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主題: 福利事務、虐待兒童、強制通報、保護兒童




  • 為及早辨識虐兒個案,社會上有建議指本港應推行強制通報制度。然而,有意見關注到這或會涉及額外資源,以作篩選及調查因而增加的個案,並為受害人提供跟進支援服務。
  • 澳洲的某些專業人士(例如教師及醫生),被列為懷疑虐兒個案的強制通報者,可獲法律保障,而其身份亦會獲得保密。通報者如未有履行責任,可被罰款甚至監禁。儘管涉及額外資源,澳洲的強制通報制度被認為可及早辨識虐兒個案,並提高社會的保護兒童意識。



1.根據社署指引,虐兒的定義是"對18歲以下人士作出或不作出某行為以致兒童身/心健康發展受危害或損害"。請參閱Social Welfare Department (2020a)及Child Fatality Review Panel (2019)。



4.Office of the Ombudsman (2019)。

5.2019年12月9日,福利事務委員會曾討論張超雄議員提出有關實施虐兒強制性通報機制及禁止體罰的議員條例草案。2020年7月14日,立法會主席裁定有關條例草案會對政府"現有工作流程帶來重大改變",因此根據立法會《議事規則》第51(3)條,裁定該條例草案不可向立法會提出。請參閱Legislative Council (2020)。

6.International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (2018)。

7.World Health Organization (2006)及Mathews, B. et al. (2007)。

8.2018年6月,高等法院就一名7歲女童受虐成為植物人的案件頒下判決時表示,第212章所訂現行10年的最高監禁罰則應予提高,以涵蓋案情嚴重的案件。請參閱Reform Commission of Hong Kong (2019)。

9.Legislative Council (2018)。

10.《處理虐待兒童個案程序指引》最初在1981年發布,其後分別在1993年、1998年、2007年、2015年及2020年先後5次更新。請參閱Social Welfare Department (2020b)。

11.Social Welfare Department (2020a)。

12.Leung, P.W.S. et al. (2010)。


14.Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong (2019)。

15.以本港法律角度而言,父母對子女進行溫和體罰(例如打手板或罰企一會)只會視為"教養問題",而非虐待。請參閱Legislative Council (2019)。

16.Trocme, N. and Bala, N. (2005)。

17.一名立法會議員回應指政府的開支估算"並無需要,亦屬明顯誇大"。請參閱Legislative Council (2020)。

18.Leung, P.W.S. et al. (2010)。

19.Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020)。

20.Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2000及2020)。



23.以新南威爾斯為例,該省政府在2018年6月修訂法例,將"持續性虐待兒童"罪行的最高刑罰由25年監禁提高至終身監禁。同樣地,昆士蘭議會在2019年5月通過法例修訂,將"沒有提供必需品"罪行的最高刑罰由3年監禁提高至7年監禁。請參閱New South Wales Government (2018)及Queensland Government (2019)。

24.Council of Australian Governments (2009)及Department of Social Services (2018)。

25.Mathews, B. (2014)。

26.新南威爾斯過往的最高罰款為22,000澳元(122,760港元),但其後在2008年因應兒童保護服務特別調查委員會的建議而撤銷。請參閱Mathews, B. (2014)。

27.Family Court of Australia (2016)。

28.Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2000及2020)。

29.Australian Institute of Family Studies (2017)。

30.Productivity Commission (2020)。

31.Mathews, B. and Bross, D.C. (2007)。



1.Child Fatality Review Panel. (2019) Child Fatality Review Panel Fourth Report (for child death cases in Hong Kong in 2014 and 2015).

2.GovHK. (2018) LCQ11: Child abuse cases.

3.Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong. (2019) Consultation Paper: Causing or Allowing the Death or Serious Harm of a Child or Vulnerable Adult.

4.Legislative Council. (2018) Panel on Welfare Services: Minutes of special meeting held on Friday, 19 January 2018, at 9:30 am in Conference Room 2 of the Legislative Council Complex.

5.Legislative Council. (2019) Panel on Welfare Services: Minutes of meeting held on Monday, 9 December 2019, at 10:45 am in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Complex.

6.Legislative Council. (2020) President's ruling on the Protection of Children Legislation (Amendments) Bill 2020 intended to be presented by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG.

7.Leung, P.W.S. et al. (2010) Attitudes and child abuse reporting behaviours among Hong Kong GPs.

8.Office of the Ombudsman. (2019) Direct Investigation Report: Mechanism for Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse Cases.

9.Social Welfare Department. (2020a) Child Protection Registry Statistical Report 2019.

10.Social Welfare Department. (2020b) Protecting Children from Maltreatment - Procedural Guide for Multi-disciplinary Co-operation.

11.University of Hong Kong. (2005) Study on Child Abuse and Spouse Battering: Report on findings of Household Survey.


13.《回應立法會福利事務委員會臨時特別會議 【從虐兒案看兒童保護政策和程序】》,《防止虐待兒童會》,2018年1月15日。

14.《每日3宗虐兒 回歸後新高 施虐者六成是親生父母 團體指官方低估》,《蘋果日報》,2019年2月24日。

15.《防止虐待兒童會上年度接198宗懷疑虐兒個案 逾六成懷疑施虐者為家人》,《明報》,2017年11月16日。

16.《【虐兒系列之四】雷張慎佳批政府講一套做一套 「無方向、無方法、無政策、無對策」》,《眾新聞》,2018年2月9日。

17.李明生(2018年9月8日):應對虐兒 預防勝於治療,《香港商報》。




20.Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2020) Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2019.

21.Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2017) Corporal punishment: Key issues.

22.Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2020) Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect.

23.Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2000) Child protection Australia 1998-99.

24.Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020) Child protection Australia 2018-19.

25.Council of Australian Governments. (2009) Protecting Children is Everyone's Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009-2020.

26.Department of Social Services. (2018) Fourth Action Plan 2018-2020: Supporting families, communities and organisations to keep children safe.

27.Family Court of Australia. (2016) Child abuse allegations.

28.Federal Register of Legislation. (2016) Family Law Act 1975.

29.Higgins, D. J. (2007) Cooperation and coordination: An evaluation of the Family Court of Australia's Magellan case-management model.

30.Mathews, B. (2014) Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse in Australia: A legislative history.

31.Mathews, B. and Bross, D.C. (2007) Mandated reporting is still a policy with reason: Empirical evidence and philosophical grounds.

32.Mathews, B. et al. (2015) Child Abuse And Neglect: A Socio-legal Study of Mandatory Reporting in Australia.

33.New South Wales Government. (2018) New legislation to strengthen child sexual abuse laws.

34.Productivity Commission. (2020) Report on Government Services 2020 – SECTION 16: Child protection services.

35.Queensland Government. (2019) Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019.


36.International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. (2018) World Perspectives on Child Abuse 2018.

37.Petherick, W. (2019) False Reports in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases.

38.Trocme, N. and Bala, N. (2005) False allegations of abuse and neglect when parents separate.

39.World Health Organization. (2006) Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence.
