區塊鏈技術 |
主題: | 財經事務、金融科技、Fintech、分布分類帳、共享分類帳 |
(a) | 能按照數學運算方式核實交易,無須牽涉第三方機構;
(b) | 交易近乎實時執行及結算;
(c) | 交易紀錄完整齊備,可供追查讀取;
(d) | 區塊鏈所儲存的數據一經加入,便難以修改或移除;及
(e) | 可嵌入指令(例如"如果……則……否則……"),以規定須在符合若干條件的情況下,才可執行交易或其他指令。 |
(a) | 所需資源︰區塊鏈系統的每台電腦系統均會備存一個相同的分類帳,每當有新交易時,電腦便會核實及更新該交易。與中央系統比較,這個分布式的系統可能會耗用更多運算及網絡資源。鑒於區塊鏈會隨着數據的新增而連結更多區塊,操作有關系統所需的資源或會越來越多,這令人關注到區塊鏈技術是否適用於大規模的應用範疇;
(b) | 私隱︰區塊鏈中的交易紀錄會以加密方式在網絡中儲存。儘管機構可把區塊鏈的應用限制在私人網絡,但數據私隱方面仍然存在問題。舉例來說,系統使用者可根據交易紀錄或透過擁有數據解密的權限不恰當地推敲出交易者的身份。一如歐洲證券及市場管理局(European Securities and Markets Authority)所指出,私隱問題將會是應用區塊鏈技術其中一個須予妥善管理的範疇;15註釋符號代表請參閱European Securities and Markets Authority (2016)及Morrison & Forerster (2016)。
(c) | 保安︰區塊鏈的規程(protocols)常被視為具安全性,但其保安架構是利用公開密碼匙加密技術(public key cryptography)來保障資訊的。在過去20年間,各界亦曾討論若較大型的量子電腦能達到足夠的"量子位元"("qbits")時,能否入侵運用公開密碼匙加密技術的系統。16註釋符號代表請參閱Long Finance (2014)。
此外,把不斷延長的區塊鏈分布於不同網絡位置,亦會帶來安全問題。國際刑警組織(International Criminal Police Organization)曾經警告,虛擬貨幣現時採用的區塊鏈技術很容易受到網絡威脅侵害,例如把惡意軟件及其他非法數據嵌入交易中,並在區塊鏈中散播;17註釋符號代表請參閱International Criminal Police Organization (2015)。 及 |
(d) | 監管︰在金融市場,現時尚未設有法律框架以保障區塊鏈技術使用者的權益,或規管金融機構使用相關技術。18註釋符號代表儘管如此,有少數地方(例如巴西及美國的紐約州)已制定規管使用/買賣虛擬貨幣的規例。請參閱BBVA (2016)、CFA Institute (2016)及Commodity Futures Trading Commission (2016)。 一如英國的金融市場行為監管局(Financial Conduct Authority)所指出,創新可能是一個需要反覆進行的演進過程,而為了給予創新者"空間"以研究及建立方案,該局在區塊鏈的應用範疇未趨清晰之前,不會對此持有既定立場。雖然如此,該局相信隨着區塊鏈技術不斷發展成熟,將有許多涉及規管和消費者的事宜須予釐清。19註釋符號代表根據Financial Conduct Authority (2016),相關事宜包括個別人士如何連接到分布式的網絡系統、由何方人士/單位控制有關程序,以及使用者在數據保安方面有何保障。 事實上,要讓區塊鏈技術的應用取得成功,便必須建立有效的規管機制以確保區塊鏈技術穩妥,以避免網絡受到衝擊或被利用進行犯罪活動。20註釋符號代表請參閱UK Government Office for Science (2016)。 |
1. | Aite Group. (2015) Demystifying Blockchain in Capital Markets: Innovation or Disruption?
2. | Australian Securities Exchange. (2016) Media Release: ASX Selects Digital Asset To Develop Distributed Ledger Technology For The Australian Equity Market.
3. | Bank of England. (2014) Innovations in payment technologies and the emergence of digital currencies.
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5. | CFA Institute. (2016) Are Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology the Future?
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7. | Deloitte. (2016) Blockchain - Enigma. Paradox. Opportunity.
8. | DTCC. (2016) Embracing Disruption - Tapping The Potential Of Distributed Ledgers To Improve The Post-Trade Landscape.
9. | Evry. (2015) White Paper - Blockchain: Powering the Internet of Value.
10. | European Securities and Markets Authority. (2016) Financial Innovation: towards a balanced regulatory response. Speech by Verena Ross, Executive Director. 7 March.
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12. | IBM. (2016) On the Blockchain nobody knows that you're a fridge?
13. | Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore. (2015) Media Releases: Singapore demonstrates World's First Application of distributed ledger technology in Trade Finance.
14. | International Criminal Police Organization. (2015) INTERPOL cyber research identifies malware threat to virtual currencies.
15. | Japan Exchange Group. (2016) News Release: Commencement of Proof of Concept Testing for Blockchain Technology.
16. | Long Finance. (2014) Chain Of A Lifetime: How Blockchain Technology Might Transform Personal Insurance.
17. | Morrison & Foerster LLP. (2016) Demystifying Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology - Hype or Hero? 5 April.
18. | NASDAQ. (2015) Press Releases: Nasdaq Linq Enables First-Ever Private Securities Issuance Documented With Blockchain Technology.
19. | Oliver Wyman. (2015) The Fintech 2.0 Paper: Rebooting Financial Services.
20. | Oliver Wyman. (2016) Blockchain in Capital Markets.
21. | PricewaterhouseCoopers. (2016) Blurred lines: how FinTech is shaping Financial Services.
22. | Sutardja Centre for Entrepreneurship & Technology of the University of California Berkeley. (2015) Blockchain technology beyond Bitcoin.
23. | The Financial Times (2015) Technology: Banks seek the key to blockchain. 2 November.
24. | The Korea Times. (2016) KRX seeks share trading through blockchain. 29 February.
25. | UK Government Office for Science. (2016) Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain.
26. | U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. (2016) First, Do No Harm. Special Address of CFTC Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo Before the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation 2016 Blockchain Symposium: Regulators and the Blockchain. 29 March.
27. | White & Case. (2016) Beyond Bitcoin: The blockchain revolution in financial services. |