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Council Meetings (Questions)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013

Questions(Year 2015 - 2016)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 14.10.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Charles Peter MOKHire car permitsReply
Q. 2
Hon WU Chi-waiFuture development of Lantau IslandReply
Q. 3
Hon James TORegulations under the Mass Transit Railway bylawsReply
Q. 4
Hon Jeffrey LAMDevelopment of Lantau Island and East Lantau MetropolisReply
Q. 5
Hon POON Siu-pingImpact of economic downturn on employeesReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Kwok-hingCollection of enrolment deposits and tuition fees for self-financing post-secondary programmesReply
Q. 7
Hon IP Kin-yuenInstallation of air-conditioning systems for schoolsReply
Q. 8
Hon Paul TSEHandling of complaints about water seepage in buildingsReply
Q. 9
Hon Frankie YICKPhasing out pre-Euro diesel commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 10
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokRegulation of unmanned aircraft systemsReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGReplacement and rehabilitation of aged water mainsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to prevent youth suicideReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungStray dogsReply
Q. 14
Hon Kenneth LEUNGEnforcement of the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance 2013Reply
Q. 15
Hon Gary FANPublic healthcare servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon WONG Yuk-manSafety of lifts and escalators in public places and public housing estatesReply
Q. 17
Hon YIU Si-wingBaggage delivery service of the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGRegulation of vehicle emissionsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANAccountable Operating Expenses Reimbursement for members of the District CouncilsReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAURetail prices of auto-fuelReply
Q. 21
Hon CHAN Han-panRegulation of health food products containing Chinese medicinesReply
Q. 22
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungUse of unmanned aircraft systems for photography purposeReply

Council meeting on 28.10.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Paul TSEPreventing abuse of the mechanism for making non-refoulement claimsReply
Q. 2
Hon Michael TIENHandling of complaints about water dripping from air-conditionersReply
Q. 3
Hon TANG Ka-piuAbolition of the arrangement for offsetting severance payments and long service paymentsReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATOrgan donationReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Han-panSolicitation on the streets by sex workersReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGEnhancing the quality of coastal waters of Victoria HarbourReply
Q. 7
Hon Steven HOFire safety at typhoon shelters and sea baysReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Hak-kanAnimal abandonmentReply
Q. 9
Hon WU Chi-waiThe arrangement for offsetting severance payments and long service payments with the accrued benefits of Mandatory Provident Fund schemesReply
Q. 10
Hon Charles Peter MOKDisconnection of telephone calls by telecommunication services providersReply
Q. 11
Hon Alice MAKInternet access services for residents in remote areasReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kwok-himStatistics about non-refoulement claimsReply
Q. 13
Hon James TIENFunds outside the accounts of the GovernmentReply
Q. 14
Hon WONG Ting-kwongDevelopment of the film industryReply
Q. 15
Prof Hon Joseph LEENursing manpower in public hospitalsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauSafety of drinking waterReply
Q. 17
Hon MA Fung-kwokImpact of the delay in handover of sites on the West Kowloon Cultural District projectReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiLaw enforcement on the sale of drugsReply
Q. 19
Hon Claudia MOStreet posting boxes bearing British crown and royal cypher engravingsReply
Q. 20
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRecycling of waste plasticsReply
Q. 21
Hon IP Kin-yuenTermination of employment of teachers by aided schoolsReply
Q. 22
Hon Kenneth LEUNGCharging facilities for electric vehiclesReply

Council meeting on 04.11.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Yuk-manNew Air Traffic Control SystemReply
Q. 2
Hon Frederick FUNGHong Kong's accession to the Trans-Pacific PartnershipReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANTerritory-wide System AssessmentReply
Q. 4
Hon Kenneth LEUNGTsim Sha Tsui Waterfront Revitalization PlanReply
Q. 5
Hon Gary FANThe Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link projectReply
Q. 6
Hon Cyd HOHonouring the pledges relating to employee benefits in the election manifesto of the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiIncidents of excessive lead content in drinking waterReply
Q. 8
Hon TANG Ka-piuPersonal safety of drivers of passenger vehiclesReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGExempting electric vehicles from the payment of first registration taxReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungEnforcement of the Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
Hon Tony TSEProvision of charged services for private activities by the PoliceReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Hak-kanWi-Fi network servicesReply
Q. 13
Hon WU Chi-waiRelationships between housing policies and income distribution of householdsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATSafety issues of goods vehicles conveying goodsReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAURegulation of employment agencies placing foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 16
Hon Steven HOPrices of products and services of oil-related businessesReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungThe Hong Kong Police Facebook PageReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSERationalization of tourism-related bodiesReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiPrivate patients of public hospitalsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauService statistics of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 21
Hon Alice MAKTreatment of patients suffering from psoriasisReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Han-panSupply of and demand for parking spacesReply

Council meeting on 11.11.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungProvision of public marketsReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Kwok-himThe World Health Organization's evaluation report on the carcinogenicity of the consumption of processed meat and red meatReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiUsing Facebook pages as a communication toolReply
Q. 4
Hon Alice MAKUnscrupulous business practices of financial intermediariesReply
Q. 5
Hon TAM Yiu-chungEmergency closure of Kap Shui Mun BridgeReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Ting-kwongPromoting the concept of "one country, two systems"Reply
Q. 7
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanRefund of Air Passenger Departure TaxReply
Q. 8
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-chePilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the ElderlyReply
Q. 9
Hon Starry LEERegulation of inbound mainland tour groupsReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanRedevelopment of the former St. Joseph's Home for the Aged and conservation of its historic buildingsReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHUNGMentally ill patients with a propensity to violenceReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANVenue for the Hong Kong versus China FIFA World Cup qualification matchReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNGPromotion of healthy dietary cultureReply
Q. 14
Prof Hon Joseph LEEServices provided for children with developmental or behavioural disordersReply
Q. 15
Hon Charles Peter MOKEmployment of information technology staff by the GovernmentReply
Q. 16
Hon Gary FANMTR fares for studentsReply
Q. 17
Hon TANG Ka-piuRegulation of acts related to asbestos and sbestos-containing materialsReply
Q. 18
Hon MA Fung-kwokRegulation of the use of industrial buildingsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGSupply of plumbersReply
Q. 20
Hon Kenneth LEUNGRegulation of companies listed on the Growth Enterprise MarketReply
Q. 21
Hon IP Kin-yuenUse of Teacher Relief GrantReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPrevention of alien species' invasion of Hong Kong's natural environmentReply

Council meeting on 18.11.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Dennis KWOKLands reserved for building small housesReply
Q. 2
Hon Christopher CHUNGImpacts of the Mainland's two-child policy on Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Mrs Regina IPOverseas tourism promotionReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Hak-kanAir pollution in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungRetirement protectionReply
Q. 6
Hon Vincent FANGRegulation of registered medical practitioners by the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatStorage of dangerous, inflammable or prohibited articles in mini-storagesReply
Q. 8
Hon NG Leung-singEnhancing the productivity of Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Hon Michael TIENHomework for primary school studentsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Helena WONGSafety of drinking water from wall-mounted kettlesReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHEUNGGrowth Enterprise MarketReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANRoadworthiness of franchised busesReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Ting-kwongThefts on board aircraftReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImproving the implementation of the Territory-wide System AssessmentReply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanConservation of country park enclavesReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungChinese people's victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese AggressionReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiProvision of pneumococcal vaccination for the elderly personsReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATChild care and after-school care servicesReply
Q. 19
Hon Alice MAKProblem of fresh water pressure in some public housing estates being too lowReply
Q. 20
Hon TANG Ka-piuRevitalising nullahs and river channelsReply
Q. 21
Hon WU Chi-waiProvision of parking facilities by redevelopment projectsReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSEReview of the investment arrangements under the Mandatory Provident Fund schemesReply

Council meeting on 25.11.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Han-panCombating the problem of bid-rigging in relation to building maintenance worksReply
Q. 2
Hon Emily LAUGovernment's efforts in addressing climate changeReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiAppointment of the chairmen and members of the supreme governing bodies of tertiary institutions by the ChancellorReply
Q. 4
Hon Starry LEEEnglish proficiency of Hong Kong peopleReply
Q. 5
Hon Steven HOImpacts of marine works on the fisheries industryReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Kwok-hingProvision of electricity charges subsidyReply
Q. 7
Hon TAM Yiu-chungClosing down of Goodcape Securities LimitedReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEKHandling of complaints about water seepageReply
Q. 9
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panSustainable development of traditional and emerging industriesReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinProvision of medical services to Hong Kong elderly people residing on the MainlandReply
Q. 11
Hon Jeffrey LAMManpower shortage in the construction industryReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanSecurity of contactless credit cardsReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungHong Kong labour force projectionsReply
Q. 14
Hon Christopher CHUNGGrants for non-governmental organizations providing social welfare servicesReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheIntegrated Community Centres for Mental WellnessReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGWaiting time for and allocation of public rental housingReply
Q. 17
Hon Tony TSERegulation of workshops carrying out repair and maintenance of vehiclesReply
Q. 18
Hon KWOK Wai-keungTraining and supply of workers for 26 trades in the construction industryReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNGRedevelopment of Tai Hang Sai EstateReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKRadio Television Hong Kong taking over the analogue spectrum to be vacated by Asia Television LimitedReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANProtection of endangered species of animals and plantsReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauMammography provided by public hospitalsReply

Council meeting on 02.12.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon SIN Chung-kaiDonation of food waste by commercial organizationsReply
Q. 2
Hon YIU Si-wingWork on safeguarding and promoting local intangible cultural heritageReply
Q. 3
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheMonies received under one-off relief measures by recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance being counted as their assetsReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSEValue-for-money audits of the Government and related organizationsReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATProtection for victims in sexual offence casesReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKDevelopment of high-tier data centres and high-end manufacturing industriesReply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Kin-porMultiple applications for subscriptions for initial public offering sharesReply
Q. 8
Hon Jeffrey LAMCoin Collection ProgrammeReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Yuk-manMonitoring the service performance of the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 10
Hon James TIENEstablishment of the Travel Industry AuthorityReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanSupport for athletes with disabilitiesReply
Q. 12
Hon Gary FANUnauthorized laying of optical fibre telecommunication systemsReply
Q. 13
Hon Emily LAUMonitoring residential care and day services for persons with intellectual disabilitiesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiRegulation of tertiary institutions and the standards of their programmesReply
Q. 15
Hon KWOK Wai-keungEarn and Learn Pilot SchemeReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungEducation for ethnic minority studentsReply
Q. 17
Hon Christopher CHUNGRegulation of the sale of coupons by shopsReply
Q. 18
Hon IP Kin-yuenDisbursement of Salaries Grant to aided schools for payment of acting allowances to teachersReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRegulation of the sale of food onlineReply
Q. 20
Hon Kenneth LEUNGVariations in the conditions of the environmental permit for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ProjectReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuProvision of real-time bus service information to passengers waiting for busesReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiRecovery of waste through the three-coloured waste separation binsReply

Council meeting on 09.12.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Frankie YICKCombating illegal practices of taxi driversReply
Q. 2
Hon Gary FANArrangements for mainland residents to drive in Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Frederick FUNGCo-location of boundary control upon commissioning of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANPolicies on innovation and technology#
Q. 5
Hon Kenneth LEUNGFinancial intermediaries using confusing names#
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungProsecutions against participants of the "Umbrella Movement"#
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenProvision of transgender medical servicesReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kin-porPromoting family-friendly employment practicesReply
Q. 9
Hon TAM Yiu-chungPassenger and cargo fuel surchargesReply
Q. 10
Hon Michael TIENRailway services and safetyReply
Q. 11
Hon Abraham SHEKTraining provided for prospective teachers on teaching non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 12
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheFamily impact assessments of government policiesReply
Q. 13
Hon Jeffrey LAMTax concessions for corporate treasury centresReply
Q. 14
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungProposals for relaxation of traffic restrictions in South LantauReply
Q. 15
Hon Tony TSENaming of geographical placesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATSpiral roundaboutsReply
Q. 17
Hon Emily LAUThe approach for handling cases involving mentally incapacitated persons by the PoliceReply
Q. 18
Hon WU Chi-waiData on government lands which are rented out on short-term tenancyReply
Q. 19
Hon Charles Peter MOKNewly-emerged modes of transportReply
Q. 20
Hon Alice MAKPart-time interpreters for public servicesReply
Q. 21
Hon Christopher CHUNGElectronic stored value payment servicesReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanMental health of working personsReply

# As this Council meeting had been adjourned due to a lack of quorum before this question was raised by the Member concerned, the question was deferred to the Council meeting of 16 December 2015.

Council meeting on 16.12.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANPolicies on innovation and technology^Reply
Q. 2
Hon Kenneth LEUNGFinancial intermediaries using confusing names^Reply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungProsecutions against participants of the "Umbrella Movement"^Reply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGArea Improvement Plan for the Shopping Areas of Mong KokReply
Q. 5
Hon Charles Peter MOKPromoting the development of the innovation and technology industryReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yuk-manHandling of complaints by the government hotline 1823Reply
Q. 7
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiProvision of drinking fountains in public places@
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Han-panMaritime ambulance services@
Q. 9
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATLegislation regulating the hiring of foreign domestic helpers@
Q. 10
Hon Frankie YICKEscalator and walkway systemsReply
Q. 11
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panHandling of complaints by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANProvision of barrier-free access and facilities in public housing estatesReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Kin-porSafety arrangements for Hong Kong MarathonReply
Q. 14
Hon Abraham SHEKNon-Chinese speaking students learning in kindergartensReply
Q. 15
Hon James TIENImpact of labour shortage in the construction industry on the progress of infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNGRedevelopment of aged public rental housing estatesReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSEJudicial review mechanismReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANNumber of places and tuition fees of sub-degree programmesReply
Q. 19
Hon KWOK Wai-keungSafety of the surfacing materials used in sports and recreation venuesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheThe powers of police officers to search and seize propertiesReply
Q. 21
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungRegulation of the provision of veterinary services and the sale of proprietary Chinese medicines for the treatment of animalsReply
Q. 22
Hon IP Kin-yuenPublic Liability Insurance for aided schoolsReply
Q. 23
Hon Kenneth LEUNGManagement and maintenance of treesReply
Q. 24
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRecycling of wasteReply
Q. 25
Hon Emily LAUImplementation of the recommendations of a report for the prevention and handling of potential conflicts of interestsReply

^ This question was originally scheduled to be raised at the Council meeting of 9 December 2015. As that Council meeting had been adjourned due to a lack of quorum before the question was raised by the Member concerned, the question was deferred to the Council meeting of 16 December 2015.

@ As Rule 23(2) and (3) of the Rules of Procedure provides that no more than 22 questions, and among them no more than six oral questions, may be asked at any one Council meeting, and a motion to suspend that Rule was not passed at this Council meeting, the question was deferred to the Council meeting of 6 January 2016.

Council meeting on 06.01.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiProvision of drinking fountains in public placesReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Han-panMaritime ambulance servicesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATLegislation regulating the hiring of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Helena WONGPerfluorinated chemicals in drinking water and the environment as well as the quality of Dongjiang waterReply
Q. 5
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panMeasures against terrorist attacksReply
Q. 6
Hon Martin LIAOAddressing climate changeReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Regina IPRegulation of kite-flyingReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Kwok-hingAllocation of public rental housing units to non-elderly one-person applicantsReply
Q. 9
Hon Dennis KWOKMarine dumping activitiesReply
Q. 10
Hon Vincent FANGControl of unauthorized signboardsReply
Q. 11
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanProtecting the rights and interests of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenManagement of PMQReply
Q. 13
Hon NG Leung-singWork to complement the country's Thirteenth Five Year PlanReply
Q. 14
Hon Christopher CHEUNGCases of the Chairmen or principal officers of listed companies went missing or could not be reachedReply
Q. 15
Hon YIU Si-wingGranting of visa-free access to holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passportsReply
Q. 16
Hon WONG Kwok-kinUsage and tolls of road harbour crossingsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGMeasures to reduce the emissions of ocean going vessels at berthReply
Q. 18
Hon Frankie YICKMeasures to resolve the problem of shortage of parking spacesReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanAlleged marine dumping by the contractor of the Central-Wanchai Bypass projectReply
Q. 20
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOverseas duty visits conducted by the Secretary for EducationReply
Q. 21
Hon Charles Peter MOKImprovement to the air quality and road environment in CentralReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiProvision of real-time bus service informationReply

Council meeting on 20.01.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon KWOK Wai-keungProtection of Wages on Insolvency FundReply
Q. 2
Hon SIN Chung-kaiImposing stamp duty on the transactions of specified derivativesReply
Q. 3
Hon Christopher CHEUNGImpact of rising interest ratesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenUploading copyright works onto the Chief Executive's Facebook pageReply
Q. 5
Hon Emily LAUHandling of cases of Hong Kong people reported missingReply
Q. 6
Hon Frankie YICKMeasures for improving taxi serviceReply
Q. 7
Hon Martin LIAOEnhancing Hong Kong's competitivenessReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kam-lamCollection of rates and government rentReply
Q. 9
Hon Tommy CHEUNGFacilitating Hong Kong people graduated from overseas medical programmes to return to and practise in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon Andrew LEUNGOne Person, One flower SchemeReply
Q. 11
Hon Mrs Regina IPCommissions received by estate agentsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Helena WONGMedical support for persons affected by the incidents of excessive lead content in drinking waterReply
Q. 13
Hon Starry LEERegulation of the use of antibiotics in food animalsReply
Q. 14
Hon NG Leung-singAbuse of judicial review and legal aid systemsReply
Q. 15
Hon WONG Kwok-kinProblems of shortage of parking spaces and illegal parkingReply
Q. 16
Hon Albert CHANAir quality in Tung ChungReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGPrivacy issues arising from new messaging channelsReply
Q. 18
Hon Jeffrey LAMGovernment Wi-Fi ProgrammeReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATBogus marriages with Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiInterim housingReply
Q. 21
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheStatistics in relation to retirement protectionReply
Q. 22
Hon TANG Ka-piuIncidents of massive quantity of dead fish found in inshore waters and watercoursesReply

Council meeting on 27.01.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HOThe United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or PunishmentReply
Q. 2
Hon Alan LEONGCausing Hong Kong people to enter the Mainland by using ways which circumvent the lawReply
Q. 3
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanThe Chief Executive's duty visits to report on his work to the Central People's GovernmentReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiIssues relevant to the recent cases of persons missingReply
Q. 5
Hon YIU Si-wingTourism promotion projects and programmesReply
Q. 6
Hon Martin LIAOConservation of built heritageReply
Q. 7
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokEmployment of construction and related engineering professionals by the GovernmentReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kwok-himDesignation of the South East New Territories Landfill for receiving only construction wasteReply
Q. 9
Hon Starry LEEManagement of roadside skipsReply
Q. 10
Hon Mrs Regina IPProvision of clinical psychological servicesReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Yuk-manFood safety concerning eateries of fast food chainsReply
Q. 12
Hon KWOK Wai-keungFresh water supplies to public markets and cooked food centresReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNGRoad hazard warning lanternsReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSEColorectal Cancer Screening Pilot ProgrammeReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANIssuance of Hong Kong Identity Cards to children of Hong Kong permanent residents born overseasReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungMaintenance and repairs of fresh water pipes on private landsReply
Q. 17
Hon Kenneth LEUNGPromoting the wider use of electric busesReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPrices of auto-fuels and domestic liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATFostering a bicycle-friendly environmentReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAUSupport for foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 21
Hon Charles Peter MOKGovernment's requests for Internet service providers to disclose or remove users' informationReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauMedical complaints and claims of medical negligenceReply

Council meeting on 03.02.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGImmediate measures in relation to the Zika epidemicReply
Hon Alice MAKImmediate measures to prevent importation and local outbreak of the Zika epidemicReply
Q. 1
Hon Steven HOAssistance provided for fish farmers affected by natural disastersReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert HOSurgical outcomes of Tuen Mun HospitalReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Helena WONGScholarship for students from the "Belt and Road" countriesReply
Q. 4
Hon IP Kwok-himImplementation of district-level projectsReply
Q. 5
Hon Gary FANDevelopment of brownfield sitesReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSEAbolition of the Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 7
Hon Dennis KWOKProcessing time for adjudication of stamp dutyReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Ting-kwongBegging in the streetsReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Han-panRetirement protectionReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPublic healthcare services for residents in Sha Tin DistrictReply
Q. 11
Hon Mrs Regina IPDevelopment of railway businesses outside Hong Kong by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGClosing down of Yen Chow Street Temporary Hawker BazaarReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiReciprocal notification mechanismReply
Q. 14
Hon WU Chi-waiReplacement of laundry racks and collapsible gates for public housing flatsReply
Q. 15
Hon KWOK Wai-keungIndustrial accidents of workers falling from heightsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANPossible closing down of Ap Lei Chau Driving SchoolReply
Q. 17
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-che"Competitive Allocation" mechanism of the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGThe offsetting arrangement for severance and long service paymentsReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanReducing air pollution in Hong KongReply
Q. 20
Hon Kenneth LEUNGArrangement for the surrender of fugitive offenders between Hong Kong and the mainland authoritiesReply
Q. 21
Hon Emily LAUInterpretation services provided for ethnic minority patients by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKInformation for monitoring the effectiveness of various programmes for promoting the development of the innovation and technology industryReply

Council meeting on 17.02.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HOArrangements for compulsory sale of land for redevelopmentReply
Q. 2
Hon James TOReimbursement of contractors' contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund for their site personnel by the GovernmentReply
Q. 3
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRenewal of analogue sound broadcasting licencesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamOperation of facilities at sites under Kwun Tong BypassReply
Q. 5
Hon Martin LIAOProblems related to the development of the innovation and technology industryReply
Q. 6
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanAvoidance of fatigue in aircrewReply
Q. 7
Hon YIU Si-wingRegulation of online sale of travel related productsReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kwok-himExternal transport facilities for residents in Tseung Kwan OReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Helena WONGClosing down of Yen Chow Street Hawker BazaarReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungCriminal offences committed by police officersReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGRegulation of residential care homes for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 12
Hon Frankie YICKMeasures to promote the use of environment-friendly commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 13
Hon Tony TSEInstallation of television screens at the sports and recreation venues under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 14
Hon James TIENThe "Belt and Road" InitiativeReply
Q. 15
Hon Albert CHANThreat posed to marine life by abandoned fishing nets in the seaReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to encourage Hong Kong people to do more physical exercisesReply
Q. 17
Hon KWOK Wai-keungImplementation of the Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauStatistics relating to obstetrics and gynaecology departments of public hospitalsReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuAsia Television Limited defaulting on payments of employees' wagesReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGProvision of general out-patient clinic service to residents of West Kowloon during non-office hoursReply
Q. 21
Hon IP Kin-yuenManagement of various education funds and scholarship schemesReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSEMonitoring the administration of an estate for charitable purposesReply

Council meeting on 24.02.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HOCo-ordination of the efforts of policy bureaux on the implementation of government policiesReply
Q. 2
Hon James TOOrders made by the Chief Executive for the interception of messagesReply
Q. 3
Hon Dennis KWOKSpeculations on the Hong Kong dollarReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamApplications for public housing quotas by retiring disciplined services staff membersReply
Q. 5
Prof Hon Joseph LEEProvision of assistance for elderly people with disabling hearing lossReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiReview of the Territory-wide System AssessmentReply
Q. 7
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungRed packets and donations received by monks and nunsReply
Q. 8
Hon TANG Ka-piuRemuneration and employment conditions for green minibus driversReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-kinInterchange concession schemes for public transportReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanSafety use of household cleanersReply
Q. 11
Hon WU Chi-waiMeasures to improve the operating environment of public marketsReply
Q. 12
Hon Frederick FUNGPlay equipment in children's playgroundsReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiThe Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines relating to social welfare facilities, open space and recreation facilitiesReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert HODonations to local universities made by the commercial sectorReply
Q. 15
Hon TANG Ka-piuProvision of cooling-off periods for consumer contracts involving pre-payment for servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanEnhancing the quality of the coastal waters of Victoria HarbourReply
Q. 17
Hon Emily LAUNegotiations with the Macao Government for agreements on the surrender of fugitive offenders and mutual legal assistance in criminal mattersReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPublic expenditure relating to the handling of torture and non-refoulement claimsReply
Q. 19
Hon KWOK Wai-keungHousing needs and home ownership aspirations of young peopleReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKMeasures to nurture talents for the information technology industryReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGRegulation of the sale of air tickets by airlinesReply
Q. 22
Hon James TOTransfer exercises for sitting public rental housing tenantsReply

Council meeting on 02.03.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Mrs Regina IPMental health of studentsReply
Q. 2
Hon Kenneth LEUNGExpanding the ambit of the Competition OrdinanceReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew LEUNGCountering cold spellsReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProvision of financial assistance to Hong Kong elderly people residing on the MainlandReply
Q. 5
Hon James TODisturbance in Mong KokReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGAssisting owners and occupiers of old buildings in complying with fire safety directionsReply
Q. 7
Hon Tommy CHEUNGMeasures to facilitate waterworks for eateriesReply
Q. 8
Hon Steven HOSustainable development of agriculture and fisheries which are affected by development projectsReply
Q. 9
Hon Charles Peter MOKImplementation of electronic public servicesReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Kwok-himSupport for property owners in carrying out building maintenance worksReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATViolent acts committed by demonstratorsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauPublic healthcare planning for the coming decadeReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANEnvironmental impact on Hong Kong caused by infrastructure projects and environmental regulation plans carried out on the MainlandReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiProvision of public hospital bedsReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNGFree admission to the permanent exhibitions of public museumsReply
Q. 16
Hon Emily LAUProtecting the rights and interests of intersex personsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATEasing the traffic congestion in New Territories EastReply
Q. 18
Hon Charles Peter MOKPrivacy concern arising from police officers' making video recordsReply
Q. 19
Hon Kenneth LEUNGProvision of tax concessions in relation to environmental protection facilitiesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanSupport for ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 21
Hon James TOCombating illegal gambling activities in public placesReply
Q. 22
Hon Emily LAUCosts and benefits of outsourcing public servicesReply

Council meeting on 16.03.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
UQ. 1
Hon Albert CHANRecent spike of incidents of students committing suicideReply
UQ. 2
Hon WONG Yuk-manAlleviating the study pressure on studentsReply
UQ. 3
Dr Hon Helena WONGImmediate measures to prevent students from committing suicideReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kam-lamMeasures to increase commercial floor spaceReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungGiving out warm clothing and food items to elderly people in needReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGManagement of retail facilities in public housing estatesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanImpact of industrial building revitalization measures on cultural, creative and arts workersReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-kinOccupational safety of as well as accoutrements and training for frontline police officersReply
Q. 6
Hon IP Kin-yuenRegulation of non-local higher and professional education coursesReply
Q. 7
Hon POON Siu-pingIssuance of hotel service endorsements for non-franchised public busesReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenClosure of East Wing Forecourt of the Central Government OfficesReply
Q. 9
Hon MA Fung-kwokWork visa requirements for visitors participating in local cultural, arts or sports eventsReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Han-panProvision and management of public marketsReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEEHome End-of-Life Care ProgrammeReply
Q. 12
Hon Abraham SHEKRevenue collected due to Special Stamp Duty, Buyer's Stamp Duty and Doubled Ad Valorem Stamp DutyReply
Q. 13
Hon James TOStenches emitted from the New Yau Ma Tei Typhoon ShelterReply
Q. 14
Hon Alice MAKPlanning of public marketsReply
Q. 15
Hon Christopher CHUNGSafety of the glass panes of the doors of public busesReply
Q. 16
Hon IP Kwok-himProvision of medical services for the public during long holidaysReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSEDeclarations and surveys relating to household income of public rental housing tenantsReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGReplacement and rehabilitation of aged water mainsReply
Q. 19
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheClashes arising from hawker and review of the hawker policyReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSignature Project SchemeReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGElectoral arrangementsReply
Q. 22
Hon Frederick FUNGOpening of the military dock site to the publicReply

Council meeting on 13.04.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alan LEONGCar-parking facilities under Link Real Estate Investment TrustReply
Q. 2
Hon Andrew LEUNGEntry requirements imposed by foreign governments on Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport holdersReply
Q. 3
Hon Michael TIENPromoting reading cultureReply
Q. 4
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokMonitoring the safety of glass doorsReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenProvision of public facilities and services for Shui Chuen O EstateReply
Q. 6
Hon MA Fung-kwokSystems of mutual recognition of professional qualifications between Hong Kong and other jurisdictionsReply
Q. 7
Hon NG Leung-singHong Kong's position as a major capital raising and financing centreReply
Q. 8
Hon Steven HOEx-gratia allowance for fishermen in respect of marine worksReply
Q. 9
Hon Dennis KWOKManagement of the Police Operational Nominal Index Computer SystemReply
Q. 10
Hon WU Chi-waiAssessment of statutory compensation for resumed propertiesReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEEProposals on the regulatory regimes for healthcare professionsReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANStatistics on small housesReply
Q. 13
Hon Tony TSEHousing for the elderlyReply
Q. 14
Hon James TIENCounter-cyclical measures to stabilize the property marketReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungManpower of doctors and registration requirements for non-local doctors Reply
Q. 16
Hon James TOLight refreshment kiosks under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 17
Hon Alice MAKGreen minibus routes running to and from public hospitalsReply
Q. 18
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungIllegal immigrants and torture/non-refoulement claimantsReply
Q. 19
Hon IP Kwok-himRegulation of activities for soliciting donations from the publicReply
Q. 20
Hon Christopher CHUNGManagement and operation of the Youth Square in Chai WanReply
Q. 21
Hon Paul TSEFacilities of the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 22
Hon IP Kin-yuenSocial worker manpower in special schoolsReply

Council meeting on 20.04.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Cyd HOResidents of care and attention homes for the elderly being referred to mental hospitals or sentenced to Siu Lam Psychiatric CentreReply
Q. 2
Hon SIN Chung-kaiHiring of performance venues under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 3
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokDivision of work between the Environment Bureau and the Environmental Protection Department and relevant personnel arrangementsReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiViews and acts advocating the independence of Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon Dennis KWOKVaccines containing mercury-based preservativesReply
Q. 6
Prof Hon Joseph LEENon-emergency ambulance transfer serviceReply
Q. 7
Hon Tony TSERegulation of unmanned aircraft systemsReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauNational studies programmes for staff of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 9
Hon James TORodent disinfestation and pest control in subsidized housing courts/estatesReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Kwok-himEnhancing the measures to tackle the next winter influenza seasonReply
Q. 11
Hon Alice MAKRationalization of franchised bus services based on an "Area Approach"Reply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungAdvance booking for consultation timeslots at general out-patient clinics through telephone appointment systemReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGThe odour problem in West Kowloon caused by a refuse transfer station and sewage treatment worksReply
Q. 14
Hon IP Kin-yuenRegulation of playgroups for pre-school childrenReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiRehousing and compensation for tenants affected by redevelopment projectsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANOpening a site in the Central promenade for public useReply
Q. 17
Hon KWOK Wai-keungImplementation of the law on paternity leaveReply
Q. 18
Hon WU Chi-waiProvision of accident and emergency services to residents of the Wong Tai Sin districtReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuMeasures to ease the passenger flows of railway stationsReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSEKwun Tong Ferry Pier Waterfront Development under the "Energizing Kowloon East" initiativesReply
Q. 21
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDevelopment of a green transport systemReply
Q. 22
Hon Frederick FUNGProvision of drinking fountains in the open spaces of housing estates/courts managed by the Housing DepartmentReply

Council meeting on 27.04.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert CHANMeasures to combat Mainland fishing vessels illegally entering and fishing in Hong Kong watersReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATEasing land traffic congestion and improving the berthing facilities for leisure boats in Sai KungReply
Q. 3
Hon Charles Peter MOKEligibility of electors of the Information Technology Functional Constituency of the Legislative CouncilReply
Q. 4
Hon Kenneth LEUNGStrengthening regulation of intermediaries and related illegal financial activitiesReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Hak-kanImproving the usage of public librariesReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNGDevelopment of financial technologiesReply
Q. 7
Hon Cyd HOMeasures to shorten waiting time for new cases at medical specialist outpatient clinics of public hospitalsReply
Q. 8
Hon Tommy CHEUNGRegulation of online sale of restricted foodsReply
Q. 9
Hon Mrs Regina IPRecidivism rates in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Prof Hon Joseph LEERegulation of non-corrective contact lensesReply
Q. 11
Hon IP Kwok-himMeasures to prevent landslidesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGLaundry racks in rental flats under the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing SocietyReply
Q. 13
Hon IP Kin-yuenEmployment of regular teachers on contracts of a defined periodReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiOrgan donation and transplantReply
Q. 15
Hon TANG Ka-piuMeasures to combat parallel trading activitiesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANNomination of Representatives of Arts Interests for the Hong Kong Arts Development CouncilReply
Q. 17
Hon Emily LAUOutsourcing public servicesReply

Council meeting on 04.05.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon TANG Ka-piuThe arrangement for offsetting severance payments and long service paymentsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANIssues revealed by a fire-fighting operation by firemenReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSecurity checks on cabin baggage of departing air passengersReply
Q. 4
Hon Emily LAUTrafficking in Persons Report 2015 and protection of the rights of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATLeisure and cultural services projects which have not yet commenced and the relevant planning standardsReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKSmart traffic managementReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Kwok-hingSafety of food products imported from JapanReply
Q. 8
Hon Frankie YICKFuel pricesReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Kwok-kinEnhancement of the Elderly Health Care Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to boost tourism and assist the tourism sectorReply
Q. 11
Hon Tony TSEReporters covering news in large-scale public eventsReply
Q. 12
Prof Hon Joseph LEEWorking arrangements for pregnant nurses in public hospitalsReply
Q. 13
Hon Alice MAKBroadband Internet access services for residents of villages in remote areasReply
Q. 14
Hon IP Kwok-himPromotion of reading culture with the aid of advanced technologiesReply
Q. 15
Hon WU Chi-waiProgress of the Comprehensive Structural Investigation Programme and redevelopment of the public housing estates concernedReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE"Ladies' nights" ruled to be discriminatory on the ground of sexReply

Council meeting on 11.05.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alice MAKProvision of public parking spacesReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Kwok-himPromoting tourism with the aid of television dramas and filmsReply
Q. 3
Hon KWOK Wai-keungMeasures to promote breastfeedingReply
Q. 4
Hon WU Chi-waiCrowdedness at five MTR stations in the Kwun Tong DistrictReply
Q. 5
Hon Paul TSEMeasures to counter the impacts of economic downturnReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRegulation for trampoliningReply
Q. 7
Hon Claudia MOLegislative proposals on enhancing the regulation of animal trading, as well as the breeding and selling of dogsReply
Q. 8
Hon Alan LEONGReciprocal notification mechanism between the Mainland public security authorities and the Hong Kong PoliceReply
Q. 9
Hon TAM Yiu-chungRegulation of money-lending advertisementsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGCredibility of and recommendations made by the Equal Opportunities CommissionReply
Q. 11
Hon Tommy CHEUNGLive pig supply and pricesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Helena WONGProvision of care services for children aged below threeReply
Q. 13
Hon Steven HOMonitoring of contractors' processing of landfill leachateReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanRegulation of organic produceReply
Q. 15
Hon TANG Ka-piuVisual health of studentsReply
Q. 16
Prof Hon Joseph LEEPatients who may be discharged overstaying in public hospitalsReply

Council meeting on 18.05.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanElderly Health Care Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 2
Hon Tony TSEImplementation of the new nature conservation policyReply
Q. 3
Prof Hon Joseph LEENursing manpower in public hospitalsReply
Q. 4
Hon MA Fung-kwokNames of Taiwanese institutions containing the word "National" in publicity materials for publicly funded events Reply
Q. 5
Hon Michael TIENMeasures to attract Mainland visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImpacts of filibusters on the Government's implementation of policies and Hong Kong societyReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONGArrangement for the surrender of fugitive offenders between Hong Kong and the MainlandReply
Q. 8
Hon Claudia MOUrban renewal project in Eight "Wan" Streets and the vicinityReply
Q. 9
Hon Gary FANMainland residents acquiring the right of abode in Hong Kong through various meansReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Kin-porPossession of offensive weaponsReply
Q. 11
Hon Steven HOEffective and sustainable measures to prevent birds from foraging for cultured fish products and cropsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiVisit of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanLife planning educationReply
Q. 14
Hon James TORegistration of societiesReply
Q. 15
Prof Hon Joseph LEEMedical laboratory technologistsReply
Q. 16
Hon IP Kin-yuenUtilization of surpluses of University Grants Committee-funded institutionsReply
Q. 17
Hon Alice MAKPaid maternity leaveReply
Q. 18
Hon IP Kwok-himSafety of public entertainment eventsReply
Q. 19
Hon Kenneth LEUNGMonitoring of the use of public funds and conduct of commercial activities by funded institutionsReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNGTaking up post-service outside work by directorate civil servantsReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSupport measures for non-Chinese speaking students under the 15-year free education policyReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiWorks to replace the water pipes in the public rental housing estates affected by excess lead found in drinking waterReply

Council meeting on 25.05.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon CHAN Hak-kanUrgent measures to ensure the structural safety of roofs with green vegetationReply
UQ. 2
Hon Starry LEEImmediate follow-up actions on the collapse of a roof with green vegetationReply
UQ. 3
Hon IP Kin-yuenConducting assessment and taking measures immediately to ensure the safety of greened building roofs in primary and secondary schoolsReply
UQ. 4
Dr Hon Helena WONGImmediate inspection of greened roofs of hospitals, cultural/recreational/ sports facilities, exhibition halls to ascertain their structural safetyReply
Q. 1
Hon Christopher CHUNGIssuance of rainstorm signals and announcements of class suspensionReply
Q. 2
Hon James TIENMeasures to assist young people in buying propertiesReply
Q. 3
Hon TAM Yiu-chungSetting aside a site at Siu Lang Shui in Tuen Mun for storing idling roadside cargo compartmentsReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGProvision of long-term care services for persons with disabilities and the elderlyReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheThe role of Hong Kong Housing Authority in the management of Tenant Purchase Scheme estatesReply
Q. 6
Hon IP Kin-yuenCollection of first instalments of tuition fees and enrolment deposits by self-financing post-secondary institutionsReply
Q. 7
Hon Claudia MORadio broadcasting services from Hong Kong and the Guangdong ProvinceReply
Q. 8
Hon YIU Si-wingMeasures to combat unlicensed travel agents and tourist guides not holding any Tourist Guide PassReply
Q. 9
Hon MA Fung-kwokBroadcast of local sports tournaments and production of sports programmes by television stationsReply
Q. 10
Hon Jeffrey LAMAssisting small and medium enterprises in tiding over economic downturnReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Kin-porProvision of pneumococcal vaccination for the elderlyReply
Q. 12
Hon Mrs Regina IPMental health problems of studentsReply
Q. 13
Hon Frankie YICKDisposal of waste car batteriesReply
Q. 14
Hon Tony TSEImplementation of the Land Titles Ordinance and title registration systemReply
Q. 15
Hon Alice MAKPublic transport services upon the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSERegulation of employment agencies and protection of employers of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 17
Hon IP Kwok-himPromoting the use of recycled food waste in local textile industryReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAUForeign domestic helpers reported missingReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATUse of vacant government landsReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKDevelopment of information and technology manpower resources in Hong KongReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuSelection of centralized liquefied petroleum gas suppliers for subsidized housing estates/courtsReply
Q. 22
Hon Kenneth LEUNGSafety of nuclear power plants near Hong Kong and related issuesReply

Council meeting on 01.06.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon TANG Ka-piuFranchised buses and MTR Fare Adjustment MechanismsReply
Q. 2
Hon Cyd HOAppointment of the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities CommissionReply
Q. 3
Hon WU Chi-waiCompliance with the conditions in the relevant land leases by owners of car parks in public housing estatesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kam-lamRegulation of the illegal sale of pharmaceutical products and medicinesReply
Q. 5
Hon Christopher CHEUNGEfforts in taking forward the "Belt and Road Initiative"Reply
Q. 6
Hon Jeffrey LAMProvision of runway slots and stands for general aviation and business aviation flightsReply
Q. 7
Hon Albert HORegulation of the use of tritium self-luminous exit signsReply
Q. 8
Hon WU Chi-waiLighting systems in vehicular tunnelsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Helena WONGTemporary storage in Shenzhen of frozen meat from overseas before delivery to Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon Claudia MOUrban Renewal Authority's special measures for owners and tenants affected by the proposed Chun Tin Street/Sung Chi Street redevelopmentReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHUNGFinancial situation of self-financing post-secondary institutionsReply
Q. 12
Prof Hon Joseph LEESubjecting certain staff members to the increment freeze policy by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 13
Hon KWOK Wai-keungGovernment's support for large-scale skills competitionsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPromotion of animal welfare and prevention of acts of cruelty to animalsReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNGPublicity videos on Directors of BureauxReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSpecial traffic and security arrangements during the visit of dignitaries to Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Hon IP Kwok-himStrategies on Information Technology in EducationReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAURegulation of employment agencies engaged in the placement of foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATSupport for the modernization and sustainable development of agricultureReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKGuidelines on election advertisements for Legislative Council electionReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGProvision of suitable venues for staging soccer matchesReply
Q. 22
Hon Jeffrey LAMBoosting job opportunities amid economic downturnReply

Council meeting on 08.06.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Tommy CHEUNG"Ladies' nights" ruled to be discriminatory on the ground of sexReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert CHANMonitoring of debt collection agenciesReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungMeasures to bring art and culture into the communityReply
Q. 4
Hon Alice MAKPrevention of abusive use of the personal data contained in public registersReply
Q. 5
Hon POON Siu-pingReduction of site safety itemsReply
Q. 6
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panRedress channels for commercial clients of telecommunications service providersReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNG Implementation of the Nutrition Labelling SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanCombating illegal parking in CentralReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Han-panThe problem of biting midgesReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenSecurity arrangements during the visits of state leaders to Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon YIU Si-wingStaff layoff by Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert HOInstallation of street lights in rural areasReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGCommissioning non-profit-making organizations to operate support service centres for the ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONGRegulation of pesticide residues in foodReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiVisit of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauThe Course on National Affairs for staff of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 17
Hon James TOStatistics on Mainland visitors committing crimes in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon KWOK Wai-keungEmployment, wages and payroll statisticsReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSEAssistance for Hong Kong people serving sentences in other placesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPrevention and control of biting midgesReply
Q. 21
Hon Frederick FUNGPromotion of healthy dietary cultureReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANMuseums under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply

Council meeting on 15.06.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanDevelopment of more tourist attractionsReply
Q. 2
Hon Tony TSERegulation of greening projectsReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANConservation work of the GovernmentReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiPrevention and treatment of influenzaReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Yuk-manFalse testimonies given by police officers at courtReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiPublic confidence in and support for the Chief Executive and the government officialsReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNGPromoting organic farmingReply
Q. 8
Hon Michael TIENLiquefied petroleum gas filling stationsReply
Q. 9
Hon Gary FANPrivate recreational leasesReply
Q. 10
Hon NG Leung-singDecline in domestic loansReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenSealing the joints of the slabs on pavementsReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Han-panTorture/non-refoulement claimants committing crimes in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGResidents affected by redevelopment projectsReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHANAircraft noiseReply
Q. 15
Hon Frankie YICKTraffic distribution for the three road harbour crossingsReply
Q. 16
Hon Steven HOProvision of spaces to facilitate shop operators to do businessesReply
Q. 17
Hon Mrs Regina IPBounty award and pay rates for auxiliary police officersReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Kin-porDevelopment of tourist night markets in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungRegulation of private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGRegulation of electronic cigarettesReply
Q. 21
Prof Hon Joseph LEEVertical greening worksReply
Q. 22
Hon KWOK Wai-keungEx gratia payments made by Protection of Wages on Insolvency FundReply

Council meeting on 22.06.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alvin YEUNGPermits for Proceeding to Hong Kong and MacaoReply
Q. 2
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanNew Territories small housesReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRent adjustment for public rental housingReply
Q. 4
Hon Vincent FANGDecline in retail sales figuresReply
Q. 5
Hon Frederick FUNGProvision of fare concessions by operators of public transport servicesReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungOpinion surveys conducted by the Central Policy UnitReply
Q. 7
Hon SIN Chung-kaiElectronic Road Pricing Pilot Scheme in Central and its Adjacent AreasReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Kwok-hingHung Hom Public Funeral ParlourReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanPublic play equipment for childrenReply
Q. 10
Hon Abraham SHEKConstruction and administration costs in the production of subsidized housingReply
Q. 11
Hon James TIENCross-boundary studentsReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenLaundry racks in public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Helena WONGRegulation of storage of food at standard temperaturesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGEmployment situation of persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Kin-porLeakage of personal dataReply
Q. 16
Hon Frankie YICKEffectiveness of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass in easing traffic congestionReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungProvision of public transport services for residents in New Territories WestReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGCharging facilities for electric vehiclesReply
Q. 19
Hon IP Kin-yuenSchools affected by incidents of excessive lead content in drinking waterReply
Q. 20
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of caravansReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuRetrofitting of air-conditioning systems in public marketsReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiApplication for setting up bazaars on government sitesReply

Council meeting on 29.06.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Claudia MOQuality of Dongjiang waterReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Hak-kanHealthcare services in the New Territories East ClusterReply
Q. 3
Hon Frankie YICKManpower in the transport industryReply
Q. 4
Hon Mrs Regina IPMainland single mothers with minor children residing in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon Cyd HOExit polls conducted on the polling day of the Legislative Council electionReply
Q. 6
Hon IP Kin-yuenSub-standard school premisesReply
Q. 7
Hon Alvin YEUNGImpact of new development projects on the public transport in areas around Pak Shek KokReply
Q. 8
Hon Michael TIENFinancial data of the MTR Corporation Limited and fare concessions it offeredReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanDisability Allowance SchemeReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungLow-income Working Family Allowance SchemeReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert HOFinancial position of University Grants Committee-funded institutionsReply
Q. 12
Hon NG Leung-singAssisting enterprises of the Belt and Road countries in opening bank accountsReply
Q. 13
Hon MA Fung-kwokOpening up sports venues and facilities of schools for loan by community groupsReply
Q. 14
Hon James TIENInvestigations into suspected irregularities of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange LimitedReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-fai"Belt and Road" Scholarship SchemeReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porAttracting financial technology start-up companies to develop their businesses in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Hon IP Kwok-himAntibiotic-resistant bacteriaReply
Q. 18
Hon KWOK Wai-keungPilot Earn-and-Learn Scheme for Retail IndustryReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSEAssisting Hong Kong people serving sentences in the PhilippinesReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAUAppointment of non-official members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to promote a sense of worthiness among the elderlyReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKSupply of and demand for radio spectrumReply

Council meeting on 06.07.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon MA Fung-kwokRemunerations of arts workers employed by local arts groupsReply
Q. 2
Hon Alan LEONGIssues related to the recent cases of Hong Kong people reported missingReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Helena WONGIncidents of excessive lead content in drinking waterReply
Q. 4
Hon IP Kwok-himMembers of the public applying for legal aid to lodge judicial reviewReply
Q. 5
Hon YIU Si-wingApplications for Temporary Places of Public Entertainment LicenceReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Han-panLaw enforcement actions against illegal import and dumping of electronic wasteReply
Q. 7
Hon Alvin YEUNGProtecting the rights of transsexualsReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRegulation of mini-storagesReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGBlueprint for Lantau developmentReply
Q. 10
Hon Tony TSEEstablishment and strength of the Landscape Architect gradeReply
Q. 11
Hon Frankie YICKCargo clearance and ancillary facilities at vehicular boundary crossingsReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungTraffic congestions in Tuen MunReply
Q. 13
Hon James TOConversion of Housing for Senior Citizens units into normal public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 14
Hon IP Kin-yuenEmployment of teachers on contract terms and their retentionReply
Q. 15
Hon Kenneth LEUNGImport and treatment of electronic wasteReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNGCommunity health centresReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATManpower of and training and fire-fighting equipment for fire personnelReply
Q. 18
Hon TANG Ka-piuProvision of public facilities on Tung Ping ChauReply
Q. 19
Hon WU Chi-waiMonitoring of variation orders for public works projectsReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRegulation of football bettingReply
Q. 21
Hon KWOK Wai-keungStatistics on working hours and wagesReply
Q. 22
Hon Emily LAUForeign domestic helpers falling victims to forced labour and human traffickingReply

Council meeting on 13.07.2016

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokFire safety of industrial buildingsReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungSupply of meals for persons detained in Magistrates' CourtsReply
Q. 3
Hon Claudia MOTeaching Putonghua in kindergartensReply
Q. 4
Hon Alvin YEUNGReview of the Basic LawReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanSharing of fruits of economic prosperityReply
Q. 6
Hon Michael TIENTraffic accidents involving road worksReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONGInstallation of windows at balconies of public housing flatsReply
Q. 8
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRateable values of propertiesReply
Q. 9
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanAn incident of Mainland officials allegedly enforcing laws in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-hingAppointment of representatives from trade unions or employee bodies to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRelief measures to support local enterprises and safeguard employmentReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanPromoting education on three-dimensional printing technologyReply
Q. 13
Hon Steven HOImproving marine fire-fighting equipment and berthing facilities for fishing vesselsReply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHANPlanting of treesReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheChild protectionReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGProvision of grants for kindergartens admitting non-Chinese speaking studentsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to reduce fire hazards in buildings and mini-storagesReply
Q. 18
Hon Tony TSEAssisting enterprises in participating in the "Belt and Road Initiative"Reply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Kin-porUnscrupulous sales practices of fitness centresReply
Q. 20
Hon Frankie YICKWaiting time for the road tests of driving testsReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGPremium taxi trial schemeReply
Q. 22
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of the sale of sub-divided commercial unitsReply