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Council Meetings (Questions)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013

Questions(Year 2014 - 2015)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 15.10.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon Frederick FUNGImmediate measures to guard against the use of inappropriate weapons by the Police on protestersReply
Hon Cyd HOImmediate review of the decision-making mechanism concerning the use of weapons to disperse participants of peaceful assembliesReply
Dr Hon Helena WONGImmediate measures to protect the personal safety of assembly participants and journalistsReply
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiImmediate review of the display of warning banners to protesters by the PoliceReply
Hon TAM Yiu-chungFormulating measures right away to alleviate the impact of Occupy Central movement on societyReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGInterpretation of "all the members of the Legislative Council" in Annexes I and II to the Basic LawReply
Q. 2
Hon Charles Peter MOKDecision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on issues relating to the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrageReply
Q. 3
Hon Paul TSETermination of telecommunications service contractsReply
Q. 4
Hon Christopher CHUNGGuarding against interference with the affairs of Hong Kong by foreign forcesReply
Q. 5
Hon James TOLegal proceedings related to CITIC LimitedReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANTree management workReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatMonitoring the use of public funds by tertiary institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATScreening for breast cancer in womenReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCosmetic products tested on animalsReply
Q. 10
Hon NG Leung-singImplementation of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement in financial servicesReply
Q. 11
Hon Dennis KWOKHome-schoolingReply
Q. 12
Hon WU Chi-waiReplacement of the catalytic converters and oxygen sensors of taxis and light buses fuelled by petrol and liquefied petroleum gasReply
Q. 13
Hon POON Siu-pingOccupational safety and industrial accidentsReply
Q. 14
Hon Kenneth LEUNGAir traffic movements at the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 15
Hon Frederick FUNGProgress of granting domestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 16
Hon Charles Peter MOKOptimal use and fair allocation of spectrum resourcesReply
Q. 17
Hon James TOGovernment's requests for Internet service providers to disclose or remove users' informationReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSEKai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 19
Hon WU Chi-waiFare concession offered to the elderly and eligible persons with disabilities travelling on green minibusesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanIrrigation of plants in venues under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 21
Hon CHAN Han-panInterpretation services provided for the ethnic minorities in public hospitals and clinicsReply
Q. 22
Hon Kenneth LEUNGDevelopment of Islamic bond market in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 22.10.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Michael TIENMeasures to tackle the problem of insufficient bus services during the peak periodsReply
Q. 2
Hon Christopher CHEUNGImplementation of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock ConnectReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to prevent attacks on local web sites by hackersReply
Q. 4
Hon Frankie YICKFraudulent insurance claims involving loss adjustersReply
Q. 5
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRegulation of electronic cigarette productsReply
Q. 6
Hon Alan LEONGAccess control measures at the East Wing Forecourt of the Central Government Offices at TamarReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANPromoting participation of people with disabilities in sports activitiesReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGHome-purchase difficulties faced by young peopleReply
Q. 9
Hon Gary FANHiring of public leisure and sports facilities in Hong Kong by mainland visitorsReply
Q. 10
Hon Charles Peter MOKDevelopment and application of telematics in Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon Paul TSEReforming the mandatory provident fund system to allow contributors' direct investment in passive index fundsReply
Q. 12
Hon WU Chi-waiReview of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and GuidelinesReply
Q. 13
Hon Kenneth LEUNGOpinion polls on constitutional developmentReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanArrangements before passage of the Private Columbaria BillReply
Q. 15
Hon Cyd HOHandling of the protests in Central and AdmiraltyReply
Q. 16
Hon Charles Peter MOKRegulation of person-to-person telemarketing callsReply
Q. 17
Hon WU Chi-waiPublic Rental Housing and Home Ownership Scheme flats provided by the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProvision of public recreation and community facilitiesReply
Q. 19
Hon MA Fung-kwokRevitalization of industrial buildingsReply
Q. 20
Hon TANG Ka-piuCommunity care services for the elderly Reply
Q. 21
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungAssistance provided to hospitalized elderly people in residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 22
Hon YIU Si-wingProvision of charging services for mobile telephones and other small electrical appliancesReply

Council meeting on 29.10.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HODeclaration of interests by the Chief Executive and Members of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 2
Hon Steven HOMeasures to enhance food safetyReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImpact of the assemblies triggered by the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungInspection of fire service installations and equipmentReply
Q. 5
Hon Gary FANComprehensive Social Security Assistance for persons with less than seven years' residence in Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon Kenneth LEUNGHandling of reports of criminal offences allegedly committed by police officersReply
Q. 7
Hon KWOK Wai-keungEarn-and-Learn Pilot SchemesReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPrevention of a local outbreak of the Ebola virus diseaseReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANGrant of a site for use by the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong GarrisonReply
Q. 10
Hon Charles Peter MOKTemporary traffic arrangements in response to road blockagesReply
Q. 11
Hon WU Chi-waiMeasures to enhance building managementReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanDevelopment of the agriculture industryReply
Q. 13
Hon Mrs Regina IPTeaching Chinese History in secondary schoolsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to attract more people to visit Hong Kong GeoparkReply
Q. 15
Hon TANG Ka-piuAdditional demand for railway services brought about by the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiMajor infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 17
Hon Kenneth LEUNGStatistics related to the Police's handling of assemblies triggered by the Occupy Central movement Reply
Q. 18
Hon NG Leung-singImpact of the Occupy Central movement on the financial sectorReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSEColorectal cancer screening pilot programmeReply

Council meeting on 05.11.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Paul TSEWithstanding the onslaught of the perfect stormReply
Q. 2
Hon Martin LIAONurturing asset management talentsReply
Q. 3
Prof Hon Joseph LEEUse of force by police officersReply
Q. 4
Hon Charles Peter MOKAccess to computer with criminal or dishonest intentReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPublic Order Events section in the Prosecution Code of the Department of Justice Reply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANAllegations of involvement of external forces in the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAssemblies triggered by the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 8
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRetail jobs offered by organizations participating in job fairsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to tackle the problem of family violenceReply
Q. 10
Hon WU Chi-waiThe demand of public works projects for construction manpowerReply
Q. 11
Hon MA Fung-kwokImmigration arrangements for Mainlanders and foreigners participating in local culture, arts and sports eventsReply
Q. 12
Hon Christopher CHEUNGRegulation of listed companiesReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Yuk-manArrangement for allocation of public columbarium nichesReply
Q. 14
Hon WONG Kwok-hingManpower situation of lifeguards under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Helena WONGSafety of edible lardReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanInternet access services for residents in remote areas Reply
Q. 17
Hon James TOMeasures to reduce medical incidentsReply
Q. 18
Hon Kenneth LEUNGOperations to destroy fireworksReply
Q. 19
Prof Hon Joseph LEEImplementation of the amendments made to the Nurses Registration OrdinanceReply
Q. 20
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungMeasures to ease the congestion at the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control PointReply
Q. 21
Hon NG Leung-singEnforcement of injunctions granted by the CourtReply
Q. 22
Hon Emily LAUResidential requirement for registered electorsReply

Council meeting on 12.11.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alice MAKSale of retail and carpark facilities in public housing estates by The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 2
Hon Emily LAUCompliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrageReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Yuk-manAppointment of members to two statutory bodiesReply
Q. 4
Hon Dennis KWOKWater supply for Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSubmission of reports on constitutional development to the Central People's GovernmentReply
Q. 6
Hon TANG Ka-piuIndustrial accidents at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge construction sitesReply
Q. 7
Prof Hon Joseph LEEDispensing tablets of appropriate dosage to patientsReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTeaching of the subjects of Chinese History and National Education in secondary schoolsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANOperation of self-financing post-secondary institutionsReply
Q. 10
Hon KWOK Wai-keungOffer of discounts on taxi faresReply
Q. 11
Hon TANG Ka-piuAssistance programme for low-income elderly people waiting for Integrated Home Care ServicesReply
Q. 12
Hon Charles Peter MOKApplication of radio frequency identification technology in monitoring food safetyReply
Q. 13
Hon Kenneth LEUNGAgreement for the supply of Dongjiang water to Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungLow emission zonesReply
Q. 15
Prof Hon Joseph LEEIndependent Police Complaints CouncilReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiPolice's purchase and use etc. of armsReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungInstallation of onshore power supply facilities at the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 18
Hon James TIENImpact of road occupation on the securities marketsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATProvision of basic living facilities to residents in remote areasReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAUShortage of healthcare personnel in North Lantau HospitalReply
Q. 21
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCombating parallel trading activitiesReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSEFerry service plying the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply

Council meeting on 20.11.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon Dennis KWOKImmediate measures to be taken by the Police before giving further assistance to the bailiffs in enforcing injunction ordersReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kam-lamMonitoring the financial matters of tertiary institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Kin-yuenCurricula of senior secondary subjectsReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Ting-kwongAdjustments of local retail prices of oil productsReply
Q. 4
Hon Michael TIENRegulation of telemarketing activitiesReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to reduce suicidesReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSEAncillary transport facilities for the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 7
Hon Abraham SHEKProblem of rising construction costsReply
Q. 8
Hon Alice MAKHandling of complaints by the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Hon SIN Chung-kaiTaxation issues related to remunerations received under business agreements with overseas companiesReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-hingPublic works proposals pending funding approvalReply
Q. 11
Hon NG Leung-singPlanning and organization of the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANDevelopment of railway networkReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATHandling of postal items by Hongkong PostReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKApplication of information technology to enhance the efficiency of import and export of goodsReply
Q. 15
Hon WU Chi-waiDemand for transport services in KowloonReply
Q. 16
Hon Kenneth LEUNGCarbon emission audits on buildingsReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImpact of the Occupy Central movement on the staging of events and tourism industryReply
Q. 18
Hon NG Leung-singGranting of legal aid to a person for institution of legal proceedings for continuation with illegal activitiesReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Kin-porWearing of seat belts by public light bus passengersReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHANOvercharging of service fees by telecommunications service operatorsReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuPublic library servicesReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Han-panOdour problem at the waterfront of Tsuen WanReply

Council meeting on 26.11.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Ronny TONGFinancial position and operation of the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungThe Hong Kong MarathonReply
Q. 3
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRecommendations of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against WomenReply
Q. 4
Hon TAM Yiu-chungThe rule of law in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon Dennis KWOKMeasures to improve air qualityReply
Q. 6
Hon Kenneth LEUNGPersonal safety of sex workersReply
Q. 7
Hon Tommy CHEUNGHolding trade fairs and international mega events at the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 8
Hon Michael TIENProvision of hillside escalator links and elevator systemsReply
Q. 9
Hon Claudia MOSupport for ethnic minority students in schoolReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Ting-kwongForeign domestic helpers being sent by employers to work on the MainlandReply
Q. 11
Hon Emily LAUImplementation of the recommendations in the Report of the Independent Review Committee for the Prevention and Handling of Potential Conflicts of InterestsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANNon-local students studied in local universitiesReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATAncillary transport facilities for the Double Haven (Yan Chau Tong) Geo-Area of the Hong Kong Global Geopark of ChinaReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKProposed cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in respect of Internet financing and Internet security systemsReply
Q. 15
Hon TAM Yiu-chungBus-Bus Interchanges on Tuen Mun RoadReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATManagement of public marketsReply
Q. 17
Hon Kenneth LEUNGConstruction costs of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ProjectReply
Q. 18
Hon Vincent FANGPotential housing sitesReply
Q. 19
Hon Jeffrey LAMImpacts of the road occupation movement on frontline police officersReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanMeasures to combat illegal trading of endangered speciesReply
Q. 21
Hon WONG Kwok-hingQuality of water from the drinking fountains in public parksReply
Q. 22
Hon Alan LEONGEligible electors in Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 03.12.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungMeasures to meet public demand for housingReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Han-panRailway developments for New Territories WestReply
Q. 3
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokEmployers' provision of documentary proofs of the work experience of employees and former employeesReply
Q. 4
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panShanghai-Hong Kong Stock ConnectReply
Q. 5
Hon Cyd HOLaw enforcement personnel from outside Hong Kong monitoring the activities of Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 6
Hon Ronny TONGHong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link under constructionReply
Q. 7
Hon Tony TSEProcessing of teaching staff members' applications for suspension from teaching work and personnel policies of tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 8
Hon Frankie YICKInsufficient parking spaces for nanny vansReply
Q. 9
Hon SIN Chung-kaiCutting the expenditure of various departments in the coming two financial years by the GovernmentReply
Q. 10
Hon James TIENCost overrun of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ProjectReply
Q. 11
Hon James TOSales of first-hand residential propertiesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANApplication fee and registration fee charged by kindergartensReply
Q. 13
Hon WU Chi-waiEnforcement of the law banning trawling activitiesReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKEmphasis on education relating to innovation and technologyReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATHandling of construction wasteReply
Q. 16
Hon Kenneth LEUNGHong Kong's Climate Change Strategy and Action AgendaReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiCost overruns and delay of major infrastructure projectsReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATCatering services for studentsReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IPThe subject of Liberal Studies under the New Senior Secondary Academic StructureReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanWork of the Tree Management OfficeReply
Q. 21
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungServices provided to residents of Yan On EstateReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSEHong Kong people's declining proficiency in EnglishReply

Council meeting on 10.12.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Charles Peter MOKAssistance provided for children with special educational needsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Helena WONGUse of powers by police officers during operations to assist bailiffs at the occupied areas in Mong KokReply
Q. 3
Hon IP Kin-yuenPilot Project on Enhancement of Complaint Management in SchoolsReply
Q. 4
Hon Michael TIENImplementation of the Native-speaking English Teacher Scheme in primary schoolsReply
Q. 5
Hon Kenneth LEUNGManipulation of stock prices by dissemination of false price-sensitive information Reply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANHong Kong residents being refused entry by the immigration authorities of other jurisdictions Reply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenRegistration services for same sex marriages Reply
Q. 8
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanTraining and registration of veterinary surgeonsReply
Q. 9
Hon Frankie YICKMeasures to improve the operation and facilities of container terminalsReply
Q. 10
Hon Tony TSEInterim Scheme to Extend the Home Ownership Scheme Secondary Market to White Form BuyersReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatCases of cave-ins of slab-paved pavementsReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Yuk-manMonitoring of self-financing post-secondary programmesReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNGOperational arrangements of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Kin-porHelping young people to start online businessesReply
Q. 15
Hon TAM Yiu-chungDevelopment of Areas 40 and 46 in Tuen MunReply
Q. 16
Hon SIN Chung-kaiShanghai-Hong Kong Stock ConnectReply
Q. 17
Hon CHAN Han-panLady Trench PolyclinicReply
Q. 18
Hon Mrs Regina IPDuty travels outside Hong Kong undertaken by the Secretary for EducationReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiMonitoring expenditure of public works projectsReply
Q. 20
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungInclusion of pet visitation arrangements in hospice and palliative care servicesReply
Q. 21
Hon James TOPlacing vending machines at bus stopsReply
Q. 22
Hon TANG Ka-piuRetrofitting noise barriers on existing roadsReply

Council meeting on 17.12.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Andrew LEUNGInterim Scheme to Extend the Home Ownership Scheme Secondary Market to White Form BuyersReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDefacement of public places and vandalism of government properties in occupied areasReply
Q. 3
Hon Tony TSEAdditional demand for railway servicesReply
Q. 4
Hon YIU Si-wingAttendance of public museumsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanThe Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokImportation of workers of the construction industryReply
Q. 7
Hon Albert HOImplementation of family-friendly policies by the Government for its employeesReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGSuspension of classes of special schools when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 is in forceReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Helena WONGRevision of textbooks for the Liberal Studies subjectReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungServices and support provided by the Government for the bereavedReply
Q. 11
Hon Michael TIENBusiness environment for and facilities of public light busesReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANDisposal of the exhibits after the ArtAlive@Park exhibitionReply
Q. 13
Hon Christopher CHEUNGMeasures to combat the sale of imitation gold ornamentsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatFire safety at railway stationsReply
Q. 15
Hon WONG Yuk-manAssistance provided for social enterprisesReply
Q. 16
Hon Frederick FUNGFood waste recycling in public housing estatesReply
Q. 17
Hon CHAN Han-panPrices of admission tickets and concessions of the Hong Kong DisneylandReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAUAppointment of the new Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon Mrs Regina IPStudying history for the appreciation of archaeological discoveriesReply
Q. 20
Hon James TOAntiquities and monuments unearthed at railway construction sitesReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures for cooling down the overheated property market and meeting public demand for housingReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSERegulation of financial intermediariesReply

Council meeting on 07.01.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauProvision of medical beds in public hospitalsReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert CHANAir quality in Tung ChungReply
Q. 3
Hon WU Chi-waiMeasures to increase the supply of rental residential unitsReply
Q. 4
Hon Claudia MOOfficial elucidation on the provisions of the Basic Law and related conceptsReply
Q. 5
Hon Martin LIAODevelopment of Renminbi business in Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiConstitutional development of Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheProviding services for people with mental illnessReply
Q. 8
Hon Steven HOSale of cat and dog furReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert HOAsia Television Limited defaulting on payments of employees' wagesReply
Q. 10
Hon Tommy CHEUNGTaking out employees' compensation insurance policies by the catering industry Reply
Q. 11
Hon Alan LEONGStatistics on registered electorsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanGas leakage incidentsReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanPreventing the chronically-ill elderly from committing suicideReply
Q. 14
Hon Alice MAKProcessing applications for registration as specialist contractorsReply
Q. 15
Hon Tony TSESuspension of tram service due to obstruction of the tramwayReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Helena WONGProjects to construct parksReply
Q. 17
Hon James TIENAbuse of employment arrangements by foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 18
Hon MA Fung-kwokSupport to local cultural and arts workers for participating in cultural and arts activities outside Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Prof Hon Joseph LEEViolence against healthcare personnel of public hospitalsReply
Q. 20
Hon KWOK Wai-keungImplementation of the Qualifications FrameworkReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatInstallation of automatic water sprinkler systems at railway stations Reply
Q. 22
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungHandling of stray cattleReply

Council meeting on 21.01.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Mrs Regina IPDevelopment of Hong Kong's Internet economy and cross-border e-commerce activitiesReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanCareer and Life Planning GrantReply
Q. 3
Hon Albert HOSystems for declaration of interests by and pre-appointment integrity checking of the top echelon of the GovernmentReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiReport on the Recent Community and Political Situation in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Han-panHazards of gas explosions at lift lobbies and corridors of buildingsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGActions taken against people allegedly taking part in unlawful assemblies on pavementsReply
Q. 7
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheAssistance provided for persons with intellectual disabilitiesReply
Q. 8
Hon Claudia MOOdours and hygiene problems of sewers in Tai Kok TsuiReply
Q. 9
Hon Dennis KWOKPermitting mandated refugees and screened-in torture claimants to take employment in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of tenancy agreements in respect of private residential units under the Stamp Duty OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to prevent accidents arising from window cleaningReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Helena WONGTreatment of animals in an ecopark in Yuen LongReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Kwok-hingReview of the Scheme of Control AgreementsReply
Q. 14
Hon Tony TSECar parks under the Hong Kong Housing AuthorityReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAUAssistance provided to human rights monitoring groupsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSupport for the declining industriesReply
Q. 17
Prof Hon Joseph LEENursing manpower in various specialties of public hospitalsReply
Q. 18
Hon NG Leung-singAn accident involving the drop of banknotes from a cash transport vehicleReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuHousehold indebtednessReply
Q. 20
Hon James TOImpact of conversion of sites in Tseung Kwan O to public housing sitesReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANBroadening the opportunities for local students to receive higher educationReply
Q. 22
Hon Paul TSEColorectal cancer screening pilot programmeReply

Council meeting on 28.01.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon James TIENMeasures to tackle the problem of shortage of skilled workers in the construction industryReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungServices and fares of the Light RailReply
Q. 3
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panMatters relating to the Protection of Wages on Insolvency FundReply
Q. 4
Hon SIN Chung-kaiFinancial position of and licence renewal for Asia Television LimitedReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanComments made by a former official of the Central Authorities on the work of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region GovernmentReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Han-panThe work of the Urban Renewal AuthorityReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGSupport for non-Chinese speaking students with special educational needsReply
Q. 8
Hon Steven HOProcessing of appeal cases concerning allowances and grants related to the trawl ban Reply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenDomestic free television programme service licences and allocation of television spectrumReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HODiscretionary Places Admission under the Primary One Admission SystemReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanNationality considerations in the opening of bank accountsReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANIncrease in the rentals of the parking spaces under The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiMeasures to ensure the supply of housingReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNGImpacts of the drop in oil prices on Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon Mrs Regina IPPrivate tenancy allowance for civil servantsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Helena WONGOpen-air heated public swimming poolsReply
Q. 17
Hon WONG Kwok-hingRegulatory arrangements for cross-boundary vehiclesReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAUTraining on racial equality for police officersReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to address the challenges brought by demographic changesReply
Q. 20
Hon TANG Ka-piuImpact of road occupation on tram service Reply
Q. 21
Hon James TOLight pollution caused by sunlight reflected by glass curtain wallsReply
Q. 22
Hon NG Leung-singEstablishment of a Housing ReserveReply

Council meeting on 04.02.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiContingency measures for coping with a major outbreak of influenzaReply
Hon Cyd HOImmediate measures to ensure the effectiveness of newly produced influenza vaccineReply
Hon Andrew LEUNGImmediate measures to prevent influenza from spreading in densely populated places and institutionsReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Helena WONGSafety standards for heavy metal content in foodReply
Q. 2
Hon TAM Yiu-chungRegulation of securities dealersReply
Q. 3
Hon Gary FANExpansion of the Hong Kong International Airport into a three-runway systemReply
Q. 4
Hon IP Kin-yuenInvolvement of the Hong Kong Garrison of the People's Liberation Army in the training of local youngstersReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATProvision of new public markets and retrofitting of air-conditioning systems in existing public marketsReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSEMeasures to increase the income generated by the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 7
Hon Starry LEEFootbridges in private housing estates open for public useReply
Q. 8
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanRecruitment of persons with disabilities by the GovernmentReply
Q. 9
Hon Jeffrey LAMTraveller immigration clearance at various land boundary control pointsReply
Q. 10
Hon YIU Si-wingCurbing visitors coming to Hong Kong for engagement in prostitution activitiesReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGShort-term residential care service for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 12
Hon Dennis KWOKThe proposed Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock ConnectReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenFees and deposits relating to bankruptcy petitions and individual voluntary arrangementsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSponsorships for national education promotional activitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Albert HODentists and ancillary dental personnel in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porMandatory provident fund systemReply
Q. 17
Hon CHAN Han-panProvision of parking spaces at Tsuen Wan town centreReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGRemuneration of the Chief Executive and politically appointed officials as well as honorarium of non-official Members of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 19
Hon WONG Kwok-hingMeasures to combat illegal felling of trees of valuable speciesReply
Q. 20
Hon Emily LAUReduction in bus fares and retail prices of auto-fuel in response to the drop in oil pricesReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSecond round of public consultation on constitutional developmentReply
Q. 22
Hon TANG Ka-piuStatistics on the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply

Council meeting on 11.02.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon IP Kin-yuenSelf-financing programmes offered by tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Kam-lamTraffic impact of a proposed residential development project at Cha Kwo LingReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew LEUNGIncrease in the number of private vehiclesReply
Q. 4
Hon WONG Kwok-kinAccident and emergency services for residents in the Wong Tai Sin districtReply
Q. 5
Hon Starry LEETeaching Chinese History in secondary schoolsReply
Q. 6
Hon YIU Si-wingDamages to the ecological environment of country parks by picnickersReply
Q. 7
Hon Claudia MOMeasures to improve the Individual Visit Scheme and diversify the sources of visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGMaternity support for persons entering Hong Kong on employment visasReply
Q. 9
Hon Alice MAKTransport services for staff working on the airport islandReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Yuk-manImpacts of tourists on the residents in Hung Hom and To Kwa WanReply
Q. 11
Hon James TIENRetirement protectionReply
Q. 12
Hon Frederick FUNGDevelopment of data centres in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon Emily LAUThe problem of foreign domestic helpers being abusedReply
Q. 14
Hon James TOHandling of public library materials returnedReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGAssistance provided for students with special educational needsReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSEThe salary and fringe benefits of police officersReply
Q. 17
Hon WU Chi-waiDevelopment of public healthcare servicesReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanReduction of air pollutant emissions by power plantsReply
Q. 19
Hon Charles Peter MOKGovernment's requests for Internet service providers to disclose or remove users' informationReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSupport received on campus by tertiary students with special educational needs Reply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGGreening projects for buildingsReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATRegulation of ivory possession and tradeReply

Council meeting on 25.02.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Martin LIAOMeasures to enhance the competitiveness of Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauRecruitment of non-local doctorsReply
Q. 3
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panSmall and Medium Enterprises Financing Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGProvision of book drops at railway stations by Hong Kong Public LibrariesReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-kinEasing the impacts of new development projects on the traffic in East KowloonReply
Q. 6
Hon IP Kin-yuenConcern about interference with autonomy of tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenIssues relating to proofs of identityReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert CHANGuarding against thefts of mail itemsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanMeasures to facilitate young people to start their businessReply
Q. 10
Hon Alice MAKProvision of private healthcare services affordable to the publicReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSubsidized vaccination programmesReply
Q. 12
Hon Mrs Regina IPCurriculum and Assessment Guide and textbooks for Liberal StudiesReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNGMeasures to stabilize the property marketReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to cope with a possible outbreak of influenza epidemicReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAURehabilitation services for persons in custodyReply
Q. 16
Hon James TOProvision of residential sitesReply
Q. 17
Hon TANG Ka-piuAssistance provided for dementia patientsReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSETreatment for patients suffering from macular degenerationReply
Q. 19
Hon Charles Peter MOKAmending the Copyright Ordinance to make published works available in formats accessible to persons with print disabilitiesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPublic lighting systemsReply
Q. 21
Hon WU Chi-waiDevelopment of Hong Kong's air freight industryReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANConservation of marine ecosystem and marine lifeReply

Council meeting on 18.03.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Starry LEERegulation of crowdfundingReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenCombating parallel trading activitiesReply
Q. 3
Hon MA Fung-kwokMeasures to improve the physical fitness and health of the youthsReply
Q. 4
Hon WONG Yuk-manAssistance provided to street sleepersReply
Q. 5
Hon Cyd HOThe Chief Executive's duty visits to report on his work to the Central AuthoritiesReply
Q. 6
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of commercial bathhousesReply
Q. 7
Hon Gary FANNumber of visitor arrivals to Hong Kong and Hong Kong's capacity to receive themReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEKCollection of stamp duties and land premiumReply
Q. 9
Hon Steven HOMarine park fishing permitsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGRedevelopment of buildings developed under the Civil Servants' Cooperative Building Society SchemeReply
Q. 11
Hon Dennis KWOKApplication for Hong Kong Permanent Identity Cards by non-Chinese citizens and Chinese citizens born outside Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Hon Claudia MOProposal of rezoning a "Green Belt" site in Tai Wo PingReply
Q. 13
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRegulation of investment-linked assurance schemesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Kin-porAnnual vehicle examinations for private cars and light goods vehiclesReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanAddressing the impacts caused by protests against parallel tradersReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Han-panMandatory Building Inspection SchemeReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiCommunity halls and community centres under the Home Affairs DepartmentReply
Q. 18
Hon Mrs Regina IPCombating drug trafficking and drug abuseReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNGDissemination of details of the public opinion surveys commissioned by the GovernmentReply
Q. 20
Hon NG Leung-singEnhancing cooperation in the realm of finance between Guangdong and Hong KongReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuPre-primary educationReply
Q. 22
Hon James TOPrevention of influenza epidemicReply

Council meeting on 25.03.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Frederick FUNGDevelopment of data centres in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon James TIENInvestigations into suspected irregularities of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange LimitedReply
Q. 3
Hon Emily LAUProportion of female members on the boards of directors of listed companiesReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungRegulation of trading activities of bitcoinsReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Hak-kanDisposal and recycling of municipal solid wasteReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiAssessment of the performance of the Government and principal officialsReply
Q. 7
Hon Gary FANArrest and prosecution of participants in social movementsReply
Q. 8
Hon Starry LEEDevelopment of home-stay lodgingsReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanMedical parole for prisonersReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HOSystem of declaration of interests for District CouncilsReply
Q. 11
Hon KWOK Wai-keungShortage of technical personnel engaged in the electrical and mechanical works under the construction industryReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiOutsourcing of services by government departments and public organizationsReply
Q. 13
Hon Paul TSERegulation of the mortgage loan business of finance companies and mortgage intermediariesReply
Q. 14
Hon Kenneth LEUNGManpower planning for various professions in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon James TOSupply of construction workersReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuUse of domestic fuel in subsidized housing estates/courtsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANThe Community Participation SchemeReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATGeneral Out-patient Clinics Telephone Appointment Service of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 19
Hon Kenneth LEUNGOperation of immigration control pointsReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert HOCommunication between District Councils and heads of government departmentsReply
Q. 21
Hon CHAN Hak-kanReduction of vehicle emissions as well as training for and shortage of vehicle mechanicsReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATTransport to and from Tseung Kwan OReply

Council meeting on 15.04.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Christopher CHUNGHandling of protests against parallel tradersReply
Q. 2
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panThe Small and Medium Enterprises Financing Guarantee SchemeReply
Q. 3
Hon Abraham SHEKTender exercises for capital works projectsReply
Q. 4
Hon Jeffrey LAMHong Kong's capacity to receive visitorsReply
Q. 5
Hon Gary FANSpalling of bitumen protective inner coatings of fresh water pipesReply
Q. 6
Hon Paul TSEGreen Form Home Ownership Pilot SchemeReply
Q. 7
Hon Charles Peter MOKInformation technology support services in bureaux and government departmentsReply
Q. 8
Hon Steven HOAssisting farmers affected by resumption of agricultural lands to relocate their farmsReply
Q. 9
Hon Tony TSENurturing talents for the architectural, surveying, town planning and landscape professionsReply
Q. 10
Hon SIN Chung-kaiDeclaration of interests by Members of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHANProvision of Integrated Home Care Services for the elderlyReply
Q. 12
Hon Alice MAKMarriage and divorce trends in Hong Kong and their impacts on various social aspectsReply
Q. 13
Hon KWOK Wai-keungThe working hours of the employees in Hong Kong and overtime work performed by themReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONGWorking dogs in government departmentsReply
Q. 15
Hon CHAN Kin-porSupply of and demand for domestic helpersReply
Q. 16
Prof Hon Joseph LEEVoluntary residential drug treatment and rehabilitation servicesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanCombating illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward through the use of mobile applicationsReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Kwok-hingImpact of the revisions to the Quota and Points System for public rental housing on non-elderly one-person applicants Reply
Q. 19
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiExpansion of the Hong Kong International Airport into a three-runway systemReply
Q. 20
Hon Mrs Regina IPSupply and prices of powdered formula for infants and young childrenReply
Q. 21
Hon Frederick FUNGReleasing the findings of public opinion surveysReply
Q. 22
Hon Emily LAUPayment of sickness allowanceReply

Council meeting on 22.04.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Christopher CHUNGInternational radical and terrorist organizations' activities in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon Cyd HOEmergency callsReply
Q. 3
Hon Jeffrey LAMSupply of and demand for international school placesReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungImpacts of Hongkong Post's costs management measures on its staff membersReply
Q. 5
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRetirement situation in the Civil ServiceReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImplementation and promotion of the Basic LawReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Regina IPFunding proposal for the project to expand the Hong Kong International Airport into a three-runway systemReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiConstruction of a shopping mall in Lok Ma ChauReply
Q. 9
Hon Frederick FUNGQuota and Points System for public rental housingReply
Q. 10
Hon WU Chi-waiLand use and survey as well as publication of land informationReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Hak-kanImpact of microbeads contained in beauty and skin care products on the environmentReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANManagement and operation of the computer support systems of the PoliceReply
Q. 13
Hon James TOUtilization of smart technology systems for elderly careReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKRecruitment policy for Heads of Departments posts in one-rank gradesReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSEOffences in the Trade Descriptions Ordinance relating to unfair trade practicesReply
Q. 16
Hon Kenneth LEUNGAsian Infrastructure Investment BankReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATAnnual examinations of commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 18
Hon Christopher CHUNGDevelopment of arts and cultural industry in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNGIntroduction of local legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic LawReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanCombating terrorist activitiesReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGMeasures against money laundering and control of the raw materials for manufacturing drugsReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPrices of domestic liquefied petroleum gasReply

Council meeting on 29.04.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Jeffrey LAMDecline in the number of visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon NG Leung-singAsian Infrastructure Investment BankReply
Q. 3
Hon Frankie YICKMaking use of mobile applications to offer taxi-call servicesReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATFuel pricesReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSocial mobility in Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Hak-kanReclaimed water produced by sewage treatment facilitiesReply
Q. 7
Hon Christopher CHUNGPublic library servicesReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEKConstruction and administration costs in the production of public rental housing and Home Ownership Scheme flatsReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert CHANRight of abode in Hong Kong of mainland children who were born to Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiRoad safety of franchised busesReply
Q. 11
Hon Frederick FUNGCombating activities carried out by banks to assist clients in evading taxesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANReprovisioning of a school in Yue Wan EstateReply
Q. 13
Hon Paul TSEMini-storages in industrial buildingsReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPromoting green burialsReply
Q. 15
Hon Kenneth LEUNGInspection of communication of Hong Kong residents by law enforcement agenciesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPossible abuse of the mechanism for making claims for non-refoulement protection against expulsion, return or extradition from Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Hon TANG Ka-piuDevelopment of cinemas in Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGIncreasing the supply of subsidized sale flats through the Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 19
Hon Kenneth LEUNGImplementation of section 33 of the Personal Data (Privacy) OrdinanceReply

Council meeting on 06.05.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Hak-kanEffectiveness of the charging requirement on reduction of disposal of plastic shopping bagsReply
Q. 2
Hon Kenneth LEUNGGrowth Enterprise MarketReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATSupport for patients of rare diseases and their familiesReply
Q. 4
Hon Martin LIAOPolicies and measures to promote green buildingsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungReception of television broadcast signals in remote areasReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNGLow auto-fuel prices and fares of public transport servicesReply
Q. 7
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanMonitoring of intermediaries for foreign domestic helpers and the temporary hostels provided by themReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Ting-kwongYoung people's attitude towards the rule of lawReply
Q. 9
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungRegulation of households in public rental housing retaining regular and continuous residence in their unitsReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Han-panProvision of medical services for Hong Kong residents residing on the MainlandReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Helena WONGProvision of information in ethnic minority languages on public servicesReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHANFitting of seat belts in the rear seats of van-type light goods vehiclesReply
Q. 13
Hon Charles Peter MOKMeasures to protect and enhance telecommunications infrastructuresReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNGRegulation of electric unicycleReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANHong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education ExaminationReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSEAbuse in the use of trade platesReply

Council meeting on 13.05.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Charles Peter MOKUse and management of public sector informationReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSERegulation of vehicle repair workshopsReply
Q. 3
Hon Frederick FUNGAppointment of the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Hak-kanSafety of vehicle repair work and training for vehicle mechanicsReply
Q. 5
Hon Kenneth LEUNGProsecutions in relation to public processions and assembliesReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATRegulation of gas safety and vehicle repair workshopsReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauBlood inventories of the Hong Kong Red CrossReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungProvision of food for persons detained in courtsReply
Q. 9
Hon TAM Yiu-chungProblems of young people abusing drugs and committing drug offencesReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Kin-yuenRevision to the curriculum of the junior secondary subject of Chinese HistoryReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-kinMortgage loans taken out for Home Ownership Scheme flats with unpaid premiumReply
Q. 12
Hon Abraham SHEKResidential units produced by the private sectorReply
Q. 13
Hon KWOK Wai-keungProposed enhancements to the licensing regime for guesthousesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImplementation and promotion of the Basic LawReply
Q. 15
Hon WU Chi-waiMass Transit Railway By-laws and Mass Transit Railway (North-West Railway) BylawReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuSafety of the electricity supply system and related parts in Tenant Purchase Scheme estatesReply

Council meeting on 20.05.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon KWOK Wai-keungEnvironmental hygiene problems caused by wild pigeonsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiIssuance of domestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiIncorporation of new drugs into the Hospital Authority Drug FormularyReply
Q. 4
Hon James TORegulation of the operation of children activity centresReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Hak-kanSha Tau Kok Closed AreaReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNGApplication for a domestic free television programme service licence from Hong Kong Television Network LimitedReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNGRegistration of birthsReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Kam-lamFinancial management and resource utilization of the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong KongReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauPublic diagnostic radiology servicesReply
Q. 10
Hon Christopher CHEUNGMeasures to prevent the stealing of credit card account information for online purchasesReply
Q. 11
Hon Frankie YICKMeasures to prevent drivers from driving during disqualification Reply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kin-yuenDefault problems of the loan schemes administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance AgencyReply
Q. 13
Hon WONG Ting-kwongImplementation of the statutory minimum wage regimeReply
Q. 14
Hon Dennis KWOKDisplay of advertisements on the constitutional reform proposal inside train compartments, MTR stations and MTR-owned propertiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Christopher CHUNGOffences committed by mainland people in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porRegulation of the issuance of sick leave certificates by doctorsReply

Council meeting on 27.05.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Emily LAURetail prices of auto-fuelReply
Q. 2
Hon WU Chi-waiStatistical information provided by the Census and Statistics DepartmentReply
Q. 3
Hon TANG Ka-piuConstruction works of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSELaw enforcement by government departmentsReply
Q. 5
Hon Frederick FUNGLiving space of public rental housing flatsReply
Q. 6
Hon Kenneth LEUNGUse and collection of energy-efficient lighting productsReply
Q. 7
Hon YIU Si-wingPublicity of government policies and measuresReply
Q. 8
Hon Frankie YICKShortage of cross-boundary container truck driversReply
Q. 9
Hon IP Kin-yuenReview on Territory-wide System AssessmentReply
Q. 10
Hon James TIENOffsetting of severance payments and long service payments with the accrued benefits of mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHUNGSelection of books for children and youths by public librariesReply
Q. 12
Hon Dennis KWOKPolice officers involved in a case of alleged assaultReply
Q. 13
Hon Alice MAKHong Kong Childhood Immunization ProgrammeReply
Q. 14
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungRegulation of indoor children's playgroundsReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanYoung people of Hong Kong working overseas under the Working Holiday SchemeReply
Q. 16
Hon Albert CHANAircraft noiseReply

Council meeting on 03.06.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon CHAN Han-panUrgent measures to prevent the epidemic of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in South Korea from spreading to Hong KongReply
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiImmediate measures to curb an outbreak of the epidemic of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in Hong KongReply
Dr Hon Helena WONGRequirement for people from the Middle East and South Korea to complete and submit health declaration formsReply
Q. 1
Hon Tommy CHEUNGFull implementation of the plastic shopping bag charging requirementReply
Q. 2
Hon TANG Ka-piuElectricity tariffsReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungMeasures to assist low-income households in home purchases and flat rentingReply
Q. 4
Hon YIU Si-wingHawker control and managementReply
Q. 5
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRegulation of online television and radio programmesReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiConstitutional reform package for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017Reply
Q. 7
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheCommunity Rehabilitation Day CentresReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRetail and car parking facilities in Yan On EstateReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Ting-kwongAccommodation for touristsReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Kin-yuenBack payments to staff members of subvented organizations in relation to civil service pay adjustmentsReply
Q. 11
Hon Tony TSEDevelopment of hydroponic farmingReply
Q. 12
Hon Dennis KWOKBriefing out of civil casesReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungTree management Reply
Q. 14
Hon Albert CHANRoad safety of carriageways with below-standard widthsReply
Q. 15
Hon Emily LAUDeclaration of conflicts of interests by politically appointed officialsReply
Q. 16
Hon WU Chi-waiAllocation of public rental housing flats to households with six persons or moreReply
Q. 17
Hon TANG Ka-piuAssistance provided for elderly persons with dementiaReply
Q. 18
Hon Charles Peter MOKIntelligent Transport SystemsReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSEMonitoring of the administration by the trustee of an estate for charitable purposesReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanUnauthorized structures outside the Legislative Council Complex and Central Government OfficesReply
Q. 21
Hon Frederick FUNGPilot Scheme for Redevelopment of Civil Servants' Co-operative Building SocietiesReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATGreen roof projectsReply

Council meeting on 10.06.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Jeffrey LAMMaintenance of public order outside the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Q. 2
Hon Martin LIAOFuel pricesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGAssistance provided for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 4
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRegulation of the sale of investment-linked assurance scheme productsReply
Q. 5
Hon Michael TIENProcedure for the implementation of public works projectsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANLand planning of Ap Lei ChauReply
Q. 7
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panSafety of food products imported from JapanReply
Q. 8
Hon Tommy CHEUNGMandatory provident fund schemes for people working in Hong Kong under the Working Holiday SchemeReply
Q. 9
Hon TAM Yiu-chungMediation services in Hong KongReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungPublic general out-patient servicesReply
Q. 11
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungProblems of mosquitoes and garbage in Ma On Shan and Wu Kai ShaReply
Q. 12
Hon Gary FANMainland people overstaying in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon IP Kin-yuenMainland people studying post-secondary programmes in order to obtain the right of abode in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Han-panAssistance provided for occupants of sub-divisions of flat units in industrial buildingsReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungCombating prostitution activitiesReply
Q. 16
Hon KWOK Wai-keungGeneral holidays and statutory holidaysReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiOccupation of the pavements along Tim Mei AvenueReply
Q. 18
Hon Emily LAUPromoting carbon emission audits and reducing carbon emissions by buildingsReply
Q. 19
Hon James TOAnimal welfareReply
Q. 20
Hon WU Chi-waiPlay equipment for the elderly and children in public housing estatesReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuRegulation of vehicle repair workshopsReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKConsultation work in relation to updating the electorate of functional constituenciesReply

Council meeting on 17.06.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of financial intermediariesReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungSanitary fitments in public placesReply
Q. 3
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProtection of animals' rightsReply
Q. 4
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokRegulation of refrigerantsReply
Q. 5
Hon Kenneth LEUNGManpower for air traffic managementReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Han-panAir pollution caused by container vesselsReply
Q. 7
Hon Starry LEEShare consolidation and rights issue conducted by listed companiesReply
Q. 8
Hon MA Fung-kwokWorking Group on Alcohol and HealthReply
Q. 9
Hon Jeffrey LAMImpacts of the occupation of the pavements outside the Central Government Offices and the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenStatistics on people overstaying in Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon SIN Chung-kaiAllocation of frequency spectrumReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kin-yuenDissemination of information by bureaux to the mediaReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanHandling of cases of overstayReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANCivil aviation services for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon WU Chi-waiChild care servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuAssistance provided for elderly persons suffering from dementiaReply
Q. 17
Hon Paul TSELaw enforcement actions against occupation of pavementsReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNGImplementation of the Elderly Health Care Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATRegulation of private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 20
Hon Alice MAKDevelopment of manipulative therapyReply
Q. 21
Hon IP Kin-yuenQuality Education FundReply
Q. 22
Hon TANG Ka-piuProvision of water, electricity and barrier-free access for residents on Po Toi IslandReply

Council meeting on 24.06.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon WONG Kwok-kinCalculation of severance payments and long service paymentsReply
Q. 2
Hon Vincent FANGSupply of live chickens imported from the Mainland and the plight of live poultry trade membersReply
Q. 3
Hon Steven HOMarine fire safetyReply
Q. 4
Hon James TOThe Government's work on constitutional reformReply
Q. 5
Hon WU Chi-waiDissension within society arising from controversies over constitutional reformReply
Q. 6
Hon Frankie YICKDemand for and supply of parking spaces and dissemination of information on vacant parking spacesReply
Q. 7
Hon Ronny TONGAppointment of unofficial members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungTicketing arrangements for concerts held in Hong Kong Coliseum and Queen Elizabeth StadiumReply
Q. 9
Hon James TIENFuture development of the electricity marketReply
Q. 10
Hon Tony TSENeighbourhood Support Child Care ProjectReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-hingOvercharging of fares by franchised bus companiesReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kin-yuenThe requirements for primary school teachers to be promoted to principals and pay levels of the two types of personnelReply
Q. 13
Hon KWOK Wai-keungVocational educationReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAUFollow-up actions taken by the Government on a Legislative Council Member being refused entry to MalaysiaReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANLearning of the Chinese language by non-Chinese speaking people and recognition of the relevant educational qualifications Reply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSEReview of the electoral system of the Legislative Council Functional ConstituenciesReply
Q. 17
Hon Kenneth LEUNGBody searches conducted on detaineesReply
Q. 18
Hon CHAN Hak-kanAnnual vehicle examinations and dynamometer-based emission testsReply
Q. 19
Hon Frederick FUNGPrevention of abuse of the Continuing Education Fund by course providersReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATAlleged poor management of Hongkong PostReply
Q. 21
Hon WONG Kwok-kinProvision of self-service banking servicesReply
Q. 22
Hon Steven HONavigation aidsReply

Council meeting on 08.07.2015

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATImmediate review of regulation on the use of coloured paints or powder in events and the hospitals' ability to cope with patients suffering from burnsReply
Dr Hon Helena WONGImmediate prohibition on the use of coloured paints or theatrical powder in large-scale eventsReply
Q. 1
Hon Tommy CHEUNGRequirement for liquor licences to be held by natural personsReply
Q. 2
Hon Charles Peter MOKProcurement of information technology services and products and implementation of government information technology projectsReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew LEUNG Artificial trans fats in processed foodsReply
Q. 4
Hon Christopher CHUNGCombating activities advocating independence of Hong Kong and staging political protests by violent meansReply
Q. 5
Hon Cyd HOImpact of the People's Republic of China National Security Law on Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon Gary FANUse of public resources by law enforcement agenciesReply
Q. 7
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanImportation of foreign labourReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANInternational school and International Baccalaureate programme placesReply
Q. 9
Hon YIU Si-wingThe Hong Kong International Airport's capacity to receive visitorsReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungFunding Scheme for Youth Internship in the MainlandReply
Q. 11
Hon Frankie YICKRegistration and first registration tax of private carsReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRights of prisonersReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Kin-porProsecution work performed by Court ProsecutorsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONGProvision of community support for the ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Tony TSEComprehensive Development AreaReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Han-panMeasures to combat fly-tippingReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungSafety of the residents of residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 18
Hon IP Kin-yuenProvision of education services on the Mainland by tertiary institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiDevelopment of North Commercial District and payment of relevant land premium by the Airport AuthorityReply
Q. 20
Hon James TOUnauthorized barbecue sitesReply
Q. 21
Hon Emily LAUHandling complaints against employment agencies by the Employment Agencies AdministrationReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiApplication of new technologies in providing road traffic information to motoristsReply