為認知障礙症長者提供的護理服務 |
主題: | 衞生事務、精神健康 |
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1. | Census and Statistics Department (2017).
2. | Food and Health Bureau. (2016) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2016-17.
3. | GovHK. (2015) Press Releases: LCQ 16 - Dementia.
4. | Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association. (undated) Supportive Environment for Elderly with Dementia - Needs & Challenges in Caring of Elderly with Dementia.
5. | Hospital Authority. (2016) Pilot Scheme on Dementia Community Support Services for the Elderly.
6. | Hospital Authority. (2017) Dementia.
7. | Labour and Welfare Bureau. (2016) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2016-17.
8. | Labour and Welfare Bureau et al. (2016) Provision of Services for Elderly Persons with Special Needs.
9. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2014) Report of Joint Subcommittee on Long-term Care Policy. LC Paper No. CB(2)2154/13-14(01) Annex I.
10. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2016) Provision of services for elderly persons with special needs. LC Paper No. CB(2)1336/15-16(02).
11. | Social Welfare Department (2017).
12. | University of Hong Kong. (2015) Elderly Services Programme Plan - Report on Scoping Stage.
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14. | Yu, R. et al. (2012) Trends in Prevalence and Mortality of Dementia in Elderly Hong Kong Population: Projections, Disease Burden, and Implications for Long-Term Care. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. 2012, pp. 1-6.
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15. | Alzheimer's Society. (2014) Dementia UK Update.
16. | Department of Health. (2016a) Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia 2020 - Implementation Plan.
17. | Department of Health. (2016b) Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia 2020 - Implementation Plan Annex 2: Roadmaps to 2020 Delivery.
18. | Gov.UK. (2015) 2010 to 2015 government policy: dementia.
19. | Hotta, S. (2015) National and Local Dementia Strategy in Japan: Living with Dementia in the Community.
20. | House of Commons Library. (2016) Dementia: policy, services and statistics.
21. | Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. (2014) Global Dementia Legacy Event Japan.
22. | Nakanishi, M. & Nakashima, T. (2014) Features of the Japanese national dementia strategy in comparison with international dementia policies: How should a national dementia policy interact with the public health- and social-care systems? Alzheimer's & Dementia, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 468-476.
23. | The Japan Times. (2015) New dementia strategy to cope with projected rise in cases.
24. | World Health Organization. (2012) Dementia - A Public Health Priority.
25. | World Health Organization. (2016) Dementia - Fact sheet.
26. | 厚生労働省:《認知症施策推進総合戦略 - 認知症高齢者等にやさしい地域づくりに向けて(新オレンジプラン)について》,2015年。 |