強制通報懷疑虐待兒童個案 |
主題: | 福利事務、虐待兒童、強制通報、保護兒童 |
(a) | 選定專業人士的通報責任:概括而言,最少4類與兒童有較直接接觸的澳洲專業人士被指定為"強制通報者",包括(i)教師;(ii)警員;(iii)醫生;及(iv)護士。在某些省地,通報者亦包括社工,而北領地甚至將強制通報責任擴及全體民眾;
(b) | 強制通報適用的虐待範疇:澳洲各省地均將"身體虐待"及"性虐待"列為必須通報事項,另有5個省份亦將"情緒虐待及忽略"列入其中。通報者如"有合理理由"相信已知及懷疑虐待個案會對兒童造成"重大傷害",便須作出通報;
(c) | 通報者的法律保障:為了保護通報者,澳洲會將其身份保密。此外,通報者如出於善意作出通報,可免受任何民事及刑事法律檢控,亦可在工作崗位免受不利後果的影響。類似保障亦適用於自願通報者;
(d) | 不作通報的罰則:除了新南威爾斯外,澳洲各地的專業人士如未有履行通報責任,可被處以罰款,最高罰款介乎維多利亞的1,410澳元(7,860港元),至北領地的26,000澳元(145,080港元)。26註釋符號代表新南威爾斯過往的最高罰款為22,000澳元(122,760港元),但其後在2008年因應兒童保護服務特別調查委員會的建議而撤銷。請參閱Mathews, B. (2014)。 在澳洲首都領地,違例者同時更可被監禁最多6個月。整體而言,以上罰則普遍能有效鼓勵作出通報;
(e) | 通報渠道:各省政府轄下的所有保護兒童部門均設有24小時虐兒通報專線。通報者須向保護兒童主任提供懷疑個案的細節(例如描述虐待情況、受害人的家庭歷史及有關兒童面對的風險);
(f) | 跟進行動:保護兒童主任會按通報資訊,調查達至危害兒童風險門檻的個案。當局會就屬實個案,提供範圍廣泛的家庭支援服務。如受虐兒童在現有家庭環境被認為不安全,保護兒童部門或會採取最後手段,進一步作出干預。2019年,當局基於安全考慮,就虐兒屬實個案中涉及的四分之一兒童,發出照顧及保護令,並提供家居以外的照顧服務;及
(g) | 為受虐兒童提供法律支援:對於涉及嚴重身體及性虐待的法律案件,澳洲各地家事法庭在2003年7月推出特快計劃,將審訊時間加快至6個月內完成。當地會安排同一法官負責整個審訊程序,受害人可獲委派獨立律師代表,而法律援助費用則不設上限。27註釋符號代表Family Court of Australia (2016)。 |
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1. | Child Fatality Review Panel. (2019) Child Fatality Review Panel Fourth Report (for child death cases in Hong Kong in 2014 and 2015).
2. | GovHK. (2018) LCQ11: Child abuse cases.
3. | Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong. (2019) Consultation Paper: Causing or Allowing the Death or Serious Harm of a Child or Vulnerable Adult.
4. | Legislative Council. (2018) Panel on Welfare Services: Minutes of special meeting held on Friday, 19 January 2018, at 9:30 am in Conference Room 2 of the Legislative Council Complex.
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16. | 《【虐兒系列之四】雷張慎佳批政府講一套做一套 「無方向、無方法、無政策、無對策」》,《眾新聞》,2018年2月9日。
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20. | Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2020) Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2019.
21. | Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2017) Corporal punishment: Key issues.
22. | Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2020) Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect.
23. | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2000) Child protection Australia 1998-99.
24. | Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020) Child protection Australia 2018-19.
25. | Council of Australian Governments. (2009) Protecting Children is Everyone's Business: National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2009-2020.
26. | Department of Social Services. (2018) Fourth Action Plan 2018-2020: Supporting families, communities and organisations to keep children safe.
27. | Family Court of Australia. (2016) Child abuse allegations.
28. | Federal Register of Legislation. (2016) Family Law Act 1975.
29. | Higgins, D. J. (2007) Cooperation and coordination: An evaluation of the Family Court of Australia's Magellan case-management model.
30. | Mathews, B. (2014) Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse in Australia: A legislative history.
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33. | New South Wales Government. (2018) New legislation to strengthen child sexual abuse laws.
34. | Productivity Commission. (2020) Report on Government Services 2020 – SECTION 16: Child protection services.
35. | Queensland Government. (2019) Criminal Code and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019.
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36. | International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. (2018) World Perspectives on Child Abuse 2018.
37. | Petherick, W. (2019) False Reports in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases.
38. | Trocme, N. and Bala, N. (2005) False allegations of abuse and neglect when parents separate.
39. | World Health Organization. (2006) Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence.