bulletYear 2007 - 2008
bulletYear 2006 - 2007
bulletYear 2005 - 2006
bulletYear 2004 - 2005

bulletMotions not intended to have legislative effect (Year 2006 - 2007)

To view the wording of motions, click the relevant links in the Subject column to go to the Agenda for the relevant meeting.

To view the votes cast by individual Members, click the relevant links in the result column.

      October 2006     11*   12*   18 & 19   25, 26 & 27
      November 2006     1   8   15   22   29
      December 2006     6   13#   20
      January 2007     10   11*   17   24   31
      February 2007     7   28*
      March 2007     7   14   28 & 29*
      April 2007     18*   25
      May 2007     2   3*   9   16   23   30
      June 2007     6, 7 & 8   13 & 14   20   27
      July 2007     4   5*   11 & 12

    * No debates on motions not intended to have legislative effect will be scheduled for such meetings.
    # Motion on Adjournment is moved at the meeting.
Meeting date Subject Motion Moved by Voting Results Vote sequence
18.10.06 Opposing the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon David LI Kwok-po Negatived 1
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
18.10.06 Introducing legislation to regulate clandestine photo-taking Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen - -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Negatived 1
Amendment to Amendment Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
25.10.06, 26.10.06 and 27.10.06 Motion of Thanks Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Negatived 2
Motion negatived
1.11.06 Public service broadcasting for Hong Kong Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
1.11.06 Minimum wage, standard working hours Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 2
Motion negatived
8.11.06 Implementing a licensing regime for property management companies and establishing a Building Affairs Tribunal Original Hon CHOY So-yuk - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon James TO Kun-sun Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung Negatived 4
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
8.11.06 Opening up the airwaves Original Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Negatived -
Motion negatived
15.11.06 Cooperation between Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region Original Hon WONG Ting-kwong - -
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
15.11.06 Assisting people with disabilities in integrating into society Original Hon LEUNG Yiu-chung - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
22.11.06 Leisure, gaming and entertainment complex Original Hon James TIEN Pei-chun Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Negatived 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Negatived 1
Motion negatived
22.11.06 Electing the Chief Executive by universal suffrage Original Hon Ronny TONG Ka-wah Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Negatived 1
Motion negatived
29.11.06 Electing the Legislative Council by universal suffrage Original Hon LEE Cheuk-yan Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Albert CHAN Wai-yip Negatived 1
Motion negatived
29.11.06 Relief measures and compensation policies for the live poultry trades Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
6.12.06 Promoting the development of party politics Original Hon Margaret NG Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong Negatived 1
Motion negatived
6.12.06 Strengthening Hong Kong's capability in immediate transhipment Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam - -
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
13.12.06 That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: Demolition of the clock tower at the Star Ferry Pier.

(Related rule: Rule 16(2))
Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung - -
Motion on Adjournment negatived
13.12.06 Release of CHING Cheong Original Hon James TO Kun-sun - -
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.12.06 Increasing the Government's share in the investment income of the Exchange Fund Original Hon Howard YOUNG - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.12.06 Urging the Central Government not to interfere in the HKSAR's internal affairs Original Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Negatived 1
Motion negatived
10.1.07 Enhancing the efficacy of the management of public finances Original Hon TAM Heung-man - -
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
10.1.07 Non-local pregnant women giving birth in Hong Kong Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
17.1.07 Policy on conservation of monuments Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed 5
Amendment to Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Negatived 6
Amendment to Amendment Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 1
Amendment to Amendment Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
17.1.07 Retaining and supporting the development of commercial districts and bazaars with local characteristics Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum Passed 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
24.1.07 Fully safeguarding the safety of food supply to Hong Kong Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Yung-kan Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Passed 4
Amendment to Amendment Hon WONG Ting-kwong Passed 3
Original as amended - Passed 5
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
24.1.07 Urging the Government to make effective use of the surplus and plough it back into the community Original Hon SIN Chung-kai - -
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Passed 2
Amendment to Amendment Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing - -
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
31.1.07 Assisting in the transformation of factory buildings Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
31.1.07 A comprehensive review on mental health policy Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
7.2.07 Expeditiously implementing the construction of cross-boundary transport infrastructures between Hong Kong and the Mainland Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming - -
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
7.2.07 Urging the Housing Authority to grant rent remission to public rental housing tenants and expeditiously reduce the rent Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 1
Motion negatived
7.3.07 Creating job opportunities and improving the income of elementary workers Original Hon CHAN Yuen-han Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Negatived 3
Motion negatived
7.3.07 Strengthening the supervision of railway safety Original Hon Andrew CHENG Kar-foo Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon LI Kwok-ying Negatived 2
Motion negatived
14.3.07 Air Pollution Control (Volatile Organic Compounds) Regulation Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
14.3.07 Legislating against the use of artificial trans fats in food production Original Hon Albert Jinghan CHENG - -
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
25.4.07 Overseas experience in air quality control, management of municipal solid waste, renewable energy and total water management Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
25.4.07 Protecting the right of the Chinese victims to demand compensation from Japan Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

No progress report will be provided
2.5.07 Increasing the number of local university places Original Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong - -
Amendment to Original Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
2.5.07 Conserving the Queen's Pier Original Hon Alan LEONG Kah-kit Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon CHEUNG Hok-ming Negatived 2
Motion negatived
9.5.07 Combating unscrupulous shops Original Hon LAU Kong-wah - -
Amendment to Original Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Negatived 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
9.5.07 Improving the planning for Hong Kong and reducing screen-like buildings Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 5
Amendment to Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 4
Motion negatived
16.5.07 Promoting entrepreneurship Original Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun Negatived 3
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Negatived 2
Motion negatived
23.5.07 Policies on sustainable urban development and green buildings Original Prof Hon Patrick LAU Sau-shing Passed 2
Amendment to Original Dr Hon KWOK Ka-ki Negatived 1
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
23.5.07 Safeguarding the safety of live and fresh food Original Hon TAM Yiu-chung - -
Amendment to Original Hon Vincent FANG Kang Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Passed 2
Amendment to Amendment Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Withdrawn -
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
30.5.07 Fostering the development of the tourism industry Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon TAM Heung-man Negatived 4
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Passed 6
Amendment to Amendment Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Negatived 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Howard YOUNG Passed 5
Original as amended - Passed 7
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
30.5.07 The 4 June incident Original Hon Martin LEE Chu-ming Negatived -
Motion negatived
6.6.07 Commission on Children Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
6.6.07 Concern about students with special educational needs Original Hon Bernard CHAN Passed -
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
13.6.07 Transforming Radio Television Hong Kong to become the Hong Kong Public Broadcasting Corporation Original Hon LEE Wing-tat Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing Negatived 1
Motion negatived
13.6.07 Promoting the sustainable development of the local agriculture and fisheries industries Original Hon WONG Yung-kan - -
Amendment to Original Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan Passed 1
Amendment to Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming Passed 3
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Withdrawn -
Amendment to Amendment Hon Vincent FANG Kang Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.6.07 Policy on nursing manpower Original Dr Hon Joseph LEE Kok-long - -
Amendment to Original Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
20.6.07 Demonstrating the people's power on 1 July Original Hon James TO Kun-sun Negatived 2
Amendment to Original Hon Martin LEE Chu-ming Negatived 1
Motion negatived
27.6.07 Elderly in poverty Original Hon Frederick FUNG Kin-kee Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee Negatived 1
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
27.6.07 Lowering the Mandatory Provident Fund management fees Original Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee - -
Amendment to Original Hon SIN Chung-kai Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon CHAN Kam-lam Withdrawn -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 3
Amendment to Amendment Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen Passed 1
Amendment to Amendment Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung - -
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
4.7.07 Strengthening the regulation of unscrupulous business practices in pay television, telecommunications and internet services Original Dr Hon YEUNG Sum - -
Amendment to Original Hon WONG Kwok-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing Passed 2
Original as amended - Passed 3
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
4.7.07 Developing environmental industries to create job opportunities Original Hon KWONG Chi-kin - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
11.7.07 Rights and interests of ethnic minorities Original Hon Fred LI Wah-ming - -
Amendment to Original Hon CHOY So-yuk Passed 1
Original as amended - Passed 2
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report
11.7.07 Developing co-operative relationship with the Mainland Original Hon Jasper TSANG Yok-sing - -
Amendment to Original Hon Emily LAU Wai-hing Negatived 1
Amendment to Original Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee Passed 2
Amendment to Original Hon Albert HO Chun-yan Negatived 3
Original as amended - Passed 4
Wording of the motion passed

Progress report

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