接種季節性流感疫苗 |
主題: | 衞生事務、疾病預防 |
(a) | 50歲至未滿65歲領取綜合社會保障援助("綜援")或持有由社會福利署簽發的有效醫療費用減免證明書("證明書")的人士;
(b) | 領取綜援或持有有效證明書的孕婦;
(c) | 6個月至未滿12歲來自綜援家庭或持有有效證明書的兒童;及
(d) | 65歲及以上的長者。
總人口 | 兒童 | 65歲及以上長者 | |
香港 | 9.2% | 17.4% (6個月至未滿12歲) | 40.8% |
台灣(2) | 25.0% | 47.9% (6個月至未滿6歲) 75.1% (6歲至18歲) | 49.2%(3) |
英格蘭(4) | 未有資料 | 34.5% (2歲至未滿5歲) 54.9% (5歲至未滿8歲) | 70.5% |
美國(5) | 46.8% (6個月及以上) | 70.0% (6個月至4歲) | 65.3% |
註: | (1) | 香港、台灣和英格蘭的數字指在各地政府推行的季節性流感疫苗接種計劃下,個別人口組別的疫苗接種覆蓋率。數字不包括自費在私人市場接種疫苗的人士。 |
(2) | 在台灣,2016-2017年度疫苗接種計劃推行安排如下:6個月至未滿6歲的兒童在衞生所或合約診所接種疫苗,6至18歲的兒童/青少年則在學校接種疫苗。 | |
(3) | 數字包括在安老院舍工作的照顧工作人員。 | |
(4) | 在英格蘭,2016-2017年度兒童疫苗接種計劃推行安排如下:2歲至未滿5歲的兒童在普通科診所接種疫苗,5歲至未滿8歲的兒童則在學校接種疫苗。 | |
(5) | 數字包括在公營及私營醫療機構接種疫苗的人士。 |
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1. | Centre for Health Protection. (2017) Seasonal Influenza.
2. | Centre for Health Protection. (2018a) Flu Express.
3. | Centre for Health Protection. (2018b) Seasonal Influenza Vaccine.
4. | Food and Health Bureau. (2016) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2016-17.
5. | Food and Health Bureau. (2017) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2017-18.
6. | Food and Health Bureau. (2018) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2018-19.
7. | Food and Health Bureau et al. (2017) Preparation for Winter Surge. LC Paper No. CB(2)296/17-18(04).
8. | Food and Health Bureau et al. (2018) Response Measures for Seasonal Influenza. LC Paper No. CB(2)1022/17-18(07).
9. | GovHK. (2018a) Press Releases: LCQ2 – Seasonal influenza vaccination.
10. | GovHK. (2018b) Press Releases: LCQ22 – Influenza surges.
11. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2018) Measures for the prevention and control of seasonal influenza. LC Paper No. CB(2)1022/17-18(08).
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12. | Bach, A. and Goad, J. (2015) The role of community pharmacy-based vaccination in the USA: current practice and future directions.
13. | British Journal of General Practice. (2016) Editorials – Influenza vaccination in the UK and across Europe.
14. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States. (2009) Questions & Answers: 2009 H1N1 Nasal Spray Vaccine.
15. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States. (2017a) Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination in the United States.
16. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States. (2017b) 2016-17 Influenza Season Vaccination Coverage Dashboard.
17. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States. (2017c) Flu Vaccination Coverage, United States, 2016-17 Influenza Season.
18. | CNN. (2017) CDC panel again advises against FluMist.
19. | Dexter, L. J. et al. (undated) Increasing influenza immunisation.
20. | Gov.UK. (2017) Nasal spray effective at protecting vaccinated children from flu.
21. | Gov.UK. (2018) Vaccine uptake guidance and the latest coverage data.
22. | International Pharmaceutical Federation. (2016) An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunization ─ A global report 2016.
23. | National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. (2012) Improving Childhood Influenza Immunization Rates.
24. | National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. (2015) Flu Care in Day Care: The Impact of Vaccination Requirements.
25. | NHS Choices. (2016) Vaccinations ─ Children's flu vaccine.
26. | Penn State College of Medicine News. (2017) Flu vaccine rates in children may drop when the nasal spray vaccine is unavailable.
27. | Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee. (2018) Flu Vaccination Service.
28. | Public Health England. (2016) Effectiveness of LAIV in children in the UK.
29. | Time. (2018) The Nasal Flu Vaccine is Set to Come Back Next Year. Here's What to Know About It.
30. | WebMD. (2018) Immunizations ─ Flu Shot or Nasal Spray.
31. | World Health Organization. (2017) Media centre: Up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year.
32. | World Health Organization. (2018) Media centre: Influenza (Seasonal) – Fact sheet.
33. | 衛生福利部疾病管制署:《106年度流感疫苗接種計畫》,2017年。
34. | 衛生福利部疾病管制署:《流感併發重症》,2018年。