcycle parking spacesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouGeneral Services Assistants and Technical Services Assistants employed by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Kin-porHandling of fuel ashes generated by power stationsReply
Q. 14
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungMeasures to facilitate the development of the logistics industryReply
Q. 15
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitMeasures to improve public hygieneReply
Q. 16
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanJuveniles arrested by the PoliceReply
Q. 17
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeHandling of expired drugsReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanSupply of milk powderReply
Q. 19
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingIntroduction of guide dogs for the visually impairedReply
Q. 20
Hon IP Wai-mingProcurement of new ambulancesReply

Council meeting on 23.2.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon CHIM Pui-chungProsecution against drivers near the exits of the Aberdeen TunnelReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanPrimary care provided by Department of HealthReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRising food pricesReply
Q. 4
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiEvacuation of Hong Kong travellers in other placesReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouProvision of Teacher Relief Grant for appointing supply teachersReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingLost Octopus cardsReply
Q. 7
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himCapital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingMeasures to promote breastfeedingReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungChanging the Chinese rendition of DementiaReply
Q. 10
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRelocation of the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier bus terminusReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Sing-chiDrivers' driving behaviour, health problems and working and rest time arrangementsReply
Q. 12
Hon KAM Nai-waiNoise pollution caused by MTR construction worksReply
Q. 13
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunUsed cooking oilReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiRegulation of mainland inbound group toursReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poSubmission of annual reports and financial statements by public organizationsReply
Q. 16
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAutomatic teller machinesReply
Q. 17
Hon IP Wai-mingImplementation of the "Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste" in public housing estatesReply
Q. 18
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeProblem of abandoned animalsReply
Q. 19
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingWomen in povertyReply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheMediation serviceReply

Council meeting on 2.3.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingRelocation of offices of the Government and public organizations in core districtsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funDiscontinuation of Hung Hom/Central and Hung Hom/Wan Chai ferry servicesReply
Q. 3
Hon CHIM Pui-chungEquity dispute relating to listed companiesReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouAgency workers engaged by the GovernmentReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Kin-porThe problem of youth suicideReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poMarriages between mainlanders and Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenRecycling of waste glassReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himNew requirement on applications for building approvalReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Sing-chiPaternity leave for male employeesReply
Q. 10
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingProvision of gender-sensitive facilities in public toiletsReply
Q. 11
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeDiesel vehiclesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungAge requirements under different welfare schemes for the elderlyReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRevitalization of the Home Ownership Scheme Secondary MarketReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunDevelopment of large scale international outlet malls in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon KAM Nai-waiPlatform safety in MTR stationsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSix priority industriesReply
Q. 17
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeMinimum level of relevant income for Mandatory Provident Fund contributionsReply
Q. 18
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSocial Security Assistance Index of PricesReply
Q. 19
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingReview of the education system to facilitate nurturing of athletesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHIM Pui-chungFacilities and courtesy channels for VIPs at ports of entry in Macao and the MainlandReply

Council meeting on 9.3.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Sing-chiSupply of land for housing developmentReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImplementation of statutory minimum wage rateReply
Q. 3
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRedevelopment of Tai Hang Sai EstateReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRetrofitting of noise barriers near Neptune TerraceReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheRent allowance under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunRegulation of the use of funds by the Travel Industry Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSection 39E of the Inland Revenue OrdinanceReply
Q. 8
Hon CHIM Pui-chungApplications from Hong Kong residents for entry visas to AustraliaReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longEnvironmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping BagsReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungUnderpayment of wages to foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 11
Hon James TO Kun-sunMeasures to increase the supply of land for social welfare facilitiesReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Kwok-hingMaintenance of MTR rail tracksReply
Q. 13
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeExtending the service life of franchised busesReply
Q. 14
Hon LEE Wing-tatMy Home Purchase PlanReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingCurbing the proliferation of Mikania micranthaReply
Q. 16
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipSupply of land for private developmentsReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poEnhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership ProgrammeReply
Q. 18
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himSkyPier at the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 19
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingRent Allowance for Elderly SchemeReply
Q. 20
Hon KAM Nai-waiCargo compartments placed on streets for collecting construction wasteReply

Council meeting on 16.3.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
UQ. 1
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitSafety of food products imported from JapanReply
UQ. 2
Hon KAM Nai-waiHong Kong's contingency measures for radiation leak at the Fukushima nuclear plant in JapanReply
UQ. 3
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunPersonal safety of Japan-bound Hong Kong travellersReply
Q. 1
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeUpdating the air quality objectivesReply
Q. 2
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungMeasures to enhance enterprises' competitivenessReply
Q. 3
Hon KAM Nai-waiMandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 4
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingThe problem of insufficient international school placesReply
Q. 5
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiMeasures to promote the development of Chinese medicineReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingMTR fare structure and fare concessionsReply
Q. 7
Hon TAM Yiu-chungTaxi service for residents of Park IslandReply
Q. 8
Hon CHIM Pui-chungRegulation of the trading of warrantsReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungReview of the definition of continuous contractReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Kin-porInclusion of investment-linked assurance products as permissible investment assets under the Capital Investment Entrant SchemeReply
Q. 11
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanManpower planning for healthcare servicesReply
Q. 12
Hon James TO Kun-sunRegulation of the practices in the acquisition of flats in old buildingsReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Sing-chiMeasures to tackle family violenceReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipAircraft noise mitigating measuresReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeCurbing pricing frauds of supermarketsReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRising property pricesReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunProposed discontinuation of the Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 18
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himMaintenance and repairs of fresh water mainsReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeRegulation of unauthorized display of publicity materials on the streetsReply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheSupply of lands for social welfare usesReply

Council meeting on 30.3.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Hak-kanJuvenile crimes in Tseung Kwan O DistrictReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longDental services for the elderlyReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinSpecification of floor areas of flats in the land sale conditionsReply
Q. 4
Hon James TO Kun-sunPublic finance managementReply
Q. 5
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahMeasures to curb rising property pricesReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImpact of the recent political instability and natural disasters in other countriesReply
Q. 7
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanDuty on strong liquorsReply
Q. 8
Hon TAM Yiu-chungEarly identification of children and families at riskReply
Q. 9
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongDevelopment of community collegesReply
Q. 10
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanStatistics on employment earningsReply
Q. 11
Hon Vincent FANG KangPublic consultation exercise for the 2011-2012 BudgetReply
Q. 12
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingPortable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauProducts and waste containing asbestosReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funIllegal occupation of public placesReply
Q. 15
Hon CHIM Pui-chungRegulation of fund-raising activities on the streetsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouProcurement and use of chemical materials in government worksReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Ting-kwongHong Kong people returning from the Mainland to settle in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitStatistics on the elderly receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance payments and Old Age AllowanceReply
Q. 19
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeVillage Representative electionsReply
Q. 20
Hon LAU Kong-wahMaintenance of the facilities in boundary control pointsReply

Council meeting on 6.4.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoManagement of information technology in some organizations/government departmentsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Margaret NGEnforcement of the Personal Data (Privacy) OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longCommunity Care FundReply
Q. 4
Hon CHIM Pui-chungPolicy on fees collectionReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Wing-tatSex crimes occurring in MTR stations and trainsReply
Q. 6
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingGovernment subventions provided to statutory bodiesReply
Q. 7
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeBus routes meeting the criteria adopted by the Transport Department for considering improvement or reduction in bus serviceReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Wai-mingUncompensated overtime work undertaken by staff of the Labour and Welfare BureauReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Sing-chiRetrofitting automatic platform gates at stations along the East Rail Line and Ma On Shan LineReply
Q. 10
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingImplementation of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipLow-platform busesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungImplementation of statutory minimum wage legislationReply
Q. 13
Hon KAM Nai-waiParking spaces in car parks managed by The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTaxation problems faced by enterprisesReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeSupply of infant formulasReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunInfluence of the International Air Transport Association on the air transport marketReply
Q. 17
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himThe competitiveness of the Hong Kong stock exchangeReply
Q. 18
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeEmployment of foreign domestic workersReply
Q. 19
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheStatistics on new immigrants receiving welfare benefitsReply
Q. 20
Hon LEE Wing-tatProvision of community facilitiesReply

Council meeting on 13.4.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanStatistics on household incomeReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Margaret NGDevelopment of cricketReply
Q. 3
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingDisability Allowance and Old Age AllowanceReply
Q. 4
Hon CHIM Pui-chungRestrictive covenants in deeds of assignmentReply
Q. 5
Hon James TO Kun-sunApplication of intelligent technologies to public transportReply
Q. 6
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingExpansion project of the United Christian HospitalReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Sing-chiEnhanced Bought Place SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingImplementation of statutory minimum wage systemReply
Q. 9
Hon KAM Nai-waiManagement of public toiletsReply
Q. 10
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeAbolition of the District Council appointment systemReply
Q. 11
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOperation of residents' coach routes for public rental housing estatesReply
Q. 12
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunAviation passenger fuel surchargesReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipImpact of the construction of the airport on the building of small housesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTaxation problems faced by enterprises engaged in processing operationsReply
Q. 15
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himOutstanding balance of expenditure on Vietnamese migrants recoverable from the United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesReply
Q. 16
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheServices provided to autistic personsReply
Q. 17
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingSizes and designs of public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiThree-coloured waste separation binsReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunSupport to members of the tourism industry provided by the Travel Industry Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himProvision of obstetric services to mainland pregnant womenReply

Council meeting on 4.5.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kam-lamMeans of toll payments for tunnels and roadsReply
Q. 2
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funEnhancing emergency ambulance services to facilitate patients to switch to private healthcare servicesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Margaret NGOpinion surveys conducted by the Central Policy UnitReply
Q. 4
Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-fooAssisting Hong Kong people to purchase milk powderReply
Q. 5
Hon CHIM Pui-chungConstruction of a new road harbour crossingReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungHong Kong MarathonReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Yuk-manArrangements regarding additional or substituted general holidaysReply
Q. 8
Hon Tanya CHANManagement of public open spaces in private developmentsReply
Q. 9
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenThe scope of consumer transactions to be covered by the proposed mandatory cooling-off arrangementsReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-hingSpecial schools in Islands DistrictReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDemand for neonatal intensive care servicesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouImpact of statutory minimum wage on the subsidized residential care services for the elderlyReply
Q. 13
Hon James TO Kun-sunLost and delayed trips of franchised busesReply
Q. 14
Hon LAU Kong-wahConsideration of concentration risk by banks when assessing the suitability of equity linked structured notes issued by Lehman Brothers for customersReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poDisruptions to banks' online trading systemReply
Q. 16
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipProvision of dog parksReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungTaxis not charging wheelchair users according to taximeterReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMeasures to alleviate the inflation problemReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Sing-chiControl of post-service employment of senior government officialsReply
Q. 20
Hon Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeImpact of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance on residential flat supplyReply

Council meeting on 11.5.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipPrivate property developments taking up "residual plot ratio"Reply
Q. 2
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeSpeculative and high-risk financial productsReply
Q. 3
Hon Vincent FANG KangProposed measures to improve the operations of public marketsReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongMeasures to tackle the problem of mainland women giving birth in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouPatent registration in Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon IP Wai-mingExpenditure on drugs of the clusters under the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Kam-lamCollection of service fees by banksReply
Q. 8
Hon TAM Yiu-chungImprovement to the services of West Rail LineReply
Q. 9
Hon LAU Wong-fatProtection of students against sexual harassment by their teachersReply
Q. 10
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiHong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese MedicineReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Yuk-manEnforcement actions against street hawking activitiesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungCompassionate rehousing offered to divorceesReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Kwok-hingMeasures to monitor online group purchasesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanFare concessions offered by MTR for cross-boundary studentsReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingManagement and maintenance of slopesReply
Q. 16
Hon LAU Kong-wahServices for undertaking after-death arrangements for elderly singletonsReply
Q. 17
Hon James TO Kun-sunUpward surge of management fees of private propertiesReply
Q. 18
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeAllocation of land for the development of logistics industryReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTaxation problems faced by enterprises engaged in processing trade in the course of upgrading and restructuringReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingOpportunities for further studies for students with visual and hearing impairmentReply

Council meeting on 18.5.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeOdour management of landfillsReply
Q. 2
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingImpact of a recent court judgment on various railway projectsReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungProblems faced by employees after the implementation of the Minimum Wage OrdinanceReply
Q. 4
Hon Tanya CHANThe Expansion Project of Hong Kong Sanatorium and HospitalReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Wing-tatRegulation of small houses and village housesReply
Q. 6
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanImplementation of and public education on the Hong Kong Bill of Rights OrdinanceReply
Q. 7
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongHong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examination feesReply
Q. 8
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungWorld Trade Organization Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiationsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouFare concessions offered by franchised bus companiesReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-hingHawker control and managementReply
Q. 11
Hon LAU Kong-wahAssistance to patients suffering from depressionReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheStatistics on tax payersReply
Q. 13
Hon KAM Nai-waiReceptions and banquets hosted by the Government and the District CouncilsReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunDisputes between travellers and airlinesReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRegulation of banksReply
Q. 16
Hon WONG Sing-chiEmployment assistance for people engaged in jobs and positions phased out by office automation and computerizationReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Kwok-hingYouth Pre-employment Training Programme and Youth Work Experience and Training SchemeReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of the Frontier Closed AreaReply
Q. 19
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingCourses offered by the Employees Retraining BoardReply
Q. 20
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himThe Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao BridgeReply

Council meeting on 25.5.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRoad traffic noise in West KowloonReply
Q. 2
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingInternet Learning Support ProgrammeReply
Q. 3
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahManpower supply and allocation of resources for public hospitalsReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul CHAN Mo-poParole for Hong Kong people serving imprisonment sentences on the MainlandReply
Q. 5
Hon CHIM Pui-chungTermination of the Block Crown Lease granted to Wong Wai Tsak TongReply
Q. 6
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meePlaces in international schoolsReply
Q. 7
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongPrices of textbooksReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouHandling of complaints about water seepage in buildingsReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Hak-kanIncidents of death of animals in the Ocean ParkReply
Q. 10
Hon LEE Wing-tatApplication of new practice notes on gross floor area concessions to the development projects of MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-hingHeritage conservationReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungPublic columbarium and crematorium facilitiesReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheDistrict Support Scheme for Children and Youth DevelopmentReply
Q. 14
Hon KAM Nai-waiRefuse collection vehiclesReply
Q. 15
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahWaiting time for allocation of public rental housing unitsReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunCheung Chau Bun FestivalReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTaxation problems faced by enterprises engaged in processing trade operations in the course of upgrading and restructuringReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Sing-chiTelebet centresReply
Q. 19
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himAir pollution problems in old districtsReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingImplementation of the Race Discrimination OrdinanceReply

Council meeting on 1.6.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 0
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitMeasures to prevent import and sale of food products containing plasticizerReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRegulation of sub-division of flat unitsReply
Q. 2
Hon WONG Kwok-hingCompensation to victims of accidents occurred in the MTR networkReply
Q. 3
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to encourage kidney donationsReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheRegulation of charitable institutionsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungStalling incidents involving liquefied petroleum gas taxisReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Sing-chiOutlying island ferry servicesReply
Q. 7
Hon IP Kwok-himQuality Migrant Admission SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon TAM Yiu-chungSchool Dental Care ServiceReply
Q. 9
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongInstallation and replacement of medical equipment in public hospitalsReply
Q. 10
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenEnforcement of legislation on seat belt wearing by taxi and public light bus passengersReply
Q. 11
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungSmoky Vehicle Control ProgrammeReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poLocal students in private independent schoolsReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouRedevelopment of the industrial area in Wong Chuk HangReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingMeasures to reduce traffic accidents involving Light Rail trainsReply
Q. 15
Hon LEE Wing-tatElectricity consumption in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePromoting the use of renewable energyReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRegulation of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiHandling of incidents of fresh water mains burstReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunQuality Tourism Services SchemeReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDevelopment of the Frontier Closed AreaReply

Council meeting on 8.6.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Yuk-manHandling of illicit cigarettes forfeited by the GovernmentReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunRegulation of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 3
Hon CHEUNG Hok-mingMTR services and faresReply
Q. 4
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingTender selection of Internet Learning Support ProgrammeReply
Q. 5
Hon KAM Nai-waiImplementation details of disbursement of $6,000 to Hong Kong permanent residentsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiJudicial review case regarding the environmental impact assessment reports of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 7
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahAssistance to Hong Kong residents travelling abroadReply
Q. 8
Hon Vincent FANG KangImport and export declaration charges and clothing industry training levyReply
Q. 9
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungProbationary driving licence schemeReply
Q. 10
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeAssessments of rateable valuesReply
Q. 11
Hon IP Wai-mingRegulation of outbound tour escorts and tourist guidesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEE Wing-tatAir quality in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipConsumer complaints relating to electrical appliancesReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keePublic consultation on the construction of the third runwayReply
Q. 15
Hon WONG Sing-chiMonitoring the performance of railwaysReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungSale of minced beef adulterated with pork by supermarketsReply
Q. 17
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himCompetitiveness of the Hong Kong stock exchange market on trust listingsReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiHarbourfront planning for the northern shore of Hong Kong IslandReply
Q. 19
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingProvision of female toilets in public placesReply
Q. 20
Hon WONG Sing-chiAssistance to private residential care homes for the elderlyReply

Council meeting on 15.6.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Hon IP Kwok-himRegulation of overhanging advertisement signboards outside buildingsReply
Q. 2
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeCruelty to animalsReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Margaret NGDefinition of marital statusReply
Q. 4
Hon James TO Kun-sunAbolition of the District Council appointment systemReply
Q. 5
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungMeasures to alleviate the pressure on obstetrics services in public hospitalsReply
Q. 6
Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-taiChildren of Chinese nationality born in Hong Kong to non-Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 7
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanTsuen Wan 5 property development project of Tsuen Wan West Station of West RailReply
Q. 8
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahHong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese MedicineReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Yuk-manRegulation of unauthorized building worksReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCross-boundary studentsReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouSupply of repair parts for public transport vehiclesReply
Q. 12
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingMobile application "Tell me@1823"Reply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipReception of digital terrestrial television signals and analogue television signalsReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunPassenger fuel surchargesReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungIllegal encroachment on pavementsReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeFree television programme service licencesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiFood products contaminated by plasticizerReply
Q. 18
Hon KAM Nai-waiAir pollution caused by road trafficReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Sing-chiMeasures to tackle false self-employmentReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingDiscrimination against ex-mentally ill personsReply

Council meeting on 22.6.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
UQ. 1
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funMeasures to improve the fire safety problem of flat units divided into separate unitsReply
UQ. 2
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingFire safety problems caused by flat units divided into separate unitsReply
Q. 1
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenDevelopment of Renminbi offshore businessReply
Q. 2
Hon TAM Yiu-chungManagement of assets accumulated under the mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 3
Hon LAU Kong-wahReduction of the coverage of the Frontier Closed AreaReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouNon-civil service contract staffReply
Q. 5
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanDebundling of textbooks and teaching and learning resources for pricingReply
Q. 6
Hon Starry LEE Wai-king"Coffin-sized units" and sub-divided flat units for leaseReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoUse of information technology in schoolsReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Wai-mingApprenticeship SchemeReply
Q. 9
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahHong Kong School of MotoringReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Kin-porNon-Compliant Employer and Officer Records set up by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes AuthorityReply
Q. 11
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitVoter registration campaignsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRegulation of breast-milk substitutesReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongChildren born in Hong Kong to non-Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 14
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungFiling of tax returns and payment of taxesReply
Q. 15
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeWorks projects affected by the court judgment regarding the Environmental Impact Assessment Reports for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDisposal of waste car batteriesReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Kwok-hingTransfer schemes for overcrowded public rental housing householdsReply
Q. 18
Hon LEE Wing-tatSafety of computer networksReply
Q. 19
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipRegulation of debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeRelocation of the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier and development of a piazzaReply

Council meeting on 29.6.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
UQ. 1
Hon CHAN Hak-kanMeasures to control the outbreak of scarlet feverReply
UQ. 2
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongPreventive measures to avoid the further spread of scarlet feverReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRising property pricesReply
Q. 2
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingVarious funds set up by the GovernmentReply
Q. 3
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitPrincipal officials under the accountability system planning to participate in elections to public officeReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamAutotoll lanes at the cross harbour tunnelsReply
Q. 5
Hon IP Wai-mingBroadcast of Legislative Council meetings by Radio Television Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiStatistics on monthly household income and expenditureReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funMeasures to relieve work pressure on secondary school teachersReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanInvestments in the property market made by non-Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauIncreasing costs for public hospital servicesReply
Q. 10
Hon TAM Yiu-chungPromoting the development of chiropractic practiceReply
Q. 11
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenApplication for driving licence on the Mainland by Hong Kong driversReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to tackle the problems of unemployment and job mismatchReply
Q. 13
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongEmployment of contract teachers in aided schoolsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRecognition of sick leave certificates issued by registered chiropractorsReply
Q. 15
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahVoluntary Optimization of Class Structure SchemeReply
Q. 16
Hon LAU Kong-wahPromotion of Chinese art and cultureReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouRegulation of consumer transactions involving pre-payment for goods and servicesReply
Q. 18
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungYan On Estate in Ma On ShanReply
Q. 19
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipDisputes on copyright infringement of news reports among the mediaReply

Council meeting on 6.7.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
Q. 1
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poEducation for non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 2
Hon LI Fung-yingProtection of workers against heat strokeReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenInformation securityReply
Q. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitDevelopment of aviation servicesReply
Q. 5
Hon Tanya CHANPublic consultation on major changes to government policiesReply
Q. 6
Hon Fred LI Wah-mingPurchase prices of flats in old buildings reflected in the sale and purchase documentsReply
Q. 7
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingTransportation of explosives required for the construction works of the South Island LineReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funApplication fees and enrolment deposits for tertiary education programmesReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoFiling of official electronic mails and documentsReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanDevelopment of services in the public and private hospitalsReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauStatistics on asbestos materials and asbestos-containing materialsReply
Q. 12
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingBuilding management of private residential buildingsReply
Q. 13
Hon TAM Yiu-chungSocial Work Officers acting as agents of applicants for Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Kin-porPreventive measures to reduce the rate of suicide by charcoal burningReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwongPublic-private partnership in healthcareReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPossible delay of the Shatin to Central Link projectReply
Q. 17
Hon James TO Kun-sunTelephone appointment booking service of general outpatient clinicsReply
Q. 18
Hon IP Wai-mingPersonnel engaged in lift works and escalator worksReply
Q. 19
Hon Audrey EU Yuet-meeNative-speaking English Teacher Schemes in primary and secondary schoolsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon PAN Pey-chyouResidential care homes for persons with disabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 13.7.2011

Question No.
Raised by Subject Reply
UQ. 1
Hon IP Kwok-himSafety of escalatorsReply
UQ. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manPolice's handling of public assembliesReply
Q. 1
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanRegulation of the conduct of politically appointed officialsReply
Q. 2
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanProvision of annuity plans under the Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 3
Hon CHAN Hak-kanUse of vacant government sitesReply
Q. 4
Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shingMeasures to improve the fire safety of flat units divided into separate unitsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Wing-tatPerformance of the GovernmentReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to reduce the carcinogenic effect of mobile phonesReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-funSelling of "parallel-imported products" as products imported by local dealersReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kwok-himComplaints on the leak of personal data after using the Interactive Employment Service of the Labour DepartmentReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-kinSafety of Census officers during visits to householdsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Samson TAM Wai-hoCode of Practice for mobile phone contracts to protect consumersReply
Q. 11
Hon Vincent FANG KangMeasures to combat couriering of controlled items from the Mainland to Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funRegulation of the operation of cross-boundary coach servicesReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauAsbestos assessments under Operation Building BrightReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanAppointment of multimedia production companies to undertake government-funded projectsReply
Q. 15
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitOccupation by Highways Department of open spaces near Richland Gardens in Kowloon BayReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longThe risk of contamination of auxiliary medical devices by plasticizersReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon David LI Kwok-poStatistics on household income and expenditureReply
Q. 18
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahTreatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular DegenerationReply
Q. 19
Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yeeManagement of public recordsReply
Q. 20
Hon James TO Kun-sunSupport for the promotion of moral and national educationReply

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