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Panel on Transport (Papers)

Year 2020 - 2021
Year 2019 - 2020
Year 2018 - 2019
Year 2017 - 2018
Year 2016 - 2017



Year 2020 - 2021

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)829/19-20(01) Letter from the Administration providing financial information in regard to the Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 20 November 2020
CB(4)70/20-21(02) Net Revenue Statement for 2019-2020 submitted by Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 20 November 2020
CB(4)70/20-21(01) Net Revenue Statement for 2019-2020 submitted by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 20 November 2020
CB(4)320/20-21(04) Administration's paper on Free-Flow Tolling System for government tolled tunnels and Tsing Sha Control Area 5 January 2021
CB(4)346/20-21(01) Administration's paper on Free-Flow Tolling System for government tolled tunnels and Tsing Sha Control Area (power-point presentation material) 5 January 2021
CB(4)320/20-21(05) Paper on Free-flow Tolling System for Government Tolled Tunnels and Roads prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 5 January 2021
CB(4)1226/20-21(02) Letter from Route 3 (CPS) Company Limited Paper on Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road Tolls (English version only) 9 July 2021*
CB(4)1226/20-21(01) Paper on Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road Tolls provided by the Transport and Housing Bureau 9 July 2021*
CB(4)1302/20-21(01) Letter from the Administration regarding the financial information of Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited (English version only) 27 July 2021*
CB(4)1700/20-21(02) Net Revenue Statement for 2020-2021 submitted by Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 28 October 2021*
CB(4)1700/20-21(01) Net Revenue Statement for 2020-2021 submitted by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 28 October 2021*

Year 2019 - 2020

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)114/19-20(05) Administration's paper on outlying island ferry services 15 November 2019
CB(4)128/19-20(02) Motion passed under the agenda item of "Outlying island ferry services" at the meeting on 15 November 2019 15 November 2019
• Administration's response to the motion passed under the agenda item of "Outlying island ferry services" at the meeting on 15 November 2019 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)128/19-20(02)
15 November 2019
17 January 2020
CB(4)63/19-20(02) Net Revenue Statement for 2018-2019 submitted by Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 15 November 2019
CB(4)63/19-20(01) Net Revenue Statement for 2018-2019 submitted by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 15 November 2019
CB(4)114/19-20(06) Paper on outlying island ferry services prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 15 November 2019
CB(4)829/19-20(01) Letter from the Administration providing financial information in regard to the Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 20 July 2020*

Year 2018 - 2019

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)32/18-19(02) Letter from Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wan requesting to discuss the feasibility of constructing a fourth cross-harbour tunnel (Chinese version only) 19 October 2018
CB(4)1461/17-18(01) Letter from the Administration providing financial information in regard to the Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 19 October 2018
CB(4)17/18-19(01) Administration's paper on Rationalisation of Traffic Distribution Among Six Tunnels 16 November 2018
CB(4)202/18-19(02) Administration's paper on Rationalisation of Traffic Distribution Among Six Tunnels (power-point presentation material) (Chinese version only) 16 November 2018
CB(4)383/18-19(01) Administration's supplementary information on issues relating to Rationalisation of traffic distribution among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin and other tunnel-related proposals (follow-up paper) 16 November 2018
18 January 2019
CB(4)228/18-19(01) Motion passed under the agenda item of "Rationalisation of traffic distribution among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin and other tunnel-related proposals" at the meeting on 16 November 2018 16 November 2018
CB(4)228/18-19(02) Motion passed under the agenda item of "Rationalisation of traffic distribution among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin and other tunnel-related proposals" at the meeting on 16 November 2018 16 November 2018
• Administration's response to the two motions passed under the agenda item of "Rationalisation of traffic distribution among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin and other tunnel-related proposals" at the meeting on 16 November 2018 as set out in LC Paper Nos. CB(4)228/18-19(01)-(02)
16 November 2018
18 January 2019
CB(4)138/18-19(02) Net Revenue Statement for 2017-2018 submitted by Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 16 November 2018
CB(4)138/18-19(01) Net Revenue Statement for 2017-2018 submitted by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 16 November 2018
CB(4)179/18-19(06) Paper on toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 16 November 2018
CB(4)352/18-19(01) Administration's information paper on Tolls of Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road 18 January 2019
CB(4)352/18-19(02) Letter from Route 3 (CPS) Company Limited dated 24 December 2018 18 January 2019
CB(4)350/18-19(01) Submission from the Chair of Transportation Engineering and Principal Lecturer in Economics of The University of Hong Kong relating to toll rationalization scheme of the three road harbour crossings (English version only) 18 January 2019
CB(4)951/18-19(01) Administration's information paper on New concessionary tolls of Western Harbour Crossing 29 May 2019*
CB(4)951/18-19(02) Company's background brief from Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 29 May 2019*
CB(4)951/18-19(03) Press release issued by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 29 May 2019*
CB(4)1149/18-19(01) Letter from the Administration providing financial information in regard to the Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 1 August 2019*

Year 2017 - 2018

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)182/17-18(07) Administration's paper on Preliminary findings of the toll rationalisation study of three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin 17 November 2017
CB(4)208/17-18(02) Administration's paper on Preliminary findings of the toll rationalisation study of three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) 17 November 2017
CB(4)744/17-18(01) Administration's supplementary information on toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin (follow-up paper) 17 November 2017
9 January 2018
CB(4)236/17-18(01) Joint submission dated 16 November 2017 from Tourists and Passengers Omnibus Operators Association of Hong Kong District, Kowloon District, Tsuen Wan District, Yuen Long District and Tuen Mun District and Public Omnibus Operators Association on "Preliminary findings of the toll rationalisation study of three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin" (Chinese version only) 17 November 2017
CB(4)135/17-18(01) Letter from the Administration regarding the Net Revenue Statements of Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 17 November 2017
CB(4)135/17-18(02) Letter from the Administration regarding the Net Revenue Statements of Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 17 November 2017
CB(4)182/17-18(08) Paper on toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 17 November 2017
CB(4)462/17-18(04) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)462/17-18(02) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Hong Kong Container Tractor Owner Association Limited (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)428/17-18(03) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Hong Kong Logistics Association (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)462/17-18(03) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Hong Kong Public Transport Concern Group (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)451/17-18(01) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Hong Kong Taxi Owners' Association Limited (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)428/17-18(02) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Mr Harrison LO Kai-yuen (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)428/17-18(01) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Mr TANG KA-piu (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)451/17-18(03) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Public Transport Research Team (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)451/17-18(02) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from Public Transport Think Tank of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)462/17-18(05) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)478/17-18(01) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)462/17-18(01) Submission on Toll rationalisation among three road harbour crossings and three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin from The Lion Rock Institute (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)235/17-18(01) Wording of a motion to be moved by Hon LUK Chung-hung (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)235/17-18(02) Wording of an amendment motion proposed by Hon Tanya CHAN to amend the motion to be moved by Hon LUK Chung-hung (Chinese version only) 9 January 2018
CB(4)761/17-18(01) Letter dated 16 March 2018 from Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho on issues relating to the study on the rationalization of traffic distribution of the three Road Harbour Crossings and the three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin (Chinese version only) 27 April 2018
• Administration's response to the letter from Hon Jeremy TAM Man-ho on issues relating to the study on the rationalization of traffic distribution of the three Road Harbour Crossings and the three land tunnels between Kowloon and Sha Tin as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)761/17-18(01)
18 May 2018
CB(4)1145/17-18(01) Administration's information paper on Western Harbour Crossing Tolls 15 June 2018
CB(4)1145/17-18(03) Press release by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 15 June 2018
CB(4)1145/17-18(02) Western Harbour Tunnel Company's background brief 15 June 2018
CB(4)1461/17-18(01) Letter from the Administration providing financial information in regard to the Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 1 August 2018*

Year 2016 - 2017

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(4)1273/15-16(01) Administration's information paper on Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 18 November 2016
CB(4)52/16-17(02) Net Revenue Statement for 2015-2016 submitted by Route 3 (Country Park Section) Company Limited 18 November 2016
CB(4)52/16-17(01) Net Revenue Statement for 2015-2016 submitted by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 18 November 2016
CB(4)355/16-17(04) Administration's information paper on Tai Lam Tunnel and Yuen Long Approach Road Tolls 20 January 2017
CB(4)355/16-17(01) Administration's information paper on Western Harbour Crossing Tolls 20 January 2017
CB(4)355/16-17(05) Letter from Route 3 (CPS) Company Limited with a press release 20 January 2017
CB(4)355/16-17(03) Press release by Western Harbour Tunnel Company Limited 20 January 2017
CB(4)355/16-17(02) Western Harbour Tunnel Company's background brief 20 January 2017
CB(4)1021/16-17(07) Administration's paper on takeover arrangements of Tate's Cairn Tunnel 19 May 2017
CB(4)1441/16-17(01) Administration's supplementary information on the Legislative amendments relating to the Government's takeover of Tate's Cairn Tunnel (follow-up paper) 19 May 2017
CB(4)1066/16-17(01) Motion passed under the agenda item of "Legislative amendments relating to the Government's takeover of Tate's Cairn Tunnel" at the meeting on 19 May 2017 19 May 2017
• Administration's response to the motion passed under the agenda item of "Legislative amendments relating to the Government's takeover of Tate's Cairn Tunnel" at the meeting on 19 May 2017 as set out in LC Paper No. CB(4)1066/16-17(01)
19 May 2017
CB(4)1021/16-17(08) Paper on the Tate's Cairn Tunnel and the Government's takeover arrangements for Build-Operate-Transfer tunnels prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 19 May 2017
CB(4)1409/16-17(01) Administration's paper on legislative amendments to include three new toll-free tunnels as government tunnels 21 July 2017
CB(4)1409/16-17(02) Paper on Central-Wan Chai Bypass Tunnel, Lung Shan Tunnel and Cheung Shan Tunnel prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 21 July 2017
CB(4)1487/16-17(01) Administration's information paper on Western Harbour Crossing (English version only) 31 July 2017*

* Issue date