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Council Meetings (Questions)

Year 2015 - 2016
Year 2014 - 2015
Year 2013 - 2014
Year 2012 - 2013

Questions(Year 2013 - 2014)

To view the wording of questions, click the relevant links in the Subject column below to go to the relevant Agenda for the meeting.

To view the main replies to oral questions or replies to written questions, click the relevant links in the Reply column below to go to the relevant web-page of the Government News Archives.

To view the supplementary questions to oral questions and replies to them, read the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council of the relevant Council meeting, the floor version of which will normally be uploaded onto this web-site within two months from the meeting.

Council meeting on 09.10.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeReview of the use of military sitesReply
Q. 2
Hon WU Chi-waiIncorporation of enclaves into country parksReply
Q. 3
Hon Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fungVetting of and approval for applications for new listingsReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunTransparency of the work of the GovernmentReply
Q. 5
Hon Charles Peter MOKRenewal of existing domestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 6
Hon Steven HO Chun-yinLaw enforcement actions relating to articles causing obstruction in public placesReply
Q. 7
Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuenWork of the Hospital Authority Review Steering CommitteeReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatImpact of the abolition of duties on wine on alcohol abuseReply
Q. 9
Hon SIN Chung-kaiStatistics on salaries taxReply
Q. 10
Hon KWOK Wai-keungManpower situation of the retail, construction and catering industriesReply
Q. 11
Hon WONG Kwok-kinTraining of technical personnelReply
Q. 12
Hon Gary FAN Kwok-waiImmigration statisticsReply
Q. 13
Hon YIU Si-wingPromotion of cycling tourismReply
Q. 14
Hon POON Siu-pingDisbursement of pay to members of the Auxiliary Medical Service attending trainingReply
Q. 15
Hon Claudia MOIssuance of additional free television programme licencesReply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRising property prices and rentsReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanGovernment lands in the North-west New TerritoriesReply
Q. 18
Hon MA Fung-kwokTransport services for studentsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanRegulation of the services of intermediaries for foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 20
Hon TAM Yiu-chungHousing needs of retired staff of disciplined servicesReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGPaper consumption by the GovernmentReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenAssistance provided for transgender peopleReply

Council meeting on 16.10.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungLand resources in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungHandling the aftermath of disasters by the GovernmentReply
Q. 3
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingImplementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Hon TANG Ka-piuConditioned hours of work of Model Scale 1 staffReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Yuk-manThe issue of street sleepersReply
Q. 6
Hon KWOK Wai-keungAdmission to universities of candidates who sat the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination held for the last timeReply
Q. 7
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunViews of the former Director of Public Prosecutions prior to his departure from officeReply
Q. 8
Hon WU Chi-waiIdle government sites and vacant government premisesReply
Q. 9
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeImpact of the recent decision of the Government of the United States not to taper bond purchases or raise interest ratesReply
Q. 10
Hon Charles Peter MOKProtection of personal data accessible in the public domainReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunDemolition of structures containing asbestos materialsReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Yuk-manWaiting time for cataract surgeries in public hospitalsReply
Q. 13
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitIssuance of employment visas to foreign domestic helpers and regulation of intermediaries for foreign domestic workersReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanMeasures to facilitate the use of guide dogsReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiAllocation of public housing unitsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokCountry park enclavesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiSites for housing developmentReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wanCombating crimes of cruel treatment of animalsReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatUse of water barriers in road worksReply
Q. 20
Hon TAM Yiu-chungPolicy on earth burial at Gallant GardenReply
Q. 21
Hon Gary FAN Kwok-waiThe Merchant Shipping (Limitation of Shipowners Liability) (Amendment) Ordinance 2005Reply
Q. 22
Hon Claudia MOMonitoring the use of funds of the Disaster Relief Fund allocated to places outside Hong KongReply

Council meeting on 23.10.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himLegal education and qualifying requirements for lawyersReply
Q. 2
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahRegulation of officials' handling of private affairs in their official capacity and transfer of evidence of cases to overseas prosecution departmentsReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokFunding support for conducting public examinationsReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDemand for and supply of kindergarten placesReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungPublic officers stationed in the Legislative Council Complex during Council meetingsReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Ting-kwongAir traffic movements at the Hong Kong International Airport reaching saturationReply
Q. 7
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panImplementation of the Competition OrdinanceReply
Q. 8
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Road widening works for Fanling HighwayReply
Q. 9
Hon James TO Kun-sunHandling of requests for help by police officers during public processions and assembliesReply
Q. 10
Hon NG Leung-singHumanitarian aid provided for Syrian refugeesReply
Q. 11
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungArrangements for payment of salaries taxReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kwok-himEmployment situation of new arrivals from the Mainland settling in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon TANG Ka-piuPublic Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with DisabilitiesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheAward of bonuses to staff by government departments and quasi-government bodiesReply
Q. 15
Hon James TIEN Pei-chunLeakage of leachate from landfillsReply
Q. 16
Hon KWOK Wai-keungImplementation of the five-day work weekReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungCoverage of insurance taken out for aided schoolsReply
Q. 18
Hon WU Chi-waiHealthcare services provided for residents in Kowloon EastReply
Q. 19
Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuenOpen fare system for Light RailReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenAward of bonuses to staff by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment AuthorityReply
Q. 21
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeCo-location of boundary control facilities for the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Hak-kanUse of solar energy to generate electricityReply

Council meeting on 30.10.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon James TO Kun-sunHandling of a complaint against a cardiologistReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanAnti-mosquito, pest control and bedbug control operationsReply
Q. 3
Hon Kenneth LEUNGLaw enforcement actions to conduct stop-and-searches and check identity cards by the police officersReply
Q. 4
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungOutlying island ferry servicesReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheAllocation of resources for tertiary institutionsReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-funClosure of a tenement building in To Kwa WanReply
Q. 7
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungChanging facilities for staff of contractors for outsourced servicesReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himMeasures to combat pickpocketing crimesReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Ting-kwongMeasures to prevent purchase of drugs from web sites on the MainlandReply
Q. 10
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingHandling of complaints about water seepage in residential unitsReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longRegistration of new drugs and their inclusion in the Drug Formulary and the scope of subsidies of various fundsReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipDental services for the elderly and the grassrootsReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATExpeditious implementation of railway development plansReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Kin-porImpact of the Shanghai free trade zone on Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanHousehold income and expenditure on rent, mortgage payment and loan repaymentReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunMeasures to enhance the utilization of and the economic benefits brought by the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiDomestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokLand reserved for building New Territories small housesReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuWater supply for residents in remote areasReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKE-textbook Market Development SchemeReply
Q. 21
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitWork of the task force on public consultation in relation to constitutional developmentReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSupport for children with learning disabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 06.11.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to prevent youth suicideReply
Q. 2
Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kongUse of brownfield sites for residential developmentReply
Q. 3
Hon SIN Chung-kaiInterim review of the Scheme of Control Agreements and the tariff reviewReply
Q. 4
Hon Michael TIEN Puk-sunPrevention of cruelty to animalsReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiThe landfill extension proposalsReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKPlanning for residential developmentsReply
Q. 7
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungThe problem of flies in Tuen Mun and Yuen LongReply
Q. 8
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himServices provided to suicide-prone personsReply
Q. 9
Hon Kenneth LEUNGConduct of body searchesReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipMeasures to prevent government officers from abusing their office and causing nuisance to media organizationsReply
Q. 11
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheChild care servicesReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Kin-porMeasures to improve the Mandatory Provident Fund SchemeReply
Q. 13
Hon James TIEN Pei-chunMedical services provided by the public hospitals of the New Territories East ClusterReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wanRegulation of post secondary colleges under the Post Secondary Colleges OrdinanceReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungOccupational safety for frontline healthcare personnelReply
Q. 16
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunSafety of clothes-drying racks in public housing estatesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatMonitoring the acceptance by healthcare personnel of advantages offered by pharmaceutical manufacturersReply
Q. 18
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeProvision of new residential flats in 2013-2014Reply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungCoverage of insurance taken out for aided schoolsReply
Q. 20
Hon WU Chi-waiPlanning for the Kai Tak Development AreaReply
Q. 21
Hon TANG Ka-piuMTR fare adjustment and fare concessionsReply
Q. 22
Hon TAM Yiu-chungUsage of restored landfillsReply

Council meeting on 13.11.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wanChild care servicesReply
Q. 2
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuenDesignation, control and management of country parksReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokProposed swearing requirement for candidates for the Chief Executive electionReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunProposed review of the operation, etc. of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to facilitate economic developmentReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungOutsourcing of integrated family servicesReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATRegulation of electronic game productsReply
Q. 8
Hon NG Leung-singTight conditions of the labour marketReply
Q. 9
Hon SIN Chung-kaiImport of goods and labour from as well as cultural exchanges with the PhilippinesReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokPromotion and management of street performance activitiesReply
Q. 11
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungProvision of education on the Mainland for children born in Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Hon MA Fung-kwokE-textbook Market Development SchemeReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanDangerous, unauthorized and abandoned signboardsReply
Q. 14
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himHong Kong's competitivenessReply
Q. 15
Hon Charles Peter MOKProcessing of applications for television programme service licences and carrier licences for telecommunications servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Hak-kanNorth East New Territories New Development AreasReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiNorth Lantau HospitalReply
Q. 18
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheEmployment services for the ethnic minoritiesReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenProcurement of furniture for the conference rooms in the offices of government departmentsReply
Q. 20
Hon KWOK Wai-keungSafety of maintenance works on the external walls of buildingsReply
Q. 21
Hon WU Chi-waiProposed Southwest Lantau Marine Park and Soko Islands Marine ParkReply
Q. 22
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeWork Incentive Transport Subsidy SchemeReply

Council meeting on 20.11.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Steven HO Chun-yinAssistance provided for fishermen affected by marine worksReply
Q. 2
Hon YIU Si-wingManpower of the Immigration Department performing immigration control dutiesReply
Q. 3
Hon Frankie YICK Chi-mingParking spaces for commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 4
Hon Starry LEE Wai-kingHandling of reports of alleged discrepancies between food composition and product descriptionsReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Ting-kwongCombating illicit cigarettesReply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Hak-kanAssistance provided to the recycling industryReply
Q. 7
Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuenMonitoring compliance with dimensional standard of parking spaces for private carsReply
Q. 8
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunArrangements for giving evidence by victims of sex crimesReply
Q. 9
Hon Charles Peter MOKEstablishment of a public Wi-Fi networkReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wanEmployment of female police officersReply
Q. 11
Hon SIN Chung-kaiRateable values of propertiesReply
Q. 12
Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuenHospice service for petsReply
Q. 13
Hon Kenneth LEUNGPrevention of tax base erosion and profit shiftingReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanProfessionals providing treatment for people suffering from emotional problemsReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATProvision of additional resources to promote the use of information technology in schoolsReply
Q. 16
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunCombating the offer of discounts on taxi fares by using mobile applicationsReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipOnline access to Lands Department's informationReply
Q. 18
Hon MA Fung-kwokAnnouncement of price-sensitive information of listed companiesReply
Q. 19
Hon James TIEN Pei-chunRegulation of sale of alcoholic beverages by retailers to persons aged below 18Reply
Q. 20
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheAdministrative Guidelines on Promotion of Racial EqualityReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiProvision of lifeguard services at public swimming pools and beachesReply
Q. 22
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungMonitoring of the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme and Youth Work Experience and Training SchemeReply

Council meeting on 27.11.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiEmergency measures to cope with an outbreak of invasive pneumococcal epidemicReply
Q. 1
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanAffairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with the Basic LawReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hungHandling of incidents of students being bullied by teaching staffReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauRecruitment of part-time doctors for the accident and emergency departments of public hospitalsReply
Q. 4
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeAllocation of primary and secondary school placesReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATFuel mix for future energy policyReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiImpact of the State Security Committee on the work of the Hong Kong GovernmentReply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Han-panAssistance for operators of money changers to open bank accountsReply
Q. 8
Hon Frankie YICK Chi-mingTenancy arrangements for logistics sitesReply
Q. 9
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingAlleged environmental and health hazards caused by a factory in FanlingReply
Q. 10
Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fungSupply of and demand for international school placesReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longInfertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologiesReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiProvision of columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 13
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitTreatment of patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPromoting the use of electric vehiclesReply
Q. 15
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunAcquiring copyright licences for use of copyright works in performancesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokThe Chinese Temples OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipOvercharging of service fees by telecommunications service operatorsReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunAppointment and accountability systems for the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against CorruptionReply
Q. 19
Hon Kenneth LEUNGConfidentiality system of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Helena WONG Pik-wanProblems caused by unlicensed restaurantsReply
Q. 21
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himStatistics on the transactions of private residential propertiesReply
Q. 22
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeInvolvement of mainland officials in Hong Kong in the vetting and approval of domestic free television programme service licence applicationsReply

Council meeting on 04.12.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon CHAN Kam-lamImmediate measures to ensure the personal safety of Hong Kong travellers in ThailandReply
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiEmergency measures to deal with a possible outbreak of avian influenza epidemicReply
Q. 1
Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wahAssisting owners of private buildings in carrying out building repair worksReply
Q. 2
Hon Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fungWelfare benefits for the elderly people of Hong Kong residing in Guangdong and Fujian ProvincesReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinProvision of medical services to Hong Kong elderly people residing on the MainlandReply
Q. 4
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitRegulation of private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 5
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeDomestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 6
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingCorrupt practices involving building maintenance worksReply
Q. 7
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeThe means test for applicants for student financial assistanceReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kin-yuenVarious funds established by the GovernmentReply
Q. 9
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanDesignation of marine parksReply
Q. 10
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuenMeasures to alleviate the crowdedness of MTR train compartmentsReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longNursing manpower in public hospitalsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATSchool transport serviceReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanGovernment reserves and expenditureReply
Q. 14
Hon Alice MAK Mei-kuenThefts of luggage in the airportReply
Q. 15
Hon KWOK Wai-keungTraining for employees in the retail industryReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiPhasing out of old diesel commercial vehiclesReply
Q. 17
Hon WU Chi-waiImprovement to the services provided for bus passengersReply
Q. 18
Hon Kenneth LEUNGProfits tax assessmentsReply
Q. 19
Hon Charles Peter MOKBroadband Internet access services in remote areasReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiFirst aid facilities and services provided to ferry passengersReply
Q. 21
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheGrants provided under the School-based After-School Learning and Support ProgrammesReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Hak-kanGuidelines on telecommunications service contractsReply

Council meeting on 11.12.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Han-panDevelopment of bridgehead economy on Lantau IslandReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenProcurement of office furniture and other stores by government departmentsReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-hingQuality of public hygiene servicesReply
Q. 4
Hon YIU Si-wingDevelopment of new tourism resourcesReply
Q. 5
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheServices provided for children with autism or hyperactivity disorderReply
Q. 6
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanSale of locally cultured fish productsReply
Q. 7
Hon Cyd HO Sau-lanElectricity demand and the power gridReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kin-yuenRanks and payroll costs of secretaries to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 9
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeEnactment of legislation to prohibit acts of insulting public officers on dutyReply
Q. 10
Hon Albert HO Chun-yanPoverty alleviation measuresReply
Q. 11
Hon Claudia MOCompetition policies on the free television and the telecommunications service marketsReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungFinancial burden of students of self-financing post-secondary programmesReply
Q. 13
Prof Hon Joseph LEE Kok-longEmployment of part-time nurses by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 14
Hon SIN Chung-kaiiBonds issued by the GovernmentReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunDistrict consultation activities conducted by the Chief ExecutiveReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Kenneth CHAN Ka-lokAllocation of land and vacant school premises for education purposesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATThe problem of youth gangs and young night drifters in Tseung Kwan O districtReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMeasures to deal with the temporary decline in Secondary One student populationReply
Q. 19
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipCurbing the proliferation of Mikania micranthaReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeMaintenance of vehicular flyovers and footbridgesReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiImpacts of railway construction works on residents in Ngau Tam MeiReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKUrban Ticketing SystemReply

Council meeting on 18.12.2013

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokHandling of complaints about water seepage in buildingsReply
Q. 2
Hon NG Leung-singRegulation of e-financeReply
Q. 3
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panPolicies and measures to boost the development of industriesReply
Q. 4
Hon Gary FAN Kwok-waiConduct of health screening on travellers at immigration control pointsReply
Q. 5
Hon CHAN Han-panImprovements to the services and facilities of public hospitalsReply
Q. 6
Hon Kenneth LEUNGEnforcement of the Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) OrdinanceReply
Q. 7
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanBusiness environment of small and medium enterprisesReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauWaiting time for the specialist out-patient services of public hospitalsReply
Q. 9
Hon Frankie YICK Chi-mingFees charged by the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 10
Hon Tony TSE Wai-chuenInvestments management of the Exchange FundReply
Q. 11
Hon James TO Kun-sunSteering Committee on Land supplyReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Kin-porThe six industries that Hong Kong enjoys clear advantagesReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungInjuries at workReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenParticipation in and remarks on Hong Kong affairs by mainland officials stationed in Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Hon Claudia MORegulation of programmes shown on franchised busesReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuDevelopment of a medical centre of excellence in neuroscienceReply
Q. 17
Hon James TIEN Pei-chunRational allocation of public rental housing resourcesReply
Q. 18
Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kitProtection of welfare of animalsReply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungJudicial review against the decisions made by non-governmental organizationsReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanFranchised bus servicesReply
Q. 21
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunElderly Health Care Voucher SchemeReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiPublic access to consultancy study reports and meeting documents held by policy bureaux, government departments and statutory organizationsReply

Council meeting on 08.01.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon SIN Chung-kaiUrgent measures to halt the circulation of counterfeit banknotesReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kam-lamMonitoring the use of bitcoinsReply
Q. 2
Hon IP Kin-yuenAdmission of students outside the Joint University Programmes Admissions SystemReply
Q. 3
Hon James TIENResidence requirement for Comprehensive Social Security AssistanceReply
Q. 4
Hon Claudia MOReview of policies and measures with differential treatment for permanent and non-permanent residents of Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon LEE Cheuk-yanCompliance with the land leases by The Link Management LimitedReply
Q. 6
Hon Michael TIENStaging of Formula E motor racing championship series in Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon Dennis KWOKAbduction and human trafficking crimesReply
Q. 8
Hon WONG Kwok-hingImproving the facilities at public transport interchangesReply
Q. 9
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokRoad safety involving crane lorriesReply
Q. 10
Hon Ronny TONGCommercial leasing procedures of the Airport Authority Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon Cyd HOUse of the banquet room in the headquarters building of the Independent Commission Against CorruptionReply
Q. 12
Hon POON Siu-pingRestrictions imposed on drivers of mainland commercial vehicles while driving such vehicles in Hong KongReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Han-panManpower of the Buildings Department for performing frontline dutiesReply
Q. 14
Hon YIU Si-wingSafety of the use of electric wheelchairsReply
Q. 15
Hon Gary FANGovernment policy on internal circulation of documentsReply
Q. 16
Hon James TOQuality Migrant Admission SchemeReply
Q. 17
Hon Frankie YICKIntegrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-relianceReply
Q. 18
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungCessation of an insurance company to sell life insurance policies through tied agentsReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenArrangements for admission of members of the public to forums on Policy Address and BudgetReply
Q. 20
Hon TANG Ka-piuStatistics about private residential care homes for the elderlyReply
Q. 21
Hon Alice MAKIndustrial safety at container yardsReply
Q. 22
Hon KWOK Wai-keungOccupational safety of foreign workers working at construction sitesReply

Council meeting on 22.01.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Christopher CHUNGReview of the guesthouse licensing systemReply
Q. 2
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungHong Kong MarathonReply
Q. 3
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungDebris removal charges collected by outsourced property services agents of public rental housing estatesReply
Q. 4
Hon SIN Chung-kaiVetting and approving mainlanders' applications for settlement in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon TANG Ka-piuOffsetting severance payments and long service payments with the accrued benefits of Mandatory Provident Fund schemesReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKArrangements for online news media to cover public activitiesReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGImpact of the shortening of the requirement of residence in Hong Kong for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance SchemeReply
Q. 8
Hon Dennis KWOKEx gratia payments awarded to victims of miscarriage of justiceReply
Q. 9
Hon Ronny TONGEnforcement of the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012Reply
Q. 10
Hon Starry LEEConsulting residents' views on applications for guesthouse licences and crackdown on unlicensed guesthousesReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipMethods used in catching stray dogsReply
Q. 12
Hon IP Kin-yuenFinancial position of bureaux and government departmentsReply
Q. 13
Hon Cyd HOInstallation of closed-circuit television systems in public placesReply
Q. 14
Hon Tony TSEPublic works projects conducted under the mode of new engineering contractReply
Q. 15
Hon NG Leung-singEmbezzlement by staffReply
Q. 16
Hon Gary FANHandling of animals received or caught by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation DepartmentReply
Q. 17
Hon Claudia MOMainland residents with criminal records coming to Hong Kong for settlementReply
Q. 18
Hon Alan LEONGServices provided to children and women by Maternal and Child Health CentresReply
Q. 19
Hon Abraham SHEKBurglaries of luxurious apartmentsReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRest facilities for employees of outsourced service contractors of the GovernmentReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGAppointment of non-official members to advisory and statutory bodiesReply
Q. 22
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheResidential care services for the elderly and persons with disabilitiesReply

Council meeting on 12.02.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Kam-lamRecruitment of staff to work at the airportReply
Q. 2
Hon Steven HOCleanliness of food utensils of eateriesReply
Q. 3
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRelocation of the healthcare services of Queen Elizabeth Hospital to a new hospital at Kai Tak Development AreaReply
Q. 4
Hon Emily LAUSystem of declaration of interests by Executive Council MembersReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-hingFacilities at bus terminiReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Yuk-manImplementation of Article 22(4) of the Basic LawReply
Q. 7
Hon IP Kwok-himProvision of inclusive play equipment at children's playgrounds for enjoyment of children with or without disabilitiesReply
Q. 8
Hon Dennis KWOKHuman trafficking offencesReply
Q. 9
Hon Cyd HOMaintenance, conservation and redevelopment of buildings managed by the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 10
Hon NG Leung-singExpenditure on legal aid casesReply
Q. 11
Hon TAM Yiu-chungRelationship between the road works and traffic accidents on Tuen Mun RoadReply
Q. 12
Hon Gary FANUnpaid medical fees owed by non-local pregnant women after giving birth in public hospitalsReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSupport for the development of football in Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Hon Paul TSEChiropractor serviceReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiConstitutional developmentReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATImprovement to the facilities and manpower in the Prince of Wales HospitalReply
Q. 17
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRegulation of intermediaries for Indonesian domestic helpersReply
Q. 18
Hon Alice MAKDevelopment of cycle track networksReply
Q. 19
Hon Abraham SHEKManpower shortage of the construction industryReply
Q. 20
Hon KWOK Wai-keungPrevention of water mains from bursting and handling of such incidentsReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanRedevelopment of old buildingsReply
Q. 22
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenPrevention of elderly suicideReply

Council meeting on 19.02.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Dennis KWOKCompliance with anti-corruption laws by mainland officials in Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanImpact of industrial building revitalization measures on cultural and arts workersReply
Q. 3
Hon Christopher CHUNG Shu-kunProposed private residential development on a site in Shau Kei WanReply
Q. 4
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panAbuse of employment arrangement for foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Kwok-hingRegulation of taxi drivers using several mobile telephones while driving and offering discounts on taxi faresReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungIllegal felling and theft of Aquilaria sinensisReply
Q. 7
Hon Steven HO Chun-yinSafety of food products imported from JapanReply
Q. 8
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yanMeasures to prevent and control human infections of avian influenza A (H7N9)Reply
Q. 9
Hon Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yeeManagement and development of the Asia World-ExpoReply
Q. 10
Hon Emily LAU Wai-hingUse of video-recording devices by police officers during public assemblies and processionsReply
Q. 11
Hon TANG Ka-piuVerification of the information furnished by employers on Employer's ReturnReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiRailway services for residents in Tsing YiReply
Q. 13
Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-keeThe Chief Executive's duty visits to report on his work to the Central AuthoritiesReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKGovernment's requests for Internet service providers to disclose or remove users' informationReply
Q. 15
Hon Paul TSE Wai-chunInvestment returns of the funds set up or with moneys injected by the GovernmentReply
Q. 16
Hon WU Chi-waiImplementation of the Fire Safety (Buildings) OrdinanceReply
Q. 17
Hon Kenneth LEUNGStatistics on visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon Abraham SHEK Lai-himQuality of sub-degree programme graduatesReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPrevention of cruelty to animalsReply
Q. 20
Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yipAir pollutant emissions from aircraftReply
Q. 21
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungNorth East New Territories New Development AreasReply
Q. 22
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheRegulation of beauty and skin care productsReply

Council meeting on 26.02.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanImpact of the development projects on Anderson Road on the traffic in Kowloon EastReply
Q. 2
Hon Dennis KWOKFinancial products offered by mainland financial institutionsReply
Q. 3
Hon SIN Chung-kaiCo-location of immigration and customs facilities at the West Kowloon Terminus of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Kin-porReciprocal notification mechanism between the mainland public security authorities and the Hong Kong Police ForceReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImpact of the expansion of the Individual Visit Scheme on Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon TANG Ka-piuLiquefied petroleum gas filling stationsReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiKwai Chung Park development projectReply
Q. 8
Hon Paul TSEReview of the mechanism for appointment of the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and anti-corruption legislationReply
Q. 9
Hon Charles Peter MOKHongkong Post e-Cert and smart identity cardsReply
Q. 10
Hon Frederick FUNGSupport for athletes participating in major international sport gamesReply
Q. 11
Hon Kenneth LEUNGInternal control of procurement activities by policy bureaux and government departmentsReply
Q. 12
Hon WU Chi-waiPublication of public policy research reportsReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungFollow-up actions taken on Lehman Brothers-related Minibonds incidentReply
Q. 14
Hon TANG Ka-piuHuman resources policies and pay systems of statutory bodiesReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSupply of and demand for powdered formula for infants and young childrenReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSEImmigration policy and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance for new immigrantsReply
Q. 17
Hon Albert HOStatistics related to mainland visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 18
Hon WONG Yuk-manVietnamese boat people and refugees in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanProper treatment of sewage and utilization of reclaimed waterReply
Q. 20
Hon Dennis KWOKStatistics on convictions of foreign domestic helpersReply

Council meeting on 19.03.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Starry LEEAlleviation of the crowdedness of MTR train compartmentsReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGThe requirement for persons with special educational needs to move out of small group homes upon reaching the age of 18Reply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAU Wong-fatDisruption of railway servicesReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanRising costs in public worksReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGAssisting owners and occupiers of "three-nil buildings" in complying with Fire Safety DirectionsReply
Q. 6
Hon Albert HORegulation of the businesses of licensed money lendersReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauMeal breaks for ambulancemenReply
Q. 8
Hon CHAN Han-panRehabus service for people with impaired mobilityReply
Q. 9
Hon YIU Si-wingImpacts of mainland visitors on the daily lives of Hong Kong residentsReply
Q. 10
Hon Mrs Regina IPEmployment of non-civil service contract staff by the Security BureauReply
Q. 11
Hon IP Kin-yuenStandards of the school premises and learning environment of public-sector schoolsReply
Q. 12
Hon WONG Yuk-manThe work of Information Co-ordinatorReply
Q. 13
Hon MA Fung-kwokThe Hong Kong MarathonReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONGCemeteries and columbarium facilitiesReply
Q. 15
Hon TAM Yiu-chungHandling of job applications from persons with conviction records by disciplined servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon NG Leung-singThe US dollar loan-to-deposit ratio of banks in Hong KongReply
Q. 17
Hon James TIENGovernment officials or departments publishing articles in pen-namesReply
Q. 18
Hon Dennis KWOKLodging arrangements for foreign domestic helpersReply
Q. 19
Hon Christopher CHUNGAssisting owners of old buildings with no owners' incorporation in carrying out building repair worksReply
Q. 20
Hon Claudia MOLearning Chinese as a second language by ethnic minority studentsReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSupport for Hong Kong athletes participating in mega sports eventsReply
Q. 22
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATHandling of confiscated ivory by the GovernmentReply

Council meeting on 26.03.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon MA Fung-kwokProvision of land for the development of the cultural and creative industriesReply
Q. 2
Hon Albert CHANResolution of disputes by arbitration or mediationReply
Q. 3
Hon IP Kin-yuenManpower planning for teachersReply
Q. 4
Hon Frankie YICKImprovement to the legal aid systemReply
Q. 5
Hon WONG Yuk-manImpact of surge of mainland visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 6
Hon James TOPolice's handling of requests for assistance to meetings of committees of District CouncilsReply
Q. 7
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGEmployment of persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 8
Hon Tommy CHEUNGRegulation of the industry of collection and recycling of used cooking oilReply
Q. 9
Hon Albert HOSupply of varicella vaccinesReply
Q. 10
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungRelocation of stray cattleReply
Q. 11
Prof Hon Joseph LEEDevelopment and regulation of the beauty industryReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Helena WONGArrangements for meetings of the committees and working groups under District CouncilsReply
Q. 13
Hon Dennis KWOKPrevention of collusion by foreign exchange tradersReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiProtection of public order and safetyReply
Q. 15
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheEmployment services for autistic personsReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATBusiness environment for small and medium enterprises and promotion of starting businessesReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANAssociate Members of the Central Policy UnitReply
Q. 18
Hon Charles Peter MOKRegulatory regime for mobile television servicesReply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungEducation and vocational training for inmatesReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNGPrices of food items imported from the MainlandReply
Q. 21
Hon Kenneth LEUNGReport of the Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal PlanningReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiIllegal structures on private land for residential purposesReply

Council meeting on 09.04.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Ronny TONGCases of judicial reviewReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanAncillary facilities for cycling and promotion of cycling tourismReply
Q. 3
Hon James TOAssistance for property owners in carrying out building maintenance worksReply
Q. 4
Hon Albert HOMonitoring the safety of railway systemsReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungAssistance to stall tenants in public marketsReply
Q. 6
Hon MA Fung-kwokProgress of granting domestic free television programme service licencesReply
Q. 7
Hon CHAN Kin-porProtection of aviation safetyReply
Q. 8
Hon Gary FANProsecutions involving cross-boundary mainland vehiclesReply
Q. 9
Dr Hon Helena WONGLeisure Link facility booking servicesReply
Q. 10
Hon Christopher CHUNGOperation of CyberportReply
Q. 11
Hon Albert CHANCompensation for factory operators of the former Wah Kai Industrial CentreReply
Q. 12
Hon CHAN Hak-kanBuilding a mega business and shopping centre near the boundaryReply
Q. 13
Hon TANG Ka-piuFees and charges of the Mandatory Provident Fund schemesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANArea of and facilities on vacant school premisesReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiConstitutional developmentReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATMeasures to support breastfeedingReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiSpecial schools for students with special educational needs in the Islands DistrictReply
Q. 18
Hon Paul TSECoach parking spaces and tourism facilities of the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 19
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRegulation of students' use of mobile telephonesReply
Q. 20
Hon Charles Peter MOKImplementation of the Competition OrdinanceReply
Q. 21
Hon WU Chi-waiGranting of short term tenancies at nominal rentReply
Q. 22
Hon Kenneth LEUNGOptions on future fuel mix for electricity generationReply

Council meeting on 16.04.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Jeffrey LAMSupplementary Labour SchemeReply
Q. 2
Hon Emily LAUManagement of public recordsReply
Q. 3
Hon James TOImpacts of railway construction works on nearby sites and buildingsReply
Q. 4
Hon WONG Yuk-manPublic participation in the work of the Town Planning BoardReply
Q. 5
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungUnauthorized columbariaReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungIndustrial accidents in the construction industryReply
Q. 7
Hon Alan LEONGHandling of public rental housing units of tenants sentenced to imprisonmentReply
Q. 8
Hon Albert HOServices for persons with mental illness/mood disorderReply
Q. 9
Hon James TIENImportation of construction workersReply
Q. 10
Hon KWOK Wai-keungRecommendations of the Task Force on Manpower Development of the Retail IndustryReply
Q. 11
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATParents boosting their children during the pre-primary education stageReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANManagement Scheme for the Display of Roadside Non-commercial Publicity MaterialsReply
Q. 13
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungAir pollution problem of Hong KongReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNGPersons seeking exemptions from Buyer's Stamp Duty being requested to submit statutory declarationsReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiTaxi services on Lantau IslandReply
Q. 16
Hon Paul TSEProvision of hillside escalator links or lift towersReply
Q. 17
Hon Charles Peter MOKQuality of train services and fare concessionsReply
Q. 18
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungEnhancing Self-Reliance Through District Partnership ProgrammeReply
Q. 19
Hon WU Chi-waiThe new "Universal Accessibility" policyReply
Q. 20
Hon Kenneth LEUNGThe proposed new open-ended fund company structureReply
Q. 21
Hon James TORequiring buyers of Tenants Purchase Scheme flats to make back payments for Buyer's Stamp DutyReply
Q. 22
Hon Emily LAUTransparency of District CouncilsReply

Council meeting on 30.04.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon TAM Yiu-chungTransport facilities of Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 2
Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwokIndustrial accidents involving crane lorriesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Helena WONGMeasures to facilitate ethnic minority students in applying for financial assistanceReply
Q. 4
Hon Albert CHANRising costs of Ten Major Infrastructure ProjectsReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiFilibuster on the Appropriation Bill 2014Reply
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Hak-kanEnhancement of Wi-Fi servicesReply
Q. 7
Hon Michael TIENRailway property development projectsReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGEscape facilities in buildings for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 9
Hon Starry LEEAncillary transport facilities in Lei Yue MunReply
Q. 10
Hon WONG Kwok-kinRetirement age for security guardsReply
Q. 11
Hon Jeffrey LAMDevelopment of Lantau IslandReply
Q. 12
Hon Tony TSEDelay in the completion of the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply
Q. 13
Hon Frankie YICKAssistance for retiring and retired athletesReply
Q. 14
Hon Cyd HORevenues from Special Stamp Duty and Buyer's Stamp DutyReply
Q. 15
Hon NG Leung-singTotal loans and advances for use in Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Hon CHAN Kin-porRecovery agents and law firm representatives persuading workers injured at work to make claims for compensationReply
Q. 17
Hon James TOManagement of the spaces for use by the public in private developmentsReply
Q. 18
Hon KWOK Wai-keungNominal wage indices and real wage indices for Hong Kong employeesReply

Council meeting on 07.05.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungRevitalization project implemented at the former Police Married Quarters on Hollywood RoadReply
Q. 2
Hon KWOK Wai-keungLabour supply in the construction industryReply
Q. 3
Hon Albert CHANA large number of public works contracts and consultancy study contracts awarded to certain companiesReply
Q. 4
Hon TANG Ka-piuSituation of asylum seekers and torture claimants in Hong KongReply
Q. 5
Hon Frederick FUNGLantau Development Advisory CommitteeReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKHandling security loopholes of data encryption technologyReply
Q. 7
Hon Michael TIENManagement of the Kai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 8
Hon Andrew LEUNG Demand-led Redevelopment Project Pilot SchemeReply
Q. 9
Hon Starry LEELearning Putonghua in schoolsReply
Q. 10
Hon Ronny TONGPersons seeking exemptions from Buyer's Stamp Duty being requested to submit statutory declarationsReply
Q. 11
Hon YIU Si-wingPhotography service stalls at major tourist spotsReply
Q. 12
Hon TAM Yiu-chungImpacts of protests in Taiwan on Hong Kong's economic and trade cooperation with TaiwanReply
Q. 13
Hon Cyd HORestriction on alienation and sale of New Territories small housesReply
Q. 14
Hon Emily LAUPrevention of conflicts of interests of politically appointed officials and Members of the Executive CouncilReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanSupply of and demand for veterinary surgeons and development of veterinary educationReply
Q. 16
Hon James TOServices of the psychiatric wards in public hospitalsReply

Council meeting on 14.05.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon CHAN Hak-kanRegulation of pet foodReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSEProposed environmentally friendly linkage system in Kowloon EastReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiTin Sau BazaarReply
Q. 4
Hon WU Chi-waiDecisions on whether country park enclaves should be incorporated into country parksReply
Q. 5
Hon Kenneth LEUNGMeasures to combat money laundering activitiesReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNGShanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect pilot programmeReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Kwok-kinDevelopment of Kowloon East into a tourism and core commercial districtReply
Q. 8
Hon Mrs Regina IPHandling of passenger enquiries and complaints by public transport operatorsReply
Q. 9
Hon Tony TSEDemand-led Redevelopment Project Pilot SchemeReply
Q. 10
Hon IP Kin-yuenDemand for and supply of educational psychologistsReply
Q. 11
Hon Cyd HOThe contribution of the tourism industry to the economy of Hong KongReply
Q. 12
Hon Dennis KWOKThe District Administration Scheme implemented by the Home Affairs DepartmentReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Helena WONGAdmission of local and non-local students to postgraduate programmesReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANReview of the long-term and indeterminate sentences of prisonersReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiMTR railway servicesReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuRevitalization of derelict mines/mine caves for tourism purposeReply

Council meeting on 21.05.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANAssisting direct subsidy schools in acquiring permanent school premisesReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Hak-kanMonuments and antiques unearthed at railway construction sitesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiHandling of the delay in the completion of the project to construct the express rail linkReply
Q. 4
Hon Paul TSEThe use of blogs to communicate with the public by the Chief Executive and principal officialsReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiCauses and impacts of the delay in completion of the project to construct the express rail linkReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungThe "PMQ" projectReply
Q. 7
Hon Starry LEEMeasures to combat scalping of admission tickets to places of public entertainmentReply
Q. 8
Hon IP Kin-yuenStaff establishment of the Vocational Training Council and its member institutionsReply
Q. 9
Hon Tony TSEPresenting sizes and prices of residential properties on the basis of saleable areaReply
Q. 10
Prof Hon Joseph LEEResource allocation mechanism of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenDisruptions of railway servicesReply
Q. 12
Hon Albert HOPrevention of bacterial infection of patients in public hospitalsReply
Q. 13
Hon Cyd HOStatistics on owner-occupier householdsReply
Q. 14
Dr Hon Helena WONGSegregation of local and imported live chickensReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATHandling security loopholes of data encryption technologyReply
Q. 16
Hon TANG Ka-piuEligibility criteria for applying for various assistance schemes for people with low income or financial difficultiesReply

Council meeting on 28.05.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Frederick FUNGMonitoring the surface conditions of the roads outside the entrances to construction sitesReply
Q. 2
Hon CHAN Hak-kanInvasion of privacy by clandestine photo-taking activitiesReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiTackling the problems brought by increasing number of visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANParticipation in the "Occupy Central" movement by students and teachersReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiPublic transport services for residents of Ma WanReply
Q. 6
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungThe "PMQ" projectReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Ting-kwongHong Kong's capacity to receive visitorsReply
Q. 8
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungCrowdedness of footpathsReply
Q. 9
Hon Tony TSETechnical assessments of the planning application for minor relaxation of development intensity of the West Kowloon Cultural District siteReply
Q. 10
Hon CHAN Kin-porEnforcement of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes OrdinanceReply
Q. 11
Hon Christopher CHUNGDisused footbridgesReply
Q. 12
Hon TAM Yiu-chungService hours of the Light Rail and feeder buses in New Territories WestReply
Q. 13
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUAKai Tak Cruise TerminalReply
Q. 14
Hon Charles Peter MOKMonitoring and communications systems of railway linesReply
Q. 15
Hon WU Chi-waiStatistics on households in rented private accommodationReply
Q. 16
Hon Kenneth LEUNGThe project to construct the Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail LinkReply

Council meeting on 04.06.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon KWOK Wai-keungVocational education programmes offered by the Vocational Training CouncilReply
Q. 2
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATRegulation of the trade and collection of ivoryReply
Q. 3
Hon Paul TSEPedestrian facilities for residents of Lam TinReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Hak-kanPilot scheme on municipal solid waste chargingReply
Q. 5
Hon WU Chi-waiUse of temporary structures as offices by government departmentsReply
Q. 6
Hon Charles Peter MOKImprovement to the access to information regimeReply
Q. 7
Hon Christopher CHEUNGBusiness conditions of small and medium brokersReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauService statistics of the Hospital AuthorityReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Ting-kwongHandling of the Occupy Central movementReply
Q. 10
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGProvision of public rental housing for singletons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 11
Hon James TIENParking spaces for bicyclesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungSmuggling activities conducted by engagement of cross-boundary studentsReply
Q. 13
Hon CHAN Kin-porFinancial viability of the Post Office Trading FundReply
Q. 14
Hon Tony TSECompetitiveness of Hong KongReply
Q. 15
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanWorks of the MTR Shatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 16
Hon Dennis KWOKEducation for children of Hong Kong people residing on the MainlandReply

Council meeting on 11.06.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon POON Siu-pingOccupational diseases involving lower limb musculoskeletal disordersReply
Q. 2
Hon Alice MAKRegulation of lion, dragon and unicorn dancesReply
Q. 3
Hon Andrew LEUNGRegulation and application of unmanned aircraft systemsReply
Q. 4
Hon Claudia MOMeasures to regulate the growth in visitor arrivalsReply
Q. 5
Hon Tony TSEThe "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" policyReply
Q. 6
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANDemocracy and human rights activists being refused entry to Hong KongReply
Q. 7
Hon Ronny TONGRe-zoning of a site near the Hong Kong Science Park to residential useReply
Q. 8
Hon MA Fung-kwokStandard of the bus services of franchised bus companiesReply
Q. 9
Hon Alice MAKMonitoring the safety of water sports activitiesReply
Q. 10
Hon Claudia MORegulation of Chinese medicines with ingredients from bear gall bladdersReply
Q. 11
Hon CHAN Kin-porPrevention of young students from being sexually assaulted by tutorsReply
Q. 12
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanFacilities provided at railway stations for passengersReply
Q. 13
Hon Albert CHANAircraft noise mitigating measuresReply
Q. 14
Hon Frederick FUNGThe conduct of carbon audits and disclosure of the relevant information by listed companiesReply
Q. 15
Hon Kenneth LEUNGFuture fuel mix for electricity generationReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiImpacts of reducing mainland visitor arrivalsReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANProject Phoenix of the Hong Kong Football AssociationReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATPeeping and clandestine video-recording/photo-taking activities at black spots of accidental exposureReply
Q. 19
Hon CHAN Hak-kanThe impacts of fine suspended particulates on public healthReply
Q. 20
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungThe "PMQ" projectReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiManagement of personal credit dataReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKCost-effectiveness of public works projectsReply

Council meeting on 18.06.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Hon TANG Ka-piuEmergency measures to maintain public order and protect personal safetyReply
Hon IP Kwok-himPolice's handling of protesters' violent acts outside the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNGPolice's handling of protesters outside the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Hon Starry LEEComments on the Internet instigating people to storm the Legislative Council ComplexReply
Q. 1
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiOccupy Central and constitutional development proposalsReply
Q. 2
Hon Paul TSEHandling of complaints by the Medical Council of Hong Kong Reply
Q. 3
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiThe Government's deployment against Occupy CentralReply
Q. 4
Hon CHEUNG Kwok-cheContract Homes and Enhanced Home and Community Care Services for the elderlyReply
Q. 5
Hon WU Chi-waiReview of the Individual Visit SchemeReply
Q. 6
Hon Frederick FUNGThe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region conducting its administrative affairs on its ownReply
Q. 7
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panWaiting times for hearing of and time taken for delivery of judgments on court casesReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNGConstruction works of the West Kowloon Cultural District projectReply
Q. 9
Hon Michael TIENProfits made and fare concessions offered by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 10
Hon Jeffrey LAMWaste management and recyclingReply
Q. 11
Hon Alice MAKLoss of sand in public beachesReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungManagement of turfs of sports grounds under the Leisure and Cultural Services DepartmentReply
Q. 13
Hon Christopher CHUNGAntiquities and monuments excavated from the works site of the MTR Shatin to Central LinkReply
Q. 14
Hon TAM Yiu-chungProcessing of torture claimsReply
Q. 15
Hon Dennis KWOKMeasures to promote Hong Kong's international arbitration servicesReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanPolice Superintendent's Discretion SchemeReply
Q. 17
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATProtection of shark speciesReply
Q. 18
Hon Kenneth LEUNGProtection of employees' personal dataReply
Q. 19
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANInternational schools operating in vacant school premises of the GovernmentReply
Q. 20
Hon CHAN Hak-kanIllegal football betting and assistance for problem and pathological gamblersReply
Q. 21
Hon LEUNG Kwok-hungMeasures to combat employers defaulting on wage paymentsReply
Q. 22
Hon Charles Peter MOKRenewal of sound broadcasting licencesReply

Council meeting on 25.06.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon TAM Yiu-chungTackling the challenges arising from an ageing population and a shrinking labour forceReply
Q. 2
Hon KWOK Wai-keungMeasures to combat the offer of discounts on taxi faresReply
Q. 3
Dr Hon Helena WONGWhite Paper on "The Practice of the 'One Country, Two Systems' Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region"Reply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Chi-chuenPrevention of discrimination against employees of schools who are sexual minoritiesReply
Q. 5
Hon Tommy CHEUNGPlanning application in respect of a hotel project on Lugard RoadReply
Q. 6
Hon WONG Kwok-kinCompletion date of the planned public hospital at the Kai Tak Development AreaReply
Q. 7
Hon Christopher CHEUNGProposed new requirement on the undertaking of auditing services for mainland enterprises listed/to be listed in Hong KongReply
Q. 8
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panImpacts of the riots in Vietnam on Hong Kong businessmenReply
Q. 9
Hon Jeffrey LAMWork of the offices of the SAR Government on the MainlandReply
Q. 10
Hon Abraham SHEKDevelopment of a knowledge-based economy in Hong KongReply
Q. 11
Hon James TIENReview of the Individual Visit SchemeReply
Q. 12
Hon Tony TSEDevelopment of businesses outside Hong Kong by the MTR Corporation LimitedReply
Q. 13
Hon Christopher CHUNGDevelopment of innovation and information technology industriesReply
Q. 14
Hon CHAN Kin-porRegulation of charges levied by private hospitalsReply
Q. 15
Hon Dennis KWOKApplication of the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements to Hong KongReply
Q. 16
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanPublic mental health servicesReply
Q. 17
Hon TANG Ka-piuFetal morphology scans conducted in public hospitalsReply
Q. 18
Hon WU Chi-waiAviation services in Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon Paul TSEAppointments of board members and transfers of senior staff members of the Airport Authority Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Trade Development CouncilReply
Q. 20
Hon Frederick FUNGFormulation of emission reduction targets by setting a cap on the total greenhouse gas emissionsReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon LAM Tai-faiConduct of the "Popvote" on 22 June 2014Reply
Q. 22
Dr Hon KWOK Ka-kiMonitoring of air qualityReply

Council meeting on 02.07.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Vincent FANGProposed improvement to the operation of the Medical Council of Hong KongReply
Q. 2
Hon Jeffrey LAMControl on the number of visitors to Hong KongReply
Q. 3
Hon Mrs Regina IPMeal break arrangements for ambulancemenReply
Q. 4
Hon CHAN Yuen-hanOffsetting of severance payments and long service payments with the accrued benefits of mandatory provident fund schemesReply
Q. 5
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauPrescription of orthokeratology contact lens
Q. 6
Hon CHAN Hak-kanSupply of school bus servicesReply
Q. 7
Hon CHUNG Kwok-panCombating parallel trading activitiesReply
Q. 8
Hon Michael TIENRegulation of beauty service devicesReply
Q. 9
Hon YIU Si-wingStatistics on parallel tradersReply
Q. 10
Hon SIN Chung-kaiControl on the use of Gibberellic acidsReply
Q. 11
Hon Emily LAUHandling of conflicts between flat owners and management committees over building maintenance and repair worksReply
Q. 12
Hon NG Leung-singEnhancing the resilience of Hong Kong's financial systemReply
Q. 13
Hon Claudia MOProtection of Aquilaria sinensisReply
Q. 14
Hon Abraham SHEKThe Continuing Education FundReply
Q. 15
Hon James TOSites zoned as "Open space"Reply
Q. 16
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungStructures in breach of land leases on private agricultural landReply
Q. 17
Hon CHAN Kin-porColorectal cancer screening programmeReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanTerms of basic banking servicesReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuFacilities and services provided at MTR stations for persons with disabilitiesReply
Q. 20
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATImpacts of the Southeast New Territories Landfill on the residents nearbyReply
Q. 21
Dr Hon Kenneth CHANSafeguarding of the intangible cultural heritageReply
Q. 22
Hon Kenneth LEUNGPolice's cyber patrolReply

Council meeting on 09.07.2014

Question No.
Raised bySubjectReply
Q. 1
Hon Alan LEONGPolitical requirements for judges and other judicial personnelReply
Q. 2
Hon Alice MAKPromotion of vocational educationReply
Q. 3
Hon James TIENImportation of construction workersReply
Q. 4
Dr Hon Elizabeth QUATExpansion of the airport into a three-runway systemReply
Q. 5
Hon Michael TIENProvision of seats and barrier-free facilities for people in need when they use public transport servicesReply
Q. 6
Hon Kenneth LEUNGUse of force by police officers while discharging dutiesReply
Q. 7
Hon WONG Kwok-hingRailway property development projectsReply
Q. 8
Dr Hon LEUNG Ka-lauNursing manpower and training of nursesReply
Q. 9
Hon WONG Yuk-manGuidelines for police officers for handling abusive behaviour by members of the publicReply
Q. 10
Hon YIU Si-wingCrimes and security situations at the Hong Kong International AirportReply
Q. 11
Hon IP Kin-yuenSelling of self-financing departments by institutions funded by the University Grants CommitteeReply
Q. 12
Hon LEUNG Yiu-chungSupply of and demand for school places in the Islands DistrictReply
Q. 13
Hon Claudia MOThe wild pig hunting teamsReply
Q. 14
Hon James TORecovering beverage cartons for recyclingReply
Q. 15
Hon LEUNG Che-cheungSlip resistance of the tactile tiles of tactile guide pathsReply
Q. 16
Hon Tony TSEImplementation of the Greening Master PlansReply
Q. 17
Hon KWOK Wai-keungApprenticeship schemesReply
Q. 18
Dr Hon CHIANG Lai-wanIndustrial development of Hong KongReply
Q. 19
Hon TANG Ka-piuEducational support for ethnic minority studentsReply
Q. 20
Hon Paul TSEFees and charges of the Mandatory Provident Fund schemes and the expenditure of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes AuthorityReply
Q. 21
Hon Frederick FUNGDissemination of information to the media by the GovernmentReply
Q. 22
Hon WU Chi-waiImplementation of the Mandatory Window Inspection SchemeReply