bulletYear 2007 - 2008
bulletYear 2006 - 2007
bulletYear 2005 - 2006
bulletYear 2004 - 2005

bulletMotions not intended to have legislative effect (Year 2004 - 2005)

To view the wording of motions, click the relevant links in the Subject column to go to the Agenda for the relevant meeting.

To view the votes cast by individual Members, click the relevant links in the result column.

      October 2004     6*   13   14*   20   27
      November 2004     3   10   17   24
      December 2004     1 & 2#   8   15
      January 2005     5 & 6#   12*   13*   19   26, 27 & 28
      February 2005     2   23
      March 2005     2   9 & 10   16*#
      April 2005     6 & 7#   20 & 21*   27*   28*
      May 2005     4   11   18   25
      June 2005     1   8   15   22   27*   29
      July 2005     6 & 7

    * No debates on motions not intended to have legislative effect will be scheduled for such meetings.
    # Motions on Adjournment are moved at such meetings.

Meeting date Subject Motion Moved by Voting Results Vote sequence
13.10.04 Minimum wage, maximum working hours Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 1
Motion negatived
13.10.04 Facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into society Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Negatived 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Negatived 1
Motion negatived
20.10.04 Total smoking ban in workplaces Original Hon Bernard CHAN - -
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
20.10.04 Enacting a fair competition law Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon TONG Ka-wah Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Negatived 2
Motion negatived
27.10.04 Public inquiry on irregularities in the 2004 Legislative Council Election Original Hon Margaret NG Negatived -
Motion negatived
27.10.04 Civil service policy Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Negatived 3
Motion negatived
3.11.04 Reducing the duty on ultra low sulphur diesel Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee - -
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
3.11.04 Alleviating the disparity between the rich and the poor Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon James TIEN Pei-chun Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
10.11.04 Constitutional reform Original Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon Margaret NG Negatived 1
Wording of the motion passed
10.11.04 Conserving the Central Police Station Compound and formulating a comprehensive policy on antiquities and monuments Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 1
Motion negatived
17.11.04 Expectations for Policy Address Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Passed -
Wording of the motion passed
17.11.04 Enhancing the safety of railway and road traffic Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LAU Kong-wah Negatived 2
Motion negatived
24.11.04 Restoring the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance rates to the level prior to 1 June 2003 Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 3
Motion negatived
24.11.04 Developing town planning and urban designs featuring local characteristics for the 18 districts Original Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing - -
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
01.12.04 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of enabling Members, having regard to the Administration's and the Housing Authority's disregard for the motion passed by the Panel on Housing of this Council at its special meeting on 22 November this year that the Housing Authority should put the listing arrangements for The Real Estate Investment Trust ('The Link REIT') on hold until a consensus has been reached between The Link Management and the commercial tenants, to debate and express opinions on the listing and public offering arrangements, evaluation of assets and all matters relating to the divestment of retail and car-parking facilities in public rental housing estates in respect of The Link REIT.

(Related rule: Rule 16(2))
Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG - -
Motion on Adjournment negatived
01.12.04 Implementing small class teaching Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee - -
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Passed 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
01.12.04 Overall development of Chinese medicine practitioners Original Hon LI Kwok-ying - -
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
08.12.04 Medical reform Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon LI Kwok-ying Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed
08.12.04 Reviewing the basis for charging the trade effluent surcharge and its appeal mechanism Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan - -
Amendment to Original Hon Martin LEE Chu-ming Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
15.12.04 Vigorously reducing air pollution Original Hon James TIEN Pei-chun - -
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Passed 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed
15.12.04 Formulating a sustainable policy on agriculture and fisheries Original Hon WONG Yung-kan - -
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
5.1.05 The Fourth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG Negatived -
Motion negatived
5.1.05 Development of the West Kowloon Cultural District Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Kun-sun Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed
5.1.05 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of enabling Members to debate the following issue: Measures taken by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in regard to tsunami victims in South Asia, as well as the Hong Kong people whose whereabouts remain unknown or who are still stranded in the disaster-stricken areas.

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon LEE Wing-tat - -
Motion on Adjournment passed
26.1.05, 27.1.05 & 28.1.05 Motion of Thanks Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee Negatived2
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tatNegatived1
Motion negatived
26.1.05, 27.1.05 & 28.1.05 Introducing a fair competition law for the oil industries Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hingNegatived1
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-mingNegatived2
Wording of the motion passed
26.1.05, 27.1.05 & 28.1.05 Enacting legislation on freedom of information Original Hon James TO Kun-sun - -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENGNegatived1
Amendment to Original Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-singPassed2
Amendment to Original Hon Margaret NGPassed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed
2.2.05 Monitoring the post-retirement employment of the Chief Executive, principal officials under the accountability system and civil servants at directorate level with private-sector organizations Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong - -
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
2.2.05 Opposing collusion between business and the Government and transfer of benefits Original Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Negatived 1
Motion negatived
23.2.05 Taking forward the issues of concern to the elderly Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
23.2.05 Policy on the recycling industry Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen - -
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 1
Amendmentto Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed 2
Amendmentto Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed
2.3.05 Expectations for the Commission on Poverty Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Negatived 1
Wording of the motion passed
2.3.05 Scheme of Control Agreements of the two power companies and the long-term energy policy Original Hon LEE Wing-tat - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed
9.3.05 Shortcomings of functional constituencies Original Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 1
Motion negatived
9.3.05 & 16.3.05 Defending sovereignty over the Diaoyutai Islands Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Passed -
Wording of the motion passed
16.3.05 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of enabling Members to debate the following issue: All the constitutional and legal issues arising from the office of the Chief Executive having become vacant, and related policies, measures and arrangements.

(Motion on Adjournment moved upon the recommendation of the House Committee on 11.3.2005)

(Related rule: Rule 16(4))
Original Hon LEE Wing-tat - -
Motion on Adjournment not voted upon
(Related rule: Rule 16(7))
6.4.05 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: The Chief Executive's Office will submit to the State Council later today a Report, proposing that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress interpret, at their meeting to be held at the end of April, Article 53 of the Basic Law concerning the term of office of the new Chief Executive.

(Related rule: Rule 16(2))
Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan - -
Motion on Adjournment negatived
6.4.05 Perfecting the policy on protection of trees Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Martin LEE Chu-ming Negatived 1
Wording of the motion
6.4.05 Policy on assisting women in poverty Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 2
Wording of the motion
4.5.05 Reviewing the protection of wages on insolvency system Original Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing - -
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion
4.5.05 Opposing Japan's textbooks distorting history Original Hon LAU Kong-wah - -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon James TIEN Pei-chun Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion
11.5.05 Regretting interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Original Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung Negatived -
Motion negatived
11.5.05 Comprehensive review of the Inland Revenue Ordinance Original Hon TAM Heung-man - -
Amendment to Original Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
18.5.05 Continuing decline in birth rate Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
18.5.05 Display of the national flag Original Hon MA Lik Passed -
Wording of the motion passed
25.5.05 The 4 June incident Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Negatived -
Motion negatived
25.5.05 Regulating the handling of electronic wastes and promoting the electronic waste recycling industry Original Hon KWONG Chi-kin - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
1.6.05 Demanding the suspension of privatization Original Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Ir Dr Hon Raymond HO Chung-tai Negatived 2
Motion negatived
1.6.05 Investment income of the Exchange Fund Original Hon SIN Chung-kai - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
8.6.05 Labelling Scheme on Nutrition Information for pre-packaged food Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long - -
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Yung-kan Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
8.6.05 Actively improving the business environment for small and medium enterprises Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang - -
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Passed 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed
15.6.05 Nature conservation policy Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming Passed -
Wording of the motion passed
15.6.05 Deepening the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement Original Hon WONG Ting-kwong - -
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
22.6.05 Enhancing the quality of early childhood education Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong Passed -
Wording of the motion passed
22.6.05 Expectations for the new Chief Executive Original Hon Martin LEE Chu-ming - -
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 4
Amendment to Amendment Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed
29.6.05 Enhancing the regulation of commercial marketing practices Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam - -
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Kun-sun Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed
29.6.05 Immediate resumption of sale of Home Ownership Scheme flats Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Negatived 2
Motion negatived
6.7.05 Reviewing the mode of construction and operation for transport infrastructure Original Hon LAU Kong-wah - -
Amendment to Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon TAM Yiu-chung Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed
6.7.05 Improving general out-patient services Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang Negatived 2
Wording of the motion passed

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