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主題: 人力事務政制事務人權、年齡歧視法


  • 延長職業生涯︰過去20年間,本地年長僱員的數目增長了161%至130萬,而他們在整體勞動人口中的比例亦由15.2%倍增至33.2%(圖1)。10註釋符號代表經查詢而取得的政府統計處統計數字。 同樣地,年長僱員的勞動參與率在1999-2019年期間,由32.5%上升至43.1%,反映勞動人口的職場生涯在健康情況改善下普遍延長。而工商界僱主及政府把退休年齡逐漸由55歲延長至65歲,特別有利長期為同一僱主工作的僱員延長工齡。

圖1 - 1999年至2019年期間的香港年長人口的勞動參與率

圖1 - 1999年至2019年期間的香港年長人口的勞動參與率



  • 年長人士積極參與就業市場︰新西蘭是擁有390萬人口的島國,當中42%是50歲或以上的年長人士。該國年長人士的工作意願甚高,其勞動參與率於1999-2019年期間從42.2%顯著上揚至56.1%。特別針對當地55-64歲人士,其勞動參與率於2019年甚且高達78.4%,高佔經濟合作與發展組織37個成員國當中的第三位。25註釋符號代表Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2020)。
  • 職場年齡歧視情況︰雖然如此,新西蘭的年長僱員並不能倖免於職場歧視。在1990年代初期的經濟衰退潮中,大量年長僱員被裁員或被迫退休。26註釋符號代表Khawaja, M. and Boddington, B. (2009)及Legislative Council Secretariat (1996)。 當失業率於1992年上升至雙位數(10.7%)水平時,聘請年長僱員的年齡歧視情況加劇,故此年滿45歲的失業人士當中,五分之三失業期長達半年或以上。27註釋符號代表New Zealand Prime Ministerial Task Force on Employment (1994)。
  • 新西蘭的年齡歧視法︰面對國際間要求改善人權狀況及當地要求保障年長僱員的雙重壓力下,新西蘭在1993年8月制定《1993年人權法令》,其後又在2000年8月制定《2000年僱傭關係法令》。28註釋符號代表除了年齡歧視外,該兩項法例亦涵蓋基於性別、家庭崗位、族裔、殘疾及其他因素而產生與就業相關的歧視。 這兩條法例提供了一個針對年齡歧視的法定規管框架,具有以下特點:






  • 政策成效︰2014-2019年期間,人權委員會共接獲6 400宗涉及歧視的查詢和投訴(亦包括其他類別的歧視),當中77%按新西蘭奉行以調解為本的方式處理。只有9%的個案須交由裁判處循法律途徑解決,減低了司法機關的負荷。29註釋符號代表New Zealand Human Rights Commission (2019)。 此外,《1993年人權法令》的制定,推動了當局於1999年廢除了65歲強制退休年齡的限制,因為後者是歧視性措施。在此背景下,年長人士的勞動人口參與率在1999-2019年期間躍增三分之一,20年間由42.2%上揚至56.1%。根據有限的資料,年齡歧視法對當地經濟產生的額外合規成本似乎有限。30註釋符號代表Harcourt, M. et al. (2010)。 部分學者對新西蘭的年齡歧視法推崇備至,認為法例"打擊年齡歧視發出有力的信息"。31註釋符號代表Davey, J. (2015)。
  • 改善空間︰然而,年齡歧視法的温和手法定調,亦局限了其成效。根據新西蘭統計局2019年的調查,仍有11.1%年齡介乎55-64歲的僱員,曾於過去12個月內在工作上受到歧視。32註釋符號代表Stats NZ (2019)。 故此,評論指出新西蘭的隱性年齡歧視問題,仍然面對"嚴峻挑戰"。33註釋符號代表Backham, A. (2018)、Davey (2014)及McGregor, J. et al. (2002)。 國際勞工組織亦指出,新西蘭的年長僱員或會基於"顯著的經濟及情緒負擔",而不願意針對僱主作出投訴。34註釋符號代表International Labour Organization (2006)。


  • 儘管本港年長人士的勞動人口參與率已由32.5%上升至43.1%,社會仍有意見提出應制定年齡歧視法,為年長人士提供法律保障。新西蘭的年齡歧視法以調解為本,鼓勵當事人以協商方式處理分歧,並解決了77%的歧視相關糾紛。雖然年齡歧視法或已向新西蘭社會發出有力信息,但隱性歧視仍是新西蘭年長僱員面對的嚴峻挑戰。




2.Equal Opportunities Commission (2016)、明報(2019)及Zou, M. (2015)。


4.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2020)。

5.Equal Opportunities Commission (2014)及Hugill & Ip Solicitors (2019)。


7.Legislative Council Secretariat (2019)。

8.International Labour Organization (2008)及Lewis Silkin LLP (2020)。

9.New Zealand Human Rights Commission (2019)。


11.Equal Opportunities Commission (2014及2016)及Youth I.D.E.A.S. (2018)。

12.《保安及護衞服務條例》(第460章)指明該年齡上限。請參閱GovHK (2018)。



15.International Labour Organization (2006及2008)。

16.Education and Manpower Branch (1996)。

17.Labour Department (2006)。

18.Egdell, V. et al. (2017)、Zou, M. (2015)及Chan, A. (2013)。

19.Equal Opportunities Commission (2019)。

20.Labour and Welfare Bureau (2019)。

21.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2019) 及International Labour Organization (2006)。

22.Egdell, V. et al. (2017)。


24.GovHK (2019)。

25.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2020)。

26.Khawaja, M. and Boddington, B. (2009)及Legislative Council Secretariat (1996)。

27.New Zealand Prime Ministerial Task Force on Employment (1994)。


29.New Zealand Human Rights Commission (2019)。

30.Harcourt, M. et al. (2010)。

31.Davey, J. (2015)。

32.Stats NZ (2019)。

33.Backham, A. (2018)、Davey (2014)及McGregor, J. et al. (2002)。

34.International Labour Organization (2006)。



1.Chan, A. (2013) A Study on the Preferences and Feasibility of Optional Retirement in Hong Kong: A Human Resources Management Perspective.

2.Education and Manpower Branch. (1996) Paper for LegCo Manpower Panel Equal Opportunities: Discrimination in Employment on the Ground of Age.

3.Egdell, V. et al. (2017) The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of the Service Sector.

4.Equal Opportunities Commission. (2014) Study on Discrimination in the Hong Kong Workplace.

5.Equal Opportunities Commission. (2016) Exploratory Study on Age Discrimination in Employment.

6.Equal Opportunities Commission. (2019) Equal Opportunities Commission Strategic Plan 2020 - 2022.

7.GovHK. (2018) LCQ11: Support for people aged between 60 and 64.

8.GovHK. (2019) LCQ9: Assisting persons aged between 60 and 64 in securing employment.

9.Hugill & Ip Solicitors (2019) Discrimination in the Workplace.

10.Labour and Welfare Bureau. (2019) Report on Manpower Projection to 2027.

11.Labour Department. (2006) Practical Guidelines for Employers on Eliminating Age Discrimination in Employment.

12.Legislative Council Secretariat. (1996) Implementation of Legislative Provisions to Deal with Age Discrimination in Employment in New South Wales, Australia and New Zealand.

13.Legislative Council Secretariat. (2019) Motion on "Supporting elderly persons aged between 60 and 64 on all fronts" moved by Hon KWOK Wai-keung at the Council meeting of 29 May 2019.

14.Youth I.D.E.A.S. (2018) Encouraging Young-Olds Employment.

15.Zou, M. (2015) The Coming of Age: Mandatory Retirement and Age Discrimination Law.


17.《職場年齡歧視 50歲後搵工難 學者倡效外國 漸進式退休助就業》,《經濟日報》,2017年4月26日。




20.Backham, A. (2018) Recent Developments in Australian and New Zealand Age Discrimination Law: A Comparative Perspective.

21.Davey, J. (2014) Age Discrimination in the Workplace.

22.Harcourt, M. et al. (2010) The Effects of Anti-age Discrimination Legislation: A Comparative Analysis.

23.Khawaja, M. and Boddington, B. (2009) Too Early to Retire? Growing Participation of Older New Zealanders in the Labour Force.

24.McGregor, J. et al. (2002) Stereotypes and older workers: The New Zealand experience.

25.New Zealand Human Rights Commission. (2019) Annual Report 2018/19.

26.New Zealand Prime Ministerial Task Force on Employment. (1994) Focus on Employment: The Government's Response to the Employment Task Force and the Multi-Party Group Memorandum of Understanding.

27.Stats NZ. (2019) Labour market statistics (working life): December 2018 quarter.


28.International Labour Organization. (2006) Conditions of work and employment for older workers in industrialized countries: Understanding the issues.

29.International Labour Organization. (2008) Age discrimination and older workers: Theory and legislation in comparative context.

30.Lewis Silkin LLP. (2020) Age Discrimination Info: International Age Discrimination.

31.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019) Ageing and Employment Policies: Working Better with Age.

32.Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2020) OECD Labour Force Statistics 2020.
