在2019冠狀病毒病疫情下推廣精神健康的措施 |
主題: | 衞生事務、精神健康 |
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1. | 2020 Policy Address. (2020).
2. | Advisory Committee on Mental Health. (2020) Shall We Talk.
3. | Education Bureau. (2020) Learning the lesson of "Happiness".
4. | Food and Health Bureau. (2020a) Enhancement of Mental Health Services. LC Paper No. CB(2)468/19-20(03).
5. | Food and Health Bureau. (2020b) Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2020-21.
6. | Food and Health Bureau. (2020c) Speaking Note for the Secretary for Food and Health at the Special Meeting of the Finance Committee on 8 April 2020.
7. | GovHK. (2019a) 2019 Mental Health Month promotes individual mental health.
8. | GovHK. (2019b) LCQ4: Mental health services.
9. | Legislative Council Secretariat. (2020) Mental health policy and services. Updated background brief submitted to the Panel on Health Services of the Legislative Council. LC Paper No. CB(2)468/19-20(04).
10. | Office of The Ombudsman. (2018) The Investigation Report on the support services provided by the Social Welfare Department for persons with or suspected to have mental health problems and their families/carers and neighbours.
11. | RTHK. (2020) SAR's mental health is suffering, says HKU professor. 7 August.
12. | SCMP. (2020) Hong Kong's mental health hits new low in survey listing Covid-19 pandemic and social turmoil as likely factors. 9 September.
13. | The Standard. (2020) Epidemic, social unrest worsens mental health in HK. 9 September.
14. | 香港大學:《港大醫學院精神醫學記者會-重點回顧》,2020年。
15. | 《【財政預算案】精神健康需要政府投放資源》,《香港01》,2020年2月28日。
16. | 團結香港基金:《從疫潮反思基層醫療在精神健康範疇的角色》,2020年。
17. | 《【精神健康】社交平台 可提高市民關注精神健康?》,《經濟日報》,2020年10月14日。
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18. | GovUK. (2019) Suicide bereavement support to be made available across England.
19. | GovUK. (2020a) £5 million for social prescribing to tackle the impact of COVID-19.
20. | GovUK. (2020b) £8m programme to boost pupil and teacher wellbeing.
21. | GovUK. (2020c) Extra mental health support for pupils and teachers.
22. | GovUK. (2020d) New recruitment drive to help 10,000 people with serious mental illness.
23. | GovUK. (2020e) Surveillance report of mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19.
24. | House of Commons Library. (2020a) Mental health policy in England.
25. | House of Commons Library. (2020b) Mental health support for frontline staff.
26. | Mind. (2020) Mental health charity Mind urges Government to support people with mental health problems during second lockdown.
27. | NHS. (2019) NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan 2019/20 - 2023/24.
28. | NHS. (2020a) NHS launches mental health hotline for staff tackling COVID-19.
29. | NHS. (2020b) NHS recruitment drive to help tackle loneliness and improve lives.
30. | NHS. (2020c) NHS strengthens mental health support for staff.
31. | NHS. (2020d) Training for barbers to spot warning signs of mental health problems.
32. | NHS. (Undated) Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).
33. | NHS. (Undated) NHS Mental Health Dashboard.
34. | NHS. (Undated) Social prescribing - frequently asked questions.
35. | OECD. (2012) One of the most innovative mental health systems in the OECD, spending cuts in the UK risk undermining progress.
36. | OECD. (2019) Suicide rates.
37. | SESLIP. (2020) Wellbeing for Education Return - Delivery Pack for Local Authorities.
38. | Shropshire Council. (2020) Council launches new online community platform to support people's mental health and emotional wellbeing.
39. | The West of England. (2020a) New support to help improve mental health and wellbeing for businesses and their staff.
40. | The West of England. (2020b) Thrive at Work West of England.
41. | Togetherall. (2020).
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42. | The United Nations. (2007) Suicide Rate - proxy for the prevalence of mental health disorders.
43. | The United Nations. (2020) Policy Brief: COVID-19 and the Need for Action on Mental Health.
44. | WHO. (2018) Mental health: strengthening our response.
45. | WHO. (2020) COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey.