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主題: 衞生事務、精神健康




  • 根據聯合國的資料顯示,年輕人在是次危機當中出現精神健康問題的風險較高。為讓教師掌握更多關乎精神健康的知識和技巧,英格蘭推出了名為"安心返校"(Wellbeing for Education Return)的全國計劃,以便在學生於2020年9月復課後提供支援。在該計劃下,(a)政府為學校制訂一套培訓教材,特別着重對疫情爆發的情緒反應;(b)政府向地方當局提供額外撥款,聘請精神健康護理專家為學校編訂校本教材,及為學校提供意見/支援,為期6個月;以及(c)規定每所學校須提名一名教職員接受培訓,負責統籌校內的精神健康推廣工作。20註釋符號代表請參閱GovUK (2020b) 及SESLIP (2020)。 自2020年9月起,精神健康教育是所有中小學的必修科目,21註釋符號代表精神健康教育是健康教育課程的其中一部分。請參閱GovUK (2020c)。 而"安心返校"計劃有助補充新課程的內容。
  • 在2019冠狀病毒病疫情期間,醫護人員處於為社會提供醫療支援的最前線,不但承受沉重的工作壓力,更面對感染風險。有見及此,國民保健署擴展其輔導服務,不但主動提供外展評估服務,以收預防之效,22註釋符號代表請參閱NHS (2020c)。 更致力改善員工福利,包括提供彈性工作安排、免費泊車、茶水間免費提供飲品等,以維持員工士氣。除醫護人員外,疫情亦可能對其他界別的員工造成精神問題,尤其是在各行業廣泛採用在家工作安排的情況下,員工面對的精神困擾更甚。在英格蘭西部,當地政府推出"奮力工作"(Thrive at Work)計劃,為不同層級的員工提供職場支援。舉例而言,為中小型企業(即員工人數不超過250人的企業)的管理人員提供精神健康管理技巧培訓,同時為一般員工提供認識自殺先兆培訓,鼓勵同事之間互相照應。23註釋符號代表請參閱The West of England (2020b)。




  • 精神健康是身心健康其中一個不可或缺的組成部分。隨着2019冠狀病毒病疫情爆發,各地都必須加強支援精神健康服務,以應對公眾精神健康危機。在疫情下,香港市民的精神健康亦有惡化跡象。就此,政府邀請若干非政府組織為市民提供免費服務,並推出"陪我講Shall We Talk"計劃。以精神健康護理創新者稱著的英國,採用積極的全社會方針應對公眾精神健康問題。英國一方面針對不同的目標群組,例如學生、醫務人員等,推出額外的支援措施,另一方面則透過提供精神健康急救培訓等方式,協助社區及早發現潛在的精神健康問題。當局亦建立了數碼平台,讓民眾能夠在專業人士的監察下抒發感受,並因應2019冠狀病毒病可能產生的長遠影響,增加人手支援。這些措施或可供香港在制訂緩減市民焦慮和抑鬱情緒的策略時作參考。



1.請參閱WHO (2018)。

2.根據世界衞生組織在2020年6月至8月進行的一項調查,在全球130個接受調查的國家中,93%國家所提供的重要精神健康服務受到2019冠狀病毒病的影響。請參閱WHO (2020)。

3.請參閱the United Nations (2020)。


5."精神健康月"由勞工及福利局聯同多個政策局/部門、公營機構及非政府機構合辦,而該委員會的宗旨,是加深公眾對精神健康的認識。在社會事件發生後,該委員會於2020年年初進行了多一次調查。請參閱GovHK (2019a),SCMP (2020) 及The Standard (2020)。

6.請參閱OECD (2012)。

7.舉例而言,英格蘭2016年的自殺率為每10萬人7.3宗,低於澳洲(12.1宗)、美國(14.0宗)和韓國(24.6宗)。請參閱OECD (2019)。

8.請參閱Legislative Council Secretariat (2020)。

9.請參閱Food and Health Bureau (2020b) 及Legislative Council Secretariat (2020)。

10.請參閱Food and Health Bureau (2020c)。

11.請參閱Education Bureau (2020)。

12.請參閱Legislative Council Secretariat (2020)。

13.申訴專員公署在檢視社署的精神健康服務時,建議加強社區支援服務,例如加強與社區內其他服務機構合作。請參閱Office of The Ombudsman (2018)。




17.請參閱2020 Policy Address (2020)。

18.當地設有醫療服務機構委託小組(Clinical commissioning groups)(由全科醫生組成的小組),負責在地方層面委託機構提供精神健康護理服務。請參閱NHS (Undated) Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)。

19.請參閱NHS (Undated) NHS Mental Health Dashboard。

20.請參閱GovUK (2020b) 及SESLIP (2020)。

21.精神健康教育是健康教育課程的其中一部分。請參閱GovUK (2020c)。

22.請參閱NHS (2020c)。

23.請參閱The West of England (2020b)。

24.請參閱GovUK (2020a)。

25.請參閱NHS (2020d)。

26.他們一般經警方及/或醫護人員的轉介,以提供支援。請參閱GovUK (2019)。

27.當地居民必須以郵遞區號和電郵地址註冊才能進入該平台。請參閱Shropshire Council (2020)。

28.若發現有人在平台上有某些異常行為(例如使用極端措辭),專業人員會隨即作出回應,並會提升支援級別。請參閱Togetherall (2020)。

29.請參閱GovUK (2020e)。

30.請參閱Mind (2020)。

31.平均而言,他們會在3個月內與病人見面約6至12次(視其需要而定)。請參閱NHS (Undated) Social prescribing - frequently asked questions。

32.請參閱NHS (2020b)。



1.2020 Policy Address. (2020).

2.Advisory Committee on Mental Health. (2020) Shall We Talk.

3.Education Bureau. (2020) Learning the lesson of "Happiness".

4.Food and Health Bureau. (2020a) Enhancement of Mental Health Services. LC Paper No. CB(2)468/19-20(03).

5.Food and Health Bureau. (2020b) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-21.

6.Food and Health Bureau. (2020c) Speaking Note for the Secretary for Food and Health at the Special Meeting of the Finance Committee on 8 April 2020.

7.GovHK. (2019a) 2019 Mental Health Month promotes individual mental health.

8.GovHK. (2019b) LCQ4: Mental health services.

9.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2020) Mental health policy and services. Updated background brief submitted to the Panel on Health Services of the Legislative Council. LC Paper No. CB(2)468/19-20(04).

10.Office of The Ombudsman. (2018) The Investigation Report on the support services provided by the Social Welfare Department for persons with or suspected to have mental health problems and their families/carers and neighbours.

11.RTHK. (2020) SAR's mental health is suffering, says HKU professor. 7 August.

12.SCMP. (2020) Hong Kong's mental health hits new low in survey listing Covid-19 pandemic and social turmoil as likely factors. 9 September.

13.The Standard. (2020) Epidemic, social unrest worsens mental health in HK. 9 September.




17.《【精神健康】社交平台 可提高市民關注精神健康?》,《經濟日報》,2020年10月14日。


18.GovUK. (2019) Suicide bereavement support to be made available across England.

19.GovUK. (2020a) £5 million for social prescribing to tackle the impact of COVID-19.

20.GovUK. (2020b) £8m programme to boost pupil and teacher wellbeing.

21.GovUK. (2020c) Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers.

22.GovUK. (2020d) New recruitment drive to help 10,000 people with serious mental illness.

23.GovUK. (2020e) Surveillance report of mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19.

24.House of Commons Library. (2020a) Mental health policy in England.

25.House of Commons Library. (2020b) Mental health support for frontline staff.

26.Mind. (2020) Mental health charity Mind urges Government to support people with mental health problems during second lockdown.

27.NHS. (2019) NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan 2019/20 - 2023/24.

28.NHS. (2020a) NHS launches mental health hotline for staff tackling COVID-19.

29.NHS. (2020b) NHS recruitment drive to help tackle loneliness and improve lives.

30.NHS. (2020c) NHS strengthens mental health support for staff.

31.NHS. (2020d) Training for barbers to spot warning signs of mental health problems.

32.NHS. (Undated) Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).

33.NHS. (Undated) NHS Mental Health Dashboard.

34.NHS. (Undated) Social prescribing - frequently asked questions.

35.OECD. (2012) One of the most innovative mental health systems in the OECD, spending cuts in the UK risk undermining progress.

36.OECD. (2019) Suicide rates.

37.SESLIP. (2020) Wellbeing for Education Return - Delivery Pack for Local Authorities.

38.Shropshire Council. (2020) Council launches new online community platform to support people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.

39.The West of England. (2020a) New support to help improve mental health and wellbeing for businesses and their staff.

40.The West of England. (2020b) Thrive at Work West of England.

41.Togetherall. (2020).


42.The United Nations. (2007) Suicide Rate - proxy for the prevalence of mental health disorders.

43.The United Nations. (2020) Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the Need for Action on Mental Health.

44.WHO. (2018) Mental health: strengthening our response.

45.WHO. (2020) COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey.
